Tise Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvîlle, Nov. 7,1973 Rural Bowling MXE ,J R wnLeague Basketball Hooper'sl Ken's score Lopsided Victories in First League Contests .by David Passant Hooper's Jewellery jolted Stephen's Fuels 32-12 and Ken's Men's Wear did the same to Coronation Cafe 42-25, at the Bowmanville High School gymnasium on Tues- day evening, Oct. 3Oth. The two contests commenced the 1973-74 basketball schedule. Each team plays 14 games before the playoffs, which consist of a two game total point semi-final followed by a two out of three final series. In the oponer, Hooper's enjoyod the erratic shooting of a frustrated Fueler crowd. Hoopers played a tight zone, and held their opponents totally off the scoreboard in the third quarter. Dave Taylor netted 14 points to lead the Jewellers, followed by Joe Hobbs Team Chalks Up County Flag Football Titie Western Eleetrie Atoms Suffer The ir First Loss NIGHTHAWKS High Single Ina Woudstra .......254 High Triple Lynn Piper ..-ý.......... 595 Team Standing Betty Sm ith. ..24035 23 Kris RaIston ...23805 21 Lois Burgess ... 23215 20 Di Ogden..... ... 23864 18 Lynn Piper .. 23273 13 Mabol Trimble. 22868 13 D. Ogden 201, K. Raîston 199, John Slemon (178 259-285) 722. D. Brooks 194. A. Burcess 189. Wendy Killens 256, Oct. 30,1973. Team Pts. Hi Cs..... ......... 22 Maple Grox e... ý......... 21 Enniskillen ........ 20 Solina ................19 Russelîs Car Wash........ 17' Tyrone ............. ..... Rurals. ................. il Salem.......... ..... ....6 'Top 10 Averages Don Taylor 234, Brian Martin 226,Keith McGill 224, John Coombes 216, Wayne Coombes' 216, Cooney Goodman 215, Dick Woods 209, Ross Hall 207, John Luffmnan 207, Howard Bradle2y 205. High Singles Brian Martin 314, Keith Me- Gill 308, Wayne Coomnbes 295. High Triples Keith MeGill (211-243-308) 762, Brian Martin (201-216-314) 731, Fairey .. 14 24889 Wright .. 14 24834 Suteliffe ... 14 24627 Dunn . ..... 14 24269 Hayn<es .. 13 24724 Coole ............ 13 23454 Joi. ..... ...... 12 24332 Sheehan ......... il 24195 Patfield ... il 23145 Buday ...- 10) 24739 Reid .. ..... 10 2.370-1 High triple went to sh arp shooter Ron 1-ay nos 764 (260, 257), Eraie Perfect was right in there with '745 and high single of 304. Other 700 triples: Jim Bruton 737 (273), ïhirley Fowler 722 (288), Albert Saman 719 (278), Ross Wright 719 (252) and Nyhl Sheehan 711 (281). Cames 250 and Over Virginia Fairoy 283, Denise Annaert 277, Peggy Hlaynes 276, Marie Brooks 262,262, Lola Wright 262, John Luff- man 262, Pal, Bagnoîl 257, On Saturday, Nov. 3rd, the Bowmanville Western Electric Minor Atoms suffer- ed their first defeat of the 1973-74 season at the hands of a hustling Cobourg squad. The final score was 5-3. Cobourg took a 2-0 lead in the first period before Bow- manville could get untracked. Ricky Erwin finally scored for Bowmanville, assisted by Billy Sainsbury late in the first. Rod.Plain tied the score with 53 seconds remaining in the first on a play set up by Menk's Major Osborne & Shank .. 19 8 19 Frank's Var. 17 10 17 Cowan Pontic Buickl6 Il 16 Kens Mens Wear. -..ý..151ý2 1112 1512 Pepsi Cola ..15 12 15 Beaver ...14 13 14 Mutton Sheli 131/2 1312 131/9 I.G.A ......12 15 12 Dykstras .... 11 16 il Rice Bowl . .Il 16 il Lander Hdwe.10, 17 10 Jury & Loveil 8 19 8 Top 10 Averages Ron Etchor 259, Larry Pipel 246, AI Osborne 244, Ru ss 0k( 242, Howard Brommeîl 238 Dave Reynolds 235, Dr. H. B Rundie 234, Randy Beauprik 232, Ed. Leslie -231, Doug Carter 231. Hligh Single Ross Wright 353, Karl Piper 346, Ron Etcher 328. High Triple Larry Piper 831, ion Etchor 811. L MacDougal 775. MMs mmsam m mms * HAVE YOU I P HIDDEN I jTALENT? I [ B RING !T TOý.. . "CASTLE HOTELI * Bowmanville I *Fully Licensed 1SeBl Macey, Manager' defencernan Mike Stocker. Billy Hogarth put Bowman- ville in the lead in tho second, assisted by Erwin and Brad Clemons and the Electric squad seemed to ho on their way. Cobourg, however, was not to ho denied as they checked the locals before they could got thoir plays set up. They scored three times in the final stan.za, one into an empty net. Bowmanville was without the services of two right-wing- ers, Barry Cullen, a great playmakor, and Brian Ruddy, an aggressive checker, both lads being sorely missed. Steve Skene was in goal for Bowmanville and had to corne up with ý1any difficult savos in the ganse. The locals now own a 5-1 record so far this season. LADIES MAJOUR High Single Marion Wiseman - ..312 High Triple Onie Etcher ...........717 High Average Onie Etcher . . .... 234 Ga mes 225 & Over M. Wiseman 312, T. Forrester 300, E. Bragg 296, H. Depew 286, M. Cowan 269,J. Allen 269, 0. Etcher 266,241, E. Etcher 264, J. Prout 254, C. Bowers 246, D. King 245, 230, B. Osborne 244, N. Evans 255, 239, M. Taylor 242, 226, J. Tonnant 241, O. Patfield 229,225, L. Sutherland 227, S. Davis 226, H. Stewart 225, M. King 225, D. Taylor 225. Legion Ladies Suteliffe ....... 17 25199 Bruce ..... .. 16 24360 Sheehan .. ..... 11 23746 Annaert ...... 10 24017 High Aveorage Bernice Partner ......... 2115 High ýSile Marg Perris . .1...- 238 1High'ITriple Mary Bates...........616 Axera gos Brnico Partner 215 (24), Joan Suteliffe 209, Fran Bruce 198 (24, Mary Bates 195, Mary Gray 191 (24), Nyhl Sheehan 191, Joan Burton 188 (24), Rose Vanesse 186, Marg Perris 178 (24), Denise Ann- oert 174. ........ \ TL r iag rFootball may sound pretty rough. Martin Edwards, Danny Pas- like a "push-and-giggle"~ sport The young men pictured coe, Derek Keenon, QB Grady but don't believe it. Although above are from M. J. Hobbs Robson, Gordon Sharp, Jeff live tackling is roplaced by Sr. Public Sehool and they Stewart and Jim Timmers. having to snatch a flag captured the county flag Middle Row, Gary Baker, attached to.the baîl carrier's football championships earl- Ken Metcaif,' Greg Broy, waist belt the blocking on the lor this faîl. Larry Wilkins, Mike Gossick, ine is 'live'. And when you In the front row, left to right, Doug Hoy, Allan Berlino, aron't woaring pads it can got are Roy Terry, James Werry, Russel Carruthers and David Burgess with sovon, Callowa' four, Chris Steel three anc Rundle and Simpson withi basket apioce. For Stephen:, their top man was Bakaitfi: with four points, single huc. kets going to Saunders, Gai. lello, Wesver and Compton, The nightcap saw Ken's grab a 23-17 haîf timo lead and nover look back fromn there. Unlike the Coronation crew, Kens wero moving the hall inside the key, passing pro- cisely and flot always shooting from the outside. Bill Morri- son had 17 Points for the winners, one botter than S. Blysma with ight baskets. S. Colos, four, Mike Marshall and B.' McGogin two each anc Doug IMcFeeters, one point were the other scorers. McKinnon was tops for Coro- nation with il 'points. Tom Gordon six, B. Rowe four, Jim Beam three and Brian Saun- dors a single, were the other point-gotters. Tho officials for both con- tests wero Don Bradley and John Parker, the scorer Ron Strike and the timekooper Nick Wind. Y :1 s s s Hendricks. Back row, Head Coach Harvey Balakofski, Defensive Coach John Ralfe, John 1Hil1, Brent Badour, Nîcky Plakuta, Paul Osbourne, Russell Gord- on, Bill Shackelton and Assis- tant Coach Steve Bylsmna. Junior C Red Eagles Split Pair With Sutton Rangers JUNIOR "C" STANDINGS as of October 31 lLindsay Muskies 9 Cobourg Cougars -Port Perry Flamingos e Bowmanville Red Eag1e. Franikford Huskies 1Port Hope Panthers Sutton Rangers t by David Passant Home tce canl'ho an asset ir a hockey club's per- 1f )rmance. When at home, 1 it's a short scoot to the arona, as travelling cai tire a team out. The feel of the ice and the bounce C4f the puck off the boards ii an arena is helpful ](.nowlodge., Most import- 1 înt, of course, is the vocal support of the local fans, boosting the home club's determinotion to pîaywvel Taking these factors la- te consideration might ex- plain why the Sutton Ran- gers and the Bowmanville Red Faglos traded home ice victories in the past week. The Rangers nîpped Bowmonville 4-3 at home Friday evoning (Nov. 2ndî and the Eagles, just two [i; ght lt'v dgud he ime Sutton squod 4-2, at thse Memorial Arena. In Sutton on Friday night, thse Rangers out- )'Iayed the Eagles in thse opeing stanza, with an 'l 5 sliots or goal .c o lage. Thy tallied thse only ooal of thse period at 16:32, D.ennis Berger from Don Bone with Bill Wagar off for slashing. The second stanza was a wide open affair. At 11:32 Donnis Berger count- ed, from Don Bone and Richard Burrows, but 3 minutes and 1 second later it was only 2-1 Sutton, as Pearco Wilcox scored from Nick Vanseggelen. But the Ptangers gainod a 3 goal bulge before the end of thse period. At 18:27, Den- nis Bergen cunîpleted his -isa't trick, an unassisted ef- fort, and with 37 seconds left, AI Harrison scored from Han Allen and Jîm Liscomb, and it was 4-1 Rangers. Tise Eagles came out flying ln the final frame, as they outshot the home- sters 19-4, but fell a goal short of tying the contest. Garrv, Brunt conaected ILIBERTY BELLES Oct. 30,1973. Team Standing Team. .... Pin Fal.... Points Cornish .........16389 18 Lavigne ......... 16392 17 Coombes .... 16356 17 Alldread..... 15965 16 Chant .......... 16463 15 Lane ......... 16039 15 Robinson .... 16248 14 Roberts.......... 15868 13 Gibson .. ... 16237 il Stephens .... 15358 il Bons.......... 15619 8 Land............ 15650 7 High Single Helen Cook...... ....... 283 High Double Sjaan Lavigne (253,227) . 480 Top Avorages B. Partner 202, J. Eisan 201, M. Alldread 200, B3. Lyle 200, E. Dadson 197, S. Lavigne 196, Marion Gibson 192, J. Bragg 192, C. Roberts 191 F . Land 189, A. Bons 188, B. Stephens 187. from Rory Gibbiss and ýt -Glenn Rire at 12:37, and Pearco Wilcox, with 1:39 -omaining, potted his sec- e mnd gol, uuîossisted. Tise n Eaglcs gave it a gallant d effort but John Schaap, e Sutton's goalie, pia yod s well, loto la tise game. Suaday evening at the local areno, the Eagles turnod tise tables oa tise Rangers. The clubs tradod s one goal apioco ta the first two poriods, xitis Bow- manvillo adding two la "h -fina1l lor tiie xin. Bowmanville b a ttle d bock twice, trailing 1-0 and 2-1 ln tho Ist ard 2nd stazas, beforo pulling away at 7:01. Len Walker from John Rudd opeaed thse scoring. but 21 seconds lator the scoreo wos even- ed by Rory Gibbs from Hon Strike. At 5:52 of tise 2nd, Sutton led 2-1, Wally Barrett unassistod. Ton minutes later the Eagles evoned thse count at 2-2, on a power play, AI Emard from Hon Strike and Ted Puk. Bowmanvillo took com- mand la the final poriod, Thse eventual winner was tallied by Glenn Rice from Steve Davey at 6:17. Ex- actly 4 minutes later, Nick Vanseggelon added the ia- surance marker, f r o m Hory Gibbs and Hon Strike, a power play goal. Eagle Extras. On Friday thse Eagles went to Sutton with oaly 12 players. Jeff Legere had to beave tise, game early, with a sprained ankie. The Eaglos had some had breaks, on the road, 'Iacluding a disýallow Pee Wee M*einors Have Been Busy Hampton Gardons Pee Wee Minor hockey team have had a busy two weeks of hockey. On Oct. 24th we lost to Bay Ridges 5-2 with DeBoo scoring from Simpson and Clemens from Torry Riggers. On Oct. 26th we travelled to Cobourg and won 4-2 with Terry DeLuca scoring from Steve Huisman; Welsh unassisted, DeBoo from DeLuca and Welsh, thon DeBoo uaassisted. On Oct. 27th we lost to Whitby 5-2 with Kevin Noble scoring assisted by Darrîl Jones and Welsh unassisted. On Oct. 3th wo played Oshawa Atoms and lost 5-3 and this game marked the return of Stan Greenham who scored a goal and one assist. Welsh had two goals and Clemens one assist. On Nov. 3rd, Boy Ridges came to town and defeated us 2-1 in a very oxciting game. Greenhamn scored the only goal assisted by Welsh. The next night wo travelled to Mackham and won 2-1. Simp- son scored, assisted by Green- hamn and Welsh from Noble and Greenham. ed goal when a Sutton player was injured. The Eagles missed the services of the six players ejected for 2 games each against Frankford lost Sunday. Pelarce Wilcox, Up from the Juveniles, did well scoring two goals tn Sut- ton, Hlck Nemisz acted a back-up goalie to Steve "Slip" Rowe, who played very cosi.stentlv in both "o.ntes.tsi. Snav contost \,as a reaI litriller with 750 persons in ottendance. krI1NIA FRIED CICI4, ýreatYurFriyLkCoay EMARK THE 'MA-RYBRW COP.RHM 9 lacs. of Chicken 2 orders of French Fries 4 Dinner Rolis 1 Medium Cole SIaw REGULAR $4.75 TUESDAY ONLY - NOVEMBEB 13th KING STREET EAST /IRGI N NIA s, AND IN OSHAWA AT 15 TAUNTON RO'AD JJS OFF SIMCOE i Edward Bear - Elton John - Carly Simon e Sergio Mendes & Brasil '77 - Anne Uwr l csron Lfghtfoot - fan & Sylvia - The New Seekers - Mac Davis - The Fifth Dimension -în'ri ~cini Hoyt Axton - The Belîs - Helen Reddy.- The Carpenters - Elvis Presley - Paul - i. Jae Last e Ka! Warner* Susan Jacks - America - Jerry Wallace - The Boston Pops Orchcsr0Son 80 a Petula Clark* The Laurie Bower Singers - Dawn - Johnnyý Nash- Bobby Vinto-- red Lee . Ginette Reno - Freddie Hart.* Lynn Anderson - Marty Robbins- Ray Price -RFa Conut Sîngers e Wayne Newton - Paul Anka - Ronnie Aldrich - Paul Mauriat - The Philadoiphl ~rh-stra eFloyd Cramer - Steve & Eydie - Perry Como e The Lettermen - Gilbert O'Sullivan- Bobby 1 dsboro *Tom Jones - Engelbert Humperdinck - Apollo 100 - The Stampeders- Glenn Gouid *-The art House Orchestra - Oscar Peterson - Jackie Mittoo - Vikki Carre- Johnny Cash - S-onny James -, AI Martino - Henry Cuesta - The Boss Brass - Tammy Wynette - Sonny & Ch1er Ferante & Teichere Lobo - Jim Croce - Johnny Mathis - John Arpin - Tony Bennette Peggy Lee - John> Perrone Ben McPeek - Neil Diamond - Bert Kaempfert - Bobby Edwards. Blue Haze Bobby Curtola - Albert Hammond - The Statler Brothers - The Nashville Brass - Roger Willîai 'ohnny Paycheck -, Liza Minnelli - Cat Stevens e Peter Nero e Vicky e Waldo de los Rios ... are somne of the artilsts featured regufarly on CFRB 1010. Alil kînds of MUSIC on Radio CFRB 1010. There's WVally Crouter Muic to get your mornings rolling. EarlWarren music to lighten mid--morninq chores. Bill McVean music to help you collect thoughts. Bill Deegan style to srnooth your drive home. There's Ray Sonin music to stroli,"Down Memory Lane". Ge.îc Wlson's to relax with "'Starlight Serenade". Wayne VanExan's f,-rv night isterning. The Don Daynard, John Dolan and John W variety for more entertaining weekends. What's your favourite music'? You're sure to get it on 101.0. CFRB, MUSIC FOR E'IFRY MOOD...24 HOURS A DAY!