10 he Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 14. 1973 Section Two KENDAL The Sunday school roomn was filled on Tuesday ev- ening at the U.C.W. meet- ing., Mrs. Allen Downes, the president, opened the meeting. Mrs. Keith Wood at the piano led the sing- Ing of the hymns. Miss LInda Downes took the devotional part of the meeting. Mrs. Wood intro- duced our guest speaker Mr.-Maurice Bradley, who ,had been in, Zambia, Afri- ca with his wife and fam- ily for five. years doing missionary w or k. MVr. Bradley first gave a re- sumne of the situations he found In Zambia and tell- ing of the type of work hecarried on building a new training school for nursing and teaching the ~natives the art of capen- *try. Their education is a privilege as only a small percenta-te can a t t e n d schools aýs yet. He then sh-owed bits movie pictures of the work lie and the natives had accomplished ifi seven days. There we re ~mariy interesting artic]e3.ý on dispoiav of which he later discussed with the people. Miss C. W. Stewart extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Bradley on behaîf of everyone present. Later lu~nch was served. The la- dies of the U.C.W. are to meet on Tuesday morning when plans are to be m~ade for the bazaar and tea. The, next meeting is to be heid at Mrs. Keith Wood's home. the first Wednesday afternoon in December. There was another bus trip to Toronto last Tues- d,ýy on a shopping tour. Despite the rainy morning there were, 43 ladies who went. Thra bus left Kendal sc-.hool -rounds at 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fos- ter returned home last Ti!osday after a couple of weeks' holiday visiting friends and relatives in Vinia. M. and Mrs. Thos. Ste- vens returned home last Thursday after visiting their daugliter and famnily at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Several ladies from Ken- dfal attended the bazaar and tea at Kirby on Sat- urday, afternoon. There was a good crowd and a great supply of articles for sale. Sunday morning, Rev. R. C. White of Oshawa was the 'guest speaker at churcli. He spoke on The Gamne Everyone M us t Play - The Game of, Life. W e were, pleased to see Mr. White again and to meet Mrs. White OBIT UAREn WILLIAM VICTOR PEACOCK A builder in Osbawa frorn 1920 to 1933 who afterwîards was in the whiolesale retail lumber business for approxi- mately 40 years, William Victor Peacock died at His- dale Manor Friday, Nov. 9, 1973. He lived at 341 Richmond St. E., Oshawa, He wasthe son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Peacock. Bj3orn June 3, 1889 in Oak Hill, Ont., he was educated in Oak Hill and Port Hope. He served with the Cana- dian Armny during the First World War, and was sent to Halifax to organize the repairs and reconstruction of the city following the ammunition explosions. Por several years he lived in Vancouver and was prominent in building large buildings in Vancouver followîng the First World War.' Be was a member of Lebanon Masonic Lodge, a member of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling, Club, a member of the Oshawa Skeet and Gun Club; a member of the Oshawa Curling Club, a mem- ber~ of the Oshawa Chamber of ComTmerce, a life member of the Oshawa Yacht Club, and a member of the Wedgwood -m ENFIELD Mfr. Nelson Lavender, Oshawa, who is convalesc- ng from surgery, stayed à wýeek with the Laven- ders. M4r. LeonardStpes, Wbitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrîd Bowman were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Kerr, Oshawa, when the family of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beamish gathered to say "good-bye" before they 1leave to spenid the winter in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Nici- ois. Port Carling. were overniglit guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samnis. 4 LshjJ Emmu