Plan to attend the Robert McLaughlin Gallery Christ- mas Art Mart at the Civic Centre, Oshawa when an- tiques, crafts, gifts and dec- orations will be on display and for sale. Other features pro- mise fun for everyone. See ad for dates, time and other particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomp- son, Carlyle, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Thompson, Minnesota, U.S.A., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Pingle. 189 Church St., Town. Mrs. S. R. James, Mrs. Clare Allin, Mrs. L. W. Dippell returned this week from a six weeks tour of England and the continent. Recent visitors with H. E. Purdy, Temperance St., were Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Spencer, St. Catharines, Ont. Mr. Walter Woolley and Mr. Colin Taylor have kindly consented to ,entertain the patients in Memorial Hospital to a musical hour every Tuesday mrning. Their ges- ture is greatly appreciated by patients and the volunteer service. Mrs. Harold St. John and Lynn, Scarborough, were Wednesday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Aber- nethy, Oakwood, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and mrs. Jim Abernethy. Miss Nancy Cowle, Queen's University, was home last weekend with parents Mr. and Mrs. Buck Cowle, accompan- ied by fellow students Sherry Ostaffy, Baffin Island, Tom Jones, Belleville and Mike McLean, Ottawa. They attend- ed the football game -on Saturday in Toronto, Queen's vs. Toronto University and toured Bowmanville. Mike thinks the town is great. Dr. Nagaji of India, adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens for over 25 yearsand Miss Vera Boyd of Toronto, his foster mother, who was a United Church Missionary Nurse in India for 34 years, spent Sunday with the Stev- ens'. Dr. Nagaji is taking a year of further study at various hospitals in Canada, and left Monday for two months at the United Church Hospital at Lamont in North- ern Alberta. Members of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Ltd., Bow- manville, who attended the annual 25 year dinner held in Toronto recently and were presented with their 25 year service pins are Mrs. H. C. s, W. G. Burgess, H. T. A. W. Cowey, F. C. Cowling, M. L. Etcher, C. I. Leddy, T. H. Mahaffy, L. G. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beau- cage and the staff of Strat- haven Nursing Home, recent- ly honored Mrs. Keitha All- dread, R.N., on her retire- ment. Mrs. Alldread had been on the Strathaven staff for the past five years and prior to that at Mermorial Hospital between 30 and 40 years. Held at Memorial Park Clubhouse RÉHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street Phone 623-4824 Rev. Anthony DeJager SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 p.m. Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "Everyone Welcome" on Monday, Oct. 29th, a delicious roast beef dinner was served and she was later presented with a silver serv- ing tray. Her husband Mr. J. C. Alldread, passed away last year. Rosemarie Sol, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, was riding her pony "Smoky" on their farm on Saturday and came across a bush of wild ripe raspber- ries. She reports they were delicious. The Ontario Arts Council through the Touring Arts Fund awarded a grant to the Women's Auxiliary of Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville for their effort towards im- proving the quality of life in our commui.nity in bringing the Oshawa Symphony to Bowmanville. Mrs. Margaret Lucas, Bow- manville, spent Monday in Peterborough with ber daugh- ter and son in law Mr. and Mrs. Gary Preston who are attending Trent University. NEWS On Monday, Oct. 15, the girls' basketball teams played at O'Neill Collegiate. B.H.S. seniors defeated O'Neill 37-27. Jayne Bradley was our top scorer with 8 points. Our juniors were defeated 33-23. Florence Visser was top scorer with 8 oints. On Thurs ay, Oct. 18, Clark High School came to B.H.S. to play our juniors in an exhibition game of basketball. They defeated us by a score of 25-21. Shelley Fry and Carrie Pearson were top scorers wit 4 p oints each. Our seniors defeated O'Neill in an exhibi- tion game by a score of 25-20. Jayne Bradley was top scorer witb 8 points, followed by Cathy Tighe with 8 points also. the girls' football team de- feated Oshawa Catholic 6 0, in Flag Football on Thursday, Oct. 18. The girls of B.H.S. are certainly making a name for themselves in Bowmanville's Sports Hall of Fame!. In last Thursday's senior football game, Oshawa Catholic de fated Bowmanville Redmen 28-6. We are certain that the guys will pull up their socks in next Thursday's game against Clarke. The boy's junior football team defeated the previously undefeated Osh- awa Catholic juniors by a score of 9-0. The juniors are "Feeling stronger every day", The Orienteering club bas competed in meets at Clarke, Peterborough, and the Uni- versity of Guelph. The club will remain active, during the winter, training new members and studying mapping. There will be a few winter meets as well. On Wednesday, Oct. 17, the junior soccer team played Clarke juniors to a 1-1 tie. The Bowmanville goal wa scored by George Haskil. Steve Newell on defence and Bill Francis in goal also played veryweli. We knew our faith would pay off! This year, as in many years previous, Bowmanville High has an active I.S.C.F. (Inter School Christian Fellowship). Each week, this group pro- vides a program of inspiration for the members, which in- cludes guest speakers and sing songs. Cet Cash Today For Old Appliances through STATESMAN CL A S S 1IFI E D S Phone 623-3303 St. PauI's United Church Minister Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B D. Organist - Mr. R. Metcalf, A.R C.T, A C.C M il a.m. - MORNING WOR1SHIP Sermon 'AN ALTAR TO THE UNKNOWN GOD' November il Special Remembrance Service December 16 Evening Christmas Festival of Music December 24 Candlelight Family Service Are you new to the area - Looking for a Church Home Try Historic St. Paul's Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday. TRINITY UNITED CHOURCH Rev. N. Wesley Oake - Minister Rev. Arthur Amacher Assistant Minister Mr.John Crookshank Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1973 il A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE All Sunday School Classes at usual times. 7:30 p.m. - Worship Service A Warm Welcorne to Everyone Saturday, Nov. 3rd - U.C.W. Annual Beef Dinner Sunday, Nov. 18th Organ Recital at 8:15, featuring Dr. Melville Cook Presented with 60-Year Odd Fellows Jewel One of the highlights of the installation, session of Florence Nightingale Odd Fellows Lodge held recently at Centennial Hall, was the presentation of a 60-year jewel to Luther B. Nichols of Bowmanville, shown here receiving the award from Deputy Grand Master Harry Wade. KENDAL Six ladies fnom Kendal attended the Oshawa Presby- terial U.C.W. Regional Meet- ing in Blackstock on Monday October 22nd. The theme of the meeting was 'If man would come after me, let him deny himself'. The weather was beautiful and two hundred and six ladies were present for the luncheon served at noon. Rev. David Lee was the speaker for tbe afiernoon session. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott were in Peterborough on Tuesday afternoon to atend the funeral of Mr. Jack Dew who was killed by an accident last Saturday. Miss Catharine Stewart and Mrs, Alva Swar-brick ofOsh- awa, who bas been with Mlfiss Stewart this past week, have been visiting many old neigh- bors and acquaintances of Mrs. Swarbrick around the village and Kendal area this week. Hazel Wilkin met with a painful accident this past week when she fell while horse back riding and, broke her rigbt arm. We trust she will s000 bemableto be back ai school. There was a good number out to church on Sunday morning despite the rainy manning. Rev. T. Snelgrove's texi was 'Who is the Layity?' in which he told ofthe importance of the lay workers in a church. Rev. R. C. White of Oshawa will be preachin next Sunday in the absence of Mr. Snelgrove. Mrs. Jack Fonk played the organ. In the afternoon the Good Neighbors Church Survey was started in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wilkin returned home over the week- end from a week's holiday in the Bahama Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little of Fraserville was Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Downes and family. STARK VLLE Mrs. Gordon Trim spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Cloughcliff, Scarborough. Mrs. Russell Savery attend- ed to Open House of the parts and service at the General Motors, Oshawa, Friday even- ing last week and was a guest with her daughter, Mrs. J. Bothwell, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. C. Duthie, Ha ney, Manitoba are spend- ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. Dobson. Mrs. D. Rutberford, Orno, ententained her mothen, Mrs. Gordon Trim for her birthday, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell attended the Durham Club in Toronto, Friday evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Trim, Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs. D. Rutherford, Orono, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Gordon Trim's. Miss Beulah Hallowell and Miss Norma Hallowell spent Monday eveoing lasi week witb Mn. and M s. Russell Saveny. Mrs.yOrme Falls has invited the Shiloh U.C.W. ladies to meet at her home in Novem- ber. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White, Oshawa, were Friday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- well spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith, Thornbury. ENERGY COMMI'I rEES Following a meeting between Energ Minister Donald Mac- donal and U.S. White House eenrgy adviser John Love, the minister announced that the Canadian and American go- vernments will create several joint committees in order to exchange energy planning, Pretty Fa Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Grant Russel Luke Courtice United Church was attractively decorated with baskets of mixed pink and white flowers, bud vases of white carnations in the win- dows, with white ribbons and greenery marking the pews, for the wedding of Sandra Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bishop, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, and Grant Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke, Hampton. Rev. D. Arscott, officiated with Mr. Douglas Dewell the organist and Mr. Ross Met- calf, soloist. Given in marriage, by her father, the bride wore a formal A-line gown with long chapel train of sparkle organ- za over taffeta, a stand-up caliar, bigh line bodice, and trimmed with pearl buttons and daisy trim. A Juliet cap covered with daisies held a three tier elbow and chapel length veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink roses, ADULT COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want to do sbmething about your education . .. you probably can. See Your Adult Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9 at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGII SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential- and no appoinment is necessary. baby's breath and star flo- wers. The matron of honor, Mrs. Allan Luke, sister of the bride, and bridesmaids, Misses Alice Burnham, and Cindy Bishop, bride's sister wore formal gowns of pink and mauve sheer, with clusters of baby's breath tied with matching ribbon, as headpieces and carried hand clusters of white carnations, pink sweetheart roses and star flowers. The bestman was Mr. Clarke Wilbur and the ushers, brothers of the groom Messrs. Ralph and Allan Luke. For the reception held at Grandview Golf Club, Osh- awa, the bride's mother wore a formal medium blue soft sheen, witb corsage of yellow sweetbeart roses, ibe grooms mother a formal deep pink crepe gown with matching lace bodice and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. For a wedding trip to Florida and other U.S. centres the bride wore a dotted dark green jersey paiazzo pant suit with a corsage of informal mixed flowers. Guests were present from Trenton. Whitby. Sudbury, Ennismore, Oshawa and Or onO. The bride, a dental assis- tant, receptionisi and the groom an apprentice matar mechanic, are residing at R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Before her marriage, the bride was entertained by Miss Nancy Morton, Miscellaneous shower, Miss Alice Burnham a pantry shower, Mrs. Ther- esa Luke, and by Mrs. Pat Long and Mns. Mange Page with miscellaneous shawes. YELVERTUN The Janetville-Yelventon Hi C's Car Rally held Friday evening Oct. 12 was a definite success with 25 or 30 young people participating. The trio wbicb ncluded Warren Sut- cliffe won the event. Sonry we don't know the rest of this team. Followin the rally Rev. Jerry and Mrs. ofstetter held Items o Interest Phone 623-3303 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 31, 1973 Married in St. John's Church open house at the parsonage concluded with lunch. Mrs. Verna Sanderson of Janetville who owns an exten- sive button collection and a bouse chucked full of antiques (not you Verna we wouldn't dare) has had a busy schedule of late. She entertained Miss Yumi Oikawa, Lindsays' ex- chan2e student from Navora Japan with ber button collec. tion. The ladies of Pontypbool U.C.W. were recent welcome uests and on Monday evening e Log Cabin Antique Club of Peterborough were scheduled for a visit. Mrs. Sanderson also eojoy- ed a trip to Cleveland for four days to the National Button Convention there. Wonder what they did for recreation? Perhaps a stirrine came of that old favorite - "Button, button whose got the button?" Mrs. Harold Mo pon has been on short vaca ion with relatives in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan were guests at the Durham Region Inaugural on Mon. evening with reception foll- owing at the Holiday Inn at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spenceley have return'ed from a vacation to Western Canada where they visited their son Jim and family at Lethbridge, Alta. and report a most enjoyable trgmpathy is expressed to the family of the late George Kerr (known by one and all as "Geordie") who passed away this week just nine days after the passing of his wife. Geordie was an amiable chap held in high regard oy ail. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr raised a large family during the depression years and accepted hard work and long hours as a part and parcel of their lot. Geordie was a man of simple tastes, a ready humor an da genuine family man. A number from this comm- unity attended a Peterborough Fed. of Agric. banquet on Wed. evening and heard the guests speaker, Federal Min- ister of Agriculture, Eugene Whalen in verbal action. Yelverton U.C.W. catered ta the Banquet of the Ladies Teachers Federation in Chur ch Hall on Thurs. evening Oct. 25 with approximatel y 50 teachers in attendance. Sorry that we cannot pro- vide any re prt on the gom away partybeld for Mr. and Mrs. Ra y Gilbanks in Yelver- ton Hall last weekend. We were unaware of the event till several days after it was over. Ray is the genial bus driver of one of the public school buses which serves this area and picks up the children on our road and Dorothy also drove buses in Manvers for several years. Best wishes go with hem in their new home in Lindsay. CANADA OFFERS AID Following the news of a Middle East ceasefire, Exter- nal Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp said in the House of Commons that "the Canadian governmentawould look sym pathetically at any request from the UN Secretary G,e neral for additional Canadian officers" should the United Nations need to expand its supervisory forces in the Middle East. "We are prepared ta con- sider participation in such a force if we are requested by the parties concerned and if we are satisfied we can play a useful role." The marriage of Mary West over and William H. Bates was solemnized at 5.30 p.m. on Friday Oct. 5th.1973 at St. John's Anglican Church in Bowmanville. Rev. Tom Gra- cie performed the ceremony, white carnations flanked the altar and Mr. C. Evans was the organist. Given in, marriage by her son, John, the bride wore a formal length white and silver A line chiffon gown over pale blue silk lining fashioned with a scoop neckline and short sleeves, over which she wore a Royal blue French silk velvet coat princess style and long sleeves. Baby's breath made a charming hair piece. She carried a small white prayer book encrusted with white carnations and baby's breath cascading down. Attendants of the bride were matron of honor, Mrs. Cathy Brown, oldest daughter of the bride, and Miss Mary Anne Nickerson, granddaughter of the bride both wore, orange, yellow and brown fall colored chiffon formal length gowns over gold colored silk lining. The matron of honor wore over this a gold French silk velvet coat fashioned the same as the bride's. The TheSong: C awith Canadian flower girl had a small elbow length cape of the same velvet. They carried baskets of orange sweetheart roses and carnations with gold and bronze mums and cascading orange ribbons. They wore baby's breath in their hair. The gowns and coats were all made by the bride. Mr. W. Bates Jr. was best man for his father, the groom, and Master Kevin Bates, grandson of the groom, acted as ring bearer, and ushering were Mr. Michael Parker, Mr. A. Torrance, grandsons of the groom, both of Oshawa, and Mr. K. Copping of Galt and Mr. D. Ferguson, Oshawa, friends of the bride. As a great surprise on coming out of the church the happy couple were piped out by some of the members of the Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Band, Branch 178, of which t e bride's son is president. The reception followed at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall in Bowmanville. Prior to the wedding, the 3rd Annual bride and groom were honored on several occasions and Mrs. Barbara Westove, daughter- in-law of the bride at her home in Bowmanville, held a per- sonal shower. Mrs. Ron Brock of Bowmanville gave a shower to welcome the bride to the new neighbors. Mrs. Reva Parker, daughter of the groom held a Jack and Jill shower. The staff of Beauvilla where the bride is employed, pre- sented her with lovely gifts and the staff of the L.C.B.O. gave the groom a stag and presentation. For their wedding trip to Belleville and northern Ont- ario, the bride wore a two iece suit of dark brown crimp nit with a beige coat and a corsage of yellow sweetheart roses and bronze mums. Out of town guests included those from Blenheim, Ont., South Woodsley, Windsor, Burling- ton, Brantford, Galt, Peter- borough, Oshawa and Winn- ipeg, Alberta. The happy couple are now residing at 11 Flett St. Bowmanville. MOTOROLA M Quasar *LEYCUIPIDIIL FREE OFFICIAL CFL POSTER WITH DEMONST RÀTION OF Quâsar GREY CUP SPECIAL. (LIMITED OFFER) BOnUS IDELUHE ROLL-RBOUT IftLUDED If PRI[E 2 Pl Inr ModelWT6110KW Quàsar H COLOUR TV Works in a drawer nsta-Matic Color Tuning lug-in Circuit Modules nstant Picture & Sound • Solid state chassis (except 4 tubes) " Pushbutton UHF Tuning • Walnut grain finish *i9ULI M YLES RADIO & TV SERVICE] "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" 3 SILVER STREET PHONE 623-3482 BOWMANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bates ORGAN RECITAL MELVILLE COOK Mus. Doc., F.R.C.O. of Metropolitan United Church, Toronto TRINITY UNITED CHURCH (Church and Division Streets) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18th (8:15 p.m.) Adults $2.00 Students $1.00 Tickets available from church office Phone 623-3138