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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1973, p. 8

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8The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Nov. 14,1973 Thâe Ne-wcastle Indep--endent Mr$. Som Brereton Phone 987-4221 Newvcastle Harbor Being Restored for Recreafion Use' An extensive program of restoration, dredging and new breakwaters is underway at Newcastle's harbor on Lakie Ontario that will transform it into a useful marina. Scott Fenneil is the developer who has a 10-year plan that includes the marina, a yacht club and a large residential area. It is estîmated that the first stage, now underway, will cost about $500,000. Recently, the federal government approved the installation of two breakwaters and extensive dredging now being done by Canadian Dredge and Dock who have the $176,000 contract. Another 'Remembrance Day' bas corne and gone. We wonder how many of us took the time to pause and remem- ber? Time is a fleeting commodity which makes it a precious commodity - a, few precious moments on Suniday was ail it took to remember. Remembering war isn't pleas- ant, but a few 'precious moments remembering wythe wrwyoujr 1men foug'ht and died, why sýomne are stil cpldin mmd aand body, makeus usj reaLe they did it ail for us - a lot of us yet unborn at the time! They did it so we could and can enjoy our freedomns - of speech, of work, of play, of worship freedoms which we possess and take so much for granted. A number of Newcastlites rememberedi A very lovely service of "Remembrance"' was held at St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday afternoon wîth members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 178, Bowmanville, members of the Ladies Auxîll- iary to Branch 178, the Bowrnanville Branch 178, Gol- den Legionnaires, Bowman- ville Legion Pipe Band joining ex-servicemen and citizens of the Village to commemnorate Remembrance Day 1973 in Newcastle. The Veterans, Ladies and Pipe Band formed up at the east side of the Community Hall wliere they were joined by mnembers of the Newcastle Scouts, Cubs and Brownies and their leaders to parade to St. George's. They were welcomed at the cburcb door by the Rector, Rev. H. Robert Hayne, who isalso Padre of JOHIN F. OEUT Genera i nsurance PIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Contact: the Bowmanville Legion Branch. After the moving churcb service, during which the Golden Legionnnaires render- ed two beautiful selections, the veterans, ladies and cbiid- ren once more fell into formation to parade back to our beautivul Cenotapb for the moving iaying of the Remem- brance Wreatbs. Reeve of the Village, Mr. Afred Gray, read the naines fteialen fro, tbree wars aftem wbich the tfoIIowingc wreatbs were laid: Province of Ontario- Mayor of the new Town of Newcastle - Gamnet Rickard; Roy ai Canadian Le- gion, Brandi 178- President Edmund Majer; Ladies Auxil- iary to Royal Canadian Legion Brancb 178 - President Nance Colmer; Ex-Servicemen of the Village - Abert Naylor; Vill- age of Newcastle - Reeve Alfred Gray; Newcastle Lions Club - President Ivor Braw- ley; Newcastle Businessmen Howard Quinney and New- castle Public Scbool - in the absence of a representative Scout Mark Konzelmann was selected fmom the parade ranks. Two minûtes silence was tien observed, broken only by the piaying of The Last Post, the Lament by the Pipe Band and Reveille. Mn. Doug- las Walton lowered and raised the flad behind the Cenotaph at tie appropriate time. Rev. Hayne closed this stirring service with prayer, after wbich those gatbered nearby sang God Save the Queen. By the way, have you looked at oui Ceîîotdpb lately? The men on the Newcastle Ceno- tapb Committee bave gone about their work quietly and efficiently for years and bve done a marvelous job of keeping it in repair and beautiful. It is one of the most pictunesque cenotapbs bere- abouts and is indeed a fitting memorial to our loved ones. The Cenota p Committee, on bebaif of al ex-servicemen in the Village, bas asked us to thank. most sincerely. al those wbo attended or took part in Sunday's services witb secial tbanks f0 alI the IHARRY VOERMA.N veterans wtio turneci out to I 623-3111 or 623-3950 j make if a special meaningful I 33 ING S. 33 KIWMNVST.E Mrs. R.G. Wrght, Toronto, BOW AN I and ber daugbter, Mrs. R.F. *ATTENTION FARMER.S!! WHY PAY MOm 0%R E? a IMSAVE ON * * DIESEL FUEL r 91, GASOLINE * Premium'Quality* * Farni Tanks and * Pumps Available : hono 668-3381 -Colleet: :DX FUEmL 0111 * For Prompt Courte ous Service I I Cail Us TodayI flmMMummm MmmmmMmasm Innies, King City, spent Sun- day with their niece and cousin and her family,' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aquilina, Gayle and Aif. Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Innes attenTd Suniday service at St. George's Anglican Cburcb at which time Books of Common Pray- er, gifts from Mrs. Wright in memory of ber mother, Mrs. Margaret Wetberell, and ber sister, Mrs. Mary Asb; gifts also, fromn Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Innes in memory of their son and brother, Roy William Wright, were dedicated. Mrs. Elsie Neilson of Shar- bot Lake spent last week witb Mrs. -Talbot Alldread. Last Friday Mrs. Joanne Alldread and boys, Mrs. Sbaron Ail- dread, Mrs. dune Alldread and Miss Lana ,Çollier returnçd_ to Sharbot Lake witb Mrs. Neil- son to meet the erstwbile bunters, Jim,Tom, Talbot Al dread and Winslow Collier to returo home witb tbem and bopefully some venison. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bouck of Wincbester spent i as t week- end witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pruner and girls. Mrs. Dorotliy Murphy of Iroquois was a weekend guest of ber sister and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pruner, Linda and Alice. Congratulations to the cong- regation and Rev. Tbomas Smith of Newcastle United Cburch on the celebration of their 149tb anniversary on Sunday last. Special services were beld, perba Ps we shahl bave more detail s for next week. It was certainly nice to sec Mr. Donald Parker out on the street after being a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hosp- ital for' several weeks. We understand Don must undergo surgery in the near future our prayers go witb you. If you bave loved ones in the bospital, did you ever tbink their friends and acquaint- ances would like to know? We would be pleased to let tbemn know via tbis column. Cal 987-4221 please. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wrigbt, Lively, Ont., are visiting lis brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wright and Jarme, for a few days. BETHANY Mrs. Paul Croteau of Fraserville was a weekend visitor witli Mrs. Irene MacDonald. Mrs. Gertrude Kerr, Pet- erborough, and Mrs. E. Fosliay, Oshawa, visited recently witli Mrs. Gladys McMalion. Mrs. E. Foshay, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins, 0 r o n o, vislted with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Mahon. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smithi and, Trina visited witli Mr. and Mrs. George Porter, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson visited witli Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Wrighit, Peterboroughi. Residents are sorry to learn that Mm. Ross Carr is a patient In Civic Hos- pital, Petemborougli. Mr. Carr received Injuries in a car accident earliem this past week, Bethany Mixed bowling club got underway this week with the following resuits:- Ladies' high sin- gle, Georgina Scott 237; ladies' high three, Geor- gina Scott 661; men's high single, Earl MeQuaid 259; men's higli three, Eaml Mc- Quaid 718. Games over 200: Kim Kloepfer 255- 236-224, Heather Horslen 225-218,, Dave McReelis 210, Fred Marshall 210. Men's Bowling League: Higli single, Steven McGill 224-, high three, Ivor, Wil- liams 701, high tliree han- dicap, Ken Sinclair 532. Bethany U.c.w. The November meeting of the Betbany United Churcli Women was beld at the home of Mrs. Win- nifred Spencer with mem- bers answering the rol cal] by suggesting a pro- gram for the coming yeai. Mrs. Ruth JennIngs read the minutes from the pre- vious meeting, and Mrs. Hemb Coppins gave the foi- lowing reports: treasurer's report and Cliristian Edu- cation report; Mrs. Irene MacDonald reported on Visiting and Friendsh.ip. At long last, the Betb- any U.C.W. was able to turn over a $1,000 clieque to the Church treasurer, to assist In the sýhinglingu of the churcli roof.Shi- lIng sbould start ýthis week. The progmam and wor- slip service was in charge of Mrs. Allan Beer. The theme was based on "1chl- dren". Mms.Ross Carm read from the book of Matthew, and Mrs. Beer stressed the .importance of a mother's love and guidance toward lier children as Weil as other chlldren associated witli ler family. Members were later giv- en the opportunity to par- ticipate in making Christ- mas corsages, under the guidance of the president, Mrs. John Neals. Announcements Includ- ed the following: Novem- ber 20, Executive meeting at the home of Mrs. John Neals; November là, the Oshiawa Boys Choir wil] particIpate In a concert in the United Churcli, tickets are available from churdli members; December 3 will be the next meeting of the U.C.W. and It will be held at the home of Mrs. John Neals. A Cliristmas gift excliange will take place at this meeting. December 16, a joint carol service will be held at St. Paul's Church In the evening and also the Chiristmas Sunday Scliool Party wili be held on Deceniber 16. Decem- ber 1, the Christmas Tea and Bazaar will be held In the Churcli Sunday School Hall, cOmmencing 2 p.m. Manvers Couneil News Forms are being prepar- ed to assIst the Manvers Arena CommIttee In can- vassing esidents of the township for the support of the amena project. Can- vassers are interested in knowIng how many mem- bers in each family that would participate in vanl- ous fomms of hockey, skat- ,ing, etc., and also informa- tion as to who is willing to give their tîme for the promotion of minor hoc- key and assistance witli the canteen, etc. Pledges will also be asked for to determine the amount of funds that can be raIsed locally to aid in the build- ing of the proposed Com- munity Center. A grant of $1500 eacli lias been given to the fol- lowing organi za t 1on s: Scout Pack, Girl Guides, Cub Pack and Brownîes. The three waste disposai sites in the township wIll now be bulldozed on a weekly basis and the road superintendent lias been given authority to use a larger bulldozer from time to time as required. The Manvers Red Cross Society lias been given temporary use of the kit- chen in tbe Township Hall basement, subi-,et to the approvai of the Bethany Women 's Inatitute. !Vdore to77, 77, t)oats icýtt Lake Bennett on dune 1, 1898, bound for the Yukon's Klon- dike gold fields. -0 Newcastle Remembers its War Dead On Sunday afternoon, following a church service at St. George's Anglican Church in Newcastle, veterans and a large number of young people paraded to the cenotaph for a special Remembrance service and laying of wreaths. They were led by the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band, some of whom are in the foreground, while Legion Padre Robert Hayne begins the service. ing we still have enough remnants of the original Y E VR tforeads ompoerigo tforeadunio rmioveri- A miscellaneous shower Anne Goslin, for which ed snowmobiling, on sod- was held in Yelverton she expressed her appre- ded fields. church basement on Sat- ciation. Lunch concluded On Sunday at 9 a.m. urday evening for bride- the evening. a good represe nt at i on eleet Christine Stacey who Our locality was Inun- throughout the township is scheduled to change lier dited with a 12" blanket were present at tlie M7 to Mrs. later this of snow last Monday ev- wreath laying and Re- month, Christine was as- ening whlch made trans- imembrance Day service sisted in opening hem many portation èxtremely pre- held at 'Bethany Township gifts by Darlene Malcolm, carious and at times im- Hall and at the Centoaph Marleali Malcolm a n à possible. At time of writ- witli a brief service con- ducted by the two local ministers. Millbrook Leg- ion No. 402, the Provincial' Gov't., Manvers Twp and Manvers Red Cross each provided wreaths which were laid by Veteran Bob Carr, Henry Jakeman In absence 'of M.P.P. Alex Carruthers, Reeve Harvey Malcolm and Charlie Preston. Following the service, many proceeded, to Millbrook for a further service. Mr. Terry Malcolm lias loaded up his catapuit and done deer hunting this week in Haliburton area with some Bethany nim- rods. The Janetville - Yelver- ton Hii C met on Sunday evening at the home -of Rev. and Mrs. Jerry Hof- stetter with 16 in. attend- ance. Pres. Robt. Burns cbaired the meeting. The treasurer's report was giv- en by Miss Liz McGuiness. Attendance at a Youth Rally at Niagara Falls on Dec. 27-30 was discussed. Likewise future social ev- ents were considered. Belated congratulations Kool Enterprises Domestic and Commercial Refrigeration Units and Appliances SALES & SERVICE 0F: *Domestic Refrigerators *ice Cube Makers *Freezers* Walk-In Coolers *Air-Conditioners * See Us Today FREE ESTIMATES... Weekend Appointments OnIy PHONE 623-3221 Johinson, our genial, - hors, who we unde, id celebrated their 25th-an- niversary last week. Many more to Noreen and Dont. Mr. Glenn Skuce, Mr. Walter and Mr. Russell Kerr were successful thls week while out wolf hunt- ing to bag a maie -wolf. They report an abundance of wolf tracks in the area which may explain the scarcity of deer in the lo- cality. MANUFACTURERS LIVESTOCK SPECIALS VITAMAR MEDICATED SILO GUARD International Stock Food Company Limnited Sales Representative: ""UNCLE BEN NY"f WI LSON 623-5720 Bowmanville Woo )CAT SÇAJProducta CLEARANCE FROM -STOC K- S A VE 25%' ON VINYL COVERED WOOD MOULDINGS -Inside and HARDOARD NOW AVAILABLE PRE-DRILLED READY TO TAKE D OORSSTANDARD HARDWARE WITH 23/4" 30" x 78"- 30"x 80"BAKT SPECIAL MAHOGANY DOORS 24" wide x 78" and 80" PRICED AS LOW $7 9928" wide x 78" and 80" AS 30" wide x 78" and 80"1 IDEAL FORî REC ROOMS 32" wide x 78" and 80" $ Ae0 BATHROOMS ETC. LIMITED QUANT ITIES JUST IN TIME FOR COOL WEATHER WARMTH FIREPLACLOGS 99~ LONG BURNINGPELG$5 BRIGH MULT-COLOED Àr UP TO 3 HOURS PRLG7 FLAME ec Carton of 6 COURTICE YARD and B ID L SALESROOM ASCAT TR 401 HG WAYTWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 40 HG~AYCOURTICE, 728-1611 - OSHAWA 728-1617 Lets Build Together Newcas (le Social and Personal 24 DIVISION ST. - BOWMANVILLE 24 DIVISION ST. - BOWMANVILLE

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