Cast holidayglow with an array x ROVIENCER. I., Christ- mas, 1973-Holiday gît t glv- ver flatware pattern called ix4g can be a pleasure ta th~e Baronial, and if you are giver as well as the recipi- flownth"oa"fa- ent especially when the glfts ion trend there are eciually are unique. The Gorham attractive new Baronlal Compay, rnownd ascrYstal and china designs Amerlca'sladnïîle-ta give or dress your on smlths, has createda holiday table. wealth of outstanding Other silver gift ideas In- Christmas gît t suggestions. clude candlesticks or can- For those who appreciat delabra to brighten holida beautiful dlning and enter- tables. They will cast a hap- taining at home, there is a PY glow throughout the handsome new sterling sil- vear........... FROM THE UNIQUE GIFT world of Gorham cornes this delightful musical moppet, "Drummer Boy," playing the famous tune of the same naine. UNUSUAL SILVER ICICLE Christmas Tree ornarnent by Gorham wilI be at the top. of every gift list. The 1973 orna- ment supplements annual ici- cle ornanient designs to be- corne a collection. Five inehes in length, it will be a striking addition to your tree. HESSIANS HO! Hessian saldiers are gen- erally credited with bring- lng the idea of a Christmas tree to this country during the time of the Revolution- ary War. STERLING SILVER SNOW- FLAKE, GORHAM 1973, measures three and a quarter inches point to point and is a unique ornament foi: the tree. It can also be worn as a pend. ant. Designed to supplement snowflakes offered by Gorham annually in the past, this year's design is the perfect gift for a colleetor or to keep for'your own tree. fp resen t p leasers THE ENTIRE FAMILY wili love this gleaming sterling Christmas tree top ornarnent THISCHARMINC 1973 CHRISTMAS PLATE by Gorhai whieli cornes from Gorhamn in will lbc appreciaied al îhrough the year, esperially by the a gift box. collector. Inscribed "Happy Merry Christinas Tree, 1973"- Steringideas for that special career g,%irl: handy buffet pieces to use now, treasure always naise or sauce in.srnall bowls, as welI as sugar. 0 Olive or Pickle Fork: Another beautifully crafted >1 srall piece. In addition to its specifie purpose, it dou- bles as a lenion fork and butter pick. e CoId Meat Fork: This handsome fork is a useful server for cold meats, cliops, or a variety of platter sal- ads. e Pie or Cake Server: A lovely addition tu the buffet table, used for serving pies and cakes, and for aspics and frozen desserts. If you're looking f or a lasting, Ioveiy gif t, one of these pieces of preciaus sterling could be a.beauti- fui way ta salve nlany of your gif t problems this year. WHAT FUN to find sterling under the Christmas tree! And forý the career gfrl furnishing a w apartment, so1id -silver eau be the rnost glamorous and rnost welcome gift of ail. The place setting or serving pieces, such as the pierccd tablespooin and ereani ladle shown, are much-wanted gifts. When a girl's yaung, new- ly independent, and f ur- nishing ber first tiny apart- ment, just about the nicest Christmas present she can receive is something beau- tiful for ber new home. Splendidly qualifying as one of the laveliest gifts yau could choase for the career girl is sterling silver. But why sterling naw? yau, ask. Shouldn't she wait un- tii she marries to own solid silver?, Absolutely nat, if she loves beautiful things. By. having sterling now, she can use it and enjoy it when she entertains an her own -and have something she'Il treasure for the rest of ber life. For nothing else says, "This is a special meal," quite SQ much as solid silver. Its lustrous sheen and velvety smoathness, its weight, its marvelous craftsmanship are unique in flatware - and these at- tributes speak volumes for the owner's gaod taste and lave of quality. One of the nicest things about giving sterling is that it suits every budget, wheth- er it can accommodate sev- eral place settings or simply a single shining teaspoon. For every gif t of sterling, large or small, is sure te be cherished-and every piece will add new beauty to her table. Because space is general- ly at a, premium in a first apartment, the career girl is likely ta flnd that buffet meals salve many problems bath in serving and seating. One af the best ways, there- fare, ta, either start or add ta ber set of solid silver is ta concentrate on three areas - place forks, tea- spaans, and serving pieces. For many a simple buffet dinner for six can be served with the help of anly six place farks (for entree and saiad) and six teaspoons (for coffee and passibly des- sert). Gradually, she'l be able ta add dessert f orks and place spoons, thraugh f uture gif ts and with ber own earnings. Serving pieces are same of the most beautiful of ail in sterling sets, and add a great deal ta the buffet ta- ble's festive appearance. The f oliowing most-used ones offer a wide variety of sizes and prices, if you're cansiclering one or more as your gif t: 0 Plain or Pierced Table- spoon: Here's a hiandsoxne way to serve anything froni vegetables to bernies, salads, fruits and desserts. 0 Flot Sert'er: A deliglit- fully decorative piece, used for tomatoes, cucuinbers, eggs, asparagus on toast, or~ platter salads. a Sugar Spoon: A smnall, dclieately fashiioned spoon, uSeful for serving înayon- Section i wo The Canadian Statesman, Bownianville, Dec. 5,1973 TO HLP MER JALL YEAR Ingls WSHER HANDLES Up TO 12 LBS. WASHING AT ONCE NO PLUMBING HOOKUPS NEEDED TANGLE FREE AGITATOR WASH REG. $209.98 SMALL APPLIANCES' - TOASTERS - KETTLES BLENDERS - tONS - hAR DRYERS - CAN OPENERS C.REST HARDWARE LTDO Phone 623-5408 36 KING ST. EAST BOWMAN VILLE Personalifs f'or Her BEGIN AT BRESLIN'S CREATE SPARKLING FASHION LOOKS WIT1U TH1E LOVELIEST ..SNAPPIEST kt ..SEPARATES!- ESLIN'fS LADES'W EA R 7KING STREET WEST BOWMAN VILLE SEIKO THE PERFECT GUFT FOR CHRISTMAS STYLED JUST RIGHT FOR THOSE WHO WANT A WATCH THAT WILL GIVE THE RIGHT TIME, RIGHT DAY, JDEAL FOR SWIMMING (WHERE APPLICABLE) many automatic. No. AC003M-17.l, Self-wind, Day-Instant Date Calendar, 98.2 ft. water tested, stainiess steel, blue dial. $69.50 No. AJO47M-17J white top-stainless steel s Belîmatie Alarmn. back, white dial. o W4M1J Self -winding, bell alarmN.ZW4M1J 98.2 (t. water tested, $85.00 yellow top-stainiess instant date change, steel back, gilt dial. stainless steel, midnight $79.50 blue dial. $130.OOYOUR CHRISTMAS STORE IN BOWMANVILLE À,OOPER'S. JEWELLERS LTDg.