Premier Frost's Bequests f0 Trent 1/ ul½Million' Bequests ta Trent Univer- sity from the estate of the late Leslie M. Frost will eventually anount to about one-haif of 'le $1,000,528 estate lef t by the lèrmer premier" of Ontario. *Mr. Frost, the university's *irst chancellor, died May 4. I Trough residual bequests, -i share of the estate wîth a ý*Il corne to Trent, to become flirt of the Leslie and Gert- .Èyde Frost Canadian Studies Fbundation. The foundaýion was estab- ishied by MIr. Frost in 1969, in, lUonsultation 'with T.H.B. Sy- vaons, ta provide Trent with [unds bey ond government ýýrants and other usual sources fl incarne ta further studies in ranadia-n history. Funds ai- ,' eady directed by Mr. Frost ýand others ta the foundation' ,grnunt ta about $34,000. .In creating the foundation, MIr. Frost expressed the hope that the fund 'will assist Trent University in becaming one of t'ne m-ajor and outstandinig places devoted ta Canadian studies". In direct bequests,, the university receives, many of Mlr. Frosts personal papers, his files of collected historical papers, together with cor- respondence relating ta his actîvities as a member of the Committee on University Af- fairs, bis direcforships of variaus, and other pýrsonal and fàmily papers. As well, Trent received thr- otîgh is wili' a quantity of mnemorabilia, including, the field officer's notebook pier- c,ýd by the bullet that waunded Mr. Frast during hisservice in the First World War. A further direct bequest ta Trent was Mr. Frost s sum- mer 'home on Sturgean Lake, near Lindsay, together with the sum of $50,000 ta maintain it. Should the university de- cie not ta accept the bequest, the property would go ta, the Ontario Heritage Foindation., Letters te the Editor 'Teachers Federation', c-o Mir. Wallace Pitt, c-a South Courtice Public School, R R. 2, Bowmuanville. December l8th,,1973. Dear Sir: In accordance with the law, 1 'have sent m-y children ta school today (Dec. 18,1973). 1 fully realize this action nmay incur the displeasure of their respective teachers. 'lhle children brought home two notices. One f rom the Director of Education advis- ing us that many of the teachers were not expected ta attend school on Dec. l8th., but that' the schools would remain open. The second notice. from -",Elementary Teachers", r~ sted we' NOT 'sé'nd our ch-zrien ta schoal tfhereby indicating aur support of the teachers in their dispute with the provincial government over what they dlaim is a 'denial of basic human rights'. Reflecting upon the situa- tion, 1 feel that ta support the teachers is ta support anar- chy. It is my understanding that aur local teachers'have agreed upon their contracts with the Board of Education, thus the proposed legislation ddes not immfediately directly affect the.m. Secondly, 19 years ago the teachers' federation, in return far the right for teachers ta resign either at Dec. 3lst. or Jîue 3th., agreed neyer ta use the "mass resignations" as a weapan in any contract disputes. The teachers have' more than once broken this agreement in the past few years. "Basic human rights" are those civil lîberties allowed ta us within the confines of aur lawvs. We do not have the right t,,OmP"EN li WED,., THURS. & FR1. êxI NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P. M. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1973 OUR t C"HRISTIMAS GlIeT TOYOU ovin à MERRhnYu C&mHISeTMAS TuO% ALL,,..AND TO ALLu GOO""D EATIý" I GUARANTEEDIII ARIVw >fh1 GODETNRDOUBEYOUR M NYBACK! WC» SWIFT PREMIUM, CANADA GRADE %'A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC, YOUNG 1 D.0- W . 4' iL BUTalTERB LL TURKEYS 5< 1 OVER 20 LRSý 6 TO 9 LBS. AVG. W APWEMIA BURNS __________________________ HRISMAS.. 1 The lime of year to extend best wishes to our ÉAYT-EVCOE UIFR1ý I3$1G9 RAYO-EV.SOEC KEPICNIC STYLt friends. Sflîoked Hams SHANK PORTION ~lb 9ThPr hudesl 8~ e lime of yeur to be:concerned about those MAPLE LAF BRAND, SLICED, MACARONI & CHEESE, MAPLE LEAF, RANCH STYLE M CIICKEN, OLIVE OR DUtCH LOAF ArYTE IC l The lime of year for gentleness and remembering AYTEPEE] The time of year ta welcome a tagrwh Cooked Meats 6ozV.4c Pac 4stranger SUPR-RENT RD BANDGRDE A BEF CANADA GRAýDE "A", EViSCERATED, FROZEN, VAC PAC The lime of year ta wipe away ail bitterness. . EXCELLENT FOR BRAîSINO m 1m ~~ u im fyear for, sharing. I W t a s 1 O9LB V,1 O 6LSAG The tîme of, year for gathering those yu love v, Cube Steaks 7&' greet yau with warm and friendly feelings. FIRST 4 RISS1E-85T SIE EVERY G000 WISH FOR YOUR SUPER RIGHTteSLICEL q PERSONAL HAPPINESS AT CHRISTMAS. PrmeRi Seas bS.3 Side Bacon lbaPc12 Sincry, PARTrY SUGGESTIONS IDA RND TREPCKO~BURNSM SI4OPSY BRAND, COL£ SLAW OR Bleef & Pork Sa usagçes lb 88,t' l A&P Consutant, 24 ozcirto LEAF BRAND Ide Bujrns ,oee r. Potato Salaid 694-oze carton PortCrojOiaesI. MAPLE LEAF BRAND -bVc a 20Laeh1 Ri at Cocktail Saousages 8--69pk UN UZN ~ EFOSi MAPLE uAP BRAND _____________IN___________BUTTER__ Cocktail Wieners 8pg-< Bu aerSl -zk 9 FRESH - 15 PIECES Y Mi SX BRAND SAU SEA, FROZEF, PKG,,0F -2 4-OZ JARS. 3Polish Saiusage $, hip okal84ý BOXUOuCHIC'KEN 4 SWIFT PREMIUM, OUTCM LUNCH RUPEPi BRAND, FROZEN, PARTY STARTERS 3 LEG QIJARTERS I oi SalaICmi RY 'THE PIECE b $109 Pe rch with Onion 8oz k39e ALMEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH ORANGE PEKOE, PKG OF 60 ACTION PRICED,[ 10 VARIETIES Haavy Dufy Aluminum Foil Red Rose Tea Bags Ss PEEK FRNEAN CWKIFS Reynolds Wrap SrnaII, Whoîe, Chice Quality ACTION PRICEDI I j if CHAMP .ON-BEEF, KIDNEY, 1-Ft-OZ TINS OM M OZM U LiVER, 15-OZ TINS Smedley's Carrots 6$. O PKGS 3 sO~ t r.Dalards DOG F001 FROZEN, DESSERT TOPPING ACTION PRICEDI PROCESS CHEESE-ýSH'ARP, ONION, SWîss PROCESS CHEESE $LICES. cool1 Whip CARON 65 -k O PKG ACTION PRICEOII Blac Diamnad CATN6 ý!raft squeet-A-sua k 491 w, iSfMsad DETERGENT ACTION PRICEDI PLASTIC 'N buiter, Sweet Reish Palmolive Liquid PL4SFI Ozl7W ~Sawan Wrp 100T6,RoePke AL. PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE 'rHROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1973. 18 in by 25 ft roll S79ý rCHICKEN, ACTION PRICED' ACTION PRICED! PI<G Sweet Wâfar,ý Bread ACTION PRICED' 15-FL-02391, 9,We RedenAIL féoodj Copos A traditional feature of the Christmas festive table is the boar's head. This leg- end, told in Queen's Col- lege, Oxford, provides a ba- sis for the tradition: A student,- walking, and reading in the woods on Christmas,,Day, wa s at- tacked by a wild boar. He overpowered thp boar by choking it 'with his book, a volume of Aristotle. Then hie eut off the boar's head to retrieve his book and brought the head triuml- phantly to table. -g WITH THIS COUPON - SAVE 9c ACTION PRICEU! ULr9FI ~VIIL~. W 'W - --. OFFER EXPIRES ~ 22.4, 1973. C WITH TMti COUPON - SAVE 30C ~ 100 1<%SAZILIAN COPFEE ACTION PIICED' 8 S O'CLOCK ~I~BEAN COFFEE OFFER EXPIRES O4CERS 22ad, 1973. C BRlAST QUARTERS ' i WINGS, 3 N4ECKS lb GtBLET PACKETS OCEAN SPIRAY, WNOLE OR JELLIED EI CIU IHATMA ACTION PRICED! CRANBE29ý YUKON CLUS - 12 FLAVOURS INCLUJDlICG(PLUS B11 DEPOSIT) GIGEm -~6/99<, LEVER, PIECES & siTEMS ACTION PRICEO' MUSHR100Z 39<z PLUS hQTTLE DEPOSIT - ACTION MRCED! 40-F L-OZ BOTTLES49 ý ACTION PRICED! Coral, Green, White, YeIIow, Decorator SCOTTmOWELS Pkg of 2. rolis !59< ACTION PRICEDI CHRISTIE RITZ 16-oz pkg 9 ACTION PRICED! McCAIN, FROZEN, SHOESTRING FRENCH FRIES 4-7b 100% SRAZILIAN COFFE