The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 14 1973 9 L SFIED Births GRIFFIN-Don and Judy (nee Lee) are proud to announce the arrival of their first child, a son, Gregory William, 6 lbs. 9 ozs., on November 7, 1973, at Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmanville. Proud Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin of Enfield. Great-grandparents, Mr. Howard Cowling, Mrs. 1. Griffin and Mrs. M. McLaugh- lin. Special thanks to Dr. J. Rundle, Dr. Westgarth and nurses on maternity floor. 46-1 RICE-Janet and John are ha ppy to announce the arrivai ofDavid Alexander, 7 lbs. 1 oz. on November 2, 1973, a brother for Andrew. 46-lx SMITH-Brian and Joanne (nee Woodward) are happy to announce the birth of their son David William James, 9 lbs. 4 ozs., on November 2, 1973, a brother for Karri. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. James Woodward, Collingwood and Mr. and Mrs. Myles Smith, Oshawa. 46-1 For~Ithcoing ms Marrage Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy G. Brown of Lindsay, Ontario, are pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their only daughter Sandra Gayle, to Brian Douglas Benham, oungest son of Mr. and Mrs. ,A. Benham of Rockwood, Ontario. The marriage to take place at 7:00 p.m. Friday, December 14, 1973, in Timothy Eaton Memorial East Chapel, Toronto, Ontario. 46-1x Mr. and Mrs. William (Jack) Jones, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Alice Marie, to William Mason, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. A. (Sandy) Mason of Scarborough. The marriage to take place Dec- ember 8, 1973, at 3:30 o'clock in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville. 46-1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Pingle, 189 Church St., Bow manville, formerly of R.R. 1 Hampton, will be receiving their friends and relatives at St. Paul's United Church Hall, Bowmanville on November 17 frprr o 4:30 p.m.;and 7 to 9 pK the happyùoccc on of thei?-s0th wedding anniver sary. Best wishes only. 45-2x BRADD-At Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, Nov- ember 7th, 1973, William Bradd, 887' Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, aged 86 years, be- loved husband of Violet Dud- ley, dear father of Gerald, Orillia, Dudley, Oshawa, Floyd, Collingwood. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Saturday at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Ce- metery. 46-1 HARRISON-At Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, November 12th, 1973, infant daughter of Wayne and Chris- tine (Blanchard) Harrison, sister of Robbie. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, for service on Wed- nesday afternoon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 46-1 JASPERS-FAYER -Julia. The Lord took home on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1973 our dear mother, Julia Eshuis, in her 75th year, beloved wife of the late Hendrik Jaspers- Fayer, mother of Mrs. B. Lemans (Johanna), John, Henk, Barney and George. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home from Friday afternoon. Funeral service 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Maranatha Christian Reformed Church. Interment Bowmanville Ce- metery. 46-1 LUFFMAN At Memorial Hospital Bowmanville on Monday, Nov'ember 12th, 1973, Leslie William Luffman, 8 Waverly Rd., Bowmanville, beloved husband of Lilla Luffman, dear father of June (Mrs. Eari Clark), Lee (Mrs. Jim McDonald) and John. Service was held in the Marris Chapel, Bowmanville, an Wed- nesd~a yat il o'clock. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 46-1 MILLSON-Hector, at Me- marial Hospital, Bowman- ville, an Monday, November 12, 1973, Hector Milison of R.R. 1, Orono, dear brother of Adeline Milison, and uncle of Harr yBand y. Rested at the Nortl cuttE lliott Funeral Home. Service was held Wedtnesday 2 p.m. Interment Oronoa Cemetery. 46-1 MOFFAT -William Scott. At his home R.R. No. 1 Orono, Ontario on Friday, November 9, 1973, William Scott Moffat in his 82nd vear. Husband of the late Ruth Squair, father of John, Orono; Grant, Oakville; Neil (deceased) and Aleck, Orono. and twelve grand- childrenr brother of Jean (Mrs. George Allin); Blake (deceased) Harvey, Clara, Sheldon (deceased) and Ro- bert. Rested at the Barlow Funej Iome, service was frorm , Jrono United Church at 2 p.m.-November 12. Inter- ment Orono Cemetery. 46-lx Daths "Flowers say it Best" VAN BELLE Daily Delivery to... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 à CARNATION FLOWERSand SEED STORE 33 Division Street Hospital Arrangements 3GI4 Corsages Potted Plants Weddin Bouques Furnerai Arrangements o,.o We Send Flowers by Wire Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 17-tf Cad I would like to express my sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for their cards, visits and help while I was a patient in Princess Margaret Hospital. Special thanks to my daugh- fers and my neighbour, Mrs. May Burley, who looked after my mother and son while I was confined. Shirley Barchard 46-1 I would like to thank my friends, neighbours, and rela- tives who sent cards or visited me during my sta ys at the Oshawa General Hospital; also the Orono Masonic Lodge No. 325, Heather Rebekah Lodge No. 334, Orono, U.C.W. Unit One, Rev. Basil Long, the staff and nurses on the 7th. floor and Dr. R. A. Fulford. Joe Walker 46-1 I would like to take this opportunity to thank my relatives, friends, and neigh- bours for visits, cards, and gifts sent me while a patient in Bowmanville Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Drs. McKenzie, H. B. Rundle, nurses and staff on first floor. EveBurey 46-1 We would like to thank all those friends and neighbours who were so kind to us at the time of our bereavement. A special thanks to Chief J. Hayman and members of the Bowmanville Fire Dept. for their help and thoughtfulness and to all those people who were such good friends of our brother, Tom. The Lyle Family 46-1 The famil of the late Mrs. Mamie L. oore would like to express their sincere thanks to relatives and friends for their thoughtfulness and many acts of kindness on the sudden loss of their mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. We feel a special debt of gratitude to those people who came forward and gave so gener- ously of themselves to provide meals and the lunch. We shall remember each and every individual for their help and condolances. Special thanks to Dr. M.A. Fair, Agincourt, Rev. Cerwyn Davies, B.D. Dip. Th. of Scarborough and Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home for their reasuring words, assistance and numer- ous kind acts. 46-1 Special thanks to Dr. Anfossi, nurses on Surgical Floor, friends and relatives for their kindness during my stay in Memorial Hospital. Marilyn Hayward 46-1 We wish to sincerely thank the Committee and everyone who contributed in anyway to making our 45th wedding anniversary celebration a sur- prise and a wonderful success. The lovely Grandmother clock will always be a joy to us. How it was kept such a secret we'll never know. The Welcome mat is always at our door, come and see us and the clock. Gordon and Theresa Martin 46-1x To the office and factory staff of the J. Anderson Smith Ca., the Rev. Robert Hayne, Dr. Fang, Emergency staff of Bowmanville and Oshawa Hospitals and the Bowman- ville Ambulance service. The many beautiful flowers, fruit and cards tram ail the wonderful friends who were'so kind at the time of my accident. My sincere Thank You Audrey Gogerty 46-1 CHEMICAL Toilet, fell off trailer between Newtonville and Bowmanville. Phone 623- 7450, 46-lx PAIR of glasses faund in parking lot of A & P. Phone 623-3522. 46-1 McILROY-In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Eva, who pas- sed away Nov. 13, 1971. She left us quietly, Her thoughts unknown, But left us a memory, We are proud to own, So treasure her Lord, ln your garden of rest, For when on earth, She was one of the best. -Sadly missed by Harry and family. 46-ix MORRIS-In loving memory of a beloved husband, Charles Morris, who passed away November 19, 1968. There is a home not made by hands, Beyond its golden door, Awaits the one who's now away, Not lost but gone before, And in that home not made by hands, The Master will prepare, A place for us and when he calls, We'll meet our loved ones there. -Sadly missed by wife 'Eva, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. 46-1 PATTERSON-in loving me- mory of our dear son arry, who passed away Nov. 16, 1965. Beautiful memories are wonderful things, They last 'til the longest day, They never wear out, are never lost, And no one can take them away. To some you may be forgotten, To others a part of the past, But to us who loved you, Your memory will always last. -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom and Dad. 46-1 PORTER-In loving memory of a dear uncle, Walter Garfield Porter, who left us so suddenly on Nov. 7, 1958. Heaven's gate swung gently open, The Master whispered "Come", And so you took his out- stretched hand; Your work on earth was done. -Forever remembered by Jeanne and Wes. 46-1 WESTLAKE-In fond and loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Frank Westlake, who passed away Nov. -157d960. - Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of a father, Your loved ones would never forget. -Always remembered and sadly missed by son and daughter-in-law, Frank, Doreen and family. 46-lx WILBUR-Treasured memor- iesof a dear husband, Dad and Grandpa, Gordon, who passed away Nov. 15, 1972. Always a smile instead of a frown, Always a hand when one was down, Always true, thoughtful and kind, Wonderful memories he left behind. -Always remembered by Doris and family. 46-1x Brown's Community Centre Dance, Sat., Nov. 24, 9-1, Music by Rod Craig and "The Country Editions", $5 couple, bar privileges. For ticket- reservations, phone Marg Ibbotson, 786-2471 or Sharon Miller, 987-5132. 46-2 Yoga for Beginners, morn- ing, afternoon and evening classes each week at the Brown's Community Centre, East of Newcastle. For infor- mation call Joan Simpson 987-4395. 46-1 Old Tyme and Modern Dancing, Tyrone Hall. Music by Ramblers. Sat., November 17th, 9 P.M. 46-1 Christmas Fayre Port Hope United Church Women, Wednesday, November 21, 2- 5:30 p.m. in the Christian Education Centre, 34 South Street, Gifts Galore, home- baking, delicatessen, home- made candy. The Mod Shoppe -for chiu dren and students (only opens at 3:30 p.m.). Afternoon Tea, 50 cents, children 25 cents. 46-1 U.C.W. Poppy Bazaar, New- tonville Sunday School Hall, Sat., Nov. 17. 1:30 ta 4 pm., Tea, Adults 35 cents, Children 25 cents. 46-1 The Staff and Students of Clarke High School cordially invite you ta attend the eleventh Annual Commence- ment in the High School Auditorium on Saturday, Nov- ember 17th, 1973, at 8:00 p.m. E veryone Welcome. 46-1 Durham Federation of Agr- culture Banquet and election of Townshi p Directors will be held an Thursday November 22, 1973 at 7P.M. in the Blackstock Recreation Cen- tre, M. J. Klassen, speaker. A new constitution will be pre- sented. Tickets available from Bill Allin, Newcastle, Merrill Van Camp, Blackstock, Terry Malcolm, Janetville, Russell Kennedy, Millbrook, Don Budd, Port Hope and Don Welsh, Bowmanville. 46-1 for Sale FURNISHED bedroom, cen- Walvloaed Pon 2.7,0 SERVICE station attendat Plan to attend the Christ- mas Gift Show at Barron's Gift Shop, Hampton, Nov. 17th thru Nov. 21st. 46-1 Appearin this Saturday at The New utch Oven, Fay Adamsand The Country Hits. See New Dutch Oven ad on another page. 46-ix The Dutch Canadian Drama Group will present a play called "For Land Sake", on November 17, at 8 P.M. in the Town Hall, Admission $1.00. Proceeds to Korean orphans. 46-1 United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada re- quests applicants fo write National U.E.L. Headquar- ters, 23 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. 46-1 Fish and Chips. All you can eat, every Saturday $1.49. Open Saturday and Sunday. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Rd. 46-2 The Salvation Army 4th Brownie Pack is holding a Rummage Sale, November 24, 1973 at 35 Division St., 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Please use back entrance. 46-2 Bus leaving for the Miracle Service led by Kathryn Kuhl- man, Nov. 22 in Pittsburgh. For reservations phone 623- 3205. 46-1 A Diamond Lil Nite at Bowmanville Legion Nov. 17th, 8 P.M. Dance to follow. Bar Privileges, $4.00 per person. Anyone 18 yrs. and over Welcome. Tickets cali 623-5090 or 623-5432. 46-ix Salvation Army Home Lea- gue Tea and Sale, Friday Nov. 16, 2-4:30 at the Citadel. 45-2 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXTMONDAY 7:45 p.m. REDBARN - WAYNEST. OSHAWA 21-tf Cartwright High School Annual Commencement Ex- lercises will be held in the Recreation Centre, Black- stock, on Saturday evening, November 17, at 8:30 p.m. Presentation of diplomas, pro- ficiency prizes and field day trophies, Valedictory address, Glee Club selections, and one-act play. Everyone wel- come. 45-2 A concert featuring the Oshawa Boys Choir will be held on Sunday, November 18 at 7:30 p.m. in Bethany United Church. Adults $1.00 and students 50 cents. 45-2 Osaca Barn Dance, couples only, every Saturday night. Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 43-9 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY-7:45 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILION -OSHAWA- 0t 30-tf ANNUAL BAZAAR St. George's Anglican Church Newcastle In the Parish Hall SAT., NOV. 17, 1973 , Opens at 2:30 P.M. Your Opportunity to Pick Up Some Early Gifts 45-2 BRESLIN'S PRESENTS WINTER'S FASHION STORY Bowmanville High School Wednesday, Nov. 21 8:00 P.M. SPONSORED BY EASTERN STAR Door Prizes & Refreshments Tickets $1.50 46-1 APPEA RING AT The QUeen's Hotel N EWCASTLE "THE COUNTRY STRINGS" F ri.-Sat., Nov. 16-17 Dancing 9-1 45-1 SUnshine Party ToUrs LiBE RACE Nov. 14th E vening ICE CAPADES Nov. 16th Evening Nov. 17th Matinee ROYAL WINTER FAIR Novem ber 17th ROCHESTER SHOPPING November 23rd-25th Information - Reservations Phone between 2-10 p.m. 885-2200 Port Hope 885-2200 Port Hope STUDEBAKER Service, new and used parts. Graham's Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25 ff 1972 MOTO SKI, A-1, new 30 HP motor, plus extras, $550 or best offer. Phone after 5, 987-4010. 46-lx FREE-standing fireplace, black sheet steel body has polished Swedish brass trim. Fire basket included. Like new. Phone 983-5157. 46 lx SILVERTONE floor model stereo, with Garrard changer, AM and FM. Excellent condi- tion. Phone 623 3622. 46-1 1973 SKIDOO 400 free air only, 3 tanks of gas through machine. Phone 987 4267. 46-1x PEDESTAL enamel bath tub, large, 1 wall back enanel sink, large. 623-3303. 46-1f USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf THRIFT Shop, 32 King W. We sell on consignment furniture, appliances, baby supplies, bikes, skates, etc. Good books available. 39-8 NEWCASTLE Trailer Park & Sales-Your district Rambler Trailer Dealer. New and used trailers. Highway No. 2, Newcastle, 987-5131. 16-tf BEDROOM suite, complete; dining suite, 9-piece; chester- field suite, all Burma teak- wood, new. Must sell. Sacri- fice. Phone 1-241-5971. 31-tf DRESSERS, Beds, Chester- fields, all kinds of Used Furni- ture, Antiques and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf SEAT-One rear blue passen- ger seat for Chev. sport van, ideal for any van, excellent condition. Please phone 623- 5610. 46-1 ROOM divider, arborite, glass sliding doors, $25. Call after 5 p.m. 623-2644. 46-1 FOUR pettit point and needle point chairs on antique wood; several framed needle point pictures; also settee andtwo matching chairs. Phone 986- 4658 Blackstock. 46-lx MEN'S three quarter length coat in good condition. $20. Phone 623-5991. 46-1x ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, rain carrying systems. Lorne Alin, 1 Prince St., 623 3871. 46-lx NEEDa PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 Zenith 14620 41 tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26 tf Oshawa Tu Antennas Towrs ROTORS INSTALLE15 UHF-VHF - ColoredAerials Apts. and Homes Pre-wired. REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed AIl priced to SAVE You Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, Manager 38-tf WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS Towers, UHF, VHF Aerjals, Rotors & Repairs Apartments & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E WHITE, COURTICE cablen - 14 Channel Reception. - Movies, Sports, Entertainment. - Community Programmi - Your Best Entertainme Buy. (Only 16 cents per day installation) cable1 Pine Ridge Cable TV Lim 1353 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ont. (416) 579-22 INSTALL AN .O FURNACE BOILER ISS HUMIDIFIER or HOT WATER HEATER No payments for six months Cal HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 tf DOG Meat, 25 cents per lb., free delivery. Dog-cat board- ing from $1 daily. Registered Afghans and Salukis. Orono 1 983-9385. 44-4x BEAGLE, purebred female, five months, house trained and starting to run, $15. Phone 983-9120Orono. 46-1 BEAUTIFUL border collie puppies for sale, excellent mother, $5 each. Call 728-5330. 46-1 GOLDEN Retriever, 12 yr. old female, registered, parti- ally field trained, will make excellent hunter. Phone 987- 5036 after 6. 46 1 DOG Grooming and clipping, Poodles and Spaniels a spec- ialty. English Springer pups for sale, also rabbits. Phone 786-2234. 43-4 THREE month old affection- ate puppies, free to good homes. Phone 263-2043 after 8 p.m. 46-1 KITTENS We have a beautiful pair of eight-week old kittens who would love to find a home. They're clean, healthy, house-trained and free to good homes. Call 983-5396 or 623-3304 during the day and ask for Bob Benson. 46-lf Tener Ontario Ministry of Government Services GENE RAL CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME on Thurs., Nov. 29, 1973 For the Conversion of Existing Office Accommodation to Ac- commodation for Medical Facilities at the Ministry of Correctional Services, Brook- side School, Cobourg, Ontarip. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services Region- al Office, 322 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario, Tele- phone No. 324-9188 or from the Ministry of Government Ser vices, Public Tenders Office, Room M1 43A, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone No. 965- 1152. A $7,500.00 Bid Bond, a 100 percent Performance Bond and a 50 percent Payment Bond will be required as specified. For further information re- garding this tender, please cail Mr. V. Hawkins, Ministry of Government Services, Tor onto, Ontario, Telephone No. 965-1152 or the Regional Man- ager, Lindsay, Ontario, Tele- phone No. 324-9188 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. C. Thatcher Depufy Minister. 46-2 fr ly ICde . rn n Z,-4 46-1 100 ACRES of fertile land situated right in town of Bowmanville, $25 per acre. Call1623-7538. 40-tf THREE bedroom farm house, four miles east of Blackstock, $150 monthly. Please call 986-5033. 44-2 ONE bedroom upstairs apart- ment, close to downtown, quiet couple or elderly person preferred. Phone 623-3951 af- ter 5: 30 p.m. 46-1 FURNISHED rooms by thE month, bath, shower, TV telephone, indoor pool, sauné and licensed premises. Apply Flying Dutchman Motor Inn 623 3373. 41-t BOWMANVILLE-modern four room apartment plus bath, possession Dec. 1st. Phone 623-2341. Cashfinder and Company Real Estate Developers. 45-tf BACHELOR apartment avail- able immediately in exchange for light household duties. Phone 623-7795 after 5 p.m. 46-1 TWO rooms for rent, central location. Phone 623-7737 be- tween 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. 46-1 TWO-bedroom apartment, Orono area, adults only, available December lst., Phone 983-5792. 46-1, OFFICE space available im- mediately. Apply James In surance Agenc, 24 King E., Bowmanville. Phone 623-5681 or 623-5023. 46-tf ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment, heated, central, adults preferred, stove, fridge if required, possession Dec. 1st. Phone 623-2227. 46-1 1969 VAUXHALL, GOOD CONDITION. Best offer. Phone 623-7765. 46 lx 1965 PLYMOUTH Fury, con- vertible, 8 cyl. automatic, good running condition, not certified. $150. 623-3901. 46-1 '73 DODGE 3 ton pickuý 4 wheel drive, with snow plow, excellent condition. George Barefoot, 576 4419 or evenings 1 445 3562. 46-1 '65 FORD V-8 352, newly painted, 4-door. Phone 623- 4853. 46-1x REPOSSESSION 1969 BUICK Four door Sport Station Wa- gon. Bids must be submitted in writing to Bank of Mon- treal, Bowmanville, Ont. FOR INFORMATION CALL M LIVE g 35 STOC ready t Port Ho BOARDI month ,CI1 00-q 1 HOUSEKEEPER -Steady 44-3 empoyment, highest wages, Live in or ouf, must be fond of - s children. 'Phone affer 6 p.m. 623-2473. 46-i eese. Phone 987-4948. WAITRESS-Waiter, experi 46 1 ence prefermed. Appiy in persan ta Coronation Restau- CKER calves, weaned, rant, 9 King St., West. 46-1 o go. Phone 797-2369 pe. 46 2 COMPAN ION for elderly lady ta lIive in, with some iight )ING Ponies, $25 per housekeeping. Phone 723-1368. Phone 786 2236, New- 46-1x liu lr. ful t oz i , w- tonville. 463 REGISTERED Half morgan 2 year old filly. Price $300. Board available for one horse on breeding-farm. Lauralee Morgan Farm, Newtonville 786-2681 46-1 Farmers, Attention DEAD STOCK SERVICE at MARGWILL FUR FARM under new management and ownership. We appreciate a call from you when necessary. Call collect 263-2721 Lic. No. 416C73 R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontario R.W. BOWERING LTD 8 tf NORTHUMB ERLAN D-DU RHAM 46tff 46f COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION TENDERS FOR CLARKE SENIOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Sealed tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by Mr. M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasure for the Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education at the reception desk of the Board offices on D'Arcy Street in Cobourg, Ont., or at the offices of Jackson, Ypes and Associates, 5382 ing. Yonge St., Willowdale, Ont., until 2 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 29, 1973 ýn for the .Clarke Senior Elementary School. Mechanical and electrical tenders will be received at the + Bid Depository of the Oshawa and District Construction Exchange. Plans may be obtained by General Contractors only from the offices of the architects, on deposit of $50 certified cheque, payable to the architects which will be returned when plans and specifications are returned in good condition. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Jackson, Ypes and Associates, Archîtects and Engineers 5382 Yonge St., Willowdale, Ont. ;2 M2N 5R5 46 1 46-1 1SEWERS For the Canadian Red Cross Society ALL MATE RIAL SUPPLIED Wark in yaur own home af yaur own leisume. Raom -open Fiday 1:30 fa 3:30 p.m. or Call: 623-2639 982-5291, 46-1 NURSES AIDES SHIFT WORK Strathaven Nursing Home >Phone 623-555546-1 Wanted 4th'Class Stationary Engineer Phone 723-4654 APPLY: The Ontario Malleable Iran Ca., Front St., Oshawa, Ont. FULL BENEFITS 46-1 - o . -o REGISTERED Nurse part- time and registered nursi-ng assistants full and part-time. Phone 987-4441. 34tft FACTORY help wanted, per- manent position. Apply J. Anderson Smith Co., Ltd., Newcastle. 44-3 CARETAKING positions open for man and waman; Ski Club Chalet. Phone 983-5772 Orono. 46-1 Registered Nurses Immediate openings for re- gistered nurses full and part time. Position alsa available in aur new ICU-CCU Unit. Must be currently Ontarlo registered. Excellent fringe benefits and working con- diin.APPLY TO: Di rector of Personnel Services Meýmorial Hospital, Bowmanvijle, Ont, 45-1 required. Excellent opport- unity for energetic, reliable person. Apply Smart's Esso Station, Hwy. 401 and Waver- ley Rd., Bowmanville. 46-1 VOLUNTEER babysitter for Take-A- Break 9:30-11:00Tues- day mornings, ages up to three; also a qualified teacher for ages four and five begin- ning in the New Year. Phone 623-5873. 46-1 CLERK wanted for music store (part time) 3-9 p.m. Monday thru Thursday. Phone 623-5471 or Apply D'Eons Music Centre. 46-1 DAY care needed for one small child. Phone 623-4318. Real Estate Agent Required: We will provide assistance and leads. Highest commissions paid. We will train you. Call us now for a confidential interview - George Van Dyk Real Estate (Realtor), 181 Church St., Bowmanville. Phone 623-4428. 45-3 P RESS Operatars required, immediately for shift work. Excellent. benefits, gaod wa- ges under our new incenfive piece wark rate. Apply in persan.ta south plant, Curply Wood Praducts, Hwy. 115 & 35, Orona. 44-4 LOCAL Charfered Accaunt- ant's office requires a full- time secretar y preferabhy with some baok k eping exper- ience. Appiy in yaur awn hand writing ta:- Turner, McCabe & Assoc. 123 King St., E. Bowmanviiile, Ont. 46-1 WANTED immediately, Driver-salespersan ta seli Hallandia and Archway Cook- les to chain and independent stores. Saiary plus commis- sion.* Truck supplied. For more information contact Bert Laayenga, 30 Mawbray Place, Actan, Ontario. 46-1lx NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COU NTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION Caretaker Applications will be re- ceived by the undersignedI until Nov. 16, 1973, for the position of Caretaker at Bow- manvilie High Schoah. Knawledge of cîeaning mat- eriais and caretaking pro- cedure preferred. Ability ta wark tram verbal and written instructions, and with other people, required. Reply in writing, stafing qualifications, address and telephane number ta: M. A. MacLead, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Dur- ham County Baard of Edu- caftion, Box 470, COBOURG, Ont. K9A 4L2 46-1 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now ',ou can train right here in Canada! Tuition ,Tax Deductible! Placement assistance guaranteed! Weekend training also avai able! For application and interview, write: Safety Department, The Canad ian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario. Or Cali 416864-9381. (Formeri yTrans-Canada Tran,-port Training). 463 All daim-s against the estate of Edna P. Sylvester, late of Town of Bowmanviîle in thc County of Durham ýand pro- vince of Ontario, Married Woman, deceased, who died on or abaut lSth day of July, 1973, must be filed wifh the undersigned personal repre- sentative on or before Decem- ber lSth, 1973:, thereatter, the undersigned wili distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only ta the dlaims then fiied. Dated at Bowmanvilie thî,s 23rd day of October 1973. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY LIMITED 32 Simcoe-St.- South Oshawa, Ontario. (Executor) by Barber and Kelly, Barristers & Sojicitars, Box 159, Bowmanviiie, Ontario, solicitors herein. 43-3 1, Wayne L. Huber, King St., Newcastle, will no longer be responsibie for debts incurred n my name-tramn the date November 15, 1973. 46 lx Township of Clarke FI1NAl- INSTALME'NT 0F TAXES Due Thursday, No vember 29th., 1973. Payable af the Branch Offices of the Cana- dian Imperial Bank of Com- merce at Orono and New- castle, and the office of the Township of Clarke. 46-2 RED Clover seed. Phone 986- 4331. 37-8 QUANTITY -of hay. Phone 263-8078. 46-1 USDFurniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton 263-2241. 26-tf GOOD Used fumnifure. Tawne Used Furniture, 19 Temp- erance St., Phone 623-4681. Closed ail day Wednesday. 46-3 RED Clover seed, directiy tram combine. Please bring one paund sample for pricing. Carnation Seed Store, 33 Divi- sion St., Bowmanviile. 37ff JENSEN STEEL LTD. equimes wamehouse supervisor, shear operators, saw oper-ntQrs, plate burners, material handîers for curment operations af' 66 Russet t Ave., Oshaw 'a, with elocation in BowmanvilHe i May, 1974. Phone 728-73-18 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:30 p.m. t Instructions Cal 1 623 4411