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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1973, p. 8

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The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Oct. 31, 1973 The Newcastle Independent Mrs. Sam Brereton Phone 987-4221 Newcastle Social and Personal would like to publicly thank The Brereton household has the gentleman, Mr. Hap been on Cloud 9 since last Phillips of Bowmanville who Saturday when, just around 11 drew our ticket and the Royal o'clock p.m., we received a Canadian Legion, Branch 178, hone call from Mr. Edmund Bowmanville, for their kind- ajer resident of Branch ness and co-operation. This 178 othe Royal Canadian has indeed been a big week in Legion Bowmanville, inform- the'life of te entire Brereton ing us tat your correspondent family. was the iuck winner of the We are ver happy to report 1974 Chev. Bel-Air Sports that Mrs. Sirley Barchard Coupe. Can you imaine our has returned home from amazement and our pieasure? hosital; so has Mr. Bruce We are absolutely and posi- Kelly who was a patient in tively thrilled! Margaret is Bowmanville Hospital for ab- picking up her prize this out a week. afternoon (Monday). We Fire Chief Fred Glanville Captain Albert Naylor and Fireman Lawrence Gaines of m sports Øy the Newcastle Volunteer Fire Dept. attended the funeral of A t Public School Bowmanville Fire Dept.'s late Captain Tom Lyle held in On October 5th, Newcastle Bowmanville last week. Public School held their field Mr. and Mrs. Sierd de Jong day for the students over the and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace age of 10 years. The following Couch thoroughly eno ed a are the top five in each age night in Concert wite Ian 14up Tyson and other celebrities at Cobourg Collegiate, Cobourg, Boys 14 - Robin Duetta 49, last Sunday evening. Hans Reuer 36, Alison Tapley Weeken guests with Mr. 34, Will Nicholson 33, Alan and Mrs. Jack Pruner and Freethy 6. irls were Mrs. Pruner's Boys 13 - Robbie Coolahan brother and his wife, Mr. and 31, Wade Shields 25, Dale Mrs. Sherman O'Neill of Millson 23, Mickey Nelson 18, Williamsburg. Marty Lowry 16. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rick- Boys 12 - Donald Rowley 42, ard attended a Lions Club Board meeting in Montreal Philip Dost 26, Jim Hoogkamp over the weekend. While Lion 17, Tom Dwyer 13, Bob Forget Brenton was busy attending 10. meetings Jean spent some Boys il - Robbie Wallis 45, time with her aunt and uncle Dean Walker 31, Doug Nichol- Canon John Bonathan and son 26, Jeff Payne 14, Todd Mrs. Bonathan in St. Lamb- -Sields il. ert, Que. Boys 10 - Bob Dwyer 39 e Mr.are very sorry to have Dnys 10i-pBo Dwyer Rn to report Mrs. Audrey Gogert Danny Simpson 24, Ronnie suffered a very serious far, Verbeek 18, Jim Boyd 14, last Saturday morning. She is, 'Kevin Wade 13. at present, a patient in ' Grand Champion Boy - Oshawa General Hospital wh- Robin Duetta 49 points. ere it was determined she had suffered extensive injuries to Girls 14 - Judy Portsmith 49, her right arm and she is very Kim Currie 38, Beth Couch 37, badly bruised. Our thoughts are with her and we wish Susie McLean 20, Shirley Jury Audre a s eedy recovery. 9. Sun ayinner guests with Girls 13 - Rosie Nicholson 39, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Gain- Sandra Wright 38, Suzanne es were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cooper 11, Shaunna McLay 10, Luxton, Wendy, Lori and JDae Faris 8. Jason Bowmanville and Girls 12 - Susan Wagar 53, Miss Ranna Sinou Newcastle. Cindy Wright 19, Beverley This was a speciaf occasion to Tapley 14, Melody Brown , elp Mrs. Luxton (Joy) cele- Christina Crockett 11.l brateber up-and-coming bir- Girls il - Anita McKnight 37,thday. Witb the, hockey season Colette Pickering 36, Wendy coming on with amazing Johnson 27, Janet Lansdown speed, the Newcastle Hockey 25, Darlene Lesnick 17. Mothers are beginning to get Girls 10 - Carol Selby 41, into the swineof tbingsalso. Linda Dost 32, Sandy Sinclair The Hockey others, who do 23, Sherri Crunb 9, Darlene an enormous amount ofwork Portsmith 8. for the hockey teams of the Gran Chmpio Gil -Village, will be holding their Grand Champion Girl -first meetin of the season, Susan Wagar 53. Monday, November 5, in the The room obtaining the Communîty Hall at 8 p.m. Al highest number of points was the youth hockey teams bene- Mr. Chrisomalis' with 732, fit from the energies of these giving a class average of 23 ladies and in order to he a points. beneficial organization it is imperative they have a strong executive. So do come ou t JOHN F ladies - you have done ~ marvelous work in the past - Skeep itup D aThe enwastle Brownie SPacks enjoeud the weekend at G E U 1 Camp Adelaide Haliburton. Though the weather was dap and cod - even some falling Generai Insurance snow was reported by th e adventurers - a realigood PIRE and AUTOMOBILE time was had by ail. The INSURANCE Brownies lef t late Friday afternoon and returned home Contact: early Sunday afternoon.wr Congratulations to the New- HARRY VOERMAN castye Lions Club on their 623-3111 or 623-950 successfull Hallowe'en Dance 33 KING ST. E. iast Saturday night. We cou- BOWMANVILLE Ildn't attend because of our bad ieg,' Vo points. be efiilou nzto ti Colorful Costumes ~t Hallowe'en Dance ~n Saturday Evening - N ETAN Ontario Hydro nas been contacteci to suppiy council with cost figures of moderniz- in street lighting in the' vilages of Betbany and Janet- ville. Special Zonin category has been given the location of the former feed mill indBethany and adjoining lands now owned by Marathon Éeaity. The land may now be sold for a wood working shop under the new classification. ay ageicCullough bas neen engaged for winter snow piowing wit h atruck and two men at the rate of $10.00 per hour, when engaged by the road superintendent on active duty and to receive $5.00 per day stand-by pay wben not' acvely ngaged in snow plowing. The date of comm- encement and termination of winter snow plowing or sand- ing will be at the discretion of the Manvers road superinten- dent. Three area residents of Pont pool have been notified that tey will not be allowed to park on the Township road in the area of the hill of the aproach to Pontypool, imm- e dately north of the C.P.R. right-or-way. Cars or trucks violating this notice will be towed away at the owners expense. A by-law has been passed providing consent to Bell Canada to construct its lines upon the highways, streets, bridges, and other public places in the township, under the supervision of the road superintendant. The next council meeting will be held on November 1, at 10 a.m. Sundayguests withMr. and Mrs. FrankWhite were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Curtis, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Harrv and son James of Frankford, and Tuesday gue- sts were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Short, Cardiff. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bowen, Newcastle, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porteous. Winners of~the men's bowl- ing league monthly playoffs were:Chris Woods won the Sealtest prize for high single, scoring 305; the hîgb three with handy cap prize from Canada Bread was won by Frank Ashby score 761; and the hig h three flat was won by Ivor illiams with a score of 698. The First Manvers Girl Guides and Brownies held their Mother and Daughter Supper on Monday October 15th. in the Parish Hall, Bethany. This was a pot-luck supper. Special guests were, Mrs. Joan Hawes, (Woodlands Div- ision Commissioner) and Mrs. Pat Sleep (District Commiss- ioner for Manvers Cartwri- ght). Our two Lone Rangers - Linda Gillespie and Judy Symonds were present. Mrs. Mur hypresiced. Brownie Marilyn right welcomed the uests. Guide Pat O'Neil gave etoast to the Mothers. Senior Guide Lorraine Mc- Gennis thanked everyone. Mrs. Hawes presented pins and badges to the followng: Brownies - 1 year - Lorraine Musson, Veanna Vivian, Coll- een Shea, Daphne Vanderput, Darlene Gillespie. 2 years - Deanna Porter, Darcy Vand- erveen, Marilyn Wright, Alice Anderson, Caroline Musson, Shellv Stevenson, Tracy How- ard, Stacy Higgens. 3 years - Pearline Michaud. Guides - 1 year - Mary Kerr, Debbie Kerr, Donna Cowan. 2 vears - Pat O'Neil, Brenda Gillespie, Beth Musson Mary Coombs, Sandra Everdine, Monique Le Beau. 5 vears - Lorraine McGinnis. Leaders - 8 years - Mrs. Symonds. 2 years - Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Howard. The Natuiralist. Exnlorers and Junior Camper badges were presented toMary Coo- mbs, Pat O'Neil andBrenda Gillespie. These badges were earne at Division Camp last summer. The following Brownies flew up to Guides - Marily Wright, Darcy Vanderveen, Alice An- derson, Stacy Higgins and Pearline Michaud walked up to Guides. The evening ended with Brownie Prayers and Guide Prayers and Taps. NESTLETON Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mappin (nee Val- erie Frew) who exchanged wedding vows on Saturday, October 27 at 3 p.m. in Nestleton United Church.' Recent callers with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs were Mrs. Merlin Suggitt, Mrs. Ray Suggitt and Mrs. Rick Thomp- son, R.R. Nestleton, Mrs. Murray Coates, Port Perry and Mr. Herb Hamner, Tor- onto. Improved health is wished for Mr. Briggs who returned from Port Perry Hospital on Friday. Sincere smathy is ex- tended to Mrs. ictor Malcolm and family on the death of ber father, Mr. George Kerr in Bowmanville Hospital, on Monday October 22. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fisher, Caesarea, were hosts, on Sunday, for a family gather- ing. Dmnner and supe uests were Mrs. Marie Bdnistel, of Guelpb Mrs. Jean Hoope, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wllton Dixon, Markham, and Mr. Harve Dixo, of Woodville. Mrs. Bodendistel visited from Thursday to Monday, and Mrs. Hooper was a guest on Saturday and Sunday. Many Cartwright residents attended the Catholic Wom- en's Leagues Annual Bazaar in Port Prry on Saturday when Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm presided for the official open- r.~ and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. Port Perry andlVrs. ClaraÌ Irving Saskatchewan visited with IVIr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm for Friday evening dinner. Mrs. Mabel Cawker attend- ed the Area Convention in the Royal York Hotel, October 24,25 and 26. Lt was planned to have the 1974 Convention, December23ad4h On Monday, of last week, thirty members of Court Lady Snowbird and friends, also one child, took advantage of a company sponsored bus trip to a ric C ntre in Searbor- ough. Coffee and donuts were served to the group on their arrival. About noon they enjoyed a self serve lunch at the Shopper's Bazaar. Bolts of cloth were auctioned to the highest bidder and those with the knack and skill in sewing purchased some excellent material. Ladies from Nestle- ton, Caesarea, Blackstock and Port Perry enjoyed the friend- ly fellowship of the day's outing. Sunday supper guests of Miss RuthsProutt wereMr. and Mrs. John Buchan, Caro- lyn and Douglas, Lindsay and Mrs. Ivan Proutt Nestleton. Many Cartwright and area residents were guests at the Mappin-Frew wedding on Sat- urc[ay and the reception and dance in the Recreation Cen- tre, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Will- iamson are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. an Mrs. Grant Campbell, prior to moving to their home in Jasper, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm were guests on Sunday eveing at the Senior Citizens' Banquet at the Lat- cham Centre in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Larkin, Stephen and Paul of Hull, England, have moved to Canada where he has accept- ed a position in Brantford. Mrs. Larkin is a niece of Mr. Fred Dayes. On Sunday the Larkin famiy were dinner Suests of Mr. and Mrs. Dayes' ther guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews Jr. and girls of Prince Albert. Mrs. Dayes spent Wednes- day with ber sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, at Orono. rs. Grant Campbell has returned from a very pleasant two week's vacation to Cali- fornia where she visited with ber aunt Mrs. Helen Cherry and ber cousin Mr. Wm Cherry at Ukiak. This is about one hundred miles from San Francisco. It is situated near the Redwood Forests and is in I he heart of wine-making industry.During Mrs. Camp- bell's sojourn there she and ier friends enjoyed the very senic drive up the Coast to Gregon and down the coast to *Monterey. They had planned mn visiting Lake Tahoe in Nevada but when they reach- ed the 5000 foot leven visibility was almost nil due to a heavy snow storm. On that account they were forced to turn back and cancel their reservations. On Sunday they attended the First Baptist hurch in San Francisco where Mrs. Camp- bell met another sister of her mother's, Mrs. Christine Har- low. This memorable vacation was a pleasant interlude from Mrs. ampbells nursing dut~ ies in the operating room of Port Perry Hospital. Mrs. Keith Wilson, Dun- troon, ber daughter Mrs. Paul Carruthers and son Glenn, of Stayner spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cawker. Other guests for Saturday evening dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bragg, Bowmanville. A happy re- union for the three sisiers'. The Grant Campbell family enjoyed a dinner on Sunday, at the ome of his sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen in Port Perry. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wiliamson (nee Karen Campbell), Mr. Rick Campbell, Miss Sharalyn Rea- der, Mr. Rod Campbell and- Miss Debbie Simpson. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed to Mrs. awrence Cool- edge, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cooledge and family on the sudden death of a loving husband, father and grandfa- ther on Monday morning in Port Perry Hospital. Sunday 9ervice United Church Anniversary In the United Church, on Sunday morning Reverend Walter Davis, of Kedron was the guest speaker for the annual fall anniversary serv- ice. Reading I Samuel 4:1-18 he chose "The Ark of God in the Hands of Infidels", as the theme for his message. The Israelites believed as long as they had the "Ark of God" with them that they would be Srotected from their enemies. n modern day living people are prone to place too much emphasis on the material and concrete rather than on the spiritual power. With Miss eail Malcolm singing the solo B L A Results of the Blackstock Grain Corn Competition s pon- sored by the BlackstockAgri- cultural Society: Don Frew, Harold Swain.Don Green. Rav Suggitt, Jim Gray, De Jong Bros. nienara vanUaimp, Glenn Larmer, Ted Krocken- stoel, Vernon Asselstine John Bonsma, Jim Byers, Harvey Graham, Ralph armer, Ken Lee, Don Swain, John Wolters, Walter Wright, John Carnag- han, Merril Van Camp, Ivan Mountjoy, Harold Medd, Geo- rge Wolfe. The Senior Citizens of Cart- wright were invited to Beth- any on Oct. 17 for an evening of music provided by an orch- estra from Lakefield. They playeca square ciances, waitz- es, and polkas and all old time music which everyone enjoy- ed. This was followed by a sin -song. Later a tasty lunch of tea, coffee and doughnuts was served. We travelled by bus and enjoyed a wonderful evening. A special thanks is extended to te Bethany and Cavan Senior Citizens and the Dorrell-Rohrer Bus Lines. The results of the Senior Citizens' Card Party on Oct 23 were Men's ist. - Russ Coates, 2nd. - Everett Wat- son, 3rd. - Ross Alsop. Women's lst. - Mrs. Dorothy, McDiarmid, 2nd - Mrs. Dor- othy Archer, 3rd. - Mrs. Marshall. Mr. Oscar Graham is a patient in Port Perry Hospital and Mr. Ron Kelly in Oshawa. Both Mrs. Harr Degeer and Mrs. Courtney raham have been released from hospital. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van Camp and family entertained a number of Malcolm relatives for dinner and afternoon to visit with their cousin Mrs. Blanche Irving from Central Butte, Saskatchewan. Attending the family gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Malcolm, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moriarty, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Malcolm Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Janetville Mr. Norman Mal- colm, Bethany Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Malcolm and Mona. Janetville, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Karl rK rytow, Oshawa, Mr. and rs. James Hunter and Doug, Trenton, Miss Cindy Van- Camp. On Monda y Mr. and ,Mrs. Merrili VanCamp show- ed Mrs. Irving the sights of Toronto and took er to Toronto to board her plane. Rev. and Mrs. Merrill Ferguson, Oshawa andsMrs. Olga Hill were Monda su per guests of Mr. and MVrs. tan Rahm. Mrs. Mamie Spencer (nee Beacock) and her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cla e oi Perth were Tuesday callers of Mrs. Olga Hill. Mr.Eldon Hubbard, Bow- manville was a Saturday visitor of Mr. and Mrs.Tom Hodge and family. A cordial welcome to Black- stock is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer of Dev- itt's who moved into their new home across from the Rec. Centre. Mr.eand Mrs. Will Dugan of Minden were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert rcher. portion the Junior Choir sang 'Surely Goodness and Mer- c ". The Barraball family also assisted in the ministry of song - Gordon sang a solo "Just a Closer Walk with Thee" and Mr. and Mrs., Barraball favored with a duet "In the Garden" to their own accompaniment, on the gui- tar. CK STOCK On Wednesday evenin a birthday party was held in the Rec. Centre honoring Mr. Harry VanCamp's 8oth birth- day. Over thrty relatives attended the dinner followed by a social evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn VanCamp and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VanCamp and families presented their father with a wrist watch for his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomp son celebrated their 2t wedding anniversary quietly on Sunday when their amilv took them out to dinner. Mr. R. H. Heaslip, Milton attended Mr. VanCam 's bir- thdaypart and spen some time wihMr. andMrs. Wilson Heasli in Lindsay. On Sunday Mr. an Mrs. Harry VanCamp and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow were evening dinner uests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson easlip. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow were celebrating their 51st wedding anniversary. On Sunday afternoon about 60 friends and relatives called on Osmond Wright to help celebrate his 83rd. birthday.A lunch of birthday cake andice cream was served. Congrat- ulations Mr. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell visited Heather Dorrell in London on Sunday. Heather and four other girls who all attend Western University live in a town bouse in London. On Sunday the five girls entertained all their parents at this unique "Get Acquaint- ýd" party. What a nice idea. Miss Leanne Dorrell and ber [riend Miss Jackie Unger of Guelpi University, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickson of Burling ton spent the weekend wi their parents Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and Janis. The October meeting of the evening unit of the U.C.W. met at the home of Barbara Byers with 19 girls present. Verna McMahon led in worship on the theme Our Thanksgiving Blessings. Tallya Moore was in charge of the programme and introduced a representa- tive from the Lightnîng zipp- ers who demonstrated meth- ods of inserting zippers. Lunch and a social time concluded the meeting. The next meeting will be held on November 5 at 8 o'clock at Joan Grove's home. The speaker will be Mrs. B. Whyte (Mom Whyte's daug hter-in-law) who will spea on My Home in Africa. 4 H News Meeting 6 The answers on October 16th varied to the roll call which was "one duty of a pleasing iuest". Following this, Linda Duivesteyn read the minutes or iat ree We t¯iKe about party foo and outdoor parties. In two separate grou- pswhite and chocolate iced cup cakes were made. Meeting 7 In October 23 the last meetin was opened with the roll cal "An ideal party game". Jean Horton read the minutes. A commentator and helpers for the exhibit were chosen. Each leader as before, discussed an important topic. Plans of the club party were settled. All mothers of the 4H girls are invited to the arty on Oct. 30 at 7.30. Later tunawiches were made and enioyed. TheThursday Guild met on October 18 at the home of Mrs. John Archer. Worship was led by Dorothy and was followed by the minutes of the last meeting. mrs. Mildred Fortune of Scarborough was the special seaker who spoke on the Books of Knowledge plus a re-schooler book which she ad written herself. Mildred kindly donated an arrange- ment of handmade flowers which she had made from burlap. During the business Elaine Bailey and Linda Mclaughlin were appointed to purchase new stackin tables or the Parish Hal. The financial report showed that the fall supper was a fine success. The November meeting will be held at the home of Helen Green. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris President and Secretary o Cartwright Senior Citizen's Club attended the Port Perry Senior Citizen's Banquet in the Latchem Centre on Sunday evemng. Mrs. Roy Avery, Tilbury is visiting her mother Mrs. . A. Johnston this week. MANUFACTURERS LIVESTOCK SPECIALS VITAMAR MEDICATED SILO GUARD International Stock Food Company Limited Sales Representative: "UNCLE BE N NY" WILSON 623-5720 Bowmanville i ATTENTION FARMERS! * WHY# PAYMOREIR SAVE ON DIESEL FUEL MOTOR OIL GASOLINE Premium Quality Farm Tanks and Pumps Available àPhone 668-3381 -Colhect IDX, FUEL 0111 à For Prompt Courteous Service I I Call Us Today I 1M-M-M-M---- E M M M M MM MM MW At 40 miles per hour, spark plugs in a V-8 produce 6,480 sparks a minute: That's more than 100 sparks a SECOND. Stili not impressed? Take your lighter, and try and spark the flint 20, 10, even FIVE times a second. Now you can see why our factory-trained technicians should make sure they keep on working. SC 14-POINT PROFES Includes: TUNE-UP S Initial scope check. Teat and clean battery, cables and hold down. *.Check and adjust timing. Service or replace spark ebCheck P.C.V. operation. plugs - if required. Check and lubricate heat * Check compression. riser valve @ Replace points ad Check and adjust condensor - if required. idle. Replace rotor - * Check fuel pump and filter if required. for proper operation. * Check H.T. wiring, Check air cleaner element distributor cap, ignition coil, primary circuit. * Final scope check. PHONE TODAY 623-3396 FOR APPOINThMENT 166 KING STIEET EAST 'SIC PE( .r I )MAL AAL 6 Cylinder 1 Cylinder I ýpA R T 3 EX T RA Service Guarantee amAu 1--

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