The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1973 CLSSI IE JONES- Len, Eleanor and Craig happily, announce the arrivai of Catherine Mary into the family. Arrived Dec. l7th, 1973, at East General.Hospi- taiý, Toronto, 7 lbs., 7 ozs. Everyonedoing fine. 51-1 OSMOND- Tracy and Gail (nee Masters) are happy to announce the birth of their, daughter, Tami Evelyn, on December 7, 1973, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Ont. A new sister for Brent. REID- Ernie and Barbara (nee Ferris) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Stephen Clifford, on De- cember 12, 1973, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferris and Mrs. C. Currie, ail of Bowmanviile, and great-grandparents, Mr. Joseph Robinson, Parry Sound and Mr. and Mrs. B. Vincent, Cornerbrook, New- foundland. 51 lx Mr. and- Mrs., Robert D. Whillans, Bowmanviile, are pieased Io announce the en- g agement of their daughter, Sheryl Dianne, to Joseph J. Bonura, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Bonura, Oshawa. Sincere thanks to our friends and nei ghbours at No. 2 and 4 Nelson St. E. for th e wonderful surprise they gave us on our Soth Wedding Anniversary. The greatest was the friend- ship, which we shail always value. Our thanks also to our sister, Mrs. Annie Darch. Thank you al Saiiy & Len Venning 51 -1x My sincere fhanks f0 rela- tives, friends and neighbours for cards, visits and gifts in hospitai and home. Special thanks to rs. H. B. Rundie, Grant and Cunning ham, nur- ses and staff of E mergency and Surgical floor for their kindness and care. Irene E. Flint 51 lx I would like f0 express my sincere appreciation f0ODrs. B e, Martin, Sangaralin- gha. 4rses and staff of Port Per 'y-an.d Oshawa Hospitals for care, and friends for all their kîndnesses. Earl Bradburn 51-1 At this time 0f the year, i would like to thank neighbors, friends, relatives and organi- zations for the many cards, fruit, f lowers and visifs I have received since May; also the nurses and staff on Second Floor andi Dr. Hubbard for their excellent care. Season's Greetings to you ail. Arthur Read 51-1 1 wouid like f0 thank my family, relatives and friends for sending cards, fruit, plants, visits and many tele- phone enquiries while I have been in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, and arn stili there. Thanking Ors. J. Run- die, Mosienko, Aniderson and Grant, also ail staff on Third Floor. My wife Elsie and 1 wish one and ail a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. RoyMcGiil 51-1 I would like to thank, ail my friends, neighbours and rela- tives for their many kindness- es during my sfay in Bowman- ville and Oshawa Hospitais. Special thanks to Doctors Siemon and Anderson. Lela Blackburn The family of the late Mrs. Hosken Smith wish to express their heartfelt fhanks to friends, relatives and neigh- bors for floral tributes, dona- fions to the Cancer Society and their many acts of kindness and sympathy during the time of aur recent sad bereave- ment. Special thanks to Dr. Sylvester, Memorial Hospi- tal's third floor nurses and staff, Hampton U.C.W., Rev. Johnson and Morris Funeral Chapel. We wish ta express our sincere appreciation fo friends, rela- tives and neighbors for their floral tributes, cards and acts 0f kindness during our recent bereavement. A special thanks ta the Legion Auxiliary for their kindness. We are also most gratef ul taOr. Fergusan, nurses and staff 0f Memorial Hospital, Sunset Ladge, Fath- er Gracie, Father Frank, Carson Eliott and Staff of Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home for their kindness and able assistance which hehped greatly at the fime of our sarrow in the loss 0f aur dear mother, grandmother, great grandmother and great great grandmother. The Farily of the late Carolir-ý Sheehan 51-1 1972 VEGA 2-Door notchback, excç it condition, 26,000 mile6_Must seli. Phone 623-4506. 51-1 BEGLEY - E. W. William. Suddenly at his home on Monday,1 Dec. 17, 1973, Bill Begley 0f 829 Parklane Ave., Oshawa, in his 64th year, dear husband of Marie Ashton, father of Mrs. W. Dobson (Arlene), Mrs. L. Ashford (Carole) and Bruce. Rested at Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service was held at 2 o'clock Wednesday atternoon. Interment Bow- manvil le Cemetery. 51-1 GOHEEN- Suddenly at Fenelon Falls on Sat., Dec. 15, 1973. Jack Goheen in his 5th year, beloved husband of Marjorie Tamblyn, dear fath- er of Ruth (Mrs. Eddie Solski), Oshawa; Dianne, (Mrs. Bruce Ogden), Bow- manville; grandfather 0of Terri, Steven and 'Lisa; brother of George Goheen, Oshawa. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tuesday at 1:30. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 51-1 HALLOWELL- At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Monday, Dec. 17, 1973, Alice B. HaIlowell, R. R. 1, Orono, dear sister of Gardon, Lloyd and Helena (Mrs. E. Shier). Resfing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville for ser- vice and committal on Friday at 1:30. Interment Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville in the spring. Donations f0 Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. 51-1 INFANTINE- Rosalea. At Hope Haven Nursing Home, Port Hope Friday Dec. 14, 1973 Rosalea Cancilla beloved wife of the late Vncent Infantine. Dear aunt of Philiip Cancilla, Anthony Cancilla and Jose- phine (Mrs. Ernest LeSage) Port Hope, Mrs. Rose Lowes and Mrs. William Duck (Mar- e) Toronto and the late Mrs. A. Bondi (Lena), Charles, John, Dominick, James and Mary. Requiem Mass, was hel1d in the Church of Our Lady 0f Mercy, Monday at 10 a.m. Interment St. Mary's Cene- tery. NORTON- Samuel John (Tiger). Suddenly aLt his home in Millbrook on Sunday, Dec. 16, 1973. Samuel John Norton, aged 60 years, beloved hus- band of Jenny Victoria. Resf- ed at fhe Barlow, Funeral Home, Orono. Temporary enfombmenf Lang Chapel, Orono Cemetery. SMALES- James Cameron. Suddenly at his home on Friday, Dec. 14, 1973, James Smales, beloved husband of the late Kathleen-Baker, dear father of Laura Lee, Martha, Maria, Cameron at home and David of Oshawa, loving grandfafher of Andrew and Kathleen, son of Mrs. J. Smales of Hampton and the late James Smales, brother of Robert of Oshawa, Mrs. Kurt Losch (Isabel) of Toronto and Mrs. Betty Root of Mississ- ippi. Resfed at the Mclntosh- Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King St. E. Service in the chapel Monday, Dec. 17, 1973 at 1:30 p.m. IntermentUnion Cemetery. The family would appreciate donations f0 Har- mony United Church building fund, as expressions of sym- paf hy. WESTAWAY-Thelma Sarah. n Lindsay on Thursday, Dec. 13, 1973, Thelma Sarah Parkin n her 64th year. Beloved wife of Richard L. Westaway. Dear mother of Joy (Mrs. Eric Freeborn); Joan (Mrs. Cedric Russell); and Anne (Mrs. Bertram Douglas) sister of Roy Parkin and Mariorie (Mrs. Glen Paterson). Survi- ved by 12 grandchildren. Rested at the Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay until Saturday morning Dec. 15, thence fo the Cameron United Church for serviceat 2:30 p.m.Interment at Eden Cemetery. If desired, donations may be made fo fthe Canadian Cancer Society. 5- SMITH - Ethel Maude at Picton Memorial Hospital on Sunday, Dec. 16, 1973, Ethel Maude McQuaid, aged 85 years. Wife of the late Norman Smith. Dear mother of Dor- othy <Mrs. Gordon Wilson>, Carrying Place, Phyllis (Mrs. Ronald Northey), Bowman- ville, and Arthur Smith, Whit- by. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel,' Bow- manville, on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. 51-1 WHITNEY - At Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, Dec. 14, 1973, Bruce Whitney, Newcastle in his 79th year. Beioved husband of Ina Adams, dear father of Olive (Mrs. Roy Nesbitt), Alberta and Gladys (Mrs. Russell Wiggans), Oshawa, grand- father of nine grandchildren and three great grandchiîd- ren. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Baw- manville, on Mandayat 1:.30. Interment Orana Cemetery. 51 -1 1 D.t "F lowers Say it Best'" VAN BELLE Daily Delivery f0 ... Oshawa- Bowmanvil le Area Phone 623-4441 Ai-+, CAR NATION FLOW ERS and SE ED STORE 33 Division Street Corsages ~ Patted j Plants Wedding Bouquets FumneraI Arrangements Oi Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 17 tf GRIFFIN In loving mem- ory of our dear son and brother, Reginald R. Griffin who passed away suddenly, December 25th, 1958. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keep his memory ever dear, Time takes away the edge of grief But mernory turns back every leaf. -Sadly missed by Mom, Oad and family. HOLROYO - n loving mem- orv of a. nephew, Ronald William Dec. 15,1968 and Father Fred Jan. 15,1969. "Forever Remernbered" Fred & Audrey & familles. HOLROYD - n memory of a dear littie grandson Ronald \,ho left us Dec. 15, 1968. He only stayed a liffle whiie But we'Ill fot forget his smile He now is where he belotigs A liffle cherub among the throng. Ever remembered by his Nanna Holroyd, Aunts and Uncles. 51 1 MAHAFFY - n loving me- mory of a dear mother and tIather, Fioence anid'Henry Mahaffy, who passed away Dec. 24, 1969 and Jan. 2lst, 1970. We do flot need a special day, To bring you to our mind. -Ever remembered by daughter Mary, son-in-law George, grandchildren Bob and Vicki. 51-lx .- *, * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Kilpatrick (Irene and Bill) 76 Scugog Sf., will be receiving friends. neighbours and rela- tives af, the Legion Hall on Sat., Dec. 22nd from 7-9 p.m. on the happy occasion of their Sth Wedding Anniversary. Best wishes on ly. 502 We wish ail aur relatives, friends, and neighbours a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW VEAR. Chari ie and Ethel Ivutton 51 -1x We wish ta extend ta ail aur friends, relatives and neigh- baurs a Very Merry Christ- mas and a Happy and Pro- speraus New Year. Lela and Farewell Blackbtrn 51 lx Our wish ta friends and neighbours is for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk 51-1 To Ail Our, Friends and Relatives SEASON'S GRE ETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR AHAPPY NEWYEAR CHARLES and CLARA NESBITT Eustis, Fiorida 51 -1x S EASON'S GR E ET 1NGS Ta Ail Friends, Relatives and Neighbaurs George and Agatha Perf ect 51 We wish allaur Friends, Relatives and Neighbaurs AMERRY CHRISTMAS ANDA HAPPY NEW YEAR Eva and Will Stapleton 51-ix Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a WONDE RFU L NEW Y EAR The Jim Nickersons 51 lx May we take this opportunity in wishing' SEASON'S GREETINGS To many kind friends and relatives who have been sa thoughtful. Harry & Marguerite Cowan 51LIx -SaonsGeetn DEADLUN-E FOR CLASSUFIED Tue$., 4:30 p.m. Seso' Ge eig May yaur holiday be bright To Customers, Friends and with happiness ... warm with Relatives, a Merry Christmas love and friendship .-. . and and a Happy, Healthy and festive with the traditional Prosperous New Year. joys of the season. To Our many friends . . . a special H ln&D ns "Thank Yau" for the privilege Brown of serving yau. We pledge aur PONTY POOL best efforts ta serve yau51 better._______________ VINLE MOORE Carpentry 247 Liberty N. Bowmanville My best wishes ta friends and neighbors for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year., Berf Mundy 51 lx SEASON'S GREETINGS TO FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS FROM NanCe Calmer 14 Orchardview Blvd. I would like ta wish ail my friends, neighbors and rela- tives a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mrs. Eva Farrow 51 1 The Season's Greetings ta ail My very kind friends, neighbors and relatives and the, best for 1974. GraCe Smith 511If To our friends, neighbars and relatives a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. Marg and George Wind and Family 51 1 To ail aur friends and neighbors we wish a VERY MERRY CIIRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Alf and Betty Brown 51 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TOALL. Mary SutCh 51, 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta ail aur friends and relatives. Wayne, Kim, Viki and Kirk Pearce 511 SEASON'S GR EETINGS ta al laur friends, neighbars and relatives. Ma bel and John Trimble and Family A very Merry Christmas and a Prasperaus New Year ta ail aur neighbars, friends and relatives. Bill and Mary Bates and Family 51-1 We wish ail aur friends and neighbors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. John and Joan Murphy and Family 51 lx Ta my wonderful reatives, f riends and neighbars a Merry Christ mas and sincere wishes for the mast Happy and Prasperous New Vear. Mrs. Winifred Cameron 51-1 John, Carolyn, Bryan, Kim and Shannon Bruce fake pleasure in wishing their relatives, friends and nsegh- bars, the very Merriest Christ. mas and a Happy and Most Prosperaus New Year. 51 lx To aur friends, neighbors and relations. We hope yau feel the joy of the Star, sunsets, the first crocus, the magic of a child's Iaughter and in s0 doing feel the claseness of the Christ Child and you'll find you have everything. Lji King and The Art Etchers SCH LAC HT ELECTRIC R. R. 2 BOWMANVILLE Sincerely wishing you ail the joys and blessings of the Christ mas Season, and happiness throughout the New Vear. Adoif Schlacht To Relatives,- Friends Neighbou'rs, wishing a Mg Christmas and, a FHappy I Year. Harry & Leonia Farrow Ab & Anne Piper Stan Bowen Wish a Very Merry Christi and Happiness in the I Year ta their friends, relat and neighbours. 5 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR To friends and relatives Stan Bowen, 5. Walter and Ella would ta extend toall a very Me Christmas and a Happy 1 Year. The Ormistons and To aur rnany friends, rela- tives, and neighbours. Our sincere Best Wishes for a very Merry Christ mas and a Bright and Happy New Year. Smokey & Marion Hayes 51 ix A sîncere wish for a HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON Ta friends, relatives and neighbours. Ed. Foran il3 Ontario St. 51 lx We take thîs oppartunify ta Wish Our Relatives, Friends and Neighbours a " MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW VEAR WESand MADE'LINE MARTIN and FAMILY '51 1 x To aI rny relatives, friends, and neighbours a V ERY ME RRY CHR ISTMAS an'd a HAPPY NEW ,YEAR. Betty Brown Good health and happiness ta aillour friends, far and near, is the wî'sh-0f Frank and Violet Gilmer Newtonvi île Warmn Christmas Greetings and Besf Wishes for a Healthy and Properaus New Year. Lloyd, Lynda, Tod & Lance MCRobbie Mr. and Mrs. A. Taisma R.R. 4, Bowmanviîîeè Would like fa wish ail their friends a Blessed Christmnas and a Happy and-Prasperaus 1974. 51 lx ln lieu of Christ mas Cards we are danafing fa the Heart Fund and would like ta take this apport unity ta wish a Il aur Friends, Relatives and Acquaintances a Very Merry Christmas AND A Happy New Year Carole, "Rick" arnd Doug las Gould 51 lx The Friendly People at MacDonald Fard in sowmanvilile wauld be very happy ta heîp you buy your 1next used car.ý Phone us at 623-4481. OOG Grooming and clipping, Poodles and Spaniels a spec- ialty. Englîsh Springer pups for sale, also rabbits . Phone 786-2234. 51-12 HOUNOS, f ive months. Walk- er and Blue Tick cross, tram good strain, reasonable. Phone 705-277-2215. 51-1 PUPPI ES tree to good homes, hait Golden Retriever, hait Black Labrador. Ready f0 go for Christrnas. Phone 983-9311 Orono. DOG Meat, 25 cents per lb., f ree delivery. Dog-caf board- ing f rom si daily. Registered Afghans anid Salukis. Orono 1 -983-9385. 49-4 Osaca Barn Dance, couples ,,nly, every Saturday, night. Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 43-9 Fish and Chips. Ail you can eat,' every Saturday, $1.49. -Open Saturday and Sunday. Acres Restaurant, Taunton dRd. 50-2 Prenatai classes for Bow- manvilie and district wii be started Tuesday, Jan. 8th, 7: 30 p.m. Classes are heîd at the Heaith Unit offices, formerly Nurses' Residience, Bowman- ville Memoriai Hospital. Any- one interested in attending, splease phone 623-2511. 50-3 sMONSTER BINGO THURSDAY - 7:45 p.rn. K Sponsoreci by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA 30 tf Horsemanshi'p Holiday Special. Complete program- Kbasic came, grooming and riding - December 26-31sf. $25. Limited number accepted, enrol now. Lauraîee Morgan Farm, phone 786-2681, New- fonvilie. Specializing in young children. WOODVI EW r COMMUN ITY CENTRE MAONSTER BINGO <NEXT MONDAY 1 .7:45 p.rM. REDBARN -',WAYNE ST, KOSHAWA 21 tf BINGO N EWCASTL E COMMUN ITY HALL Wed., Dec. l9th 8 p.m. $400 in prizes plus $300 Jackpot. Spansored by Newcastîe-Lions. Elmhurst Hotel N EWCASTLE Dec. 21 -22 '-MIDNITE PLAYBOYS" tinthe New Grîffin Room 51-1 Snowmo.bilers-., Planning a snowmobile party? Phone... ALD IAN SNOWMOBILE HILLS- Enniskillen 263-8412 We can entertain 15 f0 20 couples at one time. Ail you can eat Plus use of 450 acres, excellent club room to relax. Dance Or play cards between runs. Phone for appointment, aiso taking yearly member- ships for Snowmobilers. Cross country skiing member- ships aiso accepted, See aur facîlities . * Open Hause- Dec. 22 & 23 roi e . s NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS Aill daims against the estate of THERON GEORGE LUX- MORE BONATHAN, Late 0f the Village 0fNewcastle, in the County of Durham, Re- tired Banker, deceased, who died on or about June llth, 1973, must be filed with the undersigned personai repre- sentative on or before January l4th, 1974; thereaffer the undersigned wili distribute the assets of said Estate having regard only f0 the dlaims then filed. Dated December 9th, 1973. National Trust Company Limited, 32 Simcoe Street, South, P.O. Box 502, Oshawa, Ont. ADMINI'STRATOR WITH THE WILL ANNEXED by L. C. Mason, Q-C.,ý Bar 'rister & Solicitor, 135 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanviile, Ont. LIC 3K9 50-3 Notice f0 Creditors and others in the estate 0f RAY ALBERT BLAKE CAMER- ON, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, farmer, deceased. AIli persans having dlaims againist the estate of the abovE..iamed deceased, late of the Township of Darlington, County of Durham, who died on or about the 28th day 0f November, 1971, are hereby notified to send f0 the under- signed on or before the 2nd day of January, 1974, their names and full particulars of their cdaims. Immediafely affer the said date, the estate will be dîstributed having regard oîlly ta the dlaims of which notice'has been receiv- ed - DATED at Oshawa this 5th day of December, 1973.« Winnifred Cameron Admînistratri x, 4y her solicitors, Kelly, Jermyn, Donald & Zuly, 114 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ontai-io. 50-3 PRE XMAS SALE 100 PER CENT NYLON TWOTONE BROADLOOM 3.95 Sq. Yd. Plus other great buys First corne, First served COU NTY Broadloom Ltd. 1742 Brock Sf. S. Sauth of 401 WHITBY Phone 668-8895 51-1 INSTALL AN O FURNACE BOILER HUMIDIFIER or HOT WAT ER UOH E ATE R Na payments for six months Cali HARVEY PARTNER Yaur E SSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMA TES 983-5206 Orono or Zeniîth 14620 24 Hour Service cableinl -14 Channel Rec.eptian. Mavies, Sparts, Entertainment. -Cornmunity Programming. -Your Best Entertainment Buy. -(OnIy 16 cents per day.- $4.95 per month plus installation. cble tW Pine Ridge Cable TV Limited 1353 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ont. (416) 579-2232 49-tf 1 L Cominq Events 46-tf PART-TIME HELP For bindery work in printîng plant. Write Advertiser 442, c-o Box 190, 'Canadian States- man, Bowmanvilte. CHRISTMAS trees, Scotch pine and Spruce, pruned. 16 Jackman Rd., also at Martin Rd. (Highway 2 flasher) north one haif mile, first farm on east side. 49-3 FIREPLACE wood; manure; also light trucking jobs. Phone 728-2410. 50-2 SET of team toboggans, like new. Phone 623-2895. 1972 SCORPION snowmobile, good condition with new' 20 H.P. twin cylinder engîne. $400.00. Phone 987-4677. IRRIGATION OUTFIT, con- sists of Marlow pump on carrier, equipped with 6 cylinder Chrysler motor, 1000 feet of 5 inch aluminum main line, 1000 ft. of 3 inch aluminum sprayline with 14 sprinklers, cast aluminum 1valves and coupîings. Is in perfect working condition. Phone 263-8185 affter 5: 30 p. m. or Saturday. 51-2 ALUMINUM offset plates, Ideal for insulation, .25 each. Sizes 26 x 35 or 20 x 25. Phone 623-3303. tf SOtL ID cedar chests, new, $50 and up. Phone Crispin, 623-7744. 51-1 HAGSTROM electric lead gui- tar, F 200N; Sender amplifier, 3 inputs, reverb, trembolo, $300 or best offer. Phone 728 5601. 51-1 BOLENS tractor, 12 H.P., four years old, good condition, snow blower, 42" mower, grader blade, wheel weights and snow chains, $1200. Phone 983 56060Orono. 51-1 24 INCH console black and white TV, RCA Victor, very good condition. Phone 987-4948. 51-1 SATURN guitar with duo pickup and amplifier, in excellent condition, only five months old, must selI imme- diately. Asking $100 or best of fer. Phone 623-7880. 51-2 TWOý pairs ski bools, size three. Phone 623-2827. 51-1 SNOWMOBILES: new, name brand, 15 HP, $495; 20 HP, S550; 400 GT twn, 15 or 18inch wide track, $649. Skidoo 640,' used, with reverse, Black Beauty, hait price; used ma- chines, $295. Ladies' bomba- dier suifs, hait price. 15" tracks $70. Ontario Sports, Orono 983-5444. 48-4 IJSEO Furniiture and Appli- 1ances. Paddy's Market. Ham- pion, 263-2241. 26-tf DRESSERS, Beds, Chester- fields, ail ktnds of Used Furni- ture, Antiques and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pion, 263-2241. 26-tf JENSEN STEEL LTD. requires warehouse supervisor, shear operators, sav operators,, plate burners, material handlers for current aperations at 66 Russett Ave., Oshawa,,with relocation in Bowmanville i May, 1974. Phone 728-7318 48-4 WHITBY PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL Registered Nurses $8,404. to $9,454 Reg istered Nursing Assistants $136.80 to,$147.20 The Whitby Psychiatric Hospital has opportunities for Registered Nurses and Registered Nursing Assistants who would bê interested in employment in psychiatric nursinq. Fringe benefits include three weeks annual vacation; al statutory halidays; attendance credits; generous'pension plan; subsidized hea Ith, haspital, life and long terrn incarne protection insurance. Please apply in confidence ta: Personnel Off icer, Whitby'Psychiatric Hospital- BoX 613, c Whitby, Ontario LUN 5S9 O tro 5- STUDEBAKER Service, new and used paris. Graham's Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf FRE-E Manure. Cali 728-6550, Courtrce near No. 2 Highway. 50-2 SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees. Cut your awn, $2. Murphy's, north 0f Tyrone, 263-2589. 49-3 FIREPLACE and furnace wood, 18" long, $18 single cord, $65 bush cord, delivered. 986-4737 Blackstock. 50-3 NEWCASTLE Trailer Park& Sales-Your district Rambler Trailer Dealer. New and used traiders. Highway No. 2, Newcastle, 987-,5131. 16 tf BEDROOM suite, comiplete; dining suite, 9-piece; chester- f ield suite, ail Bvurma teak wood, new. Must seil. Sacri fice. Phone 1-241-5971. 31-tf THRIFT Shop, 32 King W. We seli on consignment furniture, appliances, baby supplies, bikes, skates, etc. Good books, gift items, new and used clothesavailable. 47-tf Golf Eqluipmnent CLUBS - BAGS - SHOES On Sale Now For Christmas Bob urrows PHONE 623-2670 or 623-4393 50-,2 TWO pc. beige Chesterfield Suite, good condition, $125.00; Trilight Floor Lamp $10.00; Teak Dining Table, 40" x 60" opens f0 100"ý' $150.00; Short Fur Coat, muskrat $75.00; Woods Tent Trailer, with mattresses, spare tire, wood top, and canopy, $450.00. Caîl 623-2518, ask for Manager: 50-lt Oshawa TV Antennas &'T owe'rs ROTORS INSTALLED UHF-VHF, - ColoredAerials Apts._ and Homes Pre-wired. REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Ail priced ta SAVE You Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, Manager 38ff NEED a PRESSURE SYSTEM? 1SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TOALLMAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 -Zenith 14620 41-tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPL lANCES S A LES & SE RVI1C E Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS r Towers, UHF, VHF S Aerials, Rotors & Repairs SApartments &,Homnes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Garantee iPhone 576-5606 100 ACRES of fertile land sîtuateci right in town of Bowmanville, $25, per acre. Caîl 623-7538. 40-tf OFFICE space available im- mediafely. Apply James In- surance Agency, 24 King E., Bowmanvi île. Phone 623-5681 or 623-.5023. 46-tf ONE- bedroom apartment. Stove and Fridge supplied. Aduîfs only. Phone 623-3303. 48-tf SPACIOUS bedsitting room and kitchenette' with fridge and stove, suitable for one or two persons. Available Jan. 1sf. Phone 623-7693. 51-tf FURNISHEO roomns by thE month, bath, shower, TV telephane, indoor pool, saunê and licensed premises. AppIý Flying Dutchman Motor Inn 623 33,73. 41-t' OId Tyme Dance, Tyrone Hall, Saturday, Dec. 22nd. Bobby Burton and the North- ern Nomadsý. $3.00 per couple. 8: 30 - 12: 30. New Yea r's dance tickets available at the door. 51-1 HOUSE, three-bedroom, hot water heating, broadloom thrloughout, two f ireplaces, double garage, near Black- stock; $200 monthly, f irsf and ast manth In advance; avait- able January 1sf. Phone 985-3305 Port Perry. 51-1 SEVEN room house, barn, 100 acres, vacant, south of Black- stock rmodern conveniences, alsa stable cleaner, tie-ups, waterbowls. Rent ail or part., Phone 725-3033. USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton 263-2241.- 26-tf TWELVE qrey- barn boards approximately 1 ft. x 6 ft. long. Phone 983-9293 atter 6 p.m. GOOD used furniture. Tawne Used Furniture, 19 Temper- ance St., Bowmanville 623- 4681. 50-2 The family 0f Mr. and Mrs. Harvie J. Holman invite friends and relatives to an At Home in honour of their 5th, Wedding Anniversary at the family residence at Hawkins Road South of f Highway 106, Part, Hope on Wednesday, Janluary 2, 1974 between 2 and, 4 and 7 and 9 p. m. Best Wishes only. 51-2 DEISEL Truck driver requir- ed immnediately for driving ta Toronto and local vicinities. A pl in persan ta: Curvpl y odProducts, south plant, Hwy. 115 and 35, Orona. 49-4 COUPLES wanting second Incarne. Young or Refired. Work together on y ur own time. Gooçi incarn. o mon'-y investmient. For appointmeî t cait Saturday 10 -4, Sunday 1 - 5 at 416-623-4700 or Mondcay thru Friday at 705-277-2041. 48-4 Town of, Bow man v i le CROSS ING GUARD REQUIRED Duties to commence January 3rd, 1974. Pay $90.00 Per Month. Apply ta: J. M. Mclîroy Clerk-Adrnînistrator 40 Temperance Street, Phone 623-3379