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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1973, Section 2, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, Nov. 14. 1973 Section Two Bowmanville Band Cuts a Record Viola Lee, Toronto, were with Mn. and Mrs. V. Pea- cock on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. R. Provost and littie Angela, Lindsay wene at Mn. and Mrs. 0. Mencen's on Fniday. A number from here at- tended the Tobacco Gnow- ens banque north of Peter- borough on Saturday. Mn. O. Mencer won one of the $10 pnizes. Misses Debhie Ingram, Mary Alice White and Jane ýMuldrew are to be congnatulated on obtaining a high standing at the an- nual commencement exen- cises at Pont Hope High Schooi on Satunday night. Mn. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshawa, vlsited in the vil- lage on Sunday. Mn. and ýMrs. W. Mul- drew, Oshawa, have been with Mn. and Mns. L. Mül- drew for-,a few days. Mn. and Mrs. W. Cassel- ton are in Simcoe selling a load of tohaco and also attendling a wedding over the weekend. Mn. D. McMurray had the misfortune to be hurt at work last week. He is the son of Mr. and Mns. G. MeMurray. Mn. and Mns. L. Mul-' drew went to Oshawa when M-. and Mrs. W. Muldrew went home on Monday. ORONO N Mn. and Mrs. Ulmont Bul- iock attended the Stb Wed- ding Anniversary of ber sister and brotber-in-iaw Mn. and .Mrs. Cari Knox of Orangevilie on Saturday. Tbis is the fourtb couple in the famiiy to celebrate their Golden Wedding. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Lunn of Armada, Michigan, U.S.A., are bouse guests of bis brother Perc and Mns. Lunn and visiting bis brother George (Hop) Lunn wbo is a patient in tbe Oshawa Generai Hospital. Mrs. Ted Williams of Grif- fith spent several. days last week witb Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and family. Mrs. N. S. McNally attended the Fail Annivensary Service at Coîborne United Church on Sunday, October 28th and spent last week visiting friends in Coîbonne. A very successful Com- munity Bazaar and Tea was beid at the Kirby Cburcb on Saturday afternoon. Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. Stephen Bell (tbe former Lynn Sutberland of Kinby) on their marniage on Saturday, October 27tb at St. Joseph's Roman Catbolic Churcb, Bow- manville. Mrs. Wm. H. Robinson bas been a patient in the Bow- manville Memonial Hospital for the past two weeks. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Mun-, neke and family, Mn. and Mrs. R. Keitb Tregunna and fam- ily, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Patton wene among tbe relatives wbo attended the 5th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday after- noon of Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken at their home R. R. 1, Pontypool. Congratulations. Mrs. Fred Graham of Kirby recently returned home from the Oshawa General Hospital. Orono Senior Cîtizens held their meeting on Tbunsday evening, November lst. Among the guests attending tbe Bell-Sutberland wedding and reception wene Mn. and Mrs. K. Sutherland of Cobourg formerly of Orono, grandpan- ents of the bride and fnom the Kinhy district Mn. and Mrs. Chas. E. Miller, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Bahl, Mn. and Mrs. W. Forest, Mn. and Mrs. R. Johnston and Rbonda. Mn. and Mrs. Joe Staples recentiy returned home from visiting ber sister and brotber- in-law Mn. and Mns. Walter EW-S bteiner at Calgary, Alberta. The Orono United Church Women held four meetings, on Tuesday. In the afternoon Unit 2, at the home of Mrs. Marshall Chatterton and Unit 5, at the home of Mrs. Cari Billings. In the evening, Unit 3, a supper meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Alun' and Unit 4, at the home of Mrs. Bud Rodd, R. R. 1, Orono. On Wednesday aftennoon Unit 1, at the Main Hall and Unit 6, at the home of Mrs. Spence Gordon, Centre Street. Mr . and Mrs. Bill Moffat and family of Iroquois were recent visitons witb their parents Mrs. Sheldon Moffat and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Quantnill and visited other relatives.1. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Bail wene dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Leslie H. Alidred of Osbawa on Satunday evening. The staff of the Orono I.G.A. enjoyed the annual banquet on Monday evening, October 29th at the Skyiine Hotel, Toronto., Canada-'s higbest mountain is 19,850 ft. Mt. Logan in Yukon's St. Elias Range, not fan from Mt. Kennedy, 13,965 Claims Hydro Increase, Discriminates Against Farmers in Province >"Lt is discriminatory and pnice of anoth unjust for farmers to have-to jumped by five p pay a langer percentage of the cent, or SOME upcommng hydro price hike There is a limit announced today, than city-,,of pnice increas dwellers," says Gordon Hill, ens can absorb, President, Ontario Fedenation long passed tha of Agriculture. Hill nef ens to Ontario Hydro's announcement today that effective January 1, 1974, farmers will pay an average of 10 per cent more for thein THEffM hydro. The increase will vary a E between-eigbt and 16 per cent. Most urban-dwellens will pay an increase of seven and one-haîf per cent. "Farmers use one beck of a lot of bydro in this province. In 1972, we spent $14,236,000. Then, this past Febnuary, rates went up about 10 per cent. Now, in less than' a year, farmers are bit witb a secon increase. These two inrcreases alone will add more than one and one-baîf million dollars to H the cost, of producing food, s before the piroduce even P leaves the farm. uj "Farmens don't have bot- OR( tomaless pockets. Every time ESSO HOME HI we come in from the barnn, the - hen input bas per cent, 10 per ietimes more. to tbe number tes tbat fanm- ),and we bave alimit." &ARVEY &RTNER tONO 983-52ft MAT SERVICE These four young men are members of a -Bowmanville based music group called Steamboat. The band was in Toronto earlier this fail to eut a 45 rpm record on the Brux label. Bowmanville is home to ail four members of Steamboat and two of them are regular entertainers in hotels in the area, including the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn. From lef t to right in the photo are John Dustan, who is studying music at Humber College, Brian MeNamara, -a high school teacher by training, Doug Luxton, who just about qualifies as the house entertainer at the Dutchman, and Ralph Boumeester, who is currently enrolled in Engineering at Queen's University in Kingston. Luxton and McNamara penned both the songs on their record and the two recently combined to write the music for the play Moses, which ran in Newcastle earlier this year. PONT (Intended for last week) More than 100 relatives and friends gathered in Pontypool Community Centre on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 4th to honor Mn. and Mns. Harvey Aiken on their 5Oth Wedding Anniver- sany. Among those attending were two uncles of the groom, Nathaniel Belch of Millbrook, who is 92 years ojId and Wýjiliam 4jOken, 95 years 91 ,t -, H ili. Asopresent were two aunts of the bride, Mrs.,Dora Norton of Mark- ham and Mrs. Jessie Prout, Bawmanville. . Mrs. Bitton, Mrs. Carpen- ter and Mrs.m Belch pouned tea and the grandeilîdren senved Ihinch in the prettily decorated tea-room. A feature attraction Was the gift fnom the family, ch. Aiken Coat of Armns, also ""WE CAN'T COLLE CT?"f Blusinessmen, have you con- sidered what woul bappen if your "accounts receivable" records were lost - a trusted employee embezzled funds - an explosion or fine forced you into temporary quarters - a serious injury occurred on your premises? Let us at James nurance Agency reiwyour business risks and provide adequate insur- ance coverage. James 05Insurance AgUen-giLimited 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO DOUGL.AS S. JAMES Office 623-568 1 .j Reidence 623-5023 'YPOOL two fine displays of f am;iy pictures. Visitons wene pres- ent fromn Toronto, Peterbor- ough, Markham, Bowman- ville, Oshawa, Pont Hope, Gananoque, Montréal, Garden Hill, Miilbrook, Betbany as weli as several local residents. Mn. and Mrs. Aiken were the necipients of many beautiful cards, gîfts, fiowers, as well as greetîngs fromn the Prime Minister, the Governor-Gen- eral, Allani Lawrence M.P., Alex Carruthens, M.P.P., and Mr. Stanfield, Leader of the Conservative Party. On behaîf of the Pontypool Community, we would like Mr. and Mrs.* Aiken to accept olir congratulations and also o ir veny best wisbes for b ippiness and bealtb in the fi ture. Mrs. Carpenter of Ganan- o lue spent several days this past week witb ber brother, Mr. Harvey Aiken and Mrs. iïken. Mrs. Gordon Kirk bad the misfortune to fali a week ago and1 in doing so broke one of bh« fingers. She bas ber armn ii a cast up to the elbow. Several from Pontypool at- tended the banquet and dance for the Omemee and District Sc ftball League beld in the Rock Haven, Peterborough on Siturday nigbt. Our local ceme Pallet team brougbt b me tbree trophies wbicb are o - display in Mangans' Hard- mare. Each player was also presented witb two personal ti ophies. Congratulations a iain to the teamn and its coacbes, John Van Wieringen aid Jim Harnington, for g ving us sucb a fine bal si ason. Jobn Van Wieringen bas a ýcepted a position in Guelph mith tbe International Tele- p. one and Telegraph (ITT). le commences workthere on I[on., Nov. l2tb and he and bis mife Elaine, will be moving tere this Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Johns, C tberine and Christine of exdaie spent the past week- end witb the Ciff Fallis'. Mns. Orval Anderson at- tended an Interdenomination- ai Rally for women in Barrie over tbè weekend. Over 1000 ladies were present on this occasion. Randy Finney netunned from bospital on Friday. Randy bad been. a patient in Peterborough Civic Hospital for over a week, foilowing ean ýurgery. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirk 26 FL. 01. WUN-RETURNRt5LE SLI. visited with Mr. and Mrs. l George Loshaw and family in o M urraye l gana eun d ad eP L ep si;-RTUR Stirling on Sunday. Mitche L gav eund omea from cattie buying trips to the C o la west. Lawrence Steer of Saska- toon recentiy visited friends jr the Pontypool area.FO Garnet Armstrong is pres. ently a patient in Sunnybrooli, [ Hospital, Toronto. ELIZAIBETH VILLE'. SUNLIGHT (MFG. REPRICED631) PRIDE PACK11 Church services, were Liouid C oc held. Rev. J. A. Ramiit 24-FL. spoke on "Devil Possession oz. PATI Today." Mr. G. Wood and BLS T Mrs. B. Cruse sang a duet geerent momatoe and Mrs. B. Wheeler play- ed the organ for the ser- vices. Mrs. RamnJit is in Port "DOLLA R DA Y SPECIA L""O Hope Hospital. SLAI RSE Mr. Howard White had SLAI RSE a hernia operation last Mrs. Westheuser, gotL g h home Friday andi ail tests have been negative. li trip to the Fabric Bazaar on Tuesday in Toronto.Id1 1 Mrs. E. Lee adMis15240 . PGS - Business !Dîrectory- Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanviile Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL BComin. Chartered Accountant 36 % King St. B., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 C h ir op r acti c G. EDWIN MANPX, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental. DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St.,' Bowmanvifle (near Do-unnion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturclay Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bksg Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bowxnanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Teleph-one 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 KingSt. E., Bowma*vilk ,Office Hourt- Mon., Tues., and Thurb. 9 tii 5 Wednesday 9 tii 2 Friday 9,tii 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office 1Phone (2âis.6UU DOG. flUSEIGA (IN TOMA: Dog Food ORBan %ZLIGA 1'WZ esCat Flood FISH TNS Pork 8UTT PORTION ITOSAUCE)- 328 FL oz- ,3 TNS QUIKI PLY 2-- 6" AVE LL 00 F, RLL)REGULAR :RIPLE OR OUIKI OLY2E~ 3S A V At >00 T OLL ____IGA STARBRITE _____ SALT & VINEGAR-FLAVORFO S VIKG q aain4i 1..J - 1), 612 O OF Bleaerhe___ A PotatoI GarbageBags PperFjR FOR vWax nePalsLiqui lu a cR BTLp PKOFFO PARAMOUNT GOOZLAIN 24 FL ASSORTEO VARIETIES soCHILOREN SA FOR . ~OZ JARS E10-~ OZ OF24 Solid Light Tuna 2Dl ike G ad- KS ae sii ___SWEET MIXEO OR FB1 UNSWEETENED SIX VAIETIES CO kisBREAD & BUTTER ýROM CONCENTRATE> - NABOB (ASST'DO FLAVORS> Dad's F505 FOR IGA Pickles- Orange Jumce R'F-RJelly PowderSI]OPKGSFOR STOUFFER'S LEO OWOR FROZENj MONARCH 100-/ VEGETAB3LE Oit11 DEMPSTER'S >MFG, Ac OFF> fl UV VPI 1LaIO K Macaroni A 2c655O nonnIt m~uu ___K*aliauaRolis53 (CANADA NO. 1 GRADE) Potatoes 10LB BAGdC PRODUCE OF U.S.A, NO. 1 GRADE CRISP CALIFORNIA Cielery Stalks EA35 CANADA FANCY GRADE CRISP B.C. Sparton ApplesG7 91 TASTY PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Broccoli BUNCH91 orkRoasts SHOULDER PORTION utt ork hopsLB. 99C LAZY MAPLE, RINDLESS, SLICED "DOL1LARDA YFEA TURES- Side BaconLB 12 SWIFT PREMIUM (5 VREIS SWIFT PREMIUM SANDWICH Q8 OZ. Pn Dandies Sausage',LB 990 SPREADS ZL O MAPLE LEAF BURNS, SWEET PICKLED YT ALL BEEF 1-LB Back Bacon'BYTE LB. 12 SAUSAGE PKG.LFO Solve your special gift problem with a Certicate! GA Christmas G ft Certocates are now available in your choice of denomination. For fuil details see your local Mr. IGA. Mr.IGA7carnies a complete selection of supplies for ail your Christmas SBalking *~Needs! LAR DA Y SPECIAL" IGA- CHOICE r"DOLLAR DA Y SPECIAL" (IN TOMATO SAUCE) IGA Spaghetti HOSPITALITY Hamburg or Wliener Buns PKGS. $à Dominion Securities Corp., Harris & Partners Ltd., is pleased to announce that as in previous years MISS MARGARET W. ALLIN is their AGENT for the Sale of CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 1973 Series in thýe BOWMANVILLE, NEWCASTLE OIRONO AREA Miss Alfin may be contacteïl at 55 Centre St., Bowmanville - 623-'5607 1% maimmmmmmmwl

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