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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1973, Section 2, p. 4

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4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 21, 1973 Section Two Flags FIy'cf Newton ville Remembrance Service EProvincial C November 13, 1973 J. C. Philips Leasing Co., 105 Braylis Dr., Dunanville and driven by WM. Topp Febru- ary 22, werecharged contrary to section 2 of the Public Vehicle Act with sending haulage collect. The fine was $50. and costs. Purolator Courier Ltd., 20 Morse St., Toronto, were.fined $50. and costs $27. for a parcel la excess of 90 lb. limit for, such service. Steven Adams and David Pierce, both of Markham, were remanded la custody for one more week on a charge of stealing by violence. Cecil Bruce 36, 544 Birch- mount Rd., Scarboro charged October 8 with following too closely, pleaded "guilty". Four vehicles were westbound la heavy traffic, three were able to stop and the fourth one couldn't. The fine was $20. and costs, la default 2 days. Brian Chas. Crowells, 18, R.R. 4, Bowmanville and Terry Dean Therteil, 84 Duke St., Bowmanville, charged August 25th with having la their possession 2 ten speed bicycles knowing thema to be obtained by an indictable offence pleaded "guity". Mr. Crowells had a further charge laid September 10, of driving withoot holding an operator's licence. He pleaded "guity'. Const. D. Smith, received a complaint that the, two men had brought 2 bicycles to an apartment and heard they were changinig the colour and the locks. The bicycles were vaiued at $80. each. Both were remandedt out of custody to December 4. A presentence report is to be made on Mr. Therteil. Dimitar Nemchev, Tom Ko- mov, Hristro, Dimitrov, and George Mitrev, 372 Queen St., Toronto, were, charged Sept- ember 17, Township of Danl- ington with stealing a sheep, not exceeding $200. from Mr. Leslie Cochrane, Enniskillen. ,Ail pleaded "not guilty". Mr. Cochrane saw 4 men la his field and took the licence number of a car'at side of road. Const. Helmer was called, who la tomn relayed the number to Toronto. Const. Mahoney of the Metropolitan Toronto police called at the above address. He observed 4 men unloading a sheep, they had no bill of sale, just that they got it f rom a f armer. The sheep was taken to the Toronto Humane Society. It had same 'marking as Mr. Cochrane described. Only one of the men could converse la English and many things he could not understand.. The case was pot over to Decem- ber 18 when they are to appear .ourt with someone who can trans- late for them. John Edwin Bonsma, Erie Bonsma 19, R.R. 2, Blackstock and Andrew Demer 17, al pleaded "Guilty" to several charges of wîlful damage, and committing misehief during the past summer months. The two Bonsma boys were on probation at the time. The two Bonsma's and Demer pleaded "guiltyýý' to a charge of using a rifle without undue care. On another occasion,' John Bons- ma, Demer and Andrew Brinkman had a rifle and shot at a tire on a passing truck. Counsel for the young men asked they be not held in custody prior to sentencing. Judge Baxter had no hesi- tancy ln remanding John and Eric Bonsma in custody to December 4. The crown stated society cannot afford to have the Bonsma boys at large, thousandç of dollars worth of damap-e was done. Their probation reports are to be up- dated. Tfrey were involved in every charge but one. They have corne to the end of their rope. Demers, Brinkman and Vàndergaast were remanded out of custody to December 11. George Peter Vandergaast* also charged, were remanded out of custody to December il. They will observe a curfew. A pre-sentence report is to be prepared on them. Thos. Darryl ýSimso,16, pleaded "guilty to rekand enter at Waltona Snack Bar, Newcastle, August 3. He was charged jointly with others. On two separate occasions the snack bar was broken into. H1e was remancled to Dec. 4 at which time a pre-sentence, report will be presented. Donald Frank Steeves char- ged at the same tîme pleaded "not guilty" and was remand- ed to Dec. 18 for trial. Helen' E. Schatz, charged October 18, witb failing to yield at Wellington and Temp- erance Sts. pleaded "guilty". The fine was $20. and costs. John Fred Lees, 136 Perry St., Peterboro, was charged with, having liquor la other than his residence. The fine was $75. and costs, la default 8 days. Const. 1. Smith investi- gaited. Anthony Holtz, Leskard, ch)ar.ged with taking a battery under $200. value la August and a further charge of damaging signs at a park, pladd guilty". A further chre ffailing to appear la court September 18 was read out. H1e is to appear Nov. 27 whien ail charges will be deait David Stanley Malcolm 17, 36i7 Bay St., Port Perry and Randy Scott McLeod 17, R.R. 1, Blackstock, charged Octo- ber 6, with break and enter at a cottage in Caesarea and commit theft, pleaded "guilty". Mr. Malcolm had been working at this cottage and when the job was finished lef t a window unlatched. They removed an amplifier, tele- vision, radio-phonograph and il bottles of liquor. The total value was $911. Ail was recovered except 2 botties which had been consumed. Const. Kozak was shown where the goods were stored. They were remanded out of custody to December 18 for a pre-sentence report. They are to stay apart and observe a. 7 curfew during this time. Ronald Flynn 16, charged with having liquor while under age, received a fine of $25. and costs, in default 3 days. H1e was given 2 weeks to pay. Francois Leduc was char- ged October 6 with having liquor in other than his residence. Const. Kozak stop- ped a car on tbe Nestleton road and seized 24 pints of beer. The fine was $75 and costs, in default 8 days. Herbert R. Robinson, R.R. 2, Oshawa charged with going 70 miles la a 60 mile zone on county road 1 received a fine $30. and costs. Ronald R. Cyr, charged August 28 with careless driv- ing la Bowmanvilie, pleaded "ýnot guilty". Const. Loba of the Oshawa olice la giving evidence sai e was west- bound after leaving the zoo when a motorcycle passed hlmi at a high rate of speed with a passenger, hie hit a car which was crossing the road la front of Mac's Milk and driven by Mrs. Cornish. Judg ix- ter found himn "guilît as charged and the fine was $100. and costs $1650. A charge of failing to show proof of insurance was dismissed. POPULAR JODLE DRAKE COMING TO DUTCHMAN Ail next week, the Fiying Dutchman Motor Inn wiii be holding a Jazz Week, featur- ing one of the top entertainers in Canada, Jodie Drake. Shes a tali, taiented gai who realiy can sing. Don't miss ber show. See the advertisement else. where in this edition. sHARVEY ORONO 983-5Z" ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE, The flags stand'out straight in the wind as the Rev. Snelgrove (visible in the centre background of the photo) addresses the group gathered at the Newtonville Cenotaph for the Remembrance Day service, on Saturday morning, November loth. Despite the brisk wind and the cold tempera 1tures 50 people took part in the ceremonies at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. Spencers nd MAuttons Make Mincemeat of OJpponents as W. Fr -.-ýnk and Brooks 'Lose by Jim Clarke Spencer's Real Estate and Mutton's Sheli continued to make mincemeat of the oppos- ition, as they bagged one sided victories last Sunday, mora- ing. In the opener, Spencers spotted Walter Frank's a 3-1 lead before sprinting away to their 8-4 win. Mttons exper- ienced even less trouble as they manhandled Brook's- Sup- ertest, 10-0 in the, late affair. Spencers, (4-0 1) hlold atw point edge ove otos r~~~~)nI nkjludr ohwt -4 r ecords. Dough ruhiasadu "AL T H EMN KINKrD S 0F A business firm mnay need insur-ance covering: Property damsage, robbery and theft, employee dis honesty, glass breakage, vandalîsm, buîsi- ness interruption, loss of rentai income or earnîngs, loss of valuable papers, or accounits receivabie' records, public iiability - ail availabie at 'package' discount from the James Insurance Agency Ltd. Agencg LiUte 24 Kng St. E., Box 100 BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMýES #1 Office 623-568 1 (~ Pesidence 623-5023 during Spencer's playoffs last year, had is shooting iron smoking on Sunday morning. He slammed home four goals and added an assist. The !winners' other goals came from Larry Perris, Gene Balson, Kim Rogers and Don McMurter. For Walter Frank, Bob Howes, la a flashy debut, counted three of the Real Estate crowd's goals. Rick Woolner had the others, as well as picking up three assists. The losers collected five of th.ý gamie's six penalties. Spencers, who trailed early in the second period, 3-1, moved into a 5-4 lead midway through the third. They outdis- tanced the opposition over the rest of t he route, scoring three unanswe'Vred goals. This Sun- FRIDAY NIGHT MIXED High Singles Helen Reynolds.......... 303 Gord Wilcox............ 331 High Triples Helen Reynolds-,........ 774 Dave Reynolds.......... 895 Team Standings Wilcox................ 21 Reynolds D ............ 21 Brock E............... 17/2 Etcher M .............. 16 Smale................ 16 Prout ................. 16 ReynoldsH ............ 16 Milson ............... 15/2 Engley................ 15 Etcher................ 12 Richards............... 7 Brockll ................ 7 Due to new pins (long overdue) severl high scores were bowled this week includ- ing two 800 scores. Last week, no one bowled 700. We look forward to some good scores now. Leading-the league were D. Reynolds 895 (330,302) and G. Wilcox '888 (331, 310), nice bow ling feflas. Other high scores were H. Reynolds 774 (303), B. Luxton 734 (262,252), M. Richards 731 (286), O. Etcher 714 (287), H. Bennett 710 (287), T. Milîson 687 (247,245), E. Brock 684 (249, 245) keep practising Elton, Bill Konopacki 671 (265,253), E. Engley 669, J. Luffman 658, C. Harris 643, M. Kirkton 637 (235), D. Cowle 257, L. Stainton 251, A. Sleep 240, F. Bradley 240. THE F uRNITUPRE BARN HWY. 115 - NEWCASTLE HUGE SAVINGS ON QUALITY FURNITURE NAME BRAND BOX SPRINGS & MATRESSES ALL SIZES ASK ABOUT OUR go DAY OPTION -PLAN (No Finance Charges) BUY NOW - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OPEN 7 DAYS WEEKLY PIIONElý 987-5151 or 987-5161 day morning, Spencers will attempt to keep their unbeat- en record intact, when they meet Brook's Supertest at 9.00. In their last matchup, Spencers posted a 3-1 victory. la last Sunday's late game, Dave Green led Mtton's demolition on Brooks, scoring three times and adding four assists as they breezed to a 10-0 triumph. George Sains- bury (2-2) and Brian Rowe, with similar figures, were other top performers for thé wvinners. The remaining Mutt- on goals came from, lrv Gi, Keni Holmnes and Jim Baker. Grant Wright registered the first shutout after five weeks of Commercial League play. Brooks, who finally finished with a 10 man lineup, offered littie resistance, as Muttons offensive waves rolled in on a desolate,' Ken Vetch la the losers nets. Brooks h1ave only 15 goals to show for their five contests s0 far, while allowing 29, second in this department to Walter Frank's 33. The Real Estate outfit hiave scraped up only 16 goals against oppon- ents. In this Sunday morning's late game, Mottons and Walt- er Franks provide the enter- tainment beginning, at 10: 15. Business Diréciory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comnn. Chartered Accountant 36 % King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chi r op r ac t c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office:, 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment D e ntçi 1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR.* WILLIAM KEANE 1Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bownanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Teléphone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowxnanviflk Office Hours: Mon., 'ues., and Thurs. 9 til 5 Wednesday 9 til 2 Friday 9til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 %NMuriel Kinog is proof... ââ Serviqce stili ives at IGA! 77 KING ST. E. DO WMAN VILLE ORANGE PEKOE Fiewerdale Tea Bags Effective October 7th 10:-00 a.m. to 5: 00p.fli. OF72 79C P ost (CEREAL) oz. Honey Cern 9OZ - "IGA SPECIA L" CARLTON CLUB Drinks ASST'D CASE 0F FLAVORS 24 ONLY oz. TIN $1 .59 (PACKED IN ITS OWN JUICE> D. C. Pineapple BqrU5S PACK 0F 8 OZ, EXTRA) LANCIA SPAGHETTINI OR Spaghetti BONUS PACK 0F 8 OZ. EXTRA) LANCIA READY-CUT Macaroni "IGA SPECIA L" (2% PARTLY SKIMMEOI EVAPORATED Borden's Solve your special gift problemn with a -É-Christmas* 4Gift Certicate! GA Christmas Gift Certicates are nqw available in your choice of denomination. For full details se your local Mr. IGA. FriendIy, personal, checkout service is an IGA trademark. In our recent IGA Checker of the Year contest, Miss Muriel King,an enthusiastic and proficient young cashier at Gardiners IGA in Picton, won top honors..We at IGA are proud of the fact each IGA store has its own Muriel King..checkers who prove day after day that service stililives at IGA. And we also congratulate the other two finalists in our 1973 Checker of the Year contest. Fresh!.9Chiekea Quarters LB. 59~ CANADA GRADE "A" TABLERITE BEEF Roat IBI LB. II SUNN'YMORN, RINDLESS S'iede Bacon PG 1 CANADA GRADE "A" TABLERITE BEEFdo Prime Rib Steaks LB, A29 OLD MILL, PORK AND BEEF SOEa i Breakfast SausagePAKGE 79 SWIFT PREMIUM Wieners MEATY Braising Ribs LB, 8 Cooked Ham soz 890 CANADA PACKEFRS LB.980 Polish Sausage PECELB.99, KRAFT-ONION, SWl55 OR SHARP' Squeez-a- Snak PKG - RASPBERRY. STRAWBERRY OR CHERRY Berry Box 2 L Jams WffH PECTIN- JAR * REGULAR OR HARD To HOLD VD-5 Hair SprayTIN 1M1 "IGA SPECIA L IGAOYALGOLD IGCheese Suces INIYtDUAU.Y WRAPPEO REG,, OR N IPPYc -1 PKG. PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. TO SAT. NOV 2122,23,24 R IGHTS RESERVE TO LIMIT QUANTITIES -IGA SPECIA L" SAICO Frmla-ked White 'àTuna 6 1/2 OZ. TIN 9 McCORMICK'S "SOME 0F EACH"- OR DEMPSTER'S (MFG. 6c OFF) 2 1/2 LB. C aU2-OZ 0l. IK.650 -Jy Crackers PG 49 Union Relis PKG.AO 0F8 89 BREAKFAST TREAT FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS RED OR WHITE qraperfruit SEET JIC Fiorida Oranges TASTY PRODUCE 0F SS A Breccoli CRISP B.C. CANADA FANCY GRADE Deliciéus 99 7DOZ.1 APe RED OR LBS. FLAVORFUL B.C. CANADA FANCY GRADE BUNCH ~ Anjou 39NC Pears 3 Bs 990 Supplied by THE OSHAWA GROOPLMIE supply depot for ProgreSSive Indepdes 27 % IRENE POOK MARY RITCHIE AJAX IGA ORANGEVILLE IGA "C =A IASPECIAL IGA (2-PLY) Bathroom Tissue ASSTIO COLORS 4-ROIL PKG.55,5 'IGA SPECIAL" I.G.A. FANCY WHOLE KERNEL COR 12 oz2 SLICEO E.DO SMITH BLUEBERRY OR RUPERT FROZEN GOLDEN 19F.9-FL -01 10 NmOZý 1.N29 Cherry Pie Fiiiing ' 59 atteredCoPG95 DRAIN OPENER IGA CINNAMONSUGAR TUFFYS 21/2 LB. P 32 FL.OZ. R. n 24-OZ. 1,m PKG. 5 Lquid urano PATCBL7 ¶Ji i FAMILY SIZE EA. J usn ot 7-OZ A OC PKG . g

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