~BLACKSTOCK On Sunday afternoon a maximum ccowd attended the receptian, held in the. Christian Education Roam' by the Blackstock United ChurchSession in honour of our cetired Organist Mca. Qordon Strong and Choir Dicètor Mca. Lamne Thompsan. Members of the Blackstock congrega- tion and famnily and rela- tives afthe twa honouced ladies camne ta pay tribute to the tirelesa efforts avec the yeacs' af these two la- dies. Rev. V. Pacsons cal- ed the gcoup ta arder with wards of welcome and a resume of the work of Erma and Gladys for the benefit of the church mu- sic through the years. Mr. John Carnaghan, chair- man of the Session spoke and Erma and Gladys were each presented tap- estry baga and an envelope ofmaney. Ruby VanCamp and Joyce Taylor read the service for the presenta- tion af life memberahlp to the U.C.W., and Noceen Malcolm and Dorothy Maclow presented the life membership pins. Eîleen easy - with Iow monthly PARYS, SERVICE, rentai rates & FREE MAINTENANCE Colour TV is the most excifîng gi of ail for tamily, parents or frienids. And when you giue t the Granada way we worry about the service so you dont have f. CALL US NOW Tieres no big cash ýoufiay. No financing. No service charges. No repair hbis. No problems. And we can instail the set of your choice for family or frends n any of our branch areas. W'eope6 9 arn1-. to 9 p.m.- Saturday 'til 6. WeieOSî1AWA 26 KING ST. E. 723-3424 e; CHRISTMAS (FOR THE MONTH 0F DECEMBER ONLY> Senior Citizens OnIy Hair Cut'and $8.5 Perm~anent Wave.......... 5 SHAMPOO AND SET $1.00 OFF REGULAR PRICE, The Style Shoppe PHONE 623-5455 Please, this season, talce care. We know you took great care choosîng your gifla and carda, so z. please, dont let your efforts be wasted, take that care a litte furher and make sure you: *address carda and parcels correctly. Remember apt. nuinbers. *remember fa put your own address and postal code on everyt hing. (This way your friends wil be able fa add your code ta their Christmas list.) *use the -speed labels" your Posf Office has sent you. They'lI help speed sorting. Juat bundie your mail together by destination. *remember ta make sure y'ou have i enough postage. *remember tawrap parcels safely. *remember to send al out-of-town mail by Dec. l3th; in-town mail by Dec. l7th. Remembe r, VIStake care. Yours, Paul Reid for Canada Post I Canada post André Ouelini Mnis ter Postes' "Canada André Ouellet, minisre Married in Orono United Church McLaughlin and J e a n Kyte sang a duet, accom- panied by Linda Kyte. The choir also favoured with a number. The tea table waq centred with a lovely arrangement of red roses and carnations made by Marion Carnaghan. A tasty lunch of fancy cook- les and teat and caffee brought a lovely afternoon to a close. Mrs. Strong had been organist for 27%~ yeara and Mrs. Thompson led the choir for 17 years. Mc. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp were Sunday even- lng dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VanCamp and J a y n e, celebratlng their 4lst wedding anni- veraary. Bob Bcyans la tili in Sunnybrook H o sp 1tal1 where hie la in Intensive Care lmproving lowly. Mca. Walt Larmer, Hav- elock, was a Sunday caller and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston, Belleville, were Sunday supper. guests of bis mother Mrs. 3. A. Johnston. Misa Doreen VanCamp and Mrs. Margaret Van Camp have returned home aftec an enjoyable holiday in Mexico for ten days. Mr. and Mca. Jim Barnes and family, Oshawa, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer and family. Quite a number of local farmers attended varlous, sessions of the Federation of Agriculture a n n ua meeting in Holiday Inn at Oshawa during the rpast week. . Santa Claus arrived in Port Perry on Saturday. Cartwright was wel] re- presented wlth the High School float and the Or- ange Fife and Dcum Band as well as many, many local spectators. Winners at the weekly card Party, this week's was spansored by the W.I.. were: Ladies' high, Ruth Wilson: second, Florence Archer, third, Pearl Dur- and; men's hlgh, Noreen Bailey, second, Tennyson Samells; t h 1 r d, Charles Smith. Speclal services wece held in bath churches- cela- bcating Advent Sunday. At the United Chucch a carillon tape of Christ- mas music was received from the Swain families In loving memory of the late Mr. Lewis Swain and dedlcated. Misses Louise VanCamp and Janet Par- sons sang a lovely duet. Mr. and Mca. Fred Me- Laughlln, Fenelan Falis, were mid-week callers of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Laughlin and lunch guests of Mc. and Mca. Harold MeLaughlin. MAPLE GROVE Mc. and Mrs, Ken Hartley, Rick, Heather and Judithi Annýý Shanty Bay. eeiebrated -Mrsý. Flartley's birthday on Sunday witb her parents, Mr. and Mcs. Kenneth Hopkins. Mcs. J. Acthuc Lovel ce- turned to hec home in Dexter, Michigan, after spendîng a month with ber sister and busband, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin and other relatives. Orano United Cburcb was the settiog foc a faîl wedding, on October 2tb. 1973, wben Rev. Basil E. Long united in marriage Bannie Jonc, daugh- ter of Mr. and iXrs. Jack Bridger and Kenneth William ?dclCr-acken, son of Mc. and Two Attractive Youngsters These two young ladies are Lisa Brown, left, who will be four on December 2lst and ber sister Alison who was three on September 6th. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Brown of Bowmanville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Allison Hockins of Melville, N.B., Mrs. Clara Brown of Nackawick, N.B., and the late Tom Brown. Mr. and Mcs. Fred Wright spent the weekend in Dexter witb Mcs. Loveil. Mr, and Mrs. William Ash- ton, Hampton, wece Sondai guests of bis sister and busband, Mc, and lrs. Cliff- ord Swallow. Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Tamb- lyn and Mc. Howard Tamblyn were Sunday dînner goests of the former's daugbter and 500 10 law Mc. and Mrs. Wayne Peyton, Oshaw~a. Mcs. H. G. Freeman spent tbe weekend wîtb ber daugb- ter Mrs. E. R. Gilbank, Ocono and along witb the Rev. and Mrs. Basil Long, Orono, were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mcs. C. Baird, Orono. Mc. and Mcs. Fred Coatwelt, Oshawa, wece Saturday even- ing visitors witb Mc. and lrs. Lloyd Tamblyn and family. Mcs. Keitb Bickell, Napane was a weckend guest of ber parents Mr. and lrs. Arthur W. Martin. Cartwright Hîigh Scbool New s Na sooner had the last traces of snow rneited from tbe football field than thie Students Council got busy and E janned another compétition etween the bouses. This tume the sport was borden hall and the Tigers came out on top again. The first game was between the Tigers and tbe Ookpiks and the Tigers won il six ta fixe. In the second game the Tigers beat the Ailats five ta four, This put the Tigers in first place and meant tlie other txxo bouses would have ta light lau second F lace. The AhRKats woan fhe t)a tIIe by a score ai six ta three ovir ei li okpiks, lUis. William McCracken, al af Newcastle. The wedding mosic was played by the brides oncle, Mr. William 2% oon~. Given in macciage by ber lather, the bride wore a ful length gown of' taffetta witb a bîgb neckline and long sleev- es. The dress xsas empire waisted xxth a lace bodice. Tbe cbapel train vwas accented witb matching lace. She, carried a basket of dried fiowers trimmed witb orange ribbon. Tbe bridai attendants were Miss Kathi Bridger, matron of bonar. sister of the bride, sister ý afiu Lý room adMs Jolie. Wilsonasibidemad Tbeh ee glowned in automn colors of orange. brown and rust and carried baskets of dried floxxers and orange ribbon, the same as the bride*s Tbe besf man xxas Mr. Jim Colwxiii and tbe ushers were Mr. Ronald Sbarp and MXr. Grant Hlendry, Tbey were al in brown tuxedos and attired in beige rufiled shirts. Tbe receptian aîand dance \vas held at tbe Nigbtingale. Centennial Hall. Bo\xxman- ville. Tbe bride's motber recuuved in a formai gov.n of rusty ced poly ester koit witb gold aecessories and a cor- sage ai' wbite carnations. The groom's motber assisted in a formai gown of xbite and broxxn polyester crepe witb braw n accessaries and a corsage af yellow carnations. Follow îng (beir boncymoon n Eastern and Nortbern Ontario, fbe couple will reside in Newcastle. 1Tbe bride was bonored at several sbowers beld by Mrs. W,. McCracken, Mrs. R. Moon. 1Mis. B. Gilkes, Mrs. R. Haskill and Mrs. M. Kidd vbile Mr. J. Colwill beld a stag in bonor af tbe groom. WESLEY VILLE We have a habit af thinking of aid time Christmas as béing like s-) many Christmas cards, covcred w'th snaw acid jolly sleigh beits. There ts plenty of time for that yet. at least the snow, and we would hope the sleigh belîs at iaast in Port Hope,, but December came In wîth lawns laoking fresh and green and in the country' the fields of fati whcat a striking green against the brown of plow- cd fields. Many residents of the area were in Port Hope rluring the weekend, nat only for regular shopping but ta help set up the dis- play at the historical cen- tre, and to sec the many attractive shows in build- ings and windows. The junior choir from Weicome United Churcc Provldcd entertainment -ut the Christmas party at Treetop Nurseries on Sat- orday, December Ist. They sang carois and sangs. sarne of themn accompantied by Jennifer Payne -on a smal rgan and by John Gcoeneveid on bis auto- harp, They -were led by Mca, R. Lax. Those fcorn local familles were Jenni- fer, Lance and Shelley Pa';ne and Aillen Wilson. The junior chair aiso ncovided the music foc Sundayi marning service at Wýýclcome United Church. Thev sang "Do yoo ia x'hat 1T hear"" anrd'Wa rhild ithis?'.taftie bin of Gr sc 75This a (hi' tirt Sunrlay of Ad- vecnt and the lighttîg îof the first candie and devo- t ions done by Aileen Wil- son and Lana Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mc- Coll, Andrew and Bever- ]ey were in Toronto and London for the weekend where they visited Mr. McColl's father. Mrs. IL Darke went ta Toronto on Friday for the weekend. Ladies were busy during the weekend quilting! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. McCoil, an the special quilt which Is being made ta help defray expenses of the landfilli hearlng. It was nat complcted for other activities accupied the quilters on several days, but will be continu- ed during the coming week. Mca. C. Dickinsan visit- ed with dlaughtcr Dorothy, Mrs. T. Turner. in Bow- manville last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Carroll Nichais and Gloria spent Sunday after- noon wAth Miss M. Tru- deau in Port Hope, where they met Mr. G. Smale, principal of the conserva- tory, of music af Western University, The occasian xvas a meeting af music teachers fcam Campbell- ford, Perth, Lindsay and Port Hore. Their discus- sion and question peciod concerned new methods in music. Among those enter- tained by Miss Trudeau for dinner w e r e Mr. Smale, Mrs. Nichais and Gloaria. Liberty Belles B5owling Nov. 27,11)73. Tearn Standings Lavigne ....... 23255 26 Coombes....... 23913 24 Cornish ,ý.. 23724 23 Robinson .... 23678 22 Chant .. ... 23908 20 Lane. :.... . 23417 20 Roberts...... 23084 19 Alldread .... 22981 19 Land ...... 23349 18 Gibson . ... 23509 17 Stephens .... 22459 14 Bons ...... 22990 12 High Single Betty Leaman ... ....... 278 Uligh Double Betty Lea man (278-184) .. 462 Top 10 Averages S. Lavigne 200, C. Roberts 198, J. Eîsan 197, F. Land 196, E. Dadson 196, B. Partner 194, B. Stephens 193, M. Alldread 193, Marion Gihson 193, B. Lyle 193. 400 Doubles C. Roberts 438, W. Coombes 4:38. B. Sierbuis 426, F. Land 421, K. Stephens 413, B. Partner 403. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 5, 19733 Wood's Bantams Drop Close One to Markham The H. L. Wood Minor Bantams took on the undefeat- cd Markbam team on Satur- day and lost a ceai bard fougbt game by a score of 2-1. Mackbam took an early first peciod lead, scoring wbile playing a man short, at the 2:42 mark, Bauer being the macksman. Both teams play- cd a close-cbecking, bard-bit- ting style of play, witb Mackham baving an edge in the eacly going. Markbam took five penalties in the first period, but Bowmanville's power play lacked any scacing punch as tbey failed ta penetrate the Mackbam defence. In the second peciod, Bow- manville stacted sbowing some good speed and aggres- siveness as tbey took the game ta the visitars. Mackbam's goalie made several outstand- ing saves as did Beatt Murphy in the Bowmanville cage. Botb teams wece beld scoceless in the peciod. The third peciod saw some ceai fine end ta end hockey as bath teams wece goal hungcy. Rick Bain lied the score at the midway mark, tapping in a rebaund off a bard shot taken by Gecard Moccison tram the bloc uine. This goal ceally inspiced the 'Transporters" as they kept poucing in avec the Markbam bluelîne time afler timfe but coming up empty. Xith less than three minutes left in the game Adams took advantage of a defensive error by Bowman- ville and skated in ahl alone on goal ta notch the winning goal. This had to be the finesf effort put forth by the tearn this sea son as they hustled and played as a unit with tearn spirit running bigh, wbich was very pleasing for coaches Sainsbury and Peters, who have been working hard ta get the team rollîng. Legion Ladies Team Standings Bruce ... ... 24 35381 Sutcliffe ..... . 23 36655 Annacrt . ..... 17 35712 Sheeban... . 14 34820 High Average Bernice PaÏrtner (36) -.220 Iligh Single Bernice Partner ..... 226 Fran Bruce ... . ... . 2661 Iligb Triple Fran Bruce...... ....... 700 Avera ges ' Bernice Partner 220 (36), Joan Sutcliffe 210, Fran Bruce 204 (36), Mary Bates 198, Jean Burton 195 (36), NybI Sheeban 195, Rose Venasse 193, Mary Gray 182 (36), Marg Perdis 182 (33),dcnise Annaert 179. ABSENTEES: Mcl McNulty, Alice, Gibson, Diane Howartb. ~ûryCleaners CI'uc'de Mrs. Jones was reading a letter at breakfast. Suddenly she looked up suspiciously at her husband. "Hlenry-, she asked, "I've just received a letter troi mother saying she isn't accepting our invitation to corne anid stay, as we do flot appear to want her. What does she mean by that? I told you to write and say that she wvas to corne at her own convenience. You did write, didn't you?" -Er-yes, 1 did", said the husband. "But 1 - I couldn't speil 'convenience' s0 I made it 'risk'." CLOTHES CARE HIINT: Never use a handkerchief to mub a stain or spillage on your clothes. You damage the surface of the fabric. Take stained garnment toyour dry cleaner. LIONS CLUB TURKEY ROLL & CAR DRAW FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th Lions Centre - Admission Free CLEANERS LTDU t LE ïftR, 84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 "IVe Specialize laInShirt'Laundering" I -j' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCracken Photo by Christopher Randal Studios TAKE UP SKIING WITHOUT INVESTING IN EQUIPMENT AT "One of the World's 14 Greatest Ski Areas", (Time 12-25-72). WE WILL' SUPPLY RENT- FREE SKIS, POLES & BOOTS and give you 20 per cent discount on January ski weeks to Celebrate 35 th Anniversary NO GIMMIICKS ATTACHED BOOK DIRECT for information mail coupon Mont-Tremblant, P. Q., Canada JOT iZO or cali (819) 425-2711 Name ............ Address .......