4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 28, 1973 Section Two Celebrates First Birfhday Stainton before going to Flor- ida. Weekend callers at Mr. and Mrs. L. Stalnton's were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton, Lyn- den, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson, Etobicoke, Mr. and Mrs. K. Cryderman and girls, Zion, Mrs. David Stainton and Michael, Cob- ourg. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker, Scott and Lisa, Newcastle were Sunday evening dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs: C. Avery 's. Mr. Harold Spry and Mr. Blle Spry, Rochester N.Y. were weekend guests of the E. Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton together attended the Department of Agriculture Banquet at Blackstock on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Angus King, Little Britain were Thursday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. C. Averys. Little Brook Clemens, Ham- pton. spent Sunday with bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. John Borrow- dale, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGill, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, were Saturday even- j Durham A New Staff Member Joins Bowmanviile Office Mr. Bob McNaugbton bas joined the staff at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food office in Bowmanville as Assistant Agricultural Repre- sentative. Bob cornes to Dur- ham County, 'foflowing grad- ing dinner guests at Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry's, R.R. 2, Biackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. S. Larnb, -and f amily were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tabb's, R.R. 1, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, had Sunday supper with Mr-. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa. Our best wishes are for Roy MeGili who is slowly recuper- ating in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie. Grey Cup Game bas corne and gone with the better team winning, of course., Mr. Donald Trewin and Miss Juanite Amos, Blackstock were guests at the Potts-Lewis wedding at Renfrew, Saturday evening. Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa accompanied them to Ottawa and they ail spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dittburner, Ottawa. gri News 1 ufation from the Ontario Agri- cultural College at Guelph in the spring of 1973. During the past summer, Bob has> been working with the University of Guelph on a research project regarding Land Use in varlous pa rts o f Ontario. Bob is' orlg inalily from Middlesex County in Southwestern Ont- arlo,,coming from a beef farm in that County. Before attendiniz Universi- ty, Bob was an active, 4-H Club member in Middlesex County and part of his responsibliiity in Durham County wiil be as 4-H Co-ordinator for the up- coming 4-H year in 1974. We do want to take this opportunity to welcome Bob to Durham County and we know al County farmers will want to meet hlm during the upcom- ing winter months. H oistein-Fri esian Association Announced Type Classification Date We have received word from the Hoistein-Friesian Association of Canada that the type classifier will begin work in Durham County approx- imately on November 28th, 1973. Due to the large volume of Type Classification to be done lu the province, there will be no further service in This charming, littie man who celebrated his first birthday on October l2th, 1973, is Rob~ert Francis Victor Patterson, son of Eric and Sharyn Patterson. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Victor Patterson of Concession Street and Mr. and Mrs. Les MeCulloch of Bowmanville. Enniskillen U C.W. meeting faith tbat will not Srink" and Nov. 21st. Our local U.C.W. prayer. Mrs. Murrav Vice- had the pleasure of entertain- Solina, played two splendtid ing neighboring United Cbur- piano solos, Handei's -'Where ch women, tbe evening of Nov. ere you walk," and "Noct- 2lst. at Enniskillen Church, urne" by Cbopin. Stewardship Mrs. K. McGill presided, and readings- "The day is flot extended a welcome to every- iost", and "Worshipping God one, opening witb a poem. in everyday living" by Mes- "Collect for Club Women"ý darnes R. Simnpson and R. also thanked Mrs. A. Werry Morton , Enfiel d. Mrs. R. and Mrs. W. Griffin for Howe introduced our guest making the artisthc flower speakers Mrs. D. Redpath and ârrangeerents whic_1h beautify Mrs. C. Down, Oshawa Pres- our Church-sncur T he byterial officers, who attènd- UNICEF Boxes 1oale $79.00 ed a Stewardship Seminar, in this year. Tbe meeting xwas Tloronto recently. Most. of turned over to group leader Soutbern Ontario were repre- Mrs. E. Trewin, who called on sented. In spite of a very busy Mrs. Edna Wood and Mrs. day at Kingsview Bazaar, Wm. Roy, Tyrone -for Devo- these ladies were full of tional. Meditation theme entbusiasm, and gave us "Fathorfear",wehavenews much food for thought. filled with feairs, sifish l!iving, Christian Stewardship is a layinig fthe blarne on oth(-es, love affair with our fellow making gods of matecrial man; The Mary's and àMar- thing5s, forting!]w truc God thas whien they work with one which is a challengý,;e to accord, bave neyer had an Christmnan. Closing wýAih the equal in the service of tbe verses of tbe bymo 0 fo > a Lord. A quote frorn Dr. Moore -Dont look 100 far ahead, one step at a time. The future ""TH E WA R belongs to Hlm- we face tomorrow witb' great hope, PIPES:F OL faitb, and trust. Tbe offering A N D B URT was a gift to be sent to the Fred Victor Mission, Toronto. The December meeting will be held December th. at the Manse. An hour of good fllowship was enjoyed and tbe east unit served a bounti- fui lunch in the Sunday School Room. Guests from Solîna, Tyrone and Enfieid expressed their appreciation to us for our invitation and to guests speak - ~ crs from Oshawa Presbytery. JSunday rnorningsseasonal-, "November chilly air was no deterrent to a large congrega- e tions attendance at the chur- ch. Some 70 or more worship- pers beard (and may we heed) the beseecbing message frorn the puipit, when our minister's Gift of God", based on Paul's ..~ message to young Timothy, was a genuine request to a Thee'l beNO hotlim inthegreater awareness of our gift Ther*ile 10 ho 4ieinthefrom God and our need to use oid house' tonight! Bult your it, and become invaiued peo- Ioss eau be covered by a ple not mere placid specta- Homeowner Policv frorn The tors. Tbe children's story was James Insulrancie Agency an illustration of bow good- Limited. ness produces goodness. Rev. Bigby extended a special tbanks to the Jr. Choir and leader for their musical mess- jame Insrane ag intheir anthem 'Seek and James Insurance gFind" with solo parts by Darla Lamnb and Paul Agenry Liiited Bigby. ic haronther. iss ShareonWhe ry 24 King St. E., Box 100 congregation. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO Expiorers' group will have D (ýe th-eir regular meeting Sat. DOUGLAS S. JAM S( \ Dec. lst. in the S.S. room. Office 623-5681 . We 've now 'turned the ReFidence <23-5023 tables" on our editor who bas delayed our news severai FURNTUREBAR N HWY. 115- NEWCASTLE HUGE SAVINGS ON QUALITY FURNITURE NAME BR AN D oX SP RINGS & MMATRESSES ALL SIZES ASK ABOUT OUR 90 DAY OPT'ION, PLAN (No Finance Charges) BUY NOW - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OP1ýN 7 DAYS WEEKLY PH' ONE 987-5151 or 987-5161 times tbîs autumn s0 we reported tbe 4-H Homernakers Club Acievement Day a week before. it took place. Tbe report was accurate tbough and we bave evened the score witb our favorite editoral staff.O.K. Jobnny? Master Richard Worden, Bowmanviiie, R.R. 2, is visit- ing tbis week witb bis grandpa and grandrna Asbton. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton enjoyed a brief cail from tbeir nepbew Mr. Robert Dalton Tempieton, Que. wbo was enroute to tbe Grey Cup garne. Mr. and Mrs. E verett Cry- derman, Solina, were Sunday evening dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Petbick, Scarboro, Mr. Geo. Pethick, Toronto were visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. S. Petbick. Miss Elsie Oke, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T,11ure, Obwwere Sun1day evenlinlg dinnler guiests oAL'1\1r and Ms F. Dorlandi. Mr. S. Kýersey*\, Hampton, had Suniday supper at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asbton's. Rev. and Mrs. Merrili Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa were Tuesday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs . Milton Stainton's. Mr. Arthur Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil, Mrs. Ross Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee and girls, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. David Ryan, Toron- to, Mr. and Mrs. Adarn Hawley, Peterborough, were Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry's. A pre-Xmas party in bonor of Mr. Arthur Business Directory Accountancy, WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Coni. Chartered Accountant 36Y/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 C hi r opr a cti c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C., Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Hlorsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m.,to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM KENT SD.D.S. 222 King St. E., Suite'106 Professional Bldg. Bowmanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E, Bowmanville Office Hours: Mon., fues., and Thurs. 9 tii 5 Wednesday 9 tii 2 Friday 9til 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790) TOASTMASTER <MFO. 4c OFF) __PKGS SIOROBIN HOOASSORTED VARIETIES SOTD CNS I jF L.TOZ £ FOR dmMaFlorient 2 FR TIN CATINS 5 BOXES TOOTHPASTE 8 FR FOR SES FOR Fruit CakeFR OrneMi sFR Pepsodent 2 88 (MFG. PREPRICED 3,'$l) HERSHEY MILK OR ALMOND K O 8 Chocolate Bars KFO88 KRAFT CRACKER BARREL MEDIUM Cheddar Cheese WE VOORTMAN' S(FINE VARIETIES) .8O Biscuits 3 FtOR 8 MFG. PREPRICEO 49eý HOSTESS REGULAR 3/0sz8 Potato Chips 25p3K 884 QMSTEAD IIN BATTERI FROZEN Fi sh Royale 2 FG' 8 -88e SPECIAL- 100% PURE VEGETABLE OIL Oriole Soft Margari4ne 1 LB 3TU B S FOR IGA WHITfE BREAD 4$&1oo E~I1'3-LB. AVG. Pork iLoin Roasts- RIB PORTION LB. TENDERLOIN PORTION LB. NEW! FROM MAPLE LEAF BLIRN'S SLICED (WIENERS AND CHEESE) C 8 Cooked Cheesefurters 120Z UU Ham MA ATY CENTRE CUT Side Spare Ribs 6 OZ.K 88 LB 8CPork Chopsl.l 8 SIFT S REGULAR OR APPLE FLAVORED Pan Dandies Sausage LB 980 ESSEX REAOY TO SERVE SMOKED Picnic Shoulders 11.B 8 FIRM RED SLICERS, PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1, FLORIDA Tomatones 3 LBS99 SWVEET E JUICY, CALIFORNIA SUNKLST Navel O9ranges SIZE113's DOZ.790 PRODUE 0FU SACANADA NOi Broccoli ,BUNC 3Cucumbeirs 2O29 CANADA NO. 1 CALIFORNIA CANADA FANCY GRADE Celery Sparton: Stalks SAKApples LB790 '88* SPECIAL" IGA FANCY Tom ato oz. TINSSS FOR FLAVOR CRYSTALS Tang POLV BAG > 4 x 31/2-OZ. Orange PG.7 (ASSORTED COLORS) DialREEGULAR O Soap 4BAR SoapPKG. 77 WEiCH'S (RED, WHtTE OR CONCORD> JUiC _ 24-FL III Grape OLulce5 STAR KIST Sid White Tuna IIN5 SPECIAL" LIQUID Javext Bleach 128-FL. oz. PLASTIC73 JUG WE CARRY A COMPUETE LINE 0F Christmas O EakIng Needs! CHPPED WALNUTS, GLACE CHERRIES, CUT MIXED FRUIT. CURRANTS. RAISINS ETC. ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE WEO. TO SAT. NOV. M8 29. 3th Et DEC. 1,,t WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUAN TITIES Aef o - eM R 'R 'R Y 'R s 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R 'R s- r "881 SPECIAL" 7STRAINED <MEATS EXCEPTED) Gerber Baby Foods Durham County for approxi- mately nine months. t is recommended that breeders do classify their herd, but it is not a mandatory requirement. If vou do applv for Tvoe Classification on your herd,, al purebred unclassified animais of mllking age and ail buils 2 years old or older mnust be submitted for classification. Bulis from 18 months to 2 years may be submitted at the option of the owner. Certifi- cates of Registry are not cancelled, regardless of ciass received, unless the breeder desires it. Grade Hoîsteins with a national identification progr- amn, identity card, may be ciassified under the following conditions: If the pure breds are ciassified, it is not necessary to subrnit the NIP grades unless the owner wishes to do so. Oniy NIIP identified grades in either ROP or supervised DHIA herd are eligible. If any NIP grades identified as to sire are classified, ail eligibie NIP grades in the herd identified as to sire and ail eligible registered purebreds must be submitted for classification. Animais with NIP cards but not identified as to sire, may be subrnitted at the option of the owner. No crossbreds wili be classified; ail animais classified must show definite Holstein characteristics. The cost of classification, is $2 for each, purebred or NIP grade animai ciassified, or raised in classification with a minimal of $10 for a visit. Fees should be paid to the Classifier at the time of bis visit. The Unit wiil pay $1.00 of the cost for each classified daughter of Unit Bull for both purebreds and NIP Grades. Breeders are reminded 10 have their Regis-, tration Certificates and-or NIP cards on hand when the Classifier calis., John Powell, Chief of Extension for the Hoîstein-Friesian- Association of Canada, encourages al breeders to apply for classifi- cation early, so that you do not incur the penalty for late ap- plication. A penalty fee of $5 will be charged for applica- tions received after the dead- uine. These will receive ser- vice oniy if convenient and not after the Classifier has left Durham County. The deadline date for receipt of applications from Holstein breeders is November 26th, ý1973. LONG S.AULT Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vanayk of Bradford were Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk visited Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMille and familyý, Bowman- ville, Sunday evening. Miss Grace Smith was a, ruesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John West, Thurs'- supper guests of Mr. and i... C. Cook and Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs . F Smith, Bowmanvilleý. OIL PURCHASE Supply and Services Minis- ter Jean-Pierre Goyer an- nounced ln the House of Commons the purchase b y the Canadian Commercial Corp- oration of just over one million barreis of heating oil fromn Romania and the Caribbean SPARTNER ORONO 983-5208 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE