* 623-3303 * FORMER PLAYERS - This column likes to receive reports of Bowmanville, hockey players >who have moved on to other clubs, and their accomplishments. Cali 623-3303 and give us the facts. This request applies to endeavors by participants in ail events. AEROBATIC TEAM - Carling O'Keefe Breweries recently announced the formation of the Red Cap Aerobatic Team, the only professional civilian Aerobatic Team in North America. Commencing in the Spring of 1974, the team will be available to organisers of air shows, country and fali fairs, agricultural competitions *and, community events, to provide demonstrations of 'formation aerobatic flying. The team will be equipped with five Pitts S-2A "Specials", two-seater biplanes designed and built specifically for aerobatics. The team pilots are: Bill Loverseed Team leader, formerly headed up the R.A.F.'s Red Arrows Jet Aerobatic Team. Debbie Gary, a leading competitor from the U.S.A.; Mike O'Hanlon from Chilliwak, B.C.,' former R.C.A.F. pilot; Ladislav Bezak, World Aerobatic championship winner who has recently escaped from Czechoslovakia. Frankâ's Major Pee Wees Tie, Lose and On Tuesday night, Bow- manville toured to Port Hope and came home with a tic. 0f late this team bas been playing catch-up hockey, bav- ing to come from bebhind to win games or tie games and sometimes losing. Port Hope stmuck first at 1:10 içi the first period but Wvuin Games Bowmanville tied it up at the 4:00 mark in this period. Pat Reynolds scored in a seramble in front of the net assisted by Murray Ruddy and Waydc Preston. Bowmanvilîe's sec- ond goal was by Jackie Pinch assisted by Scott Sellers. Port Hope tied the game up at 1:00 minute in the second pemiod. ONLY Don't Know What to Gel the Gai1 1n Your Lif e? HOOPERý'S JEWELLERS LTD., has the a nswer For a very limited time only we ave an excluive- seleetion of diamiond rings set with blue sapphir- es, emeralds, etc. Style - just out of this world and at terrific savings for Christmas. See these today or phone 6235747 for an eyening appointment. One minute later Murray Ruddy put Bowmanvile in the lead again. Port Hope then scored three unanswered goals in this period. In the third period, Bowmanville took command and scored twice, first by Paul Cascag- nette unassisted and by John Stewart assisted by Scott Sellers. On Friday nigbt, Bowman- ville came out on the short end of a 5-3 score. Scoring for Bowmanville was Jim Hog- arth, Dennis Sobil and Bill Wright. Assists went to Bill Wright witb two and Steven Frank, John Stewart and Scott Sellers. On Saturday, the Bowman- ville crew came away witb aý 5-2 decision over Cobourg. It was Scott Sellers' day at the Bowmanville arena. He scor- ed two unassisted, with nice low bard shots, the first goal and the tic breaker at the 3:50 mark of the second period. Pat Reynolds scored the middle goal at 12: 10 of the fimst period assisted by Murray Ruddy. Murray Ruddy and Paul Cascagnette also scored unas- sisted. RECREATION Tyke League Goodyear Credit Union 4 - Forester's 1, ConsumersGas 5- Don Hon Construction 0, (Shut-out by Billy McArtbur), Kool Enterprise 2 - Cable T.V. 0, Don & Clame Variety 4 - Hornets 2. Atom League Fisk Fuels 4 - Cable T.V. 2, Grabams I.GA. 3 - Glen Rae Dairy 1, Jeffrey Superettes 6 - Lion's Clippers 1, (Hat-trick to Kevin Welsb), Glen Rae Dairy 1 - Lion's Clippers 0, (Grant Bradley earned tbe shut-out), Grahams I.GA. 4 - Fisk Fuels 2. Ptee Wteu League Cable T.V. 4 - Niebols Motors 3, Frank's Variety 3 - Kinsman 2, Canadians 7 - Goodyear Rangers 6 (Keitb Dennis 4) Wings 7 - Rice Bowlý Restaurant Bruins 2, Rotary Kings 6- Hires Root Beer Beavers 5. Bantam League Huskies 6 - Flyers 3, Sharks 4 - Marianrîa Braves 1, Brocks B.P. Panthers 5 -Mm. Bubble Cubs 5, Huskies 4- Franks Vamiety 3. Kinsmen il - Sbarks 4, (Bradley James and Mark Bissonette eacb bad a bat- trick) Flyers -6 - Marianna Braves 3. Midget League Genemals 6- Comets 1 (Joey Wbyte a bat-tmick) Canucks 7 - Mount Royals 2. Tyke League Amemicans 1 - Foresters 4 (David Hancock 3), Cardinals 3- Consumers Gas 3. by David Passant, The Lindsav Muskips nrav- cd tbeyv are a talented., second place Junior hockey club sunday evening at tbe Bow- manville Amena., Their domfin- ation of the contest was at times awesome. They cont- rolled the game from the opening f aceof f, due to excell- ent positional play, puck handl ing and checking.. -The visitors sent one man deep inside Red Eagle terri- tory aIl nigbt to tie q.p Bowmanville attacks before they could get rolling. The Muskie wingems' picked Up their checks at. mid-ice and came back to help out the McGregorJ Whip Port, Bowmanville McGregor Midgets scored six times in the f irst two periods , an d then split four goals in the third to whip Port Hope 8-2 Satumday night in Midget League action at the Memorial Amena. Bowmanville led 3-0 after one period on a single -goal by Brian Martin and two by-Tom Nowlan. Joey Burns assisted on 'Martin's counter at 5:45, and Gary and Danny Cox on Nowlan's first at 11:27 and Gary Cox on bhis second at 17:53. Danny Cox opened the scoring in the second at 4:23. just' five seconds after a Port Hope penalty, witb Gary Cox and Jim Hutton assisting. The defence then took over, with Rick Scott scoring bis first goal of the season from Kirk Kemp at 7:50, and Jim Hutton bis fi rst at 11:36 from Doug Éeddy,. The'Bowmnanville Western Electric Minor Atoms bad a big weekend, scoring three victories in a row in O.M.H.A. Lakeshore League play, that moved tbem into a solid first place in the league standings. Tbey now have 23 points oult of a possible 26. 1 Or Thursday, the, Electrie, squad travelled to-Bay Ridges and met a much improved 3quad. Bowmnanville won 3-1., John Klompm.aker scored the 'irst goal for Bowmanville, the issists going to Brad Clemens and Brian- Ruddy. Billy, llogarth scored the second defense. Netminder Larmy Alldredallowed just one puc to elude bis gmasp. Meanwhile, the Lindsay club bit double figures with ten mamkers. The Muskies pmoved expemience pays off. But the young Red Eagles didn't play as badly as the score would indicate. Tbey stayed with the visitors and ney er stopped trying. A few breaks and better finish ar- ound the opposing cage could tell a different story next time these two clubs meet. .Lindsay bhad 2-0 and 6-1 Ieads leading into the 2nd and 3md periods mesPectivey. Bow- nianville's only 'goa , was Midgets Hope- 8-2 In tbhe1 third pemiod, the MeGregor Midgets increased their lead to 7-0 with a goal by Kemp from Martin and Burns at 2:41. Stan Parnell scored Port Hope's first goal of the game at 5:23, before Ralpb Cryderman added to Bow- manville's total at 9:16 assist- ed by John Wood and Hutton witb Port Hope short handed again. Parnell scored bis second ofthe game for Port Hope at 17:16 with the MeGregor Midgets short banded this time. Bowmanville bad four minor penalties, and the visit- ors onily two, Ted Trudeau played goal for the first haîf of the game, shutting out the opposition , while Bob Strike played the last haîf. The, McGregor Midgets bave a beavy sehedule abead witb tbree games on the weekend, two of tbem out of town. Bowmanville goal, assisted on hie play by Mike Stocker and Ricky Erwin. Bay Ridges closed the Tnargin in the second on an inassisted mamker. Rodl Plain scored the insur- ance goal at t e 3M3 mark of the third assisted by bis wingers Joe Nibill and Billy Saiinsbury. Steve Skene played in goal for Bowmanville and had to imake several great saves to earn the victory. On Saturday, Whitby-Bmook- lin paid their first visit of the COMMERCIAL LEAGUE STANDINGS (as of Monday, Nov. 26th) GPWLT FAAG Spencer's Real Esta te> Mutton's Sheli Brook's Supertest Walter Frank Reall Estate LE-ADING S, D.Green (Muttons) D. Crough (Spencers) L. Perris (Spencers) G. Sainsbury (Muttons) R. Woolner (W. Frank) L. Devitt (Brooks) G. Wilson (W. Frank) I. Guil,(Muttons) S. Burns (Brooks) B. Howes (W. Frank) B. Howells (Muttons) NOV EMBE R SPECIAL!, Regular $1,095. SALE ....... J &M SPORTS S R.R, 2 E-,FWCASTLE ONHIWY. 115 &35 (416) 987-4887 Trade up 10to #w big new wnooh ridîng Moel F' SU VOUR NEAREST MOTO-SKi DEAUBI BRAND NEW CAPRI MODEL 440 I..oo $F.O.B. Pickering PONTY POOL GARAGE JOHN STREET PONTYPOOL, ONT. (416) 983-5161 BiII's Lawnmower Sa les 9 SUNSET ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO (416) 623-2622 7 4 1 2 7 32 2 7-3 40 7 25 0 SCORERS G 1A TOWN LEAGUE, HOCKEY <Statisties Compfiled by Tim Coi) STANDING W, L T Pts. Locke's TV Kramp's Furniture County Chrysier MeNulty's Sports 4 2 SCORING GP G, John Hughes, Locke's 6 -13 Rick Woolner, Kramps- 6 10 Dave Green, Locke's 31 9 Larry Perris, Locke's 5 7 Steve Burns, McNultys 6 10. Lanny Burns, County 6 4 Dave Colwell, Kramps 4 6 Mike Donoghue, Cou nty 6 4 Brian Bradley, County 4 6 Gene Balson, County 6 3 GOALTENDING GP D Ke n Veitch, Locke 3 1 Mike Johnson, Lockes 3 1 Larry Nemisz, Kramps 5 3 Curt Vanstune, McNultys 3 1 Doug Hayes, County 6 3 Darryl IHunt, MeNultys 3ý 8 6 6 4 A 14 15 S8 10 4 8 5 7 4 7 MIN' 180 180 300 180 360 180 Pts. 20 14 14 14 14 13 13 12 10 GF 48$ 39 31 21 Pts. 27 25 17 17 14 12 10 10 GA il 12 26 16 33 35 Pts. 1 6 2 4 MIP 0 0 0 0 7 3 22 5 ô 3 3 GA 23 32 33 51 PIM .2 0 0 4 0 2 2 10 0 0 A vg. 3.67 4.00 5.20 5.33 5.50 11.67 scored by AI Emard from, Ted Puk as they stole the puck from the side of the Lindsay net to score. Steve Richardson had four goals to, pace the Muskies. Gary Oliver bad a pair with single tallies going to Steve Turner, Bill Abercrom- bic, Kevin Crowley and Vau- ghn Wright. Engles Extras: Sunday was Service Club night honoring the members of these organiz- ations who sponsor many worthwbile activities and pro- jects in the community. The Red Engles record stands at 2 wins, 7 losses and 4 draws. This gves them 8 points and Stb place in the 7-teamn loop. season to Memorial Arena and weme handed a 4-0 setback. Tbree goals were scored in the initial period, the fimst at the 3:15 mark. Rod Plain was the marksman, assisted by Steve Cary and Joe Nibîll. Joe Nibill scored the second, defenceman Steve Cary draw- ing an assist. Plain scored bis second, assisted by Billy Sainsbury. The final goal was scored by John Klompmaker, again Cary drawing an assist as well as Brian Ruddy. Defencemen Chris Dyck, Eddy Osborne and Steve Cary carried an extra burden on defence witb Mike Stocker out of action due to illness. Ken 'Woodard was full value for bis shutout, bis thîrd of the year. The win was wortb four points tom the locals. On Sunday, the Western Electrics travelled to Ajax to do battie with their old rivais and skated to a hamd-fought 2-0 win. Theme was no scoming until the 1:00 minute mark of thie final period when Rod Plain found the range, assisted by bis bard-womking left-winger Joe Nihill. Captain Billy >Hogarth scored the insurance marker on a nifty passing play. The assists went to Ricky Erwin and Eddy Osborne. Steve Skene was in goal for Bowmanville, picking up bis second shutout of the season. St. Joseph Nov. 25,1973 High Triples Bill Holroyd ....... .....740 Eileen Holroyd.......... 608 Games Over 225 Bill Holroyd 225-301-214-740, G. Gibbs 203-226-280, B. Brown 272,244, G. Cbamland 222-280, L. Hunt 251-238, Father Frank 215-253. Teani Points No.1.. ..... ....."*..... **.33 No,...... .............. 35 No. 3..ý..... ............ 43 No. 4.................... 38 No. ............... 32 No.6 ...... ............ 4, No.7 .......... ....56 N o. 8 . . . . ... . . . .. 57 WHAT Red E'agles, Sw'amped Linds'ay', uskies In-Suloday Gam'e:Herle The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 28,1973 7 Mary Brown s Defea Ajax; Tie Bay Rde On Sat., Nov. 24, Mary from Shaughn Houston. Todd Browns Novice Ail-Stars de- Beers played his finest game feated Ajax 4-2. Jeff Logan as a "Toro" as he hustled ail opened up the scoring at the 10 game. Timmy Little played an minute mark banging in his outstanding game, playing bis own rebound after receiving position letter perfect and passes from Robbie Green and skating miles. Danny Coombes. Ajax tied the The game however ended on score in the second period only a sour note as two Bowman- to have Tîmmy Preston put ville players were punched in Bowmanville back in the lead the face while shaking hands. on a breakaway after receiv- As coach of this team J'd ing a beautiful pass from Scott like to take this opportunity to Mlasters who received it in say how proud I was of these turn from Shaughn Houston. boys that tbey didn't lower In the third period while themselves to the Bay Ridges Bowmanville had a man in the level and retaliate. This only penalty box, Jeff Logan, after proves you can be a good sport ragging the puck in the Ajax and a winner too. Bowman- end, circled the net and slid ville bas, to date, won nine,, the .puck in, to increase the tied two, and lost tbree. court to 3--l. Then still .-Jobn Logan sborthanded Timmy Preston scored while lying on the ice B0ELLE after stickhandling past threeLE Ajax defenders after receiv- Nov. 20,1973 ing a pass from Ross Patter- Team Standings son. Jeff Vyfschaft, playing Lavigne ......... 21346 24 (fis first game as a Toro, gave Cornisb .........22M64 23 a1 good account of himself. Coombes......... 22021 23 Robinson ........ 21874 20 On Monday, Nov. 26th the Lane............ 21686 19 Tors mvedint Ba Riges Roberts.......... 21317 19 fo msa OMoved into a y Rig es Chant ...ý.......22084 17 fo a O M.-lA. le gu g me A îîdread ........ 21313 17 and came away with a 2-2 Gibson.......... 21877 16 draw. The game was scoreless Land ........... 21388 15 until with 2:43 remaining Jeff Stephens ........ 20942 14 Logan, after receiving a pass Bons ...... 21150 9 from Robbie Green, pulled tIligîh Single past the lone Bay Ridges Joy Luxton . . ........... 302 defender- deked the goalie Hligh Double and backbanded il, higb in the Eleanor Dadson (232,236) 468 net! Bay Ridges came roaing Top .Xverages back and scored twice to take S. Lavigne 200, J. Eîsan 198, E. a 2-1 lead. Witb 1: 21 remaining Dadson 197, B. Lyle 197, C. Todd Stephens was pulled for Roberts 196, M. Alldmead 196, a n extra attacker and it paid F. Lane 195, B. Stephens 194, off as Jeff Logan scored his A. Bons 194, Marion Gibson second goal, identical to the 193, J. Bragg 193, B. Pamtner fimst, after receiving a pass 193. W ood'«s Bantoms' Seat Markham 6-2 Last Wednesday night, H.L. Wo od Minor Bantams hosted Thornbill Minor Bantams at Bowmanville Arena. G. Dus- seldorp started the scoring for Bowmanville at the 2:32 mark of the first period with B. Godfrey assîsting. Moffat tied the score for Tbornhifll at the 18:43 mark of the first period. In the second period, D. Farrow scored with assists going to G. Morrison and D. Strike. Famrow's teammate scored haîf way through the period miaking it 3-1 for Bowmanville. In the third period D. Farrow%ý got his second goal with G. Morrison assisting. Bell scored Thornhill's sec- ond and final goal at the 4:48 mark of the third period. G. Dusseldorp tallied his second goal at the 15:12 mark witb S. Stevens assisting. B. Godfrey counted Bowman- ville's final goal making it Bowmanville 6, Thornhill 2. MIXED MAJOR The "when you're bot you're bot Kid" Russ 'Poob' Hately certainly outdid himself Mon- day night , higb triple of 868 with, games of 336 (high single), 286 and 246. Others hittine the 700 mark: Pete Dobbîns 745 (289), Jim Bruton 738 (303), Ollie Patfield 735 (320), Joan Sutcliffe 734 (276), John Odgen 724 (289), Linda Crossey 721 (259,256), Doris Jol 709 (273). Garnes 250 and Over Bernice Buday 255, Gord Simpson 272, Ron Haynes 282, Virginia Fairey 273, Cbuck Hutton 257, John Luffman 259, Peggy Haynes 288. Team Standing Dunn...... ..... 21 34000 Sutcliffe..*...... 19 342381 Haynes.......... 19 34084 Wright.......... 19 34075 Patfield.......... 18 32745 Coole............ 18 32413 Fairey .......... 17 34135 JolI ............. 16 33636 Sheehan ......... 15 33356 Buday ........... 14 35298 Reid ....ý...... .13 32600 Crossey... ... .9 32218 Men',s M ajomr Team Standings Frank's Var. 23 13 23 Osborne- Shank ...22 14 22 Cowan Pontiac Buick ...... 21 15 ý21 Kens Mens Wear........ 19 ",- 16112 19' Pes Cla..18 18 18 Mutton Sbell 171,2 18, 2 17142 Beaver Lum. 17 19 17 Dykstras . ... 16 20 16 Lander Hdwe. 15 21 15 Rice Bowl . . 15 21 15 Jury & Lovell 14- 22 14 Top 10 Averages Ron Etcher 255, Larry Piper 252, AI Osborne 242, Russ Oke 240, Howard Bromell 235, Russ Halîman 234, Dr. H. B. Rundle 233, Ed Leslie 232, Dave Reynolds 232, Randy Beauprie 231. High Singles Bill Westlake 311, Don Bagneil 309, Russ Halîman 309. lgh Triples Pat Murphy 799, Russ Hall- man 782, Maurice Richards 777. WITH CABL!lý""'ý - EVEN SANI e COMES IN BETTER With 14 channels of movies, specials, sports, news, educational and community programming. Only $4.95 per month (.10 per day) for your first outlet and an additional $1.00 per month for second sets or F.M. radio. Connection-administration charge $9.95. Treat your family to all the shows and give Santa a good reception. H E L P S A'm'a m Pn' 0 V IL,@ AOL >NUW- IN 'T'NOUR e- Western E'lectrïc Atems 0 1 Çluim Three,,Victori,- es I'n Action, over Weekend Oshowo 579-2232 CALL NOW,1 Whitby 668-9331 cable tv Pine Ridge CableT.V. J.Ad. 1353 King Street East Oshawa ý - -1 1 - ý IILrv-lVLateMotor Homes THE YEAR ROUND COTTAGE-DRIVE IT ANYWHERE All Steel Construction Forced Air Furnace Fully Insulated Wnterized Water Systemn Heavy Dut1' Engine Hieater Sale Padded Dasti Power Brakes eCUSTOM BUIIT FOR YOUR NEEDS eCANADIAN BUIIT FOR CANADIAN WEATHER Designed for a lfetime of safety and trouble free maintenance. For Information /iz.weL Mat SALES & SERVICE MOTOR HOMES ITD. PHONE 725-3452 NEW 1974 MACHINES ON DISPLAY DECEMBER lst and 2nd FIC-E'S SHELL SERVICE Corner of Taunton Rd. and Wilson Rd. North - Oshawa RECEPTION