2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 5, 1973 Section Two THE SUPER SOCK Christmas Gift of the year is the atliletic sock. Spurred on by the active sports boomi which is sisceping the country, the '73 athietic sock is no longer at borne just on a court. Atliletic socks arc now worn for just about any out- door or leisure activity. New, too, is the fact that today's ath- letic socks are eonstructcd of super soft, Hi-Bulk Orlonacrylic. Double layers of Hi-Bulk Orlon cushion soles, buffer friction and absorb sbock. Special construction aitbe top means a goy is neyer caught with his socks doisn! Fit is no problein -- since one size flts ail - so tbis year, surprise ail the ainateur or armcbair athîctes on your list with sport socks of Hi-BuIk Orlon. Checkmate.- gaine plan for beautiful bath Why flot treat the whole f amily this Christmas to a rejuvenated bathroom like, this colorful one with an Americana motif. It's so easy to do. The checkered carpeting cornes in a kit, complete with patterns to eut to size and dimensions of the bath- room, and matching lid cover. The do-it-yourself kit is available in combinations of white with blue (shown here), green,, lac, gold or canary yellow. Best of ail, these Glenoit deep pile fabrics are ma- chine washable and can be tumble dried. Plan now to shop for perfect tree Between December- lst ar.d December 24th, over 105-million people will make an annual pilgrimnage to shop for the "perfect" Christmas Tree. Although only 35-million people will actually buy trees, it is estimated that more than 70-million - mostly children - will ac- company Dad or Mom on the tree spree. Selecting a Christmas tree that is just right re- quires a bit more shopping around than might be ex- pected. Prices vary widely from vendor to vendor and many are wiliing to bargain for a price, especiaily as the Day nears. Before venturing to dis- cover a "perfect" tree, you might want to consider the space the tree is going to occupy. While decorating the famnily Christmas tree is usualiy an anticipated and festive occasion, most of us find the reverse process - dîsmantling it-a tiresome, depressing chore. This year why not have a Twelfth Night (traditionally the last day of Christmas, January 6th) Party. Friends, neighbors and relatives sharing the occa- sion wil make the event brighter. Have each person guess the number of orna- ments on the tree before- hand, and give a prize to the winner or whoever comes closest to the exact number. Or if anyone breaks an ornament, as "retribution" have them sing a Christmas song. More Photos -of Santa Clous Parade GIVE YOUR bathrooni a frcshi new look for Christmas with Glenoit do-it-yourself kits in a variety of color combina. (ions. ed "San Tan Lous in." Finiiish Laplond simply identifics him as "Joulu- Dukki." THE VICTORIAN SPIRIT br ightens the Christmag scen. Nannette fashions pastel party dresses for toddlers in ron tic lace-frosted prints. Hard to choose between the shortm with winged pinafore siceve or an ankle-Iength charmer, shirred dirndi waist. And a gift for mother, too: both styles easy care, machine wash-and-wear polyester blends. Christmal, Treat Yourself OR SRLIUCE rT"REE FROM Rundie Gade Centre 1015 KING ST. E.- OSHtAWA DECEN1BER HOURS MIonday to Fri day 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9a.m. to 6p.m. Ç Ortho bouse Plant Care Kit X@Ie lhORTOR ' Leaf Polish - Liquid Plant Food $ 1.00 OFF Regular $3-77 Now $27 Gift Wrapped -Indook- Plant Inseet Spra, FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT In addition to traditiona] f ruitcake and other weli-. known Christmas recipes why not check your cook- book for something differ- ent such as Yuletide kiss- es, an uncooked'Christma., pudding or a no-bake coco- nut fruit cake. Santa: man known by many narnes Everyone knows that the name for the jolly guy in red who brings gifts every Christmas is Santa Claus. But what if you don't speak English or you're va- cationing in a foreign land? Does it mean that you won't get any gifts under your tree? Probably flot, but in case you happen to be in any of these countries dur- ing the holidays, here's four different ways to call Santa: In Hong Kong, he's caîl-< PHILODENDRENS Va rieties DRACONAS "YOUR FRIENDLY FLORIST"" ON IIIGHWAY No. 2 Just 5 Minutes West of Bowmanville Cali 623-4441 DAILY FLORIST DELIVERY TO VAN BELLE BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA, WHITBY If you're, lucky enough to have a fireplace and a han- dy saw, make a Christmas tree fire. 0f course, if you've been cautious (and right- fully so) keeping your tree well-watered, be prepared to have some good dry kmn- dling wood on hand. Why not place each par- ticipating person's name in a basket and have a draw- ing? While the fire is humn- ing have each member- of the group make a wish for the new year for the mndi- vidual whose name he has drawn. (If% there are any enemies in the house you might scrap this iast ide a!) In essence, the point is to try to make the ending of the holidays as festive as the beginning. WE HAVE A BRIGHT IDEA FOR Christmias an Sen our Frieonds a Subscrition to A Year Round Gift - 52 ifts Wrapped Up In One $8.00 A YEAR ANYWHERE IN CANADA and THE U.K. $10,00 FOREIGN Here is a Gift that will be appreciated Every Week of the Year by Your Friends and Relatives at Home and Abr oad. IAn Attractive ChistmasGift Card F REE To Announce Your Gift Subscription PLEASE MAIL THIS TODAY TO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN I Enclosed Find ............ in payment of.............. Year(s) Subscription to "THE CANADIAN STATESMAN". Mail to following: NAME ................ .......... .................. ADDRESS ............................................ . ............. ................................ I Sender's Name.... ................................ Address............................................... .................................................. Last-day -of -Christmas Party a warm closing to holidays m