Beautifully Bedecked Bike at BHS the window is Year Three student Peter Demeter and he, along witb fellow Grade il student Bill Scott, put the display together as part of an assig ,nment for marketing teacher Peter Minnis. Commercial Director Char-- les Clarke was very enthusias- tic about the display, calling it one of the best since the new sehool opened. Marketing Western Electrics Baffle Markhamn Squad fo Tie~ On Saturday, Nov. l7th, the Steve Cary and Mîke Stoc,- ker. Western Electric Minor Markbam tied the gamie1in Atoms and Markham battled the third period at the 7:15 to a 2-2 draw in a bard fougbt mark. O.MUHA. encounter in the The Bowmanville boys Memorial Arena. came close but couldn't get Bowmanville struck early in the winner, with the game the game when Joe Nihili ending in a well-played dead- banged in a goal, the assist lock. Bowmanville now bas a going to Billy Sainshury. record of seven wins, one tie Markham tied up the game and one loss so f ar this season. late in tbe period. Ken Woodard played a great The Western Electric squad game in goal for the Western went ahead again at the 1:555 Electrics. mark of the second, Rod Plain the marksman on a beautiful W S E IL backband goal. The assists E L Y I E went to the defence pair of The third gencral meet- ing of the Welcomc U.C.W. for 1973 was held at Wel- come on Wednesday night, Nov. l4th. It was a busy night, members of the Quin - Mo - Lac executive met in the new part of the building at the samne time and were able to join the first group for a social time dlurîng serving of re-, frr'shments. 11 The president Mrs. Ken Symons opened the meet- ing by reading a pôem. The secretary Mrs. Harold Best, after reading the minutes of the June meet- ing, read a letter of appre- ciation from the Fred Vic- tor Mission for parcels re- celved. The report of the e M & S committee showed a considerable way to go before the M & S fund for the charge would meet its M ~ objective., With payments à for the new building pro- gressing favorably, the la- dies were pleased to be ab1e to vote the usuai ex- tra $200 to the M & S fund. The manse commit- tee reported that on Nov. ist, Rev. J. Ramit secured ownership of the manse at Canton. New members, re- cent residents in the comn- munity, were introduced, Mrs. Ron Nelson and Mrs. Brure Hendry, also Mrs. A. Lovshlm. A project of writing let- ters to prisoners in Viet Nam, started at the last meeting, was weli under- way with 18 namnes being %~ received and taken' by members. The report of ýW SE RE N ITY tha committee on nomina- tions was read by Mrs, R. Newton as follows: Past President, Mrs. Ken Sy- SUITE mons; President, Mrs. T. Wilson; Vice Pres., Mrs. R. ýutchNewton; Treas., Mrs, R. iuthNewton, Secretary, Mrs. G. Byers; Archivist, Mrs. H. Osborne; Rep., to Board of Stewards, Mrs. E. Bar- rowclough and' Mrs. John Con nelly; Rep. to Officiai Board, Mrs. G. Tufford. BLE $54.95 EA. The business of each group was conducted by their respective leaders and the new siate of offi- M ITEU cers was presented. For Wesleyville they were: DWMA NVI LLE Pres. Mrs. K. Ashby, Vice Pres, Mrs. Clarence Nicli- ols; Seçretary, Berniece Best: Treas, Mrs. H. Reeve:, teacher Minnis went even farther. He said it was probably1 the best displayed motorcycle in the country. If you're good at creatîng window displays there is apparently quite a good future in it. One girl who took the BHS course last year, landed a $9,000 per year job with a major company and, although Mr. Minnis said not to print the f act, she f ailed the course. Flower commrittee, Mes- dames K. Dinner and J. Wait(er; Com. on Nom., Mesdames H-. Best and M. Payne-, Programme, Mes- dame(s M. Payvne, T. Wil- son and G. Tuffordi, During ,"thie meeting a lelter was read by Ber- iece B3est fromn Luk Yun Man, the littie girl In Hong Kong whose school- ing i assisted by the U.C.W. The coin botties kept during the year were re;Lurned at this, meeting with u)thers to come from, absent members. These coin collectors make up a substantial part of the $120' required for financ- ing the aid program. The devotionai part of the meeting was conducted by Mrs. N. Chestnut and con- tained a reâd!nLy frnm f1hp Observer, Sunday, morning church service at Weicome was ln charge of the AOTS, men's club for the charge. The opening devotions lwere conducted by MVr. John Connelly. Mr. Carmen Bell read the scripture from Peter and Ephesians and led in prayer. The mes- sage entitled "Called To- gether" was given by Mr. Mac 'Walker. Mrs. Reeve was organist for the al maie choir who were as- sisted by three gentlemen, Wm., Howard and Glen Allen. They sang three, special numbers, "&Here from the world we turn", ::My anchor holds" and "Seeking the Lost." The day was grey as November often is but the fellowship of the service was warmn and the church brightened with beautiful arrange- ments of flowers, and an- other bowl of dark chry-, santhemums. Sympathy here is felt for tne family of Mrs. Chas. Raby whose death occurred in Port Hope hospital t h i s weekend. Known to a host of people she taught in the Zion and Welcome sceho ol1s, her courage-in the face of lier illness xvas a lesson in for- titude to ail of them. We are glad to report another friend of the comn- munity is home from 'Pet- erborough hospital. Mr. Gilbert Austin, niow of Port Hope, had surgery, performed there a few week ago. The annual meeting of the Wesleyviile cemetery board was, h'ed at the home of Mrs. E. Barrow- clougli on Friday evening, November 16th. Apprecia- tion was expressed for the excellent work done in the cemetery by Barry Best as caretakerthis past season. Plans were Made for the annuai bec in the sprîng and approvai. given for învestment of funds on hand. Those present were Messrs. Clarence Nichols, Arnold Thorndyke, Leon- ard Oughtred, chairman, Wilfred Bee, treasurer, George Tufford, Mrs. A. Ford, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. M. Freeman in Kingston. Hobbs Parents HoId First Meeting of Advisory Committee The highly successful, Par- ents Advisory COMmittee at M. J . Hobbs Senior Public Scbool held their first meeting of the 1973-74 schooi yea r on Monday evening, November, l2th. The group is open to, any resident'of Darlington Town- ship as well as parents with cbildren at Hobbs and their purpose is to further com- munication between the com- munity and the school., Hobbs' principal Ed. Taylor was elected as the chairman of thé Advisory Committee and Mrs. Marguerite Mat-~ thews was chosen as Secre- tary. Taylor commented that one of the main functions of the organization is to inform parents of "what we're trying to do in the school. They adieme on the various policies we set," he added. Bus problems, the teachers' professional activity days and the possibility of establisbing French language instruction in public schools were the primary topics of discussion at Monday's meeting. The group's next meeting wili take place on Monday, Jan. 28tb at Hobbs and the committee welcomes anyone interested in education to attend. MAPLE GROVE Congratulations to Miss Diane Brownell who plac- ed fourth in the Novice Local Championship and fifth in the Novice Mili- tary Class at the Baton Twîrling Competitions in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Cryderman and Susan, of Guelph, w e re weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- man and family. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Mar- tin and Mrs. J. Arthur Lovel were Miss Ruby Dewell,' Oshawa, and Mrs. 1Keith Bickell, Napanee. ]Sunday dinner guests were Mr Sam Dewell, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shiels, Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flin- toff, Oshawa, Mrs. Maurice Preston, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright. The occasion being Mr, Martin's bîrthday. Mrs. H. G. Freeman ac- companied lier daugliter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Denis _Pickard, Bowman- ville, to GreeInburg, Pa., to spend a week with. the former's, granddaugh t e r and husband, Dr. and Mrs. G. Nagarajan and greatý- grand daughter Delphine. 1Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Leard, Peterboroughi, Miss Carol Leard and Miss Di- ane Boudreault, Wooçl- stock, were Saturday sup- per guests with the form- er's daughter and husband m ~1MI The Canadian 'Statesman, Bowmanvilie, Nov. 21.1973 3 Stephens, Coronation Even Basket Standings by David Passant bail well, in outscorrng Hloop- After two. weeks in the er's Jewellers in every qurt- Men's Town League Basket- er for a 30-17 margmn. Doug bail sehedule, ail four clubs Kramp netted 10 points for the own one win, one loss records. Cafe crew, Jim Beam and Dan Stephen Fuels and Coronation McKinnon 6 apiece, Ron Ca fe, who dropped their Munroe 4, Jim Campbell and respective openers , came Tom Gordon with 2 points. back with impressive victor- Hooper's Dave Taylor had 7, ies on Tuesday, Nov. 6tb. at with 2 buckets credited -to the Bowmanville High School Chris Steel. Two, points each Gymnasium. went to Joe Burgess, Tom In the opener, the Fuelers Simpson and Bill Burgess. broke away from Ken's Men's Wear in the final two quarters NEWTONVILLE to dis pose of their rival 31-21. John Compton had 14 points to lead Stephens. Simon Bakaitis and Domenic Gallello had 5 apiece, with B. Proie 4, Ken Kelly, a bucket and Bob Weish, a foui shot, counting the rest of the points. For Ken's top's was Doug Parker with 7 n)oints. foliwed bv Bill Morrison 6, Steve Blysma and Barney McGogin four each. Coronation CAfe moved the Mr. and Mrs. Merton Veals, Scott and Steven. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dewell, Rexdale, w e r e Saturday afternoon callers wjth Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mr. Bob Snowden accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. John Huband of Oshawa, to Brantford on Saturday where they were dinner and overnight guests of Mrs. L. H. Coates, and on Sunday they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Coates and family, Paris. Very sorry that I inad- vertently gave Mr. and Mrs. Len Goodmurphy's address as Maple Grove, in last week's news, when their home is in Orono. STARK VILLE Nov. 15,1973 Top 10 Averages Gail Milison 200, Joyce Stacey 196, Marlene Stacey 195, Dorothy Stark 190, Karen Carter 189, Olive Henderson 183, dune McKeen 183, Lorie Woods 180, Marie Trim 174, Marie Davis 173. High Single June McKeen............ 266 High Average Gail Milison ............. 200 High Triple, dune McKeen . . ý......... 683 200 Games dune McKeen 266,253, Gail Milison 254, Karen Crter 240,205, Bernice henderson 221, Marlene Stacey 217,215, Marie Davis 212. Games Won Funky Phantoms 20, Under- dogs 19, Hound Cats 15, Pink Panthers 12. LONdGSAULTC ish, Misses Mary and Wendy Cornîsh were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb and famîly, Bailieboro. Miss Grace Smith was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harmer and' family R.R. 1, Bowmanviile. rY Cleaners C. cd After lavishing untold wealth in money, furs, cars and jewellery on a beautiful blonde show girl, a certain old playboy finally made her his wife. "That old relie", an acquaintance hooted. "Do you suppose that could be a love match?" IlHeck no," rejoined the other. "The old coot married her for bis money". , CLOTHES CARE HINT: Prevent contagion - germis cannot live ln freshly cleaned clothing. Have your garments cleaned regularly. KEEP BOWMANVILLE CLEAN DON'T L'ITTER BOWMANVILLE C*&LEANERS LTDM ~'10'" iKING ST. W. 623-5520 ~ve ~pecnuîzv in ~nirr Lau~rnerIng' SEE. HERE!!!e e BRAND SPANKING NEW 1973 FORD CUSTOM 500 4-Door PiIIared H ardtop, 351 V8 engine, 3 speed automatic, power steering, power front dise brakes, vinyl insert body side mouldings, white side walls, wheel covers, rear electrie defroster, full carpeting and bumper guards front and rear. Sound like a veautiful car? It is! Finishèd in lovely medium green metallic with matching interior. And the best news is the good service you can expect to recei-ve on a new car from MacDonald Ford in Bowmanville. It's ail part of our "Service and Sales" policy. Now, about the price. REGULAR MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED LIST PRICE ......... $4575.70 SPECIAL DISCOUNT........ .... $1000.70 Your Price We have 6 other 1973 full size Fords left to seli as quick as we can. Every one of them has more of a discount. than this advertised special. Think about it. It's time to corne and see the Friendly People. 219 King St. East, Bowmanville 623ý4481 (P.S. See the ad on PAGE 3 of the Car Care Supplement.) "We Specialize In Shirt Laupdering"