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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1973, p. 11

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--FrUë,nds and Relatives Hon or .,oc"àl Couple at Clarke -High 'On Their 45th A very lange crowd of '~friends and relatives gabhened at Clarke Hicgb SchooI, Friday aigbt, Nov. 9,10o Mrs. Gordon 1\1 Forty-fiftb We< ,iojît GIFT HEAD)QtAR' COME IN AND BROWSE AF Largest Selection of Chocolates Gift Boxes - Tins Biscuits Chocolate Novelties, Liquid Liqueur Filled Chocolates etc. etc. THIS WEEK'"S SPECIAI FRESH GRADE 'A"l CHICKENS ___ 1{EPEAT SPECIAL LUCAS AR FRESH MEATY SUPER V Spare Ribs BA&C 09c1b. $1. FLORIDA No. 1 WHITE OR PINK GRAPEFRUIT 8for FRESH CRISP FRES LETTUCE Green E DEMPSTER - Save .12 I1talion Crusty ROLS4 MARGARET'S HONEY DIP ave A cPkg. 12 LFJ of 9 F.B.I P' AppleJ Anniversary ibonor Mn. and sary. Thein Weddiag Day hs Uari ont their Dec. 26, but as tbey are ldng A\niver,- aaticipaliag going 10 Florida lai the nean future, il was decided thal we clebrate befone tbeyi go. La spite of the fact that sb mrnaykaew aboui il, il was kept a surprise for thic boaored couple untîl that' daAs the guesîs assemblcd, Mlisses Colean Bingbam anc Lianne Martini granddaugb- ~TERS1ters of bbc bride and groom of tTERS 45 years, pinncd a corsage on' thein grandmotber and a boutoaniere on thein grand- ZOUND father. Two other grand- daugbters, Misses Shelley Martin and Deanne Bingharn, looked aller the guest book. Dancing was enjoyed for a lime. Then Mn. Austin Turner callcd the asscmobly to order and asked the hononed couple to corne.forwar-d. They were LS escorted to the platform by LS Mn. and Mrs. George Staple- ton. ?c cldonadseralb. Mrs. Eventon Whitc' was beautifully worded addrcss - whîch she bad written, some in prose and some la verse, tTHURS rccalling former h appy assoc- TALUE iations la the cburcb, sebool and cornmunîly. au 1 Following Ibis, the bonored ON couple wene presented witb bandsome graadmotber cdock. 19 IL Bothý Gordon and Theresa replied, î'ccalling past occa- sions la thein book of mernor- les and tbanking everyone most sincercly., This was JORKC 1 followcd. byte singing of aria "For Tbey Are Jolly Good Fcllows". 97 The Chairmnan next called upon the following for speech- sil es:- Rev. T. Smith, Newcas- tic, wbo went 10 Japan on the samie tour as the Martins, Mn. ~ eansGarnet Riekard, Mayor of Newcastle and inannîed Iwo of their family, Dr. Stanley IC pkg. Osborne, Oshawa, a cousin of Mrs. Martin. l spoke la glowîng terns of the bospilal- îty and good wonks of the 'URE Martin's down tbnougb the URE yeans. Mn. Arthur Martin of eThiornaili, addcd bis congrat- I uice ulations and cxplaiacd that bis Ju*l father, Mn. Allan Martin, and, Mns. Martin, Mississauga, C wcre unable 10 be present 32-oz. because tbcy bad beca in a car Bottie accident neccntly and werc stili suffering Lrm severe' ~ us bruising. \1 U s The larýge chryýsaatbemurn SF F EE' on0' 11e platfornm w\"as a gif t frnm0their nieice:, Mes. Ronald ÎbP AsnCrwibToronto. Aniother lovcely ebrysanthe- MIT mnum, a gif t frorn the Masonie Lodge, Newcastle, graced the able on whicb the wedding reum cake was placcd, complele witb candelabra. A bountiful lunch of sand- wiches, cake, tants and cook- 12 Ga. es was then senved during wbicb lime, a good visit was cnjoyed witb friends. Dancing followcd. Mn. and Mrs. Mant- ViE~iri's calme family were pre- sent, încludinig: Mý'rs. Joyce Bingham, Colent, Deanne ITY and David, Weston. Mn. and Mrs. Alec Martin. Tom, Don and Greg, Newcastlc, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Matini, David, inville Shelley.and Liannie, Manotick, and Mn. and Mrs.Malcolm Harveyý (Doris) and Sara, Agincouri. Tl'le Coititee were: Aust- in and Audrey Turner, Ever- i on and Grace White. Alec and Marilyn Mýartin, George and Gertie Stapleton. Orono Mrs Frank Andron of Ton- eonto was a bouse guest of Mr. aand Mrs. Lance Plain, Fniday t o Monday. e Mrs. Spence Gordon with eMn. and Mrs. Wallace Bougb- ten of Newtonville lef t the r'International Airpont, Toronto t on Saturday 10 visit Mn. and Mrs., Elmen Mumford and family at MeCord, Sask. 3 Mn. F. O. Cooper bas been -transferned 10 the Bestview fLodge Nursing Homes, 186 1Stevenson Road South, Osh- àawa. Mn. J. L. Johnson of Hillcnest Lane witb bis son iMn. Jim Johnson and grand- son Donald of Peterborough spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mns. Leonard Johnson at Parry Sound. Orono United Cburch Young Worsbippers Ltincheon will be held in the Main Hall, Sunday 7Novemben 181h, immediately -afien the morning service. All, young people wbo wene part- icipants, or who wisb 10 t become participants are in- vited 10 attend, and the parents are welcome. Mrs. Calvin Hamm bas been a patient in the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mn. William Scott Moffat, age 81, busband of the laie, Ruth Squain Moffat, passed away at bis home R.R. 1, Onono on Friday, November 'At 1, 1973. Rested aI the Barlow Funleral Home, Funeral Ser- v ice wvas on Monday afternoon from the Onono United Chur- c!h. Interment in Orono Cerne- teny. Mn. and, Mrs. Chas. And- rews, Colleen, and Tracy of P'rince Albert, Mn. and Mns.1 Fred Dayes of Blackstock, Mn. David Gray of Kingston, Mn. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray wene Sunday dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Mn. Fred Parîner is visiting relatives in the Western Prov- Mr.Wm. P. Inwin is a patient in the Bowmanville Memilonial Hospital. Anumnben of relatives and fiends fromn Orono and dist- rict attendied thie 451h Wedding Aniersary for Mn. and Mrs.c Gordon C. Martin of Bowman- ville at Clarke High Sehool on Friday evening. Congratula- tions. 1Mn. William Victor Peacock age 84, husband of 'Lepha Doncasten Peacock, passed awýay in Oshawa on Friday, Novýembler 9tb. afier a long s iliness.A prvatefamnily service waàs held on Saturday. Intermnent Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. Allan Lavis ofr Simcoe Street United Cbuncb officiated. Mrs. Sheldon Moffat return- ed home fnomn visiting Mn. and e Mns. Wm. Moffat and children t at Iroquois for two weeks. n Mn. O. W. Bud Rolpb hbas f been a patient in Bowmanville Memonial Hospital.à MEMORIL HOSPITAL s WýEEKLY REPORT B For the w \ýeek of Oct. 22 - 28. inclusive,P Admissions.... ....76 B Bintbs - 1 maie, 1 female f ~-Ti Novemnber 12,1973. The Editor, The Canadian Statesman, Dear Sir: 1 read with great concern in your Iast week 's edition, Mtrl. Lyýall's attemnpt to jujstify his support of Regional Couneil memibers voting themselves (MNr. Lyai included) an ann- ual salary of ten thousand dollars, as miembers of the Regional Couincil of the newly formed Region of Durham. In bis attemnpt, Mr. Lyall makes several comparisons between the Regional Govern- ment and the Northumqber,- land-Durhamii County Board of TYRONE' November lSth Sunda y morning service will be on behaif of Drug and Alco- bolics Concerns Imc., jwith Rev. Gerry Brown, as the guest speaker. Tyrone U.C.W. are in- vited to meet with the En- niskillcin U CVW. Wednes- day, Nov. 2lst, at 8 ipm. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn visited Mrs. Earl Byam at the 0. J. Rudy Hospyital, Whitby-. Mrs. Stella Dennis and Mrs. Ethel Goble attended the Royal Winter Fair. ýMrs. Doug, Park and Bradley, Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch and family, Bowýmanville, IVrs. Cliff Roberts, Mrs. Lorna Davey, Osbawýa, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn, Mr and Mrs. Grenville Byam and family, and Mý,r. and Mrs. Walter Park helped celebrate little T ra ce y Bowers' lst .birthday at the home of, her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bow- ers, 'on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lorno Phare spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Phillips -and family, Maid- stone. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rahm and -Mr., and Mrs. Leslie Carey,, Agincourt, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahmi. ,Mrs. Je~ssie: Mackie, 'Mrs. Irene Shrieves, Vancouver, Mr. G e orig Kilpatrick, Port Perry, Mr. Lance Phare were dinner guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Phare. A fcw of Club 49 ladies quilted a quiît at the home of Mrs. W. Rabmn last week. 1Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, Ellen and Dawn attended a bri- da! sh-ower' for Miss Lynda Peck, Newtonville, at the home of Nir. and Mrs. W. Parraball], R.R. Qrono. Mr. anî NMrs. Bill Stacey and famnily, Newtonvillp- spent Sunday with Mr. and MrVrs. Pa' ii Vane'ik. Mr. anc(i Mrs. G. AlI- dread w ecre Sunday sup- per giuests of MIrs. Irene' Murrïay, Orono'. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ro- bichaud >and famnily re- centiy nmoved to Mr. An- ton Haas home(, known toý many as WValter Park Sr. faùm. Miss Gail Grahiam and Mrs. Tomi Potts were hos- ess toi ïa misceclJaneous showpr for Pte. Kaihryn Rahrn (A.W.) Friday nighi at the borne of bier grand- parents; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mrs. J W. Hlerod, Wes- ton, xvas Friday dinner guest ýof ber sisier, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Go. ble, Margie and Leslie, Poniypool, Mrs. Harvey Partner, Miss Bonnie Pari- ner, Mrs Jim Pantner, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- ntet Symons, Bowmanville, Mrn. and Mrs. Jimi Lackey verei visitors of 1Mr. and Vins. Stanley Goble and Bruce. Mrs. Walter Rahmn at- ended ,A miscellaneous hower for b)ridie-to-be Pie. Katihryn Rahm (A.W.) at -laydon Comimunit.y Cen- tre, Saturday niigbit. ,Mr. and Mrs. Duane Russ, Coh -urg, visited lher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Janczyn,. Mrs. Edna Philp spent afew days with sister, The,-Young Adults will -on be selling United !urch calendars at the )w price of one dollar. If ou wisb 10 punchase one, Dntact one of the Young lults in your area or caîl .ndra Werry or Dawn aneyk. Eric Bowmani with his uitar led us in a sing song ,ih Blair Vaney' k assist- Son guitar and Kyle 'abam with his harmon- The next meeting- will a basket ball game ai nniskillen school on Sun- yNovemrben 25th, ai p.m-. Everyone 15 yeans age -and overi: i weft )me. Education systems - to this 1 take exception. The County Board of Educa- lion systemn is forenunnen to the Regional systemi of gov- ernrnent, both being set up stnucturally the samne, with the exception that the Board of Education is a one tien sYstem while the Region bias botb municipal and negional coun- cillons, or la other wonds is a two tien systemi. In both cases the areas wene divided into wands for the purpose of nepresentation and e ections, botb bave chairmen - the Board of Education chaîrman being elected from the trustee m-embership by the trustees, the Regional chairman being appointed by the Provincial' Govenament. In both cases the noie of the councillor on trustee is meant to be that of a policy maker - not one of a nuts and boits sorter. If this is not so, then for wbat reason do both groups -employ a large numiber of bighly professional and experienced people to administer the systems. Mn. Lyall's lack of comprehension of Ibis point is pnobably the reason that bis brief stint as a sebool trustee was sucb an. unproductive and demoraliz- ing experience. He stabes that the Board of Education bas two business meetings per moath. This is true - tbey do have two formai business meetings mrontbly where officiai business' and formrai -motions are passed and new poicy is formed or old policy is' cbanged. He negleets 10 mention that many meetings are beld la comm- ittee la the interim where policy and recommendations are formiulated. Most trustees of the Nothumberland-Dur- ham Board (myseif included) bave attended upward of 100 meetings so fan Ibis year, not to mention the many houns taken up during the normal working day listeaing 10 the pnoblems of parents, studeats and ondinary citizeas. As trustees we are happy 10 do Ibis and are grateful for the $240000 remunenation we now neceive eacb year 10 belpi defray our out of pocket expenses. For many years sehool trustees received prac- tically notbing, in the way of money, for their- efforts and rnost would stili be willing to serve on Ibis basis. Aller ail, does not eacb one of us owe a great deal to our community and fellow man. Mn. Lyall states that aI these meetings ail a trustee can do is take a> peek at the pile of papens assembled by our administrative staff and rubben stamp thern. Not so. Again be hegleets 10 mention that the agenda covering topies 10 be deait witb aI an y g'iven meceting, along witb perinient background informi- ation, is sent 10o eacbi trustee several days ila acvance la. order thiat eacb iterii may be studied and aay research done prior to the meeting. Perbaps of Mnr. Lyall had applied bimself ilaIbtis imanner lhe would not bave been a 'rubber stamp' trustee. Le" us hiope that Le sees bis obligations differently wbile lie nepre- sents the peopleof Ibis ward on Regional Council for the next tbree yeans.- Mn. Lyall states, thai the Sebool Board is rua by our ful lime civil servants. Agala not so. The Educational Systern is administened by Our profess- lonal staff under policy dictaI- ed by the elected trustees who act witbin guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Educalion- a big difference. Il will be interesting to see what position oni salary, Mn. Lyall, will take wbl-en, the Council of the Muaicipality of the new area of Ne-castle sels the nemuneration for Ibis position, for wbich lie is also eligible la addition to bis regional salany. I arn not against Refional Government and the efected represcatatives. This step was long overdue and we should sce rnany improvernts la local goverament. Many con- scientious and able people bave beca elcctcd 10 these councils and myfervent hope is that Mn. Lyall, as our nepresentative,' will apPly himsclf la' a constructive rathen than a destructive manner, and 10 Ibis end 1 wisb hlm and bis coleagues well. W.H. Carman, 1Trustee, N-D Co. Bd. of Education. LONG SAULT Sybil Graham, Haydon. was necently an overnighi guesi of Ruthann Cam-, enon. Mns. E. Wood and John, Tyrone,, were Sunday ev- ening visitons 0f the Ro- bent Camerons. Gordon Bnadwt i Uncle, EveretGlahr Lakefield, and somie fnl- ends weni on a very good hunting trip. Mr, and Mrs. Rye Gib- son enjoyed a delightful dinner and evening ai the borne of Mn. and Mns. G. Bernard and farnily on Sunday. Gayle Vanbuskirk, Osh- awa, spent Monday with Mn. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. The Caniadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Nov. 14, 1973 Letter to the Editor WESLEY VILLE Whether the chilly air of Sun)day kept some folk home frQm church is flot known, perhaps the special Memorial Day took some to other places, for, attendance at Welcome United Church xas smnall. Mlr. flamjits sermon "we shail remnember them" and the two minutes silence pbserved, brought back many sad mem- ories, espDeciali y to those whose years go back to the firsi great wan, Special parts in the cboir's anthem were, sung by Mrs. Dennis Crof t, Carie L i' g.Symons and During the service, Julie Ann Louise, baby daughter of Mn. and 'Mrs Albert Lovshin was received ipto the church through baptismn and was welco.ned on behaîf of the congregation by elders Lloyd Kellog and Russell Baker. Somiebow in reporting last week's church service in connection with the donation to the building fund, gremnlins, were at work, and it sbould bave nead- a donation on behaîf of the Sunday Sebool' was presenied to Mr. Ken Symnons, church treasurer, for the building fund". These are very anxious days for, the people who live in- the southwest part of the townsbip, and are attending the landfil proceedings in Port Hope eveny, day., Colder days of the past week are reasons for everyone to be sure the anti-fre eze is, ln the caf', that the furna:ce is in tune, and the odd mouse trap set for the mice wbo might be taking up .itrquarters in the hall el oset.Eening grosbeaks ha~ve been around in flocks, and it is surprising the large numnber of hawks who remaàin circling over the fields. 1Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brock of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hale of Toronto bad dinner Witb Mrs. Hector Darke on Tlîunsday of last Lojan For mew Plant WWVIANVILLE <Staff) - Supenior Crane Manufacturing Company hàs, received a performance boan of $50,325 to help estalish its plant in I3owmianville, the Ontario t>evelopinenf Corporation anniounced today The firn., which lias received permnission lo use the namne fil an viIl,, Cri n e Mantdturng Com pany purchased one and one-baîf lacres of land on Simpson ave. They intend t10 manufacture j1b crifnes> Complete Peirsonalîzeéd HomaeDecorating evc Our group handies your decorating req <uirements from start to finish... *HOME DECORATING CONSULTANTS e PAIINTERS und PAPER HANGERS *COMPLETE, LIGHT FIXTURE CATALOGUE e CARPET and DRAPERY INSTALLERS QECOR GROUP PERSONALIZED HOME DECQRATING 7 CHAPEL ST. BOWMVANVILLE Owned and Operated by -TONY DYKSTRA week, 'also aniothen sisten Bennice, Mrs. N. Dan, of Whitby . . the occasion was Mirs. Darke's birtbday. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Dinner visited wi th Mn,. and Mrs., Ross Dinner in Smith's Falls on Sunday, Novemben il., Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Eydie of Toronto were home with the Thorndyke's for the weekend. nr. and Mns. John Robb of Osgoode and the Karvonen famnily of Scarborough visited with Mns. E. Barrowclougb during tbc weekend. Mnr. and Mrs. Robent McGee of Kingston spent, Sunday aflennoon wîth Mr. and Mns. Harold Barrowclougb. Mn. McGee livcd ai the Barrow- clough home wbile working in tac district some lime ago. ENFE L D Mn. and Mns. Kari Banry and Bnian. West Guilford wenc weekýend visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Barry and children.» Mn. and Mrs. Walter Brid- gett, Mn. Lan y Bridgett, Miss Wilhemina aikima, Bow- manvil le, Mn. and Mns. Ray Taylor and Donnie, Oshawa, visited Mn. a d Mns. Gordon Taylor and fémily. Mn. and M s. Ralph Coch- rane and sons, Oshawa, Mns. A. Sutton, Warsaw, Mn. and Mns. Leslie 'oçhrane, were euests at a birtbday party for Dawn C ocbna ne at hen home 1Mrs. Beth Webster, Osh- awa,' is staying a few days with bier niece, Mns. John Cumrmins and famrily. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bow- man attended the 401h wed- ding celebration of Mn. and Mrs. Clifford- Naylor, Col- umbus. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Coch- rane celebrated' their 37th wedding anniversary witb Mn. and Mrs . Ralpb Cochrane and sons, Oshawa. Congratulations and best wishes 10 Mn. and Mrs. Ken Tamblyn, nec Chnis Lloyd, who are our newvest bride and groom.* They are residing in, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. R. S. Nichols, Pont Carling, wereovennight guests witb Mn. and Mrs. Fred Samis. CHARTER WAYS Top 10 Bow lers Rose Vanesse 187, Ray Van- esse 185,,Doris,,Quilliams 179, John Geddes 176, Iimi Geddes 175, Jim Mornison 173, Marg Geddes 172, Madeline Martin 169, Wes. Martin 168, Samn Hitchens 167. High Singles Rose Vanesse ......... 270 Stan Hall......... .... 271 Rose Vanesse.....661 Stan HaIll......660 JUST ON-E PHONE CALI WILL TAKE CARE 0F EVERYTHING 623'7255

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