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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1973, p. 5

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'Santa is comring to Bowman- Ville Saturday morning. ThE paradeý starts at 10:30 ar. ering the family and stay for lunch at the various eating Places in town and browse ;Ïround the stores in the after- Ijoon. The stores have many good bargains at reasonable, prices. Buy a booster button to enlsure expenses are met'and the parade held again next year. Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Brown and Kelly, Peterborough, with fis mother, Mrs. Greta Brown, over the wcekend. Bill Brown, a former post- master of Whitby, with a record of 44 years service with the post office, and one of the leading members of Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion, died suddenly on the eve of Remembrance Day. A vèteran of both World Wars,' 4'P had attended the annual Rememibrance Day dinner and died during the night at is B3rooklin residence. Sym- pathy is extended to his, wife and family,. Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Jamie- son spent ast weekend with Judge and ýMrs. Harold Lang in St. Marys. The following children were received into the fellowsbip of Christ's Church and Trinity Congregation at the morning service on Nov. 18 when Rev. Wesley'Oake administered the Sacrament of Baptism: Jason Darryl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Terrance S. Black; Jili Mary- ann, daughter:of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Brown; Michael Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Randy W. Cox; Janice Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Harmer; Sara Est- elle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Harvey; Lee Anne, daugbter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Bily Hather- ly, Randy and Billy visited their grandmother Mrs. Hath- erly and. Mrs. Roach on 1Sunday. ,Mrs. A. G. Brooks and ber daughters Mabel and Editb have just, rcturned from a week's vacation in Bar.bados. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. William Peacock and family in the loss of husband and father William Victor Peacock whp passed away Friday, Nov. 9th. Mrs. Pea- cock is a former Bowmanville resident and music teacher, Lepha Doncaster, who held classes at ber home on Cburch Street, Bow manvilhe. H~arry Wade, Deputy Grand IV r of Ontario, attended th,,--,fnnr held in Pickering's Christian Education Centre on Saturday, Nov. 12, when Odd Fellow,,s from Ontario District 41 welçomed their Grand, Master of Qntario Gordon Gross. Also attending were Ivan Williams, Deputy Grand Master, District 41, Ken Sturman, District Deputy Grand Warden, District 41 and Lawrence Evans, District Sec- retary of LDstrict 41. Winnier of the 50-50 draw held by Canadian Foresters REHOBOTH Christian Reformned Ch urcli ey. Antnony 1DeSýfager SUýNDAY 'SERVICES 10 a.rn. 7 p.rn. Bach to Cod Hour Diaýl 1310 Radio Everyv Sunday 10:30 ar. "Everyqne UWelcome" Court Bowmanville No. 694 on Nov. 3rd was Mr. Orme Yourtb, 680 Rossland Rd. E., Apt. 520, Oshawa. Out of the winnings of $355, he donated $50 back to the Forestens for the Cancer work. Next Wednesday cvcning, Nov. 2lst the Order of tbe Eastern Star will sponsor a Winter Fashion Story witb the latest in fashions bcing pre- sented by Breslin's Ladies Wear. This intenesting event wili be beld at Bowmanville Higb School's magnificent auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Bowers,, Nestieton, were Saturday din- ner guests and Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee and Kim and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lee, Mark, Cbris and Michelle, Oshawa, were Sunday eveni g dinner guests of Mr. an Mrs. J. H. Abernethy,' Concession St., Bowmanvihle. Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen, Rosemary and Jobn David, attended the anniversany cehe- brations for Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Smith, Peterborougb, hast Saturday evening. The teacbers of Bowman- ville Nursery School are completing a six-wcek music course given by Mrs. Lois Lillianstein, Scarborough. These sessions bave been hcld at Stepping Stones Day Nurs- ery, Osbawa. The Ontario Council of Begents for the Colleges of Applied Arts and Tecbnology wilh be holding their montbiy meeting November 15 and 16 in Oshawa at the Holiday Inn. This body was appointed by the Ontario Govennment to look after the overaîl policies of the Community Colieges. During their stay in Oshawa, the Council of Regents wilh tour Durham Colege, and meet witb administration members, faculty and stu- dents Tbursday monning. Lions Club Hockey Draw winners for N.H.L., Nov. 22 - Alex Syme, Oliver Nichoils; Nov. 24 - Boyd Wooley, L. Parker; Nov. 29 - Ted Dadson, Madeline Wilcox. Jr. "A" - Nov. 20 - Emilio Cbevy; Nov. 24 - Ted Hutton, Nov. 27 - Ted Roberts. The Corporation of the Township of, Nepean is at- tempting to hocate the oldest Century Citizen. Tbe people of Nepean are sponsoring a lottery, calied the Becreaffle Nipper, to naise funds for our senior citizens. To focus attention for this worthwhihc goal, we will be bringing to our cornmunity, Qjiitarîo's oldest Century Citizen to pick the winning ticket on December 7th. Ahi expenses will be paid for Ontario's Century Citizen plus a guest, for a weekend stay in Canada's National Capital Region. Tbe Recreaf- fie Nipper Lottery is licensed by the Province of Ontario (iottery license number 137154) and bas a total of $25,000 in cash pnizes. Applica- tions with certification of age should be addnessed to: Cent- ury Citizen, 3825 Richmond Road, Ottawa, Onitario, K2H 5C2, and shouid be received no atrthan November 23rd, 1973. A special note: If tbe Century Citizen is from your anea we are fully prepared to provide audio visual and copy covenage with stilîs of tbe weekend stay. For furtber information, please phone Mn. Paul Warman at 224-9160, collect. The largest citizen-oniented worksbop on tbe environment and nesources management ever held in Canada* opens ir Toronto on Sun.,Novemher 18, when some 650 Canadians from every province and ahl walks of life launch the Man and Resources National Con- St, PouI's United Church NiMînister- S. ey N.E. Scbamerborn, B.A.,B.D. Organîist - MNr. R. Metcahf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP Sunday, November l8th Special Music by THE GOLDEN LEGIONNAIRES CHOIR Are yqN'otew to the area - Looking for a Church Home Try Historie St. Paul's LNursery cLare for pre-sehool children every Sunday. TRINIT'Y UNITED CHURC H Rev. N. Wesley Oakie- Minister Bey. .Artbur Amacher - Assistant Minister Mr..Jolhn Crookshank- Organist Sunday, November 18, 1973 Il1AM. - LAIETY SERVICE 11 o'clock service speaker: DR. ALLAN B. SYLVESTER "LENGTHENING VOUR LIFE" Sunday School Classes at usual times A Warm Welcome to Everyone 8:15 P.M. - ORGAN RECITAL featuring Dr. Melville Cook rItems of Itrs Phone 623-3303 Starkville Mns. Grenville Fountaîn and boys, Coboconk, wene dinner guests witb Mn. and Mrs. Orme Falls, Wednesday hast weck and attcnded the bazaar at Shilob. Miss Beulab Hallowell and Miss Norma Hallowell, Ton- onto, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mn . and Mns. Llew hallowell. Attcnding tbe 45tb wedding annivcnsany at Clarke High School for Mn. and Mns. Gordon Martin, Bowrnanville, Fniday evcnîng ast week fnorn this anea were Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson, Mn. and Mrs. Orme Falls, Mn. and Mrs. Brian Caswehl, Mn. and Mrs. Delbert Hallowell, Mn. and Mns. Harold Souch, Mn. and Mrs. Morley Robinson, and Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. The ladies of Shilob were very pleased witb the success of thein bazaar Wednesday afternoon last week. It was well attended and great en- thusiasrn was sbown in the buying of the lovehy tbings which realized a pleasing arnount. Sunday aftcnnoon the serv- ice was well attended witb a fine message by Bey. T., J. Snelgrove relative, to Peace and Remembrance. Next Sun- day thene will be service with the paston in change. Elect Former Resident to Psychiatric Post in U.S. ference at the Inn-on-the- Park. It is beîng sponsored by the Canadian Council of Be- source and Environment Min- isters and when the confer- ence winds up at noon on Thursday, November 22, the Cabinet Minister membens of the CCREM will have in thein bands a set of guidelines wbicb thousands of Canadians will have helped produce in the interests of better manag- ed natural resources and environment. Symposium '74 presents an opportunity and challenge to senior secondany scbool stu- dents tbroughout Ontario to take part in university life for a few days and to present their work to professors, teachers and felhow students. The Schools Liaison Office of York University is now accepting research papers and-or crea- tive projects for adjudication by_ York University faculty members in the areas of tbe Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Fine Arts, Business and Education. Sel- ected students will be invited on campus for three days, February 6. 7 and 8th as guests of York University and will present their papers to tbe York community as well as to the other selected reàders and honorable mentions. Applica- tions and further information negarding the 5th Annual York Symposium are available from tbe Schools Liaison Office, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Downsview, Ontario or by calling (416) 667-2334. Deadline for receipt of applications is December 1. Beginning Novemben 15, Durham College adds Bagpipe Instruction to its special interest courses in Continuing Education. This course will be of interest to those who have not played before, as well as persons wbo have had mini- mal instruction. There will be basic music theory, as bag- pipe playing is limited to one ocatve. Care, maintenance, and tuning of the bagpîpes, pipe music categories, and instruction as to Highland dress and band equipment are included. Practice chanter instruction wilh take up three- quarters of eacb teacbing session. Casses will be beld on Thursday nîghts from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Bruce Anderson of Oshawa is the instructor and he bas been trained in bagpipe playing by bis father and several pipe majors. He bas played at numerous civic events and social functions, and is presently a member of the Canadian Légion Pipe Band. The Honorable James W. Snow, Minister of Gôvernment Services, said today that tenders are now being caled for renovations iii the admin- istration building at Brookside School, Cobourg, for the Ministry of Correctional Serv- ices. The renovations, cover- ing an area of approximatehy 2,500 sq. ft., are required to convert offices on the first floor to accommodation for relocated medical facilities, including dentist's and doc- tor's offices, sick bay, phar- macy, aboratory and nurses' area. Specifications caîl for some demoition, and instal- lation of new partitions, floor, ceilings, window screens, phumbing and washroom fix- tures. as well as new bot water heating, ventilation system, and electrical work including emergency ligbting. New medical furniture iS ahso specified and the exîstîng dental chair and equipment will be rehocated. Design and contract documents are by Minîstry of Government Serv- ices staff wbo estimate the work sbould be complete within approximately 10 weeks of a contract award. Infant daugbter (Sara Estelle) of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Harvey (nee Doris About 10( close friend: afternoon, 1N Pontypool C with Mn. ai Aiken who 5Oth Weddinî Thunsday N( The weddir Manning and took place at1 Sprucelea F borne of Gene plant) on Noi witb the brid (Dearborn)1 hate Edgar attendants. T performed bi James M( groom's cous The fiftieth vensary was ( Pontypool Coi wben Mn. a along with th( received their Mrs. Albert bara) and à~ greeted the gt SE RI If you w sornething educatio probab Sec' Adult Cc EV] WEDNI EVEI 7 to9 NEW BOW HIGHI GUIDANI The serviç confident no appo is nec( Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken 0relations and while Mrs. Orvîlle Challice Is spent Sunday (Isabelle) showed a fine Jovember 4tb at display of old pictures.,Mrs. Community Hall John Killeen (Margaret) was nid Mns. Harvey in charge of the gifts and ceiebrated their cards which had been re- gAnniversary on ceived by the bride and groom fovember 8th. of 50 years. ng of Barbara L. Afternoon tea was served by 1Harvey C. Aiken the granddaugbters of Mn. and the bride's home, Mrs. Aiken. In charge of the 1arm (now the tea room wene Mrs. Keith eral Motors south Tregunna, Orono, Mrs. D on- vember 8th, 1923, ald Challice, Pontypool, Mrs. Le's cousin Mary Murray Brown, Peterbon- Britton and the ough, andMrs. David Ferrier, L.. Manning as Bolton with assistance fromn 'he wedding was Mrs. Geraid Fisk, Pontypool. )y the ate Rev. The anniversany tea table eMullen (the was centened with the Golden sin). Weddinz Cake and the golden h wedding anni- tapers in crystal candelabras. celcbnated in tic Pouing tea from the silver )mmunity Centre services during the aftcnnoon ind Mrs. Aiken were Mrs. Thomas Norton cmi four cbildnen (aunt of the bride), Mrs. .r guests. Firman Carnentcr, and Mrs. tMunneke (Ban- Nathaniel Belch(sisters of the Mr. Tom Aiken groom) and Mns. Anchie uests at the door Bitton (cousin of the bride).. Those servîng the tea tables were Misses Donna Chalhice, U L Rosemary Killeen, Nanc Tregunna and Denise Ch ah- ÏELLING lice. In charge of tbe guest book for the after'noon were thnee grandsons. John David Y IE Killeen, Barry Challice, and Kenneth Munneke. Nant to do Mn. and Mrs. Aiken re- gabout your ceived many beautiful, gifts, on ... you flowens, and cards and special ibly can. greetings wcre receivedi from Prime Minister Trudeau, Mn. Robent Stanfield, Premier V oun William Davis and a telegram 'ounsellor of anniversary greetings frorn Michenen. ERY Guests fnom a distance were ESDAY present from Montreal, Ton-, NING onto, Garden Hill, Gananoque, ,NINGMarkbam, Peterborough, 9at the Oshawa, Betbany, Bolton, and VMAN VILLE Port Hope. SCHOOL CE OFFICE STATUS 0F WOMEN Mrs. Freda Paltiel bas been ice is free - appointed by the Department of National Health and Wel-, tial -and fane as a spec ial advisor on ýointrnent the welfare and social status .essany. of women - a position newly created in response to growîng sensitivity to the rights and needs of women. POA 012N'TY"oPOO L We welcome tbe most recent have stitches for chin, lacer- family to take up residence nf ations. Pontypool,' Mr.» and Mrs. Ahex Among the Senior Citizens Joncas and famnily, wbo have of. the Betbany larea who moved into their new home enjoYyed the bus trip to the just nortb of the villa ge. Royal Wnter Fair on Fni. Herb Curtis, Jim Wl hlis and Nov. 9th. were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtis have returned Earl Wright and Mr. and Mrs. home fromn a hunting trip. Len Rowett of Pontypool. Mrs. John Allen is stiîî a Omnemee and District Softball patient, in Oshawa Hospital The annual banquet and and it is expect ed that she'wîî tropby award nigbt for' the be there for some time. Mrs. Omemee and district softball Allen suffered severe injuries league was beld nt tho PR-1 in a car accident many weeks Haven on Saturday, Nov. 3. a go and is -till unable, to walk Approximfately 150 attended or speak. being representative of the Thie 1Fried Chicken Supper players and supporters of the h-eld in tbe church on Fn« seven teams fromn north Dur- evening was a great success'bam and Emily, namely with almost threc bundred Pontypool, Bethany', Mill- people partaking. A bus hoad brook. Baillieboro, Lou's Dis- of Senior Citizens (49 of them) count, Artwill Marine and f'rom Betbany and district Welch's. stopped in on their way home fromn a visit to the Royal Winter Fair. At the card and gamnies party which folowed in JATTEN' tbe Community Centre, eucb- re winners were : Mrs. Townson, Yvonne Fahhis,,Fen- ton Fallis and Cliff Fallis. The winners of the cbîldren's A games vere Dawn Bailey and O R G« Kevin Preston.0 Renovations are progress- ing qite favorably at the chunch. A Sand point has been put in at the front of the cuc ihrunning water M ELV I L installed in the kîtchen, and a septic systemn is beîng put in at the back. Several citizens bave donated time and energy (driving a sand point tbirty TR I feet was no easy task) and the church thanks them, also a special thank-you to onie of nur senior members who donated a beautiful gas stove for the ai cburch kitchen. It was certain- S N A hy very useful tbe night of the supper. The Christmas tree season is wellunderway. We bave seen several hoaded transports leaving the Pontypool area. We send get-wehl wisbes to Jim Klopfer of Bethany. Jim ADULTS $2.00 is a frequent visitor in Pontypooh. Wbihe taking part in an "Old Tymers" hockey Phone 62 game in Mihbrook on Friday night, Jim bad the misfortune to break his nose and bad to OUTODOR ~ CHRISTMAS LIGIT SET~ W x 72" Satin SiIk Fi"is CHRISTMAS DECOR -- PLASTIC TABLE CU VER AÊ Gi LLEE SUPER STAINLES STEEL BLADES I SylvANIAMAOICMSES ISYIVANIAFLSIICUES lfl es i, cm)$3 (t!FaSilsim BABY SCOTT $1a29 RWAPERS BABY SCOTT ' DI!APER PANTS 1 l- SIE . . C ON DESJIINT 7 2 OZ. In E c.Ls tl 7 121% u..ilL BIENYLIN $12 COUGH SYRUP12 MEWI-CITRON $1 3 ASPERGUM UT49 !LG IESso$,i66 c. IWNEY PASTILLESt FACELLE ROYALE MES >c rMACIILISSlUES fos I *1 Art Evans 623-4566 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilhe, Nov. 14, 1973 5 President, Clinton Endico tt,. Wieringen also the trophy for presided and following Graîce having winners in the south and a toast to "The Queen", playoff. introduced the head table For Lou's, the runner-up, guests as follows: Alex. Ruth, Jackson Boyd received the Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Boyd, tropby for being north section Mr. and Mrs. John Van wînners on behaîf of the 18 Wieringen, Mrs. Endicott and .phayers present. Alphayers on Mr. and Mrs. B. Hyhand. each team received two indi- Winners of prizes fro draws vidual trophies. were George Reid of Ponty- President Endicott express- pool, Danny Ranson (Lou's) ed his desire to be relieved of and Ronald Smi th of Baillie- bis office at the next meeting boro. and, also ,regretted to learn of Pontypool, with 16 players Mr. Van Wieringen's transfer present, received the grand to Guelph. cbampionship tropby for their Alex. Ruth on bebaîf of the win of 4-3 games, over Lou's Peterborougb umpires' ass- Discount in the best of seven, ociation, complimented the edging the losers by a singhe League on the fine brand of run in the final game, that ball-disphayed last season. He went eleven innings. remined ahl that 35 umpires J. Van Weringen, coach of from Peterborough, are oblig- Pontypool, received the ed to look after games in 17 award, J. Harrington, of the sparate îeague sfrnrh same team received the as li uesasfannrt vlavoff troanhv andasMHahburton "CHEF CHOICE" NEW Desert FIOWer MIRACLE EDGE BATH OI BAS 5-YEAR INTENSIVE CARE ~ s S CniUtopaj LOTION GUARANTEE Special $ o 25.20oz.LOTION$ 6 , FOR THÉ PRICE E DoubleEue 118 CARVINO. NOXZEMA CUTTING BONES SKI N CREAM 10Ooz. w.-~o FROZEN F00 DS; Ul SPECIAL s-SCALING FISH . NXZM CREME FORMULA SG SMISS CLAIRDI _______ NAINCOLN BTIt New 16 oz. Fanhiy Sizoe e $149 CLAIROL SUIGO. LST$2.15 HERBAI IY I"3-ROLL PAPER ESSENCE Z166 CHRISTMAS GIFIWRAP' h S UG SUGG. LST $1,49 c 6"x210" TOTAL LENOTI 'Fabulous Fify 21 CHRISIMAS CARDS "TYE.IL" SÉCIALSUGG. LIST 7S2.50 'BAG FUIL-0-BOWS. ,- TS 49 c Su, ,ow. PARDEC LQI MAIN F=7 6 oz. s,« S1.88 PLAIN PANC .o~w PALS Mutiple vitamins OdSPiCe NAIJTICAL DESIGN SG.LSTS4932 8 AFTER SHAVE DECANTERS SOFTIQUE E>. BAs $00EaTH DIL ASSO RTEô M ASCULINE 7,So 816 ss YOUR $CENTS -IDEAI. Slimpo r rae mi ~ STAYFREE $0144 1 O LIST ~ HAND-WIPES lkm0cm irri e-Usable CothsC DRESSER SET PRAR-aTIlof 12 10 $ M99SET 070 * olou f rmame &hades CONTAC Ç '~NEW! ULTRA BAN Anti-Perspiranw 9 oz. or W«~ PmwdsîIl c a Sqpuwu.d o S i 7 TORIIDINTD' $1331 t;UKl;IUI'I i or Mark Borutskie 623-4665 DR. RUTH HUTCHINSON WEEKS daughter of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Silver Street,' Bowmanville, was elected Vice Chairman of the regional district of the American'Association of Psychiatrie Services to Children, at a recent meeting in Charleston, South Carolina. The region includes clinies and hospitals in southeastern United States from Maryland through the southern states to Puerto Rico. The Association is one of the two leading national organizations dedicated to maintaining and accrediting centers for training child psychiatrists and other workers in the field. Dr. Weeks is a Staff Physician and Psychiatrist in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of V irginia Medical Sehool in Charlot- tesville, Virginia. She lives with her, husband Peter Weeks, and two children Margaret and llugh. Celebrate Golden Wedding Alex McGregor 1DA Drugs KING ST. W. 623-5792 BOWMANVILLE FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE CAL ... I gui m

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