The Canadian Statesm an. Bowmanville. Nov. 14. 1973 ' 3 Agnes' Burley was ier guest with Mr. us. Gerald Zealand, hxýIlle, one day last bus loads of local ývent up to the Fab- ter in Toronto, las[ V. ,ding the Fun Fair, na, on Wednesday, Mrs. Leta Samîs. Queenie, Fletcher, Iary Joncs, Mrq Dominion Vice-Pres. i5 Guest Speaker af Leqion Remembrance 'Day Dinner Olive Henderson, Mus. Bea Jones and Mrs. Amelia Lancaster. A bridai showeu in hon- or of Miss Linda Peck was held in the Sunday School hall Wednesday night. Mu. and Mus. Ray Sta- pleton with Mr. and Mrs Glen ýStapleton were amnong those attending the "Momn's and Dad's Dance Party" in the Port Hope Mus. a dinnu and Mi Elizabet week. Two ladies i ric -Cer Tuesda: Atter( at Solu were Mus. i Mrs.h A you mother,a bhis manne for a secu "Oh ii bake a cà -pieces." cLOTI] polis, da, BIG KI BO1W S3 1 MAI On Saturday afternoon, members of Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion gathered at the Queen Street Hall for their: annual Remembrance Day dinner. This photo of the head table shows, from lef t to right, Bob llulditch, Seth Hunt, Jim Fair, Alex Carruthers, MPP, Legion Dominion Comd. Executive Vice President Robert D. McChesney, the guest ry Cleaners C/iucde ong lad had returned from a birthday party. His apprehensive lest his appetite should have overcome n rs, asked, "Are you sure you didn't ask your hostess e nd piece of cake?" io, mother. 1 only asked her for the recipe so you could c ke like it, and, she insisted on giving me two more ]ES CARE HINT: h remover should neyer be used to remove spots or nail amage on your garments. If you spill nail polish, take 'tie to ynur drycleaner at once. fS - LITTLE KIDS - AND PARENTS MANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE 'turday, November l7th, at 10: 30 a. m. BOWMANVI LLE CwLEANERS LTD. "a"84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 MER ,"We Specialize In Shirt Laundering" ýJALTIES- isi Offence:- FINE - NotIess than $10.00 ~'or more than $50.00. I a nd Subsequent Of fences: FI1N E - Not Iess tha n $25.00 or more than $300.00. Legion Hall, Fuiday even-1 ing. 1Mu. and Mus. Phil Gil- mer and family weue visi- tors with Mu. and Mus. Ev- ereit Stapleton at Bcwd- iey, on Wednesday even- ing. Lori-Anne and Darueli Donnelly of Port Hope spent Satuuday wîth Mu. and Mus. Don Stapleton, whiie son Gar 'y of Hamil- ton was home over the weekend, and Neil of Tor- onto ~ on Sunday. an M .Pat McDonaldan son of Toronto spent the \veekend here with Mus. Don Vinkie, while the men of the' fansily weue hunt- ing in the nouth country. Mu. and Mus. Jack El- liott weue Sunday visitors witb Mu. and Mus. N. Downey, Buampton. Hel ped by favorable w cather, and the co-oper- ation of some of our local citizens, ou annual Re- membuance Day service Satuuday mouning wa s quite successful. Cubs, Brownies and Guides met ai the sehool ai 10:30 fou the parade up, and a good- sized cuowd gaiheued at the Ccnotaph fou the ser- vice, which opened with the singing of "O Canada' led by miss Vicki Hauris. mu. Earl Walkey was the able MC. bis iniroductory remauks including the i-cading of the weIl-known poern by John McCrea, "In Flader' iiels."The fol- lowiog wueraths weue laid: Province of Ontauio, Mu. Ken Lyall, esc. F. Gilmer; Township of Clarke, Kirk Entwisle, Tony Ton; Vet- crans, F. Filmer, T. Ton; speaker; Branch President Ed Majer, Zone Cornmander Jim Sullivan, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Padre Rev. RobertHlayne, Stan Dunn, Harold Kirtley and color bearer Jim Bruton. The second color bearer, Maurice Annaert is notshown., A deliejous dinner was served by the Ladies Auxiliary. NESTLETON Ladies' Auxiliary, Mus. M. Stacey, F. Gîlmer; United Chuuch, C. M. Joncs, C. H. Lane; Brownies, Bonnie Stapleton, Buenda McCar- row; Guides, Jane Mc- HoIm, D on na McNeii; Cubs, Jeff Welter, Steven Adams. A stiruing address was given by Rev. T. Snel- gi-ove, stuessing the im- portance of remcmbering the sacrifices made for us, many years ago, and urg- ing everyone to respect the symbols of those times. neway of showing this, is by a decent treatment of the flags and wreaths at our Cenotaph. The Last Post was sounded by Bug- 1er Eddie Hoad, followed by the usual two minutes' silence, then Reveille, by Eddie, ard fînally the sineing of the Queen, again led by Vicki Harris. May we take- this oppor- tunity to express deep ap- pucciation to ail who gave sa wîllingly of their time to assist in this memorial ser'vicc. To most of the prescnt age, the reason for it mnay be only a dima me- mory, but there is ibis slo- gan: "If 'sou can't Remnem- ber, Think." Many admiring com- mnents were beard on the well decouated wlndow in Mu. L. Peck's store, its theme b ein g Remem- 'stance Day. Mr. F. Gilmer was among the World War I <Veterans atiending' the dinner, Saturday,, in 'tow-, manville Legion Hall. A biribday pauty was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stapleton,- Saturday evening, in hon- or of the latter's moiher, Mus. E. Austin of Port Hope. Present were: Mr. and Mus. O. Wauder of Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osboro of Campbellcroft, Mrs. G. Whyte and family, Whitby, Mrs. Paul Christie and boys-. Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. R. Hall, Kitchen- cir, Mu. and Mus. Aubuey Austin, Mr. and Mus. L. Austin and family. Mr.1 andHMrs, Arn-Whetstone, Mir. and Mus. Paul Whet- sione and Shawn, Mrs. N. Walsh, Mu. and Mrs. Da- vid Rutledge and Sheri, Mu. Dennis Austin. Miss Anna Lisa and Miss Bren- da Hot-smqn. Mrs. Mary Wade and Grant spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weese, at Corunna. Mus. Alice Austin of Canton was a weekend visitor with Mu. and Mus. Bert Toînpkins. "Can ! ' Christian expect Peace?" was the topic spoken' on by Rev. Sncl- guove, Sunday mounIng, stating that the best thing we can do to buing it about. is by emulating the way of the Good Samari- tan, by being ready to ex- tend a helping hand to athers iess fortunate. iQ ouu daiiy way of life. The choir sanig "Onwaud Chris- tian Soldiers" and "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Giory." Mus. W Prouse, Noreen and Chaulie, Port Hope, weue Sunday d i n n e r guests with Mu. and Mus. M. Samis. Mus. J. C. Moore of Brantfoud spent the week- end wiih Mu. and Mus. C. H. Lane, and ail weue Sun- day supper guests wýth Mu. and Mus. Chas. Gray and girls, Orono. Mu. and, Mus. C. R. Far- row aitended morning ser- vice in Trinity United Chuuch, Bowmanville, on Sunday, and later wcre dinner 'guests with Mu. and Mus. Gordon 'Martin ,and fam'ly. This was a special occasion as the youngest grandchild of the Mautins, S a r a h Estelle Harvey, was among those chistened at the service, and Mus. Farrow was the nurse, taking care of "Guandma' Martin, when the baby's mother, Doris, was boun. Women's Institute will meet ai the home of Mus. Bea Jones on Tuesday, Nov. 20. Remember, Gol- den Pln1ogh G'ifist rnrp ject fou is Remembuance Day message. For those who are not old enough to remember it ,is their duty to think of the sacrifice of young lives in the two waus - waus to end waus - yot waus still go on. Was ibis a needless sacrifice? if people ueally ihink there wouid not be so many empiy pews in the churches today. The Junior Choir added t0 the service with their rinistuy of song when ihey gave a delightful reudition of "Jacob's Lad- der'. NESTLETON W. i. Mayor-eleet Lawrence Malcoîni Ouest Speaker On Tuesday afternoon Mus. Hauuy McLaughlin was hostess fou the Nov- ember meeting of Nestie- ton Women's Institute whîch was beld in the basement 0f the Puesby- terian Cbuucb. Fol1owing the tradition- al openiîîg the President Mus. Ben De Jong wel- comed the' membeus witb a special welcome to the guesi speaker, Reeve Law- rence Malcolm and Mayor- eleci of the new palîty of Scugog. Mus. Haury McLaughlîn, convenor of Citize.nshipi duced Mu. Malcolm, con- guatulated him and pald tribute to his wife Mus. Malcolm who has always been ueady 10 give assist- ance. Mu. Malcolm, b et te r known to the group as Lawrence, staied that be had seuved on County Council fou six yeaus. At pueseni the old councils are busy winding up the old business in puepara- tion fou the new. There is 11111e tradition - ibis is a fresh start. The dogmas, taboos are gone; al ideas are welcome and decisions are made because it seems the ight thing 10 do - not because we did it fou the past 'one huudred years. Regional Goveunment is not new.- Hplland was di- vided into regions many yeaus ago., Ontario Is de- veiopinýg so fast that it is impossibleto make ail the big decisions in Toronto. Regional Government Is an attemptto let the gov- eunment, of each region, run as many things, as possible. The Regional, Council of Duuham is scheduled ta meet 'every Wcdnesday. The Administration Is di- vided into four parts, (1.) Finance, (2) Planning and Deveiopment, -(3) Works Department, (4) Health Welfaue, and Social, Ser- vice, with. one person In charge of each depart- ment. In the local municipality of Scugog the meetings will be held in the municipal building In Port Peruy. At puesent it is being ue-mod- elled to make room fou the extra Council mem- bers. In this council the Clerk will be' Mu. Neil Brodie;, Deputy - C 1 e r k, Miss Doreen Van Camp; Treasurer, Mu. Victor Mal- colm; Deputy - Treas urcu, Mu. A. D. Thompson, 1As- sistant Deputy Treasurer, Mus. Dorothy Robertson; Road Superintendent, Mu. R. MacDonald;r Assistant Road Superiiitendent, Mu. M., Su1ýgîtt, Ail auccnnng fou Scugog will be done in the office in Port Pcury. The administration will see about reports at the local level. The broad spectuum of representatives s pe ak s well for the co-operatIon of ail the, membeus to, give equal value ta each muni- cipality. At the close of Mu. Mal- colm's talk'an interesting and informative question and answeuý peuiod follow- ed., Mus. McLaughliri cx- tended a-sincere ,"Thank You" to Mu. Malcolm for his splendid: address. For the business period Mus. Joe Wygerde, secre- tary, uead the, minutes Of the October meeting and ihe corues-pondence. A Newtonville "Get Weil" card wassign- ed' for 'a hôspital patient. M r s. Richard Davison, treasurer, reported on fin- ances. MVrs. Lawrence Malcolm offered tû drive to the Dis- trict Fun Fair at Solina on November 8. The group was reminded of the Short Course at Orono, Nov. 13- 14 when Mrs. J. Wygerde and Mrs. F. Dayes will be leaders from Nestieton. The Iien-ry; Thompson Me- mouil wiil be again pre- sented at the High Sehool Commencement Nov, l7th. A chequc was received from the Blackstock Fair Board for Nestleton's par- ticipation in the display "Guandpa's B i r t h d ay." Mus. H.î McLaughlIn 'read "Twel ç~ Thoughts to Live BEy."I y Mrs. R. Davison read an Interesting letter f r o m Mus. Marshall (84 years), Drama1 Convenor of the Grove Institute, in Eng- land. The Grove has been Nestliton's sister W.I. for a numbêr of years. They are a. busy group with over 200 members. They own their own hall and are busy raising funds to Instali a new roof. A Chil- dren's 'Clinie is sponsored in the hall. They aiso serve meals to the aged. A Christmas glft is being sent to' them and Christ- mas cards are also belng mailed. Mrs.- Charles Earnshaw's group assisted the hostes with lunch and Mrs. Fred Dayes expressed the ap- preciation. The December meeting willbei hosted by Mrs. J. Wygerde. Members are asked to bring two stamp- cd Christmas cards and donations, for the "Cheer" boxes. BURKE TON. Mus.' T. Bailey called on relatives and friends in Bow- manville on Saturday. Mu. and Mrs. D. Gatcheli, Oshawa, spent Sunday, with Mr. andMrs. A. C. Stephen- son and family. Mrs. R. Davey attended a family ,6th wedding anniver- sauy in Buffalo, Alberta and remained visiting for a week. Mu. and Mus. Cccii Kemp, son Jim and daugh- ter Helen. 0f Sunduidge, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mus. Norman Mairs. On Sunday Mu. and Mus. Sterling Morris and fam- ily of Tronto were lunch- eon guests of heu mother, Mus. Lawrence Cooledge. In the evening they weire dinner guests of Mu. and Mus. Gordon Cooledge and family at Caesauea, in honor of Alan's birthday. Mu. and Mus. George Heaslip visited, Satuuday tc, Wednesday, with heu sister, Mus. James Fen- neil, at Kenmptville. Mu. and Mus. Lawrence Malcolm attended the wedding on Saturday of Miss Carolyn Murray and Mu. Cleve Shiuk at Hamp- ton United Chuuch and the ucception at the Fly- ing Dutchmnan Hotel, Bow- manville. Mus. Lawrence Malcoim, Mis. Richard Davison, Mus. Ben De Jong, Mus. Fred Dayes and'Miss Gail Mal- ,colm atiended the Wo- men's Ilistitute District Fun Faiu on Thursday, held ai Solina Hall, when Gail pauticipated ln the puoguamn with a vocal number. Mu. and Mus. Gcorge Boweus W r (e Satuurday supper gueLc-sts of Mu. and Mus. Jim Abeunetby, Bow- manville, and attended the 52nd wedding anniveusary of Mu. and Mus. 'Zack Ad- ams. Mu. and Mus. Bert Bow- eus, John and Brian, Osh- awa, were Sunday supper guesis of bis parents, Mu. and Mus. George Boweus. On Sunday the George Boweus w e re luncheon guests 0f Mu. and Mus. Ralph Boweus, Tyrone, in honor of iheir daughter Tuacie's firsi biuihday. Wednesday to Fuiday guests wiih .Mu. and Mus. Grant Thompson weue Mu. and iVrs. Ernest Freer of Orillia. Mr. Wm Steele attended service in the United Chuuch on 'Sunday moun- Ing and spent the rerhain- der of the day with the L.awrence Malcolm familY. Mu. Lorne McKee -joined wiih other members of his, deer hunting club and spent Fuiday and Saturday ai their camp near Ban- nockburn. Mus. Veuna Fowler, Bow- manville, speni a couple of days lasi week with Mus. Lorne McKee, Mus. McKee was a Satuuday' overnight guesi with Mu. and Mus. Dave Fuew and Dwayne ai, Viewlakc. Mus. Ed Lawson was a Sunday and Monday guest with heu cousins, Mus. Pearl Rainey and Mus. Mary Findlay ai Union- ville. Mu. and Mus. Lawrence' McLaughlin were guesis at the Shiuk-Muuuay wed- ding, in Hampton United Church and the reception ai the, Flying Dutchman Motel, Bowmanville. Mu. and Mus. Dave Frcw and Dwayne, Viewlake, were Sunday evening din- uer guests of Mu. and Mus. Bruce Heaslip. Fuiends regret that Mus. Aima Emeuton is a patient in Port Peruy Hospital. On Sunday Mu. and Mus. Milton Fisher of Caesauea accompanied Mu. and Mus. Barry Fisher, Leanne and Susan of Blackstock to Willowdale and were din- nel- and supper guesis of Mus. Jean Hooper. Sunday Service Presbyterian In the Puesbyteuian Church Sunday mouning. Mu. Rick Glass chose "Re- membuance and Peace" fou the theme fou his mes- sage, reading St. John 14, verse 27: "Jesus said. 'My Peace I give unito you'." Remembuance Day is the day we pause to remember those who fought and losi their lives in two waus. We remember our own re- latives and friends. and give themn the glouy. We praise themn for their hon- ou -Adrmm thcem Mrs. Wm. Mantie bas been a patient in hospitai we wish her the best ot iheaitfl.. .Mrs. S. Grant, Zion, spent Saturday with Mrs. R. Davey. .Mr. and Mrs. Orval Greer, Mrs. Wm. McDonalId, OshaWa were Sunday visitors of Mrs. W. Bryan. Du. Wm Breslin, Toronto, called on friends and neigh- bors at the beginning of the Christmas tree season. Mr. Staniey Taylor was a supper guest of Mr. and Mus. E, R. Taylor, Enniskillen, recently, TAKE UP SKIINGý WITHOUT INVESTING UN EQUIPMENT AT "One of the World's 14 Greatest Ski Areas" (Time 12-25-72). 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