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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1973, p. 11

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Approve $20,OOO Loan For Waltonc Park Work Ajex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham, in a press release from Queen's Park bas -ann- ounced the approval of, anc of the first boans by the Ontario Develapment Corporation for tourist development under the new tourist assistance pro- gram The boan which is in the amount of $2,000o is a term boan at six percent interest witb repayment over a 10 year period and is for the provision of a central pumping system, wasbroams, septic system, roaidw\ays, landfill and 38 new cam-psites in the former Watonai Park in Newcastle. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Darroch(the for- mer April Couch) who were mnarrîed in Newcastle United Church, Friday evening, Nov. 3th. Mr. and Mrs. Darroch are residing at Beaver St. N., Newcastle. Miss Laurie Rose Cochrane, of Oshawa,,spent the weekend with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lambert. A surprise party was held at the home orf Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rowe on Saturday, Oct. 27 in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Rowe of Bowmanville on the occasion of their 25th. wedding anniversary. They were presented witb several lovely gifts: a silver tray, a fountain pen for Keith and a silver maple leaf broacli for Audrey. -The presentations were made, on bebaîf of al present, by Keith's brother, Howardý, of Thunder Bay. Guests attended from Thund- er Bay, Kingstan, Newcastle OPP Report NEWC'(ASTLE DETAICHMVENT NOVEÏMBER 26, 1973) The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated the follow- ing miotor vebicle collisions and occurrences during the week of November 19, 1973 to November 25, 1973. Thirteen miotor vebicle col- lisiofis were investigated ini whicb twelve persons were injured. As a result of the collisions tbree charges under the Highway Traffic Act and one charge under thec Crimiinal Code have been laid. The Newcastle officers also completed 106 investigations of a general Sone of te occurrences are as f6W I Three investigations invôirved the offence of "Break and Enter" andid ine investi- gations involved the offence of "Tbeft ". There was one report of an "Assaltt", four reports of mîissing persons, one co- plaint of receiving an obscene telephone eall and three trespass com-plaints. Also, there were threereports of wilful damnage, one report of "Cause Disturbance" and one driving complaint. Tbree investigations invol- ved the loss of property and one investigation involved the finding of property. Seven charges bave been laid under the Liquor Control Act and five charges concern- ing driving offences bave been laid under the Crimiinal Code. DRIVING TIP: Drivers: When driving in falling snow after dark, turn off those high beamis! Always use the low beamis instead. The low beam in your hiead- lights lights the road alleaci belo w the falling snow. Hligh beams bit the white snow flakes and, create a vision- reducing dazzle effect. So, remember. . , in falling snow at night, always use your low beams to give better visibility and help you see better what's ahead. and Bowmanville. Hastesses for theý evening were Mrs. Kitty Rowe, Mrs. Diana Rowe and Mrs. Alice Rowe. Mrs. Alice Rowe and Mrs. Diana Rowe were the co- bostesses at a miscellaneous shower held recently for bride-to-be, April Couch at the latter Mrs. Rowe's home. About 32 family and friends attended ta surprise the guest- of-bonor and ta present bier wîtb many beautiful and useful gifts. Despite the lack of snow the stores of the village are lending, a festive atmospbere ta aur main street. Their pretty decorations and beaut- if ul lofferings certaily go a long way tawards getting us in the holiday mood. We were wond- ering wbetber or not aur Christmas, streetlights are gaing ta be turned on? Because it is more like summner than winter (so far, anyway) the shoppers are going ta need all the belp they can get ta get in the mood. Isn't it funny, the cblîdren need no sucb encouragement - no doubt their letters ta Santa bave already been written and visions of 10 speed bikes, tape recarders, cbemistry sets, etc., are dancing in their heads. To enjay the holiday seasan-1. Plan ahead, 2. Dan't rush, 3. Be relaxed! Read ail that and then do exactly wbat mast of us do every year-leave everything ta the last minute. Happy Preparations! ENERGY CONSERVATION On Tuesday of last week, Energy Minister Donald Mac- donald outlined in the Hause of Conimons a voluntary prog- ranif of einé?gy conservation immediately, ta be followed by a program of mandatory allocations in the new year. The Energ 'y Minister asked Canadians ta lower their thermostats, reduce their driving speed, form car poos and cut dawn on Christmas lîghting, in homes and comn- miercially. Mr. Macdonald announced that bath thie provincial and federal gavernmients will re- duce the use of heating ail in government buildings '-in federal buildings, this mave will result in a reduction of 18 per cent. These programs are design- ed ta deal with shartages brought, about by cutbacks in Arab production. $250 PENSION BY 1984 National Health, and Wel- fare Minister Marc Lalonde told a Toronto audience that Canada Pension Plan benefits will increase. ta about $250 a month in the next 10 years. At present, the federal and provincial governments have put together legisiation ta esta blish a maximum pension- able earnings level of $6,600 a year in 1974, and $7,,00 in 1975. NEWCASTLE ,LIONS BINGO CO-MMUNITY HALL - 8:00 P.M. STARTS WED., DEËC. l9th $400.100 0 n Prizes plus $300.00 Jackpot Proceeds for Community Swimming Pool Fund DOORSOPEN, AT 7:30 P.M. A ATTENITION FA RM ERSH gWHY PAY MORE? SAV E ON, *DIESEL FUEL * MOTOR OIL eGASOLINE .- b tiPremium Quality* i - Farm Tanks -and Phone 668-3381 - Collect: * For Pronipt Courteous Service I I Ca Il Us TodayI Durham Council The Durham Regional Coun- cil unanimously passed a works committee resolution stating that the council strong- ly objects to the proposed landfîll site on the border. of Darlington and Cartwrighit Townships. The resolutian will be forwarded to the Minfistry of the Environment for Ontario. Council requested that no furtber action be taken or consideration given ta the site being developed for industrial waste disposai by Harvey Ambrose., The full implica- tions of the site should fîrst be determined regarding need, location and environmental impact, stated the resolution. Regional Cbairman Walter Beath appeared at a citizens protest meeting in Enfield on Novem ber l3tb and iiidicated he feels the site sbould not be considercd untîl after, the consultants wbo bave been bired by the regional council bave prepared their report on the overaîl sewage and waste disposal picture for the area. The ministry of the environ- ment bas given provisional approval for the Ambrose dump providing certain con- ditions are met. Ron Worboy and' Bernie London, two members of the 'Enfield Sludge Fighters' pro- Laindf 'i11 test group, appeared before the publie works committee prior to last week's council meeting. London stated there were "a lot of tbings in the report (prepared by Amn- brose's consultant) that do not make good mathematical sense" and that the province "bas not done enough work" on testing the site. The provincial approval of the 20 acre site (10 acres in each township) does not supercede any local regula- tions. However, although Dar- lington Township has an officiai plan which has zoned the area for agricultural uses, Cartwright Township has no such restriction. Ambrose could appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board to over rule Darlington's by-law. In Other Regional Affairs The Durham Council has filled the post of Finance> Commissioner, the last of the five major administrative positions to be hired. 41-year- old J. L. Gartley, an employee of tbe Ontario Government treasury department's local government services division, was selected for the $29,000 per year job. He defeated Pickering Township treasurer Clare Ettinger for the post in a council vote. TYKES Heath 5, Hayes 0, Woolley 5, Stephens 0, Luxton 3, Nash 2, Gilkes 3, Tremblay 2. Team Standing Woolley 30, Luxton 28, Gilkes 19, Heath 18, Stephens 17, Hayes 16, Nash 10, Tremblay 2. High Singles Nash 135, 155; Mark Luxton 124. High Doubles C. Nash 290; Gary Smith 233. BANTAM GIRLS Campbell 5, Lunn 0, Carlson 5, Hoaper 0, Gibson 3, Westlake 2, Roberts 3, Fairey 2. Team Standing Carlson 38, Fairey 36, West- lake 35, Roberts 34, Gibson 33, Lunn 22, Campbell 12, Hopper 10. Hiizh SinËles G. Bisbop 170; T. A. Townsley 164; E. Gibsoin 162. High Doubles T. A. Tawnsley 288; L. Buttery 274; D. Fergusan 274. BANTAM BOYS Halîman 5, Bruce 0, Richards 3, Sutcliffe 2. Team Standings Sutcliffe 43, Halîman 27, Bruce 21, Richards 19. 1Higb Singles B. Hammond 272; T. Haliman 167, 157; B. Richards 164, 164. High Doubles 1 B. Hammond 388; B. Richards 328; T. Halîman 324; J. Stacey 314. JUNIOR GIRLS Gray 7, Fairey 0, Judy Holroyd 5, Cbaw 2, J. A. Hlroyd 5, Lane 2. Team Standing banc' 58, Chow 50, Judy Holrayd 46, Gray 46, J. A. Holroyd 36, Fairey 16. High Singles B. Lane 274; C. Lavigne 242; Pririor 233; C. Vivian 226; H. Gray 225, 200, 215. High Triples H. Gray 640; B. banc 611. JUNIOR BOYS Dadson 7, Reynolds 0, Woolley 5, Bons 2, Murphy 7, Henry 0. Team Standing Henry 52, Murphy 46, Wooley 42, Reynolds 41, Dadson 39, Bons 32., High Singles M. Benoit 253; J. Murphy 2ý9; D. Hopcroft 217, 211; A. Bans 216; L. Dadsan 204. High Triples D. Hopcroft 614. SENIOR MIXED Pearson 5, Piper 2, Carter 7, Cowle 0, Roberts 5, Gray 2, Stacey 7, Coombes 0. Team Standing Carter 61, Roberts 49, Gray 45, Pearson 35, Stacey25 Piper 23, Coombes 23, Cowle 19. Higýh Sin gles K. Piper 282; J. Carter 285; R. Chow 282, 257; K. Eves 283; P Lavigne 309; S. Davey 287. High Triples R. Chow 737; J. Brooks 695; P. Lavigne 677; S. Davey 672; K. Eves 665; R. Stacey 662. St. Joseph Dec. 2, 1973 High Triples Gary Conway ........... 746 Jean Holroyd............ 686 High Single Gary Conway.......... 294 Jean Holroyd.,.......... 274 Two Games Over 600 Gary Conway 279-294-746,Jean Holroyd 223-274-686, Allan Mc- Lean 238-288-695, Father Fra- nk 235-275-690, Mal>' Horst- man 208-257-659, Jim Fair 219-209-621, Lionel Hickey 207- 254-610, Marion Vanstone 209- 221-600. Team Standings Team Na. 1 ...33917 40 Team No.2 ...33397 38 Team No. 3...34788, 47 Team No. 4...34218 38 Team No.5 .. 33632 32 Team No. 6.. 34013 44 Team Na. 7 . -36390 61 Team No. 8...35900 64 Nov. 28,1973 Iligh Single Sue Carter.............. 235 High Triple Betty Smith ............. 657 Team Standings B. Smith........ 35104 33 L. Burges ....... 33973 30 D. Ogden ........ 34565 27 K. Raîston........ 34124 26 b. Piper ......... 34144, 20 M. Trimble ... 33600 18 Charterways November 28, 1973 Rase Venasse,.......... 185 Stewart Traviss .......... 181 John Geddes............ 180 Doris Quilliams.......... 178 Wes Martin...... ...... 176 Jim Geddes...... ....... 175 Marg Geddcs........... 173 Sam Hlitchens ........... 173 Madeline Martin ......... 172 Jim Morrison........... 171 Ladies High Single Madeline Martin ....... .. 230 Men's High Single Stan Hall ............... 253 Ladies' High Triple Madeline Martin ......... 595 Men's High Triple Ray.Venasse ........... 637 The Newcastle'Independent Mrs. Som Brereton Phone 987-4221 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 5, 1973 anges e-or tne - U' A NEW M.and Mrs. C. M. Jones and Mrs. Bea Joncs were Tucsday visitars with Mrs. Ruth Chidley at Little BrItain. Mrs. Stan Page returned home on Tuesday from St. Michael's Hospital, Tor- onto, whcre she had un- dergone surgery. We undcrstand Mr. and Mrs. J. Hathcerly have mfoved ta their new' home ln the Hendry Apart- ments, Bowmanvillc. The first card party of the season was held in the Community Hall, Friday evcning, with eight, tables in play, and these win- ners: High lady, Mrs. Ruth Vea; low lady, Mrs. E. Payne; hlàh gent, Reg. El- Ilott; low gent, Rodney Caswell; 50-50 draw, Mrs. Lamas. Our small village has become quite a busy place lately. For- instance, an Saurday afternoon there was a vcry atractivc wed- ding taking place, ln the cburch, where Miss Lynda Peck became the bride of Mr. Dennis Cobbledick of Orono. Downstairs, in the Sunday School hall, an -umpires' banquet was be- ing, servcd by some of, aur U.C.W. ladies, and the us- ual big, wekly sale was on at the Sale Barn, aill n pragress, practical1yi- at the same time! Who needs ta go ta the city for ex- citement? Rev. T. Snelgrave's Sun- day marning topic was "Waiting for God," the real completion of aur School. ýT0 N1LLEUnit Leader, Shi r e Ilves. The choir sang finances given by Treas. votional, assisted by Be "Standing oni the Prom- Mary Vinkie, and that of neice Hendersonand Acý ises" - the Special Account by Farrow, closing with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood Violet Gilmer. A donation hymn and prayer. i' and boys wvere at a family of $5 was made to the Shirley florner of Gardi dinner par-ty, Sunday, at Blind Institute, for which Hilli gave an interestii the home of Mr. and MIrs. our two young voluinteers, demonstration of thea Jack Pye-Finch, Scarbor-> CarolHenderson and Pen- of making varlous kii ough. This affair was in ny Webster have collcctcd of Christmas decoratior honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- approximately $93. The ý,njoYed by the 33 ladi fred Wood of Newcastle, bale of good used eloth- present. As a token af a celebrating. t h c i r 44tb ing, weighing 155 lbs., was preciatian she was pr wedding anniversary. Con- packed and sent away, and sentcd with a gift, aft gratulations. for which a letter of whîcb lunch was servo Mr. and Mrs. Keith thanks from Rcv. J. Lud- byv the group. Our Chric Wcesc of Corunna were ford lias already been te- mas meeting wlll be he weekend gucsts with Mrs. ccived. Dec. 12, sa please remer Mary Wacle and Grant, Appreciation was ex- ber the change of date. bath men attendlng the prcssed toalal who hclped Umpires' banquet. make aur recent, bazaar G Ronnie Henderson visit- such a success, kith grati- G ODYEAR cd Terry Miles at Norm- fylng resuits. Calendars Nov. 29,1 1973., wood over the weekend. and cook-books were, ail Teamn Standings. Rev. T. Snelgrovc and sold, in fact haîf as many Snowtrack........ 17153 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott more, at least, could have Banbury ........ 16005 were supper guests, Sun- been disposed of. Plans day, with- Mr. and Mrs. were made for the coming Belts.......... 16335 David Imlach. Umpires' banquet. Notes Millwrigbts ...14217 As our Sunday mornin-9 of thanks were read fromn Power House .... 14351 church service neared the those remembered by the Machine Sbop . .. 14041, close, Mrs. E. Trim suf- Sunshine CommIttee. Office ........... 14769 fcred another weak speli, The Nominating Com- Fan Belts........ 14346 and had ta be carried out mittec's report was read, High Singles and drîven home. Fortun- and installation of new of- A. Langstaff 321, J. Baker3 ately, the fresh air revtved ficers will be made at aur J. Piper 315, M. Grant 306, ber, and she was able ta next meeting, Dec. 12. A Edmondson 306. visit Mr. and Mrs. BihI motion was passed ta dis- High Triples Trim and family in Osh- pense with the usual ex- G. Edmondson 831, J. Pij awa, later In thc day. change of gifts among 811, J. Murphy 758, Newtonville U.C.W. met members, and instead take Ferguson 750, H. Brameli'7 in the Sunday school hall up a collection ta be used M. Grant 719, J. Baker 715, Wednesday evening, Nov. for Miss Darling's Rest Bond 712, A. Langstaff 705 28th, and opened witb a H o me and occupants. Top 10 Avera ges reading by'Pres. Bea Joncs Books were distributcd ta H. Bromeil 233, J. Bond 231, followed by aur theme help Unit Leaders with sang and the Lord's Pray- their pragrams. A motion Murphy 228, B. Henning 228, er. Minutes of previaus was passed ta pay for ma- Good 228, J. Luxton, 227, meeting were rcad by Sec- terial for three crib quilts Carson 221, D. Perfect 219, retary Margaret Elliott, which have been ordered, Langstaff 219, J. Piper 219, and approved, report of as well -as candy and or- Blackburn 219. Western Electric Atoms Tie One; Lose'One With Markham Squad The Bowmanville Western Electric Minor Atoms played hast to an undefeated Mark- bam squad on Saturday, Dec. lst and blew a two goal lead ta cnd the game in a 4-4 deadlock. Markham struck first at the 11:05 mark of the first period. Jae Niilîl tied the game for the locals in the second, the assist going to Brad Clemens. Ricky Erwin put Bawmanville la the iead, assisted by Barry Cullen. Markbam tied the score a minute and a baîf later. Ricky Erwin again put Bowmanville in the lead, assistcd by bis lef t winger Bily Hogarth and defence- mnan Steve Cary. Cullen scored wbat appear- cd to be the insurance.markcr, assisted by Hogarth. Mark- bam starmed the Electric squad's zone and fired two goals 20 seconds apart, ta garner 'a well-ceserved tie. Markbam had scared a goal wbile Mike Stocker was serv- ing a penalty, but a Markham playerý was la the crease,. nullifying wbat appeared ta be the winner. Ken Woodard was in goal for Bowmanvillè ,and had to be sharp ta keep the score from going higbcr. On Sun., Dec. 2nd, Bowman- ville travelled ta Markham and lost 3-1. Billy Sainsbury scared the lone Western Electric goal, unassisted, in thc second pcriod. The goal stood up until the third when, Markham scored three unanswered tallies for their margin of victory. This was the third time the lacals have carried a lead into the third witb Markbam only ta lase it ta an extremely fine hockey club. Steve Skene played in goal for the lacals and had ta make several fine saves. Iay 1ey De- Ier- .ey a Ers. den Ung art nds Dns. Iles Dre- fter Ted .st- ied 12 12 il 8 .5 4 3 317, ;,G. lper D. 740, 5,J. 1,J. 8, J. S. A. F. Newcastle Social andPersonal YrOUTH BOWLING '%,EXCEPTIONAL BEAUTY *S1001 SURFACE' MOUNTED SEMI-ROUND WITH CARVED FRAME 4.0 l h SIZE ABOUT 20" x 28" 4 -0 ' *I S2411 SLIDING MIRROR DOORS -5è SURFACE MOUNTED WITH CARVED F RAME. $854m.00 SIEABOUT 25" x 21" A I ASOCIAE STRE>Lets Build Together Oshawa Wood Produots, SHOP AT ENTHER CONVENIENT1LOCATION LADýIES IMAJOR, High Average Ollie Patfield, Onie Etcher 229 High Single Helen Rogers........... 314 High Triple Helen Rogers........... 729 700 Triples, Helen Rogers 729, Sharlene Cain 712. Team Standings O. Patfield............. 30: S. Cain................ 22 F. Bradley.............. 22 J. Tennant ............. 21 F. Draper.............. 18 O. Etcher ............. *.18 D. King ............... 17 S. Cain ................ 161/ H. Depew...... ........ 151/ N. Evans;..... »........ 15 ,J. Patfield ............. 13 H. Rogers .........8 Top 10 Averages Over 225 S. Cain 301, E. Whitehead 239, M. Taylor 240, O. Patfield 239, D. King 249, J. Patfield 231, S. Davis 242, S. Nayes 228, 234, M. Perris 228. D. Mutton 244. JOHN F. Generai i)nsu.rance. PIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Contact: HARRY VOERMAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 33 KING ST. E. BO WMAN VILLE

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