$24,90. 3 b droom 2 storey home. Neat ~ s a pin! huge kitchen with new. cushion fi1 o o r. Broadlom. $34,900. Attractive reverse p 1 a n t.wln ihome' featuring im- mense! kitchen, broadloomed living room overlooking im- maculÇâte back yard. 11/2 baths.1 Truly a home to be proud of! $36,500. 3 bedroom, detached brick bungalow with finished rec. room1 and bar downstairs. This home does require some redecorating but offers ex- celeni potential as a very comfortable family home. $39,90o. Newcastle. 4 bedroom bun- galow1 situated on 15 acres. Good size rooms throughout. $47,800 3 bedroorn brick bungalow with combination living and dining room. Licensed body shop fully equipped on pre- mises. * TRADE? SWe will accept y o ur present home as a t rade in on any of the above or we will guar- antee the sale of your home - within 30 days. 42-1 HAVE VOUR BIKES MARKED WIÎTH DAD'S DRIVERS LICENCE NUMBER. Sat., Oct. 2th 10 a.m. ta 12 noon James Insurance Agency Limited 24 King St. East Bowmanville Investment Property Triplex on extra-large hill- top lot, or Downtown Duplex in valuable location. Take Your Pick, Try an O-ffer. iAcre Lot Close to creek in small vil- lage on good road. Priced for quick sale. Samuel Annis-- 623-7664 James Robinson- 623-3795 "Your Home is your Castie." 42-1 BROKER REAL ESTATE (REALTOR) 623-4428 Older, 2 storey, brick, 6 room home. In good condi- tion. Large nicely landscaped lot. North end of Bowman- ville. Asking only $29,500.00. Three large building lots on paved road. Bewdley area. Vîew of lake. Builder's terms available. Asking $7,900.00 each. $16,500.00 - Two bedroom, neatly decorated, bungalow. Broadloom throughout. Spa- clous lot. Good well.,New ce- ment block shed. In Ponty- pool. 50 Acres of scenie bush and openspaces. 5 miles north of Orono. Just off Hwy. 35. Asking $40,000.00. Large 4 bedroom, 2 storey, brick home. Close to sehools and shopping. In Bowman- ville. Exceptional buy for only $22,900.00. 10 ACRE LOT wîth 11/2 year old, spaclous cedar log pan-a-bode home. Has 2 bath- rooms. Family roomn with fireplace. Barn. On Paved road near Newtonville. Ask- ing $52,900.00. Roseneath - 600 ft. from Rîce Lake. Excellent corner building lot. PerrrïiVS a-vail- able '-Only -S5,500.00. HVDRO IN PONTYPOOL Residents of Manvers will have an opportunity to hear Hydro transmission Une proposais and present their objections at a meet-, ing in Pontypool Thursday night at 8 o'clock. day by those of us gatbered bere for tbis inaugural meet- ing of the first Council of the Regional Municipality of Dur- ham," said Beatb. "I stand before you deeply consci ous of tbe honor that is address you this- evening witb ~~~i~ATEI vide "a more effective metbod UNITEOof guiding future growth and development, and . . . hope- REALTOR fully a new and better system 623-7461- 623-2492 of services." 100 acre beef farm, large "The Council togetber must L-shaped barn. creek, and 4 establisb procedures and poli- bedroomn brick home with cies and we must keep our broadloom, attached garage, sigbts bigh." Perhaps, as oul heat. Asking only $59,900. response to tbose wbo have NEWCASTLE: Cute 5 ronm expressed the fear that the bungalow, dining- room, rec. new system will spawn too rooîn with bar, garage, paved many bureaucrats, be added, drive, etc. Asking just $28,- "1 hope you will agree witb me 900. that we should place more GOING CONCERN, pros- emphasis on policy aithte pering Auction Barn located Council level and allow a east of Bowînanville. Filan- qualified staff to carry out the cial statement available to day-to-day administration and interested buyers. enforcement of those Build a home to suit you policies. " and your family on this pic- White Likes ."Durham" turesque 10 acre parcel of vacant land overlooklng Rice Hon." John White, the cur- Lake. Building permit avail- rent Minister of Treasury, able. Economic and Intergovern- 11/½ acres of land'goes with mental Affairs, was possibly this 3 bedroom 11/A storey less formaI and more relaxed home, full basement, double in bis brief address than was garage, taxes $175.00 annupal- Reatb. ly, Askig $29,90.tHe 111red hsh5Â art.Mflfl 14 acres of vacant land lo- cated 1 mile noth of Beth- any. Frontage on main road. 13 acres workable, Caîl to inspect. COUNTRY LIVING: 9 acres of land, flowing creek and barn, goes with 3 bedroom home with double garage. 7 acres workable. Caîl to in- spect. 30 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-4403 Country Home Private trout pond, ever- flowing stream, 10 acres part- ly wooded, 4 bedroom brick and stone ranch bungalow, broadloomed t h ro ug ho ut, walk-out basement. Secluded only 15 minutes to Oshawa. Bowmanville New 3 bedroom twin home with 2 bathrooms, extra large Lkitchen, basement ready for ec room. Very central. Try your boffer. $32,900.00 asking price. $38,900. 3 bedroom bungalow only 2 years old broadloomed throughout, large kitchen and dinîng oom, fenced rear yard, paved driveway. 83/4% financing available. Family Houme Large 2 storey home, broad- loomed in dining and living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath- rooms, attached g ar a ge. Large lot 60' x 200'. Priced right at $40.500.00 wlth ex- cellent terms. East end of Oshawa. Lots of Living In this backsplit semi-de- tached homme, 4 bedmooms, separate dining room, 2 baths. finished ec room, broad - loomed throughout, walkout basement, super large lot, quiet area. Only $40,000.00. Have a look at this home! Bungalowv $29,900 Only 4 years old. brick, 2 bedrooms, large kitchen and living and dining area, walk- out baswent, large lot well treed. Quiet residential area of Orono. Excellent starter or retirement home. David Allison- Elfriede Jost - Melville Daile Peter Chope- Valerie Brear-- Peggy Gray-- Pamela Carr-- Ed Drumm -- Kathleen Twaites- Reg. Aker -- Wm. McFeeters- 987-U67l 263-2032 828-543U 725-1848 668-8353 576-3889 728-3734 125-93U1 723-2008 735-030 7su-173 "Establluhed IfS" Region Council (Fromn Page One) As is the tradition with sucb occasions, pomp and ceme- mony were the order of the day. The Hon. W. Ross Macdonald, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario was on hand to administer the oath of allegiance to Chairman Beath and the Councillor and to bring bis greetings on behaîf of the province of Ontario. In the best of Gallic tradition a kilted Bruce Anderson piped the councillors into the audi- torium and Divine blessing was asked by the Very Rev. Monsignor Paul Dwyer* and the Rev. Robert Brawn in their Invocation. The occasion included the ceremonial passing of two by-laws by the Council (one to establisb ules of procedure and the other to adopt a seal) and a very fine General Motors chorus sang tbree songs to close out the evening. "Historic Day", - Beath After taking bis oath of office and introducing the members of Council and acting Clerk William Manning to the packed audience, "Sup- emmayor ' Beath delivemed a 10-minute speech, full of bigh resolve and diplomacy. "October 15, 1973, will be reînembered as an historie tions to the voters, on the choice of tbe name "Durham" for tbe new Region. He outlined a little bistory for bis audience, reminding tbem that the name originated with Lord Durham wbo was sent fromn England to settie the troubles in Canada during the rebellions of the 1830's. It was Lord Durham, White pointed out, wbose report "laid tbe foundation for self- government (in Canada) as we know it today." "Lord Durbam was tbe first Englisb statesman to recog- nize and ventila te the rights of Canadians to freedom." Ironically, outside tbe audi- torium tbree men from the small community of Durham, in Peel County, were protest- ing the use of their town's name for the new Region. But, oblivious to tbis pro- test, Wite contînued bis history lesson, notîng another famous Canadian, Robert Baldwin, had bailed from Clarke, Township. Baldwin was, a premier of Upper Canada in tbe 1840's and, most appropriately, he was the father of tbe Baldwin Act of 1849, whicb establisbed muni- Award Contract For Newcastle Breokwaters Two breakwaters will be buiît to shelter the mouth of a new marina at Newcastle, Ont. under a $176,200 contract awarded to Canadian Dredge and Dock Company Ltd. of Toronto, Public Works Minis- ter J. E. Dube announced today. The successful firm submit- ted the lowest of three tenders. The higb bid was $276,470. In accordance with the government's 'marina policy the departmnent is construct- ing two breakwaters at the mouth of Graham Creek. Dimensions of the rubble mound and steel sheet piling structures will be 475.,feet on the east side and 307 feet on the west side of the entrance to the marina. Estimated time of completion is three months from the award of the contract. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Ontario Region of the federal Depart- ment of Public Works. Project manager is, A. MacKay of the department's Toronto office. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING The Oshawa Times had a story last night about a break-in at Grandview Golf Club with the total loss at $38. Items isted include 12 bottles of festive suds, a 15 lb. roast of beef, and a 22 [b. turkey. Ail for only $38. nhe suds must have been beer. cipal government in Ontario. Hopes"Giant Bedroom". Avoided Regarding Regional Gov- ernment, the Provincial Treasurer said "It was clear that this area needed some form of government with jurisdiction broad enough, and capabilities strong enough, to avoid becoming a giant bed- room for Toronto and to nurture instead, the orderlyt development of its own urban growth." To help this area control its own growth, hie pointed out that "the Regional Govern- ment lias been assigned full control of planning and devel- opment within its boundaries." Because such important responsibilities as the ap-é proval of official plans and zoning by-laws rest in ther hands of the Regional Coun- cil, "a high degree of decen- tralization" bas been achiev- ed, he said, "bringing gov- ernment deoser to the peop]e."t ~ciJc~E~ .... LI..... e0 FRITNA1 UAkE FRESH CHICKENS 31/2 lb. to 4 lb. Avg. 69c IL. ASS'T. BRANDS FRESH BREAKFAST CELLO PACK BACON SPINACHI $1e29 IL.pkg. FLORIDA No. 1 Size 48 WHITE OR PINK fr0 GRAPEFRUITSfor 99c DEMPSTER MARGARET'S Onion olls HONEY DIP OnonRols DONUTS oPfg- 390c 3 7cpkg. Save 16c Save 12e MONARCH SPONGE Assorted Flavours Save 17e 9-0z. Pkg.1 PUDDING MIXES 2for49c SWISS GRUYERE 8 OZ1 CHEESE'PORTION pkg. 75' SAVE!!! 4 oz. pkg. 39c OLD TYME - 32-oz. Bottie Save 127 TABLE SYRUP 6 7c ZIP SUMMIT DOG FOOD ICE CREAM 6 15-oz.89 Assorted Faor Save 16c à9%Gai. FOR YOUR COME IN AND ASK PARTY ABOUTr FANCY MEAT PLATTERS S.SNACK TRAYS OR CHEESE PLATTERS "'READY TO SERVE", DYKSTRA'S ""FRE E" Food Market PAMEI0F 77 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE QUALITY Plan Hôtel (From Page One) high-rise commercial-office complex on King Street, just east of the Castle Hotel. However, Planning Board informed Veltri that bis pro- posed development did flot conform to existing zoning by-laws in such matters as heigbt restrictions, and will have to be revised. The other two proposals were tabled for further study. Planning Board may have furtber recommendations to mnake regarding these devel- opments at their November l4th meeting. Canadien Club (F rom Page One) 4 Hall, The Canadian Club. of West Durham will open its 1973-74 season witb Deputy Commissioner W. H. Kelly R.C.M.P. (Ret.). His topic will be "Canada's Federal Police: The Next Decade." Deputy Commissioner Kelly was born in Wales. He came to Canada in 1928 and joined the R.C.M.P. in 1933. He served in Saskatcbewan, Ottawa, Tor- onto, and the Maritimes. In 1951 he was made Canadian representative at Interpol. He returned to Ottawa in 1954 as Chief Preventive Officer being responsible for tbe adminis- tration and enforcement of the Customs and, Excise Acts, Narcotic Control Act and the Canada Sbipping Act among others. After serving as Can- adian representative at NATO Security Committee and as Chairman of the same be was made Deputy Commissioner of Operations in 1967. He is presently lecturing in the Dept. of Criminology at the University of Ottawa and completing two books to be published in 1974. Other meetings this season are as follows: Monday, 'November 26- Dr. Stephen Clarkson - "Political Parties: The Last Refuge of the Amateur in Canada"; Monday, January 7 - Dr. James M. Gillies - "Decisions in Parliament; Tbey're Not made Like I Thougbt"; Tues- day, Marcb 5 - Lova t Dickson -. "Grey Owl: Wilderness Man"; Friday, April 26- Brigadier Miles Smeeton- "Tzu Hang and Cape Horm". A sixth meeting is to be announce d. SMembership tbis year re- mains at $5.00 (students $1.00) and will be available at the door or by phoning Doug. Hately (623-2883). You may. boan your membersbip ticket to a friend if you are unable to attend a particular meceting. Govt. ParaI yzed (F-rom Page One) Parliament bas now been sitting for seven montbs and "bas done the absolute mini- mum wbich migbt be expected of it", passing only 30 bills. He added that somneof tbese bills bave been emergency legisla- tion, sucb as tbe act to end the rail strike, and leftover tax legislation from tbe 1972 budget, further minimizing the government's perform- ance in Parliament.1 Not only bas the Liberal minority government "lost the ability to govern," he said, "lworse still, it bas lost the will to govern." "Where would the Trudeau government be for ideas," be asked, "if it did flot remember those innova tive ideas wbicb were advanced by Conserva- tives during the lastParlia- ment and tbe last general election? " As example of planks Law- rence feels the Liberals bave taken from tbe PC platform, the Nortbumberland-Durbam VIP said that last faîl tbe PC's pointed out tbat tbe practices and policies of the Unemploy- oters is at its lowest ebb and bey know an election now would wipe them out.. ELECTION PLANNING Two announcements this week wiii be greeted with entbusiasm by most Pe0- pie, with the possible, exception of the scepties who wiii see tbem as election hait. Family allowances will go to $20 per cbild the first of the year. Along with this windfall comes the ann- ouncement that ail Canait- ians wiillbave their income tax reduced in 1974, with 175,000 being entirely re- ruoved from a taxable category. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yell- owlees and family attended the 25th Anniversary celebra- tion for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer held on Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Larmer, Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellow- lees attended the cbristening of their grandson John at St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville, and after were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yellowlees, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yellowlees were also in attendance at the service and dinner guest of bis brotherMr. and Mrs. Harold Y ellowlees. Mr. and Mrs. John K nox were Sunday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Brougbam. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cry- derman attended the silver anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Blackstock on Saturday night. Mrs. Ken McMinn and Lynda, Oshawa" were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Miss Sally Langmaid and Mr. Tom Barrie, Bowmanville were winners in the Junior Farmer Car Raîly held on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Aberne- thy, Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Abernetby and family, Man- illa, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family. Mrs. A. F. Abernethy and Mrs. Don Taylor were Wed- nesday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Morley Gilroy, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Broome and Kelly, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs.* Larry Broome and Jennifer, Campbellford, and Miss Cheryl Carpenter, Cour- tice, were Sunda y supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and Catherine, Miss Helen Baker, Toronto attended the cbristening of Laurel Janeen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Welsb, Bowmanville at St. Paul's Churcb on Sunday and were dinner guests after the service of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and Catherine were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker, Uxbridge. NO SEWERS-NO HOUSES Durham County Sr. Citi- zens' Assn., headed by Robert Moffatt of Orono, appears to bc having prob- lems over their plan to build Iow-rental homes for senior citizens on six acres west -of Orono. CýMG.C. to date, won't<1 approve the project unless a municipal sewer system is installed. Further representations probably will be made to see if an exemption can be obtained. COURTICE RUNATIION NEXT WEDNESDAY Students and teachers alike will take to the track at Courtice Secondary Scb- ool next Wednesday after- noon, October 24th, to take part in a Runathon for charity. Each runner is ,collecting as many spons- ors as possible to pay a set amount for each lap he or she chalks up. Gift certifi- cates have been donated for the top runners. Money raised in the Runathon will be sent on to the March of Dimes, Mus- cular Dystrophy and Unit- ed Way campaigns. If you're. interested in sponsoring eîther a student or a teacher cail 728-5146. 60YVEAR JEWELL According to the Orono Times one of that commun- ity's Iongtime citizens Os- car "Bud" Rolph has been recieving several honors recently. He was presented with his 60-year Masonic Jewel at the local Iodge and in a different category was presented with a basebal autographed by ail memb- ers of the Kendal Junior Royals bail club for being an ardent supporter of the tea m. OLI"N A Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kossatz attended tbe R.C.M.P. Cent- mnnial Bail in Toronto on F'riday nigbt. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter, H-ampton, Mrs. Fred Ellîott and Lawrie, Mr.and Mrs. Larry Potter, Melissa and Christopher, Oshawa, were recent visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter. Several U. C. W. members and husbands and some other friends enjoyed Sunday dinner at tbe Ponderosa Steak House, Oshawa followed by a tour of Parkwood. Recent visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake and Kevin were Mr. and Mrs. Don Westlake and Candace, Osb- awa, Mr. Tom Cook, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. L. Jobnston, Lindsay, Mvr. and Mms. Geo. Marlow, Kelly and Gregory Osbawa, Mrs. Editb Mitc'hell, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Greg. Stephens and family, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice, Port Perry, Mr. Bill Westlake, Mr. and'Mrs. Ray Westlake, and Michelle, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Broome and Kelly, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, Mrs. Paul Farthing and Monica, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackburn and Mrs. Grant Gîaspell and boys, Tyrone. Miss Joan Grant, Mr. Cam- eron Grant and Miss Shirley Westlake, are on a cruise with Courtice Secondary Scbool to Europe. Flying to Scotland then b y boat to paris, Antwerp and Hamburg. Ten tables of Eucbre were enjoyed at the Card'Party on Friday night at the Hall. Prizes were given as follows - High man - Wes. Yellowlees, High lady - Marjorie Cryder- man consolations went Gayla Taylor and Walter Vice carry- ing prize to Valerie Taylor. To the man who washed dishes himself that day - Sfruce Montgomery. The woman who polished her husbands shoes the last two times they were cleaned - Ada Yellowlees. One who got out of. bed the earliest that morning .- Harvey Yell-, owlees, and to the lady who was ready for Halloween - Elva Montgomery. A good lunch was enjoyed by alI. Mrs. Tom Flett, Columbus, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett. Neil De Koker CUSTOM KILLING Cutting - Wrapping- WE SELL ... BEEF & PORK Specializing in.. FREEZER OR DE RS Sides of Beef 92c lb. PHONE OSHAWA 725-4245 or PONTYPOOL 983-5894 DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES BELL CANADA BUILDING OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.A. BURT R. WATERS, F.C.A. PHONE 728-7527 <or TOWNSHIP 0F f DARLINGTON REVISIUN and CERTIFICATION of the ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONERS LIST SCHOO.L SUPPORT ENTRY LAST DATE-FOR FILING AN ýAPPEAL October 31sf 1973 to Section 516 of the Municipal Act, as amended, I have Lposted up at my office in' the Township Hall, Hampton, on October l7th, 1973, a copy of the Assessment: Commissioner's List showing the school, support for ahl persons who are qualified to, direct taxes. The persons who are qualified to direct. taxes are owners, joint owners, tenants or joint tenants. I hereby caîl upon alI persons qualified to direct taxes in the Township of Darlington to take immediate proceedings~ to have any errors corrected, the lastL day for appeal being the 3lst day of October, 1973. Revision of the list for a change in school support will commence on Thursday, Nvember lst., 1973, from 10 a.m.. to 4:30.. p.m. in the Township Hall, Hampton. Appeal forms for alteration of your sehool. support are available at my office. Dated at Hampton this l7th. day of October, 1973. W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk-Admhinistrator, Township of Darlington. NORTHUMBERLAND and DURHAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCAT-ION COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL invites you to use the LI BRARY ýRESOURCE CENTRE* to borrow books or research information on Tuesday, Evening from 7 to 9 p.m. This pilot project will be continued if there is sufficient publie respons e.. Town of Bowmanville REVISION AND CERTIFICATION 0F THE ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER'S L IST SCHOOL SUPPORT ENTRY LAST DATE FOR FILING AN APPEAL October 3lst, 1973 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant t'O Section' 516 of the Municipal Act, as amended, 1 have posted up at my office in the Town Hall, 40 Temperance Street, on October 17th, 1973, a copy of the Assessment Commissiuner's List showing the sehool support for ail persons who are qualified to direct taxes. 'l'ie persons who are qualified to -direct taxes are owners, joint owners, tenants or jo int tenants. I hereby eall upon ail persons qualified to direct taxes in the Town of Bowmanville to take immediate proceedings to have any errors corrected, the last day for appeal being the 3lst day of October, 1973. Revision of the list for a change in sehool support will commence, on Tluirsday, November 1, 1973, from 10 a.m. to Ï:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Appeal forms for alteration of your school support areavailable at my office. Dated at the Town of Bowmanville this l7th day of October,'1973. J. M.' McILROY, A.M.C.T. Clerk-Administrator TowýN' of Bowmanville GLASSES