The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 28, 1973 9 CL IED DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFUED Tues., 4:30 p.m. Bith ELDRIDGE - Glenn and Drien proudly announce the birth of their son, Jeremy Beck, on November 6, 1973, 7 Ibs. 6¾ ozs. Proud grand- p arents are Mr. and Mrs. A. an Hattum, R.R. No. 2, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Eldridge, Bowmanville. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. Ewert and maternity staff, very special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. lan McQuarrie. 48-lx HUGGINS - Clarence and Dianne are happy to announce the arrivai of Jeffery Thomas, 8 lbs. 10 ozs. at St. Joseph's Hospital, Comox, B.C. on Nov. 9, 1973, a brother for Bonnie and Robert, llth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. E. Huggins, Blackstock. 48-lx KESSLER - John and Suz- anne (nee Holmes) are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter Mary Suzanne, 8 lbs. 151 2 ozs. on Monday, Nov. 19, 1973 at Memorial Hospital. 48-1 LE BLANC - Ray and Betty of The Acres, Taunton Rd., are happy to announce the birth of their son, Roger Thomas, 9 lbs., on November 22, 1973, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A brother for Cindy, Heather and Lisa. Proud grandparents are Mrs. E. W. Berrill, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Rene Le Blanc, St. Petersburg, Fla. Special thanks to Dr. Keith Siemon and nurses on Mater- nity Floor. 48-1 PRITCHARD -Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pritchard, Manotick, announce the birth of their son, Peter Matthew, Nov. 23, 1973 in Ottawa Civic Hospital. 48-1 STEWART - Harry and Dorothy (nee Stapleton) are happy to announce the births of lan James, 6 lbs. 11 ozs. and Sean Allan 5 lbs. 15 ozs., at Kingston General Hospital, Nov. 6, 1973. Identical twin brothers for Tracy Victoria. Proud Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton, Bowmanville. 48-lx Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wither- spoon are very pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha Jane, ta Mr. Nicholas Arghittu, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Arghittu, C- 'h, Ont. 48 1 BEYNON HAYS -Jellva. At Hotel Dieu, St. Catharines, on November 17th, Jeliva New- man, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newman, Silver Street, wife of Roger, dear mother of Sandra, Gary, Peter and Denny, and sister of Ruth, London, Ont. Interment Parry Sound Cemetery. 48-lx JOHNSTON - Suddenly at Mount Forest on Sat., Nov. 24, 1973, BerniceJohnston, il Mill Lane, Bowmanville, aged 60 years, beloved wife of George Johnston, dear mother of Denzil, Collingwood, Ebert, Peterborough, and Linda (Mrs. John Virgin) Bowman- ville, grandmother of seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tues. at 2 o'clock. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. 48-1 LAYCOCK - Edith, on Satur- day, Novem ber 18, 1973 in Peel Memorial Hospital, Bramp- ton. 48-lf McFEETERS - At Oshawa General Hospital on Sat., Nov. 24, 1973, Violet McFeeters, in her 59th year, beloved daugh- ter of the late Charles and Louie McFeeters, dear sister of William, Oshawa; Louis, Bowmanville; George, Broug- ham; and Effie (Mrs. John Urban), Sarnia, dearly loved by 13 nieces and nephews. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Monday at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Ce- metery. 48-1 CARNATION FLOWERS and SEED STORE 33 Division Street Weekend I4, Special POT TE D While They Last a $1.95 Cash & Car ry Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 17-tf "Flowers say it Best" VAN BELLE Daily Delivery to ... Oshawa - Bowmanvile Area Phone 623-4441 A PERFORMANCE tested Dur- oc Boars. Lloyd Skinner Phone 263-8167. 48 1 GET CASH TODAY F OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH T A T E S M A N We would like ta extend a sincere "Thank you" to our family, friends and relatives, for the lovely flowers, gifts and bountiful cards and a special thank you, to our dear grandchildren for the coloured television, and all those who attended, making our 60th wedding anniversary such a memorable occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Pingle 48-lx Sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for flowers, cards and expressions of sympathy during their recent bereave- ment in the loss of a beloved daughter, Jelîva. Jim and Katy Newman 48-ix We sincerely wish to thank our children, son-in-law, friends, and relatives for the lovely cards, gifts and flowers, and for making our 25th wedding anniversary party such a wonderful surprise and most enjoyable evening. Les and Betty Piper 48-1x Sincere thanks to the mem- bers of our family and all others who provided trans- portation for myself and Mrs. Johns throughout my stay at the Oshawa Hospital, also to the many who paid visits, sent flowers, letters, cards, and fruit. Chas. A. Johns I would like to thank my many friends, relatives, neighbours and Newtonville W.I. for the many cards, good wishes and gifts received on my 80th birthday. E. Trim 48-1 We wish to sincerely thank the communities of Tyrone, Long Sault and Bethesda for much appreciated gift recently re- ceived by us. Roy and Doreen Youngman 48-1 To all my friends, neighbours and family and especially the ladies of the Base Line Good Neighbour Club, I wish to say a sincere "thank you" for the cards, flowers, fruit and gifts which I received while a patient in Bowmanville Me- morial Hospital and since returning home. Mrs. Dolly Wilson May I take this opportunity of expressing thanks to our friends, neighbours, relatives and family for the many acts of kindness, cards, gifts, flowers and visits while a patient in Memorial Hospital and since coming home. Special thanks to Drs. K. W. Slemon and W. G. Grant. Arthur W. Martin 48-1x The family of the late Mrs. George Johnston wish to extend their thanks and appre- ciation to their friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness at the time of their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the neighbours for being so generous at this time. 48-1x Our sincere than'ks to friends and neighbours for the lovely presentation party and gift. Albert and Diane Samis 48-1x I wish to thank relatives and friends, Bowmanville Legion for gifts, cards and visits during my illness. A special thank you to the doctors and nurses of both Bowmanville and Oshawa hospitals. Donald Parker 48-1 All claims against the estate of Mary Gertrude Stephens, late of the Town of Bowman- ville in the County of Durham, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of Octo ber 1973, must be filed with the undersigned on or before February 15th, 1974; there- after, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Bowmanville this 23rd day of November 1973. Arthur Thompson Stephens, Executor, by Barber and Kelly, 28 King St. W., Box 159, Bowmanville, Ontario. LiC 3K9, Solicitors herein. 48-3 Notc 1, Kenneth R. Ellis, of 68 High St., Bowmanville, Ont. will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Brenda M. Ellis, after this date, Nov. 21, without my written consent. 47-3x NOTICE Annual Meeting and Elect- ion of Officers of the Young Progressive Conservatives to be held at the: Bewdley Fire Hall Novem ber 30th 8 P.M. Guest Speaker ALLAN LAWRENCE M.P. 48-1 in emoiam CAMERON Rav. In lovina memory of a dear father and "Boppy", who passed away November 28, 1971. It's lonely here without you, We miss you more each day, For life is not the same to us, Since you were called away, You bade no one a last farewell, Nor even said good-bye, You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why, It broke our hearts ta lose you, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you Dad, The day God called you home. -Memories treasured and never forgotten. Bev, Inez, Janeen and Judy, and son-in- laws. Grandchildren, Donna, Shane, Don, Randy, Kim and Tommy. 48-1 CAMERON - Ray. In loving memory of the happy years we enjoyed together untilI God took you home where you suffer no longer. -Sadly missed by wife Win. 48-1 COTT E R - In loving memory of Dad (Bruce) who passed away Oct. 15, 1962, and of our Mom (Florence) who left us suddenly on Nov. 22, 1970. Those we love we never lose, For always they will be Loved, remembered, treasured, Always in our memory. -Lovingly remembered by the Family. 48-1 COX-- In loving memory of my dear friend, Edna A. Cox, who passed away Nov. 27, 1972, Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly thought of every day. -O.M. Gilhooly. 48-1x PANAS - In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, Michael Panas, who passed away December 2, 1972. Time slips by but memories stay, Quietly remembered every day, A little tribute small and tender, Just to show we still remember. Lovingly remembered by son Bill and daughter Helen and their families. 48-1 PASSANT - In loving me- mory of my dear husband, Ernest Albert Passant, who passed away December 1st, 1964. Thouth absenft y6are veVy near, Still loved, still missed and very dear. -Lovingly remembered by his wife Ada. 48-1x PASSANT - In loving me- mory of my dear father, Ernest Albert Passant, who passed away December lst, 1964. I miss him in the garden doing odd jobs here and there, I miss him at the table when i see the empty chair, I miss him - Oh I miss him in a hundred different ways, And now he's gone I know he wouldn't want us to be sad, But life can never be the same without my dear old Dad. -Lovingly remembered by hisdaughter lvy. 48-1x PASSANT - In loving me- mory of our dear sister-in-law and aunt, Florrie Passant, who passed away December 4th, 1972, in Shropshire, Eng- land. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day, No longer in our life to share, But in our hearts she's always there. -Lovingly remember by sister-in-law Ada and niece Ivy. 48-lx Pes MINIATURE black female daschund puppies. Phone 983- 5513 Orono. 48-1 FREE to good homes, border collie pups, excellent with cattle, only three left. Call 728- 5330. 48-1 PUPPIES, short haired, free to good homes. Ideal pets for children. Phone 987-4395 New- castle. 48 1 GERMAN Shepherd pups, black and silver, 8 weeks old. Phone 263-2351. 48-1 POODLE Puppies, adorable tiny apricot toys, registered, shots, 11 weeks, from Ameri- can and Canadian Champion Stock. Phone 263-2575. 48-1 Farmers, Attention DEAD STOCK SERVICE at MARGWILL FUR FARM under new management and ownership. We appreciate à ca1l from you when necessary. Call collect 263 2721 Lic. No. 416C73 R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontario R.W. BOWE RING LTD. 35 STOCKER calves, weaned, ready to go. Phone 797-2369 Port Hope. 46-2 BOARDING ,Ponies, $25 per month. Phone 786-2236, New- tonville. 46 3 Com, Euchre Party, Newtonville Hall Friday, Nov. 30,8:15 p.m. Ladies bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 48-1 Osaca Barn Dance, couples only, every Saturday night. Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 43-9 Dance to be held in Solina Hall, Sat., Dec. 1st., Raymond Avery's Orchestra. 48-1 Dance in the Janetville Community Hall, Sat. Dec. Ist. Music by Fay Adams and The Country Hits. $4.00 per couple. 48-lx Dance Saturday, December 8, Newcastle Town Hall 9 P.M. Featuring the Bowmen, $4.00 per couple, Sponsored by Durham N.D.P. Everyone Welcome. 48-2 Fish and Chips. All you can eat, every Saturday $1.49. Open Saturday and Sunday. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Rd. 46-2 The Salvation Army 4th Brownie Pack is holding a Rummage Sale, November 24, 1973 at 35 Division St., 10a.m. - 3 p.m. Please use back entrance. 46-2 Brown's Community Centre Dance, Sat., Nov. 24, 9-1, Music by Rod Craig and "The Country Editions", $5 couple, bar privileges. For ticket- reservations, phone Marg Ibbotson, 786-2471 or Sharon MilIer, 987-5132. 46-2 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbalî JUBILEE PAVILION OS H AWA 30-tf Foresters Court Venture Dance, December 1st, 8:30, Lions Centre. Music by Ross Jackman. Bar Privileges. $4 per couple. 48-1x Pop Concert by Concordia Philharmonic with vocal num- bers by the Rangers, Saturday December 15, 8 P.M., Black- stock Rec. Centre, sponsored by Blackstock Fair Board. Aduits $1.00, Public School Students 50 Cents. 48-3 WOODVI EW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 p.m. REDBARN - WAYNEST. OSHAWA 21-tf APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE "The Country Gentlemen" Fri. - Sat. Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 Dancing 9-1 48-1 Concerned about drug abuse? Attend the public meeting sponsored by Bow- manville's Drug Action Com- mittee, Thursday, November 29th, 8:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 132 Church Street. Guest Speaker is Ron Mar- ston, Toronto Drug and Alco- hol Concern. 48-1 Upholstery Materials GIANTALL DAY HADASSAH SALE Thurs., Nov. 29th. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. 144 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA BEAUTIFUL FABRICSAT BARGAIN PRICES. 48-1 BINGO Civic Auditorium OSHAWA FRIDAY, DEC. 7th BUS LEAVES: Newcastle - - -- Bowmanville - - - - 6:15 6:30 48-lx A NEW PLACE IN THE SUN Southern Texas A 25 Day fun and sun filled motor coach tour of the Deep South including a 14 Day visit to the Gulf Coast of Texas. Two departures to choose fro - January 20, February 2. For information and reserva- tions phone: Bowmanville Travel Centre 47 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3182 - 623-5933 48-1 Room and Board or furnish- ed room with cooking facilities for working male, in Bowman- ville area. Phone 623-3348 between 8:30 and 5 P.M. 48-1x Artce Arice 1 14nr u lpafo ':al WOOD, also propane water heater, like new. Phone 983- 5460 atter 6 p.m. 47-2 SEWING Machine, like new, Kenmore zig zag, built in buttonholer. Phone 623-3410. 48-1 UNDERWOOD Electric type- writer, $500 new, 5 years old, hardly used, $150. Call 623-7434 after 5. 48-1 DRESSERS, Vanities, Chest- erfields, rocking chairs, occa- sional chairs. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville. Phone 623-4681. 48-1 SKI equipment, Adult, Good condition. Phone 623-3600 or 623-7323. 48-1 GARAGE sale, Nov. 29 and 30, 4 - 9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Corner of Nash and Tooley's Rd., second road west of Courtice Rd. Watch for sign. 48-1 ANCHOR and prop for boat, cellar window and casement, 2 cellar window wells, 3 old lawn mowers and parts, stain- less sink and taps. Phone 623-7183. 48-1x WEDDING gown, bouffant style, tiara and veil; best offer. Phone 623-4157. 47-2 RINGS, wedding band and diamond engagement ring; best offer. Phone 623-4157. 47-3 8 TRACK Stereo Tape Set. Titan. Phone 576-7559. 47-if THRIFT Shop, 32 King W. We sell on consignment furniture, appliances, baby supplies, bikes, skates, etc. Good books, gift items, new and used clothes available. 47-tf STUDEBAKER Service, new and used parts. Graham's Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf NEWCASTLE Trailer Park & Sales-Your district Rambler Trailer Dealer. New and used trailers. Highway No. 2, Newcastle, 987-5131. 16-tf BEDROOM suite, complete; dining suite, 9-piece; chester- field suite, ail Burma teak- wood, new. Must sell. Sacri- fice. Phone 1-241-5971. 31-tf DRESSERS, Beds, Chester- fields, ail kinds of Used Furni- ture, Antiques and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, rain carrying systems. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince St., 623-3871. 48-lx FIREPLACE Logs, dry, Beech body wood; also stove wood. Leslie Taylor, 986-4896. 48-1 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 30 x 60, white, running condition. 623-3463. 48-1 CHESTERFIELD and chair, T.V., stove, Hoover automatic twin tub, kitchen table and chairs, movie projector, re- cord player, and many other household items. Call 987-4635. 48-lx HOOVER spinner - washer; highchair; 3 pt. hitch plow; 2 furrow; '66 Chev. 2 ton van, good condition. Phone 623- 7429. 48-1 ONE aluminum self-storing door 30" x 78", hardware included. Phone 623-5034. 48-1x SNOWMOBILES: new, name brand, 15 HP, $495; 20 HP, $550; 400 GT twin, 15 or 18 inch wide track, $649. Skidoo 640, used, with reverse, Black Beauty, half-price; used ma- chines, $295. Ladies' bomba- dier suits, half-price. 15' tracks $70. Ontario Sports, Orono 983-5444. 48-4 BEEF, fresh from farm, government inspected, side or quarter, cut and wrapped ready for freezer, direct froram p roducer, farmer's price. hone 623-5206 after 5. 48-tf LOADER bucket, new, for tractor, 3 point hitch. Phone 623-4158. 48-1 USED fridge $65, 24" stove $80, both in good condition. Call 623-7118, after 5:30. 48-1 16" culvert, 20ft. long, good as new. Call 983-5636. 48-1 Oshawa TV Antennas & Touers' ROTORS INS iLLED UHF-VHF - ColoredAerials Apts. and Homes Pre-wired. REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed AIl priced to SAVE You Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, Manager 38-tf SKI boots, one pair Kastinger buckle, boots size 812 and one pair Milan buckles, size 812. Phone623-3464. 48-1 COB corn, Nestieton. 986-5048. 48-1 SNOW Tires, 650 x 14, like new. Phone 987-4986. 48-1 RACING Car set $30 and Meccano set No. 5 $15. Phone 623-5924. 48-ix SEVERAL used chesterfields, one 3 pc. good condition, two 2 pc. suites, fabric, one 2 pc. lack vinyl. F. A. Kramp Furniture Ltd., King St. East, Bowmanville. 48-1 NE ED a PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TOALLMAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41-tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS 11wr, vuH v e Towers, UH F, VH M Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartments & Hom Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-56 E. WHITE, COURTICE HF mes 606 INSTALL AN MO FURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIER or HOT WATER HEATER No payments for six months Cal HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer IF ~E ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41-tf LOOKING FOR IDEAS? Christmas gift suggestions from Wilson's. Large selection of cedar chests from $89. - Bridge sets, assorted designs and colours, 5 piece sets from $44.50. - China cabinets $138. - Large buffets $99. - Bookcases from $19. - Table lamps $12.88. Vinyl occasional chairs $38. -Odd Chest of Drawems $48.95. -Oul paintings from $39.95. -Tail bookcases $59. -Boston rockers $39.95. -Peppler cocktail tables $58. 7 piece mahogany dining moomn suites $399.', - Pale amps clearing tram $19.95. -Ambomite top coffee tables $16.88. Wilson's Furniture 20 Centre St. North 723-3211 48-1 Instructions LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS -Now ycçu can train might heme in Canada! -Tuitian Tax Deductible! -Placement assistance gua ra nteed! -Weekend tmaining also available! For application and interview, write: 1 Saf et yDepartrnent, Thé Ca nadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario. Or Caîl 416-864-9381. (Fommeri yTrans-Canada Tran»port Training). 46-3 TWO Bedroom apartment, phone623-2761. 48-lx ONE or two bedroom apart- ment, all newly decorated, new bathroom, elderly or working couple preferred, no pets, very central. Phone 623- 4122. 48-1 ONE bedroom apartment. Marianna Villa, available Dec. 1st. Phone 623-4306. 48-1 IN ORONO - 3 bedroom home. Available Dec. 1, 1973. Call 576-6521. 48-1 HEATED, upstairs apart- ment, with garage, 2 miles east of Bowmanville on Hwy. 2, 2 bedrooms, immediate occupancy. Write Advertiser 438, c-o The Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 48-1 ONE bedroom apartment in older home $135. Includes heat and hydro. First and last month in advance. Phone 623-2510. 48-1 ONE bedroom apartment, heated, close to 1.G.A., im- mediate possession. Phone 623-7664. 48-tf ONE bedroom apartment. Stove and Fridge supplied. Adults only. Phone 623-3303. 48-tf ONE bedroom, unfurnished, apartment, heated, central, adults only. Stove, fridge if required. Possession Dec. îst. Phone 623-2227. 48-1x 100 ACRES of fertile land situated right in town of Bowmanville, $25 per acre. Call 623-7538. 40-tf OFFICE space available im- mediately. Apply James In- surance Agency, 24 King E., Bowmanville. Phone 623-5681 or 623-5023. 46-tf FURNISHED rooms by thE month, bath, shower, TV telephone, indoor pool, sauné and licensed premises. Appl Flying Dutchman Motor Inn 623-3373. 41-t ONE or two bedroom apart- ment, Marianna Villa, 206 Simpson Ave., $165 and $185. Includes electric heat, hydro, water, cable TV, stove, frig., storage, parking. No Pets. Available Dec. 1. One Child. Cal 623-7545 or 623-4172. ROOM and board or furnished bedroom, centrally located. Phone 623-7402. 48-1 Raom and Board available for warking man, north of Orono. Phone 983-5513. 48-1 '61 Jeep - Willys faur wheel drive. metal hait cab. Cali 263-2585. 48-2 1970 DUSTER 340 Automatic, good condition, best offer. Phone 797-2268. , 48-1lx 1966 CHEV. Impala 2-dr. hardtop, V-8 autamatic, vinyl roof, radio and rear speaker, wide avals and snow tires, $300. Phone 623-4181. 48-1 1969- 442 Oldsmobile Cutlass, power windows, antenna, steering, brakes and trunk, 26,000 miles. Phone 983-5542. 48-1 '57 FORD Galaxie, 30,000 miles, one awner, gaad candi- tion. Phone 623-5784. 48-1 x 1970 FIREBIRD Formula 400, Ram Air, three speed (turbo hydramatic transmission, bucket seats, tape deck, mags, new G60-14 Remington letter- ed tires, 37,500 miles. Phane 723 -6580atter 7 p.m. 48-1 1972 TRAVELALL, custom inteior, air canditioning, pow- er steering,, power brakes, automatic, radia, new -tires. Oshawa Truck Centre, 576- 4419. Gea. Barefoot evenings, 1-445-3562. 48-1 '67 CH EV. Biscayne 283, 4 dr. Phone 263-2501 after 4 p.m. 48-1 '65 CH EV. Truck, 34 ton, tour speed, posi-traction,- new clutch motor and tires. Best offer. 983-9131. 48-ix REPOSSESSION 1973 KAWASAKI MOTORCYCLE P HON E 623-3326 48-2 HAY and straw. Cali 987-4560 after 6. 48-1 USED Furniture and Appiiî ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton 263-2241. 26-tt BED-chesterfield or daven- part, gaod condition. Phone 983-91200rano. 48- lx GOOD Used turniture. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temp- erance St., Phone 623-4681. Closed ail day Wednesday. 46-3 REGISTERED Nurse part- time and registered nursing assistants full and part-time. Phone 987-4441. 34-tf SERVICE station attendant required, good opportunity for energetic, reliable person. Apply imperial Oil Service Centre, Hwy. 401 and Waverly Rd., Bowmanville. 48-2 RELIABLE Nurses Aides re- quired, experienced prefer- red. Call 987-4252. 48-2 BABYSITTER for one year old during day, excellent pay. Write Advertiser 439, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 47-2 Real Estate Agent Required: We will provide assistance and leads. Highest commissions paid. We will train you. Call us now for a confidential interview - George Van Dyk Real Estate (Realtor), 181 Church St., Bowmanville. Phone 623-4428. 45-3 HOUSEKEEPER - Monday thru Friday, 12 noon to6 p.m., large farm, Newtonville area, top wages, should supply transportation. Apply by let- ter only, c-o Mr. Wiermier, R.R. 1, Newtonville, Ontario. 47-3 AGRIBUSINESS firm has openings for two people. One position relates to production, the other to shipping and clerical. Experience in agri- culture will be an asset. Please apply in writing to Advertiser 440 c-o The Canad- ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 48-1 R.N. or R.N.A. PART TIME, EVENINGS OR DAYS. Call Mrs. Clarke 623-5813 g Sa * o * -g JENSEN STEEL LTD. requires warehouse supervisor, shear operators, saw operators, plate burners,;material handlers for current operations at 66 Russett Ave., Oshawa, with relocation iní Bowmanville in May, 1974. Phorne 728-7318 Case o Sal I. 1973 1972 1971 1971 1971 1971 1970 1970 1970 1970 1969 - III Here is a good setection of late-model total ly reconditioned cars f rom the Friendly People. Pick One. GRAN TORINO 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8 automatic, power equipped, vinyl top, lovely car. Was $3795. NOW Lic.. ER D323 ......... 3 8 FORD CHATEAU 8-PASSENGER CLUB WAGON This one is a reai individual dream truck. It has air canditianing, stemea tape deck with radio, V-8, automatic, power equipment, auxiliamy hot water heater, low mileage and lots more. Sold new tan aver $6500. NOW ON LY................ $3995 Lic. EA0336 VEGA 2-DR. 4-speed. Was $1995. NOW.... $1725 Lic. BWE579 TORINO 500 2-DR. HARDTOP One awner in exquisite condition. V-8, automnatic, power steering and brakes, low mileage. Just amived and anly.............. $2395 Lic. DZX563 LAND ROVER 4-WHEEL DRIVE Low mileage, one local owner. Was $2895. NOW ON LY...........$28 Lic. EBM268$28 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DOOR SEDAN Power equipped V-8, automatic, radial tires. Was $2695 NOW........$26 Lic. EJR173$26 MERCURY COLONY PARK WAGON Ail the options inciuding Fomd's unique woodgmain siding. Was $2595, NOW ONLY ................$26 Lic. EDL766$26 PLYMOUTH FURY I14-DOOR SEDAN V-8, automatic, double power, radia. Nice car. Was $1995. A real deal naw for anly......................... $1530 Lic. EBB484 MAVERICK 2-DR. 6 cyl inder, automatic. Excellent on gas, just in and piced at .......... $1895 Lic. HHD038 FORD 10 PASSENGER CUSTOM 500 STATION WAGON n immaculate condition. Was $2395. NOW ON LY ......$1995... Lic. AMW796$19 BUICK LE SABRE In gleaming grey with med uphaistemy and welI equipped. Just the ighitkind of car for elegant dependable driving. Was $2195 NOW ON LY.......$18 Lic. DSR382$18 Day Care available Monday Friday. Call 623-4627. 48-1 X DAY care for a little girl, five day week, good home. Orono 983-5691. 48-1 MOTHERS! Save "Wear and Tear" on your nerves! i will babysit your toddlers in my home so you can do your Christmas shopping. By the hour or day starting Mon. Dec. 3. Phone 623-4793. 48-lx WATER Wells bored, 30" tile. Ward's Well Boring. Tele phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade, Tele- phone987-4531. 16-tf WATER wells bored or drill: ed. Canada Drilling Company' Phone Oshawa 576-6004. Re presentative Harry L. Wade. Newcastle 987-4531. 22-t INSULATION, blowing me- thod with rock wool, work- manship guaranteed, free es- timates, Sealdaire insulation, Phone 742-0272. Representa' tive Harry L. Wade. Phone> 987-4531. 38-tf< Geddes Electric Renovations - A;terations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates PHONE 623-2398 48-ttc COUPLES wanting second' Income. Young or Retired. Work together on your own time. Good income. No money investment. For appointment call Saturday 10 -4, Sunday 1 - 5 at 416-623-4700 or Monday thru Friday at 705-277-2041. 48-4 PRESS Operators required immediately for shift work, Excellent benefits, good wa- ges under our new incentive piece work rate. Apply in' person to south plant, Curply Wood Products, Hwy. 115 & 35, Orono. 44-4