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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1973, p. 6

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6 Thé-.<anadian Statesrflan, Bowmanville. Nov. 7, 1973 Bowmanville Kinsmen Pvrlay T"he"ir Part in Fight Against Cystie Fibrosils Working steadîly for charit- able endeavours in their own communit y, Bowmanville Kinsmen also have contri- buted greatly to the District campaign for funds to fighit Cystie Fibrosis. The hbasien to suggest bowever, ind and generous support of local citizens bas been invaluable in their efforts. Last year a total $56.000. "INO INSU RANCE?"E was donated to the Cystic Fîbrosis campaign in District 8. 0f this amount, the Bow- manville Club contributed $1,500. The figure was viewed as significant when compared to the size of the club and the community. At the present time, Kins- men Lottery tickets are on sale witb termination date of the lottery scheduled as Nov. lStb. of this year. During the present campaign and oper- ation of th ottery, some 14,0.bas been raised trougbou Ontario. The mnoney is to be used in establisbing a Kinsman Cystic Fibrosis Researcb Centre at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Tickets can' be obtained from any Bowmanville Kins- man up on request. t was also suggested that last veax- a Kxibathon.was beld in District 8 in wbicb the local club participated. This year plans are b eing laid on to holà another Kribatbon witb a baby's crib to be pushed for 25 miles around'town streets. Another vroiect planned for the future, similiar to last year is the CF. Toîl Gate. This involves stopping cars on the main street witb the attempt to secure donations for Cystic Fibrosis. Definite plans and date fox- the event bave not as yet been establisbed but the project is expected to be presented in May of next year. "We bave to secure pex-mission from the Ontario -Department of Higb - ways befox-e we can put thi proJect into force" a local Kinsman stated. "if appro- ved we hope the general pubic will support us as well as they did ast year," be added. NESTL ETON Don't lack insurance protec- tion on your truly great risks. The James Insurance Agency Limited offers a free survey of your risks and insurance policies to assure adequate protection at minimum premium. JamesInrnc 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES/~ Office 623-5681I R- -6~'23-5023 o Fxiends regret that Mrs. Vera a patient in Port Perry Hospital as the xesult of a faîl. Mx-. and Mrs. Charles Briggs bave returned to their Toronto home for the wintex-. Mrs. Rick Glass bas return- ed from two weeks' vacation at Elpbinstone, Manitoba, wbere she visited ber parents and attended ber bxoter's weddiPg. Mrs. Norman Jobastone spent Tuesday and was an over-nigbt guest of ber sister and busband, Mr-. and Mrs. J. Lovell, at Barrie. Congratulations to Mx-. Bruce Fisb wbo observed bis 2lst birtbday, Saturday, Nov- ember 3rd. Evening dinner guests in bis bonor were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and Peggy, Hampton, -Mx. and Mrs. Ron Jacobs and Deanna, Port Ferry and Miss Elaine Metcalf, Nestieton. On Fxiday evening a num- ber of Cartwright relatives and friends attended a good- CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the proposed closing of- the original Road Allewanrce lying between Lots 34 and 35 in the 2nd Concession of the.Town- ship of Darlington andproviding for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington at a meeting to be held on Tuesday, the l3th day of November, 1973 at the Council Chambers in the Towniship Hlall at Hampton at 7:30 p.m. or anytime thereafter will consider passing a By-Law to stop up and close the northerly 1,594 feet of the southerly 3,442 feet of the original Road Allowance between Lots 34 and 35 in tbe 2nd Concession of the Township of Darlington and to authorize the sale thereof to the abutting owners. The proposed By-Law and Plan showing the lands affected may be seen in my office in the Township Hall at- Hampton. The Council will bear in person, or by bis or ber Counsel, Agent or Solicitor, any person who dlaims that bis or ber lands will be' prejudicially affected by the said By-Law and wbo auplies to be heard. DATED T1HÈS 11TH DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1973. WALTER E. RUNDLE, Clerk will party to bonor Mrs. Fred Bradburn at Janetville. Mrs. Bradburn bas sold bier farm and bas purcbased a home in Norland. She will be moving on Saturday, November ltb. Her many friends wisb ber bealtb and contentment in ber new environment. There was no service in the United Cburcb on Sunday as it was Blackstock anniversary. Mrs. Fred Bradburn was a recent afternoon and evening dinner guest of Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bruce. Miss Lillian Lawson, Lind- say and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Janetville, were Sunday mid- day dinner guests wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Friday dinner and supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers were Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton, Orono. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bowers were afternoon and evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright, R. R. Pontypool. Mrs. Ivan Proutt and Miss Ruth Proutt visited for Satur- day evening dinner witb Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt, Susan and David in Sunderland. Friends will be interested to know that John bas sold bis bouse in Oshawa and bas bought a borne in Sunderland. People do not realize the value of electrical and tele- phone service until that serv- ice bas, been cut off. On Saturday evening the country- side was "blacked-out" for a couple of bours. Today (Mon- day) the telephone is not functioning properly, hience a very sketcby news column. At time of wr4ting, snow is gently falling - a foretaste of winter but the blue-jays are back in the pines witb their flash of color. Today is also Guy Fawkes day (November 5). How many remember that date in bistory? (1606) - a rather grim story. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brown, Oshawa, were Sunday evening dinner guests witb bis sister and busband Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Clifford. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wilcox (nee Business Directoiry Accountancy WM. .1. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comxn. Chartered Accountant 36 %/ King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chiropract.ic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Howsy Street Phone 623-5509 Office Houx-s: By appointment D en tal DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmianville (near Dominion Store) Office Houx-s: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. includirig Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street Eaet 1Professional Bldg Office IHours: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Teêlephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowxnanville Office Houx-s: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 Janice Huntington) wbo were married Saturday, Novembex- 3rd in St. Matbews Anglican Church, Oshawa, with the wedding reception in the Recreation Centre, Black- stock. The electrical black-out added a toucb of romance as the wedding dinnex-, catered to by Court Lady Snowbix-d, was sex-ved by candleligbt. Sunday Service - Preshyterian In the Px-esbytexian Cbux-cb, Mx-. Rick Glass chose "Wbat Can 1 Do?" as the theme fox- bis message xeading Pbilip- pians 4: 8-13. We must bave a positive attitude, not a passive one but say wbat CAN I do? Give me a job - sbould assume responsibility. Jesus took the xesponsibility of our sins wben be walked to the Cross. Paul said "I can do ah tbhings tbx-ougb Christ wbo streng- thens me. Mx-s. H. Visser and Mx-. S.* McNeely sang "O God of Bethel" Hallowe'en Sheil Out On Wednesday nigbt in spite of the drizzle of ramn many tiny tots knocked timidly on doox-s and the age-old cry rang tbrougb the gloom "Sheli Out! Shell Out! Txick or Treat!1" t was a quiet nigbt witb only about 50 calling instead of the usual 70-80. Costumes were vaxied and original -bîgb- wavmen. soldiers. elves. faix-- 77 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE SOL Tne Solina Married Couples Reunion was hélId at the Solina Hall on Saturday evening Nov. 3. There were about 60 in atteiidance and Eucbre was enjoyed the first part of the evening. Then tbe entertain- ment committee took charge of some fun games whicb caused a good laugb. The winners of prizes were in Euchre, High lady, Mrs. Clarence Bray and Higb-man, Mr. James Gordon. Consola- tion prizes were won by Mrs. Allan Stocks and Mr. Harold Pascoe. The circle game winner was Mrs. Bruce Tink and Musical chair game. Mr. Harold Pascoe and Miss Pearl Leach. The lady with an cumbersome lady who accom- panied lier children,- migbt bave been in a predicament, but nowadays looks are dec- eivîng and you cannot always believe your eyes. Everyone bad a jolly time. Wben one young lady was asked wbat trick she would play if the treat were not given, she only smiled and bad that rare twinkle in bier eyes. Tbe young folk do credit to their parents -very mnannerly and gratef ul witb tbeir "tbank you! tbank you! " Effective October 7th 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.rn. FRENCH'S (ASSORTED VARIETIES) Hamburger Fixïi's 7T8120Z 47 NABISCO 20 OZ. BOXM Shredded Wheat 55% Rhubarb Pie GA Fruit Cake MI R Liquid TV OF Detergent Oý BEEF OR IRISH Swift Stew 24-OZ. FAMILY 1I0 Six-E EA, UqU LBG 0%0% 5'vES TUN Std'OZ PKG Chipperific Biscuits 630~ Bi ACK O AMONE MILO MEDIUM OD WVHITE OR COLDRED Cheddar CheeSe 1 BA8903 ' IGA SPECIAL" POWDERED Sunl'ight Detergent 80 OZ. < -IGA SPECIAL" ASSORTED FLAVORS Lipton's Cup -a-Soup OPKI. 3 FLOOR CLEANER BAS ETIs Mop MagicPLSL .C 0 TL$ 1 .19 Licorice Ails( MISS BRECK REGOLAR, SUPER. DR UNSCENTED HIC r-tNER FROZEN Hairspray A EO. A N')5 0 Cod in Batte ASSORTEO VARIETIES RCHSFROZEN Breck Shampoo, , TL 77'ff Coffee Rich 'borts 3PK(ýS11 14 OZ.95 16OZA 2PKGS Î5 'WIN PACK OF 2 x 24-FL. Z. PLASTIC )NTAIN ERS epo 24Z. 53a Flavor Morsels 49' Instant Coffee , . 1239 Hot Chocolate 651 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SAT., NOV. 7, 8, 9, 10 9I(iHTS RPSERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Pink Poultry P-ai Have pou ever begur no eat the meat of coune poa trp, ,erra,,, hat pou ve coocett t org e.gF uecr oce1d bar r 's pitre PThe pîrkisF tlrnge ofthrorougF y Lecker] treeavonpeultr s a cirrr cvre-ee Appar r îLeIt r cacsed Lp tire coehinq gaRses trodu crdintthe 00e wei[e thee teee takioqR These Base, P-retrate the thie laver et vkre ard ft 'npotise peu tr anre trostucc acoter si-r Iote epire ef m.eethum. This ice-rot risuat e riappeirwtt1, o eer iras ei-,teeir tut laver re ay h neewtiau rk,, ir the rreanirlnre there are Iw.o mues set.ari check for douer es Thee voet rretee v toeuse a mneut the, hg-, airdsh.o.Idredit tRSF tfor te ere vIftypou -te trave a tttetrtorre t' rtest ee r o E 'R thc dr iv Itrc tr rwrisrvsîtp laind theaeut teesoert rer, Lit tee eouria te. tairtp cerrairr tte Fouttryis cohed, Av a tiratlo a ýýIte Prck the rbrgh: ttces wticttri,, ont se tJd haveri Mm. Green is available to talk "shopprng" to geoups- Cati 259-6633 or -rrite 125 The Qreenswap. Toronto, M8Y 1HT Supplred Gy TH-E OSHAWA GROUP LIMITED supply depol for propres ee odependeets I-NA à5pix-in in ber purse, Mx-s. I)oreen Brooks. Lady witb a tootbbrusb or tootbpick, Mx-s. Gordon Leask. Man witb xed uridexsborts, Mx-. Harvey Yel- lowlees. Man witb a mended sock, Mx-. Ex-nest Hockoday. Lady wbo bad made ber Christmas cake, Mx-s. Frances joboston. Man witb the short- est baircut, Mr. Mervin Hobbs. And the couple max-- ried the longest, Mx-. and Mx-s. Cecil Pascoe. A bountiful lunch was served and the reunion is planned for the f irst Saturday in Novembex- next year. Mx-. and Mx-s. Keitb Rowe, Bowmanville wex-e Sunday xisitors witb Mx-. and Mrs. Geo. Knox and famîly. Mx-. and Mrs. Helmer Freitag, Oshawa, were Sun- day visitors witb Mx-. and Mrs. Evex-ett Cryderman. Mx-. and Mx-s. Ralpb Davis xvere Friday visitox-s witb Mx-. Nathan Grills, Cannington. Mx-. and Mx-s. Ralpb Davis were Sunday supper guests of Mx-. and Mrs. Rick Beax-e Columbus. Mx-. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs wex-e guests of Mx-. and Mrs. Albert Hilîs at the Beef dinner at Trinity cbux-cb on Saturday evening. Mx-. and Mx-s. Wes Hilîs and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Manlow, Picton.. Mr. Isaac Hardy and Stan- ley, and Mx-s. Endicott, Lind- say, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden and family. Miss Valerie Taylor spent the weekend witb Miss Donna Lamb, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blair, Terry and Donna, Brooklin and Mr-. and Mx-s. Orville Jackson, Oshawa were Friday suppex- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink. Mr. and Mrs. Bruèé Tink attended cbux-cb service at Brooklin Sunday mox-ning and were dinner guests of Mrs. W. A. Ox-miston, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Monty Bm- merson, Belleville, were Sun- day visitors witb Mrs. Helen Werry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake visited Mx-s. C. J. Austin, Bowmanville and on Monday evening witb Rev. and Mx-s. J. S. Gilcbxist, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Fx-ank West- lake and Kevîn were Friday evening visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. L. Avery, Bowmanville and enjoyed a visit witb Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jacklîn, Star City, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cook, Scax-borougb, Mx-. Tom Cook, Courtice were Sunday supper guests of Mx-. and Mrs. Frank Westlake. Mrs. Tom Flett, Columbus was a Suaday supper guest of Mx-. and Mrs. Doug Flett. Mr. and Mx-s. Russell Vice were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mx-s. Gerry Glaspel . The Eucbre party bel dat the ball on Friday evening was fairly well attended. But a good time was bad by al present. The prize winners were as follows. Higb lady, Brenda Yellowlees, High man Harvey_ Yellowlees and con- solations were Walter Vice and Bruce Milîson. The carry- ing prize, David Snowden. Lucky cup Wes Yellowlees and lucky chair Walter Vice. Special date closest to Friday nigbt, Dorothy Pascoe. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. OBITUARY ROBERT CHURCHILL Box-n and educated in Lon- don, England, the deatb oc- curred on Thursday October 18, 1973 of Robert èburchill, aged 86 at 155 Liberty Street, South, Èowmanville. The son of Robert and Mary Ann Churchill, he had been a resident of Bowmanville for. over 50 years, coming bere from Acton. Mx-. Churchill a bachelor had worked in Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Ltd. in Tox-onto and Bowmanville and in the General Motors oi Canada, Oshawa. He had been retired 35 years. Sux-viving are bis , Mrs. Ada Hall Mrs îiyrran Reader, Mrs. ,Vabel' Barne(s and tbree generations of nieces and nepbews.. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. B. Hayne on Tuesday, October 23, fromf Nortbcutt Elliott Funex-al Home. Paîl-beax-ers were Messrs. H. Knapp, C. Sbred, R. Reader,' W. Reade-, E. Bax-nes and T. Seton. > lýý HARVEY US PARTN ER ORONO 983-5Zg6 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE Mis. IoGA's"M'e;lal Maker"of the week ' IGA SPECIAL IGA CHOICE CUT Green or 14FL.I TVIN 1 r IGA SPECIA L VIVA (ASSORTED COLORS> Tissue, CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARL1NGTON NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the îproposed closing of the original Road Allowancelying between the North balves of Lots 26 and 27 in tbe 5th Concession of the Township of Dar-, lington and providing' for the sale thereof to the abutting.owners. NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN tbat tbe Council of tbe Corporation of tbe Township of Darlington at a meeting to be beld on Tuesday, tbe l3tb day of November, 1973 at tbe Council Cbambers in tbe> Township Hall at Hampton at 7:30 p.m.,or anytime tbereafter will consider passing .a By-law to stop up and close the original Road Allowance between tbe-Nortb balves of Lots 26 and 27 in the tb Concession of tbe Townsbip of Darlington and to autborize the sale thereof to the abutting owners. Tbe proposed By-Law and Plan sbowing the lands affected may be seen in my office in the.Township Hall in Hampton. The Council will bear in person, or by bis or ber Counsel, Agent or Solicitor, any person wbo daims tbat bis or ber lands will be prejudicially affected by the said LBy-Law and wbo applies to be beard. DATED THIS li1TH DAY 0F OCTOBE]R, 1973. WALTER E. RUNDLE, Clerk rCRISP, LM RED EMPEROR Grapes (PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE) 3LBS. PROCDUCE 0F O SýA NO t GRAO, SALAO lIME Lettuce) 2 FOR 490 TASTY PROOOC F O S'A. Brussel Sprouts LB390 CANADA, NO' 1SMALL GRADE Cooking Onions A390 CANADA FA C Y GRADF B.C RED OR GOLFDFN GELICLOUS Apples 3 99' C AAA r-AN, btRADE B. LAr n j u P ea r s 3"990J "IASPECIAL" 100% PURE VEGETABLE QIL Crise o 1Shortening pK G Afl.- D'p, or

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