The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1973 13 1"-SLEY VILLE St:.ýnteen members of the Wesleyville U.C.W. and five visitors gathered at the home of Mrs. H. Darke on Wednesday. De- cember l2th, forý their Christmas :meeting. It was called to order by the pre- sident leading in prayer, followed by the, business session. It was' decided that the dlay's white gft 1pffering, would be sent to the Fred Victor'mission as usual. The question of what might be done with Christmas cards was dis- cussed and several mem- bers said they had been sending them to Taiwan for many years but post- age ýmade this difficuit now. It was decided any- one wishing to, mîght bring them to the January meeting and a decision made by then. A white gift offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Ken Dinner, President. Ail offices were declar- ed vacant by the presi- dent after expressing her thanks to the members for their cooperalon during the past twvo years. Appre- ciation was also expressed for Mrs. Din.per's very dedicated and good lead- ership throughout those years. Chairman /of com- mittee on nominations Mrs. G. Tufford 1p'esented the following siate of of- ficers %with Mrs. H. Os- borne conducting the elec- tion and installation: Past Pres., Mrs. K. Dinner; Pres., 'Mrs. K. Ashby; Sec- retary, Berniece Best; Treas., Mrs. H. Reeve: So- cial Com., Mesdamnes A. Ford, K. Dinner, A. Aus- tin, H. Austin; Child Spon- sorship, Berniece Best; Programn, Mesdames M. Payne, T. Wilson, G. Tuf- ford; Flower Com., Mes- dames K. Dinner and J. Walter. From this group those on the general ex- ecutives are Literature and representative on board of stewards, Mrs. E. Barrow- clough; Rep. to Officiai board, Mrs. G. Tufford; Com. on Nom., Mrs. H. Best and Mrs. M. Payne. There were no further nominations and this siate was duly installed by Mrs. Osborne. Mrs. K. Ashby led the devotionai period which presented the Christmas story In word and carols, alternating scripture read- ings w i th appropriate hymns. Readings were by Mrs. H. Darke and the leader, and accompanist for carols, Mrs. H. Reeve; the regular offering was dedicated by Mrs. Darke. A very lovely hand- made card had been1 re- ceived fromn Luk Yung Man in Hong Kong and show.n to members.. Since this %ras a Christmas pro- gram nio serious study was unclertaken, but two ladies çem"-stated the mnaking 'I dorne decorati(>ns ftsfrom many of the articles discarded in the homre. Mrs. F. Tuken- dorf and Mrs. D, Horner of North Hope showed many intricate and 'novel designs made from tin cans, smali curîs of tin de- veloped into objeets far removed from their hum- ble origin. Mrs. Horner showed, how to make sev- FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MAR K ERS OF , STAFFORD BROS . LTD. Stafford Brothers Monu ments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 Cofd Night Outside But Hot Time in Newtonville. Concentration is shown by some of the 36 players of the progressive euchre game held Friday, Dec. l4th at the Community Hall in Newtonville. Pictured from left to right are Dora MacDonald, Wallace Boughen, Mrs. E. Caswell, and Argus Curtis. Despite sub-zero temperatures outside, the hall was warm and very busy as many of the community folk, both young and old, came out to participate in the euchre evening. Photo and story by Joanne Shewchuk There were prizes given for both high and low, men's and ladies' scores, calculated at the end of the evening. Mrs. Inez Boughen, who organized the evening, indicated that the high and low prizes were usually groceries and that eral articles while others watched. One drawIng a great deal of attention was the candie made from fragrant red and green sheets of beeswax. Thanks was expressed to the visi- tors and to Mrs. Darke for the use of her home, and deliclous sandwiches and smali Christmas ca ke s were served. Heather Dinner arrived home last Friday after ber stay in hospital in Port Hope for a tonsiilectomy. Heather and her famiiy had rece-ity moved Into their own brand new home built on Heather's grandfather's farm. Familles who have stu- dents in hîgh school at- tended the special Christ- mas extravaganza at the hlgh school iast Friday night and were impressed with the excellent work of every kind done by the students. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichols and Don- ald, Mrs. T. Wilson and. Aileen. Mr. and Mrs., Don McColl, Andrew McColl, and Mrs. Pat Bee of Ot- tawa who has been visit- Ing with the McColls, were among those attend- ing. Andrew took part in the demonstration put on by the judo club. tarry and Donald took their turn at "keeping shop" In the oid lime drug store which was the project of the science club. This week Mrs. R. Best, George and Berniece are vacating the home and farm the Best family built In the 1850's and are mov- îng Into a new home on Percival Street in 'Port Hope. At one time this would have meant a great RESU LTS COUNT! MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Oshawa & District Real Estate Board AUTO &USED CARS TOP PRICES FOR WRECKS AND SCRAP GOOD SELECTION, 0F USED CARS R. R. 2 - Newcastle 987-4636" L Two Miles North of No. 2 on Morgan's Rd, NOTICE Charterways Co. Limited announce a change of rates for the Bowmianville-Oshawa-Whitby Line Run effective January 1, 1974. BOWMA NVILLE TO COURTICE- .50 BOWMANVILLE TO TOWN LINE- .50 BOWMAN VILLE TO OSHAWA- .65 BOWMANVILLE TO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE - .65 BOWMAN VILLE TO WHITBY - .75 BOWMANVILLE TO WHITBY HOSPITAL - .85 OSHAWA TO WHITBY - .50' WHITBY TO WHITBY HOSPITAL 1- .35 Commuter Tickets 12 tickets for the price of 10 tickets. Christmas cake and cookies were 10 be Igiven for high scores Ihat evening and Christmas cake for low, scor- es. High lady of the evening was Mrs. Joe Jillisen, Low Lady was Miss Jean Perrin. High Man was J. DeJong, low man was Nick Wilems. There was also a 50-50 draw held which was won by Mrs. Robin Aldread and a lucky draw for a poinsettia plant which was won by Robin Aldread. NE S TL ETON Congratulations to Nestle- ton's younger couple who observed their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary on Mon- day, December 10. They spent the evening with friends building a "bridge" which they didn't quite complete. Hence they were unabie 10 cross. The old adage, "Don't cross your bridges until you corne to them", silîl holds true. Mr. Alex Inglis, of Ottawa, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson and Mr. Richard Davison. Mr. Inglis was a former student minister, in the Presbyterian Church here. At present hie is employed by the Federal Government. Mr. Jack Curtis, Toronto, was a Friday visitor with tthe Thompsons. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gillson, Toronto, were SAturday over- night--and- Sunday guests of- Mrs. Gordon Gilîson. 1On Wednesday Mrs. Cari Elliot, Leaskdaie, spent the day withher parents, Mr. and Mrs.: Richard Davison and attended the Ladies' Aid meeting in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, attended a pre- Christmas family, gathering on. Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono. Guests for Monday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock, Mr. Harry Sanderson and Mr. Roy Werry, ail of Blackstock. This was a pre-Christmas part y to honor Roy on his birthday Congratulations. On Wednesday evening an historicai banquet marking the dissolution of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham was held in the Legion Hall, Cobourg. Present fromn Cartwright were Reeve and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Deputy Reeve'and Mrs. Ver- non Asselstine, Ex-warden and Mrs. Merrill VanCamp. Severai from Nestleton en- joyed the Concordia Philhar- monic Orchestra, of Oshawa, in the 'Recreation Centre, Blackstock, on Saturday even- ing. Those present thoroughly enjoyed the varied pro- gramme. The Ranger Girls' Choir, of Blackstock, deserve special mention for their fine contribution. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Irvine, Bowmanviile, were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heasiip. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hyland were Mrs. Howard Sutton, Tracey, Debbie and Lori, Paul chne In comniunity, but tdymany old nelghbors have gone, and those who remain feel the Best fam- ily have, not moved 'away', just into anther bouse. With a' very splendid poinsettia and a hugé pIne wreath ,glowing,.during Sunday morning service with small- blue lights. the church at' Welcome looked Christmassy In- deed. The attendance- was smailer than usual, theý fl-st realvy nippy Sunday of this faîl took ils toli. perhaps because of icy roads, difficulties arising from cold and certainlv because many people suf- fering from colds. Rev. J. Ramjit's sermon was a joyful one of rejoicing In the Messiah a nd the choir's anthem was "The people who walk in dark- ness". Three boys carrI-ed out the Advent candie ser- vice wth simnplicity and reverence. Lance Payne )relit the first two candies representing forgiveness and peace, Edward Hen- derson lit the thi-d candie of love and, John Irwin closed wth prayer. Ramsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sameils and Wendy, ail of Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMullen of Ponty- pool. Vour correspondent extends to the Editor of the Statesman and bis staff, and to ail its readers, best wishes for a blessed and happy Christmas and for Peace and Good-will throughout the world in 1974. My sincere '"thank you" to al who submitted news items during the year. Ladies Aid Meeting of Presbyterian Church The Christmas meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Presby- terian Church in Nestieton, was held on Wednesday after- noon, December 12 at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Richard Davison. A warm weicome was extended to ail by Mrs. Henry Visser, President and, the, hostËesss thanked--for hav- ing the meeting. With Mrs. Grant Thompson at the piano, the carol "While Shepherds Watched Their Fiocks," was sung followed by the Sripture reading Luke 2, verses .8-17, by Mrs. R. Davison. The devotionai was read by Mrs. C. Ginn, with three carols, O Little Town of Bethlehem, O Corne Ail Ye Faithful and Sulent Night interspersed, and the iighting of the Christmas Candie.' Miss Ruth Proutt, secre- tary, read the minutes of the November meeting, foiiowed, by the correspondence. Plans were made to com- l ~ete the hanging of the alance of the curtains in the Sunday School Room. Dona- tions were voted to Fernme House for Boys, and the Armagh Home for Unwed Mothers. Preparation of the Candieiight Service, Sunday, Dec. 16th, at 7 p.m. is progressing, and a good attendance anticipated. Several shut-ins are to be rerneîbered at Christmas, and some cards were signed by those present. The roil-cail using the word "Shepherd" from the Bible was answered by the mem- bers. Followmng the singing of Hark the Herald Angels Sing, the foiiowing gave the pro- gram consisting of three readings - Mrs. Cecil Wilson - The legend of the Christmas Candie: Mrs. Grant Thomp- son - Because God gave: Mrs. H. Visser - Here Ends My Journey. Lunch was served witb Mrs. C. Ginn and Mrs. Carl Elliot assisting the hostess. Mrs. H. McLaughlin expressed the wishes of the members for a pleasant holiday to the host- ess, and Mrs. Cecil Wilson voiced the appreciation for ahl, who assisted with the meeting. A VERY BOB'S TOWING 24-HOUR SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS PHONE 723-6624 R. R. 3 - Bowmanville Euchre parties are held at the Community Hall every two weeks. Anyone wishing addi- tional information may con- tact Mrs. Inez Boughen. Her phone number, on the Newton- ville exchange is 786-2239. Presbyterian (hurcb Candle-Iight Service On Sunday evening, Dec- ember 16, the congregation assembied in the candle-lît Presbyterian Church for even- ing worship. The pulpit was draped with red velvet. An open Bible, flanked by lighted candles, was centred on the Commun- ion Table. In each window flickering candies spread a meilow glow throughout the church which added bo an atmosphere of solemnity and tranquillity. Mr. Rick Glass, the minister weicomed ail and extended a special welcomie 10 the Junior Choir, the Gospelites from Wick Presbyterian Church and their lepader Mrs. Appell. Bible passages were read by Sidney Visser and Lori John- stone, which unfolded the Christmas Story, after which, Mr. Stanley McNeillie lead the congregation in prayer. A number of Christmas carols were sung duiring the service. With Mrs. Appeli accom- panying on the. guitar the young people favored with three selections and the quar- tette sang one number. In their clear young voices the choir gave an enthusiastic rendition of each number and delighted all with their excel- lent ministry of song. The little Misses Scott sang a lovely duel "Away in a Manger" with their mother, Mrs. Scott accompanying on the >organ. Many in the congregation were greeted by a hand-shake and "Merry Christmas" by the Gospelites as they sang their last number. In bis address Mr. Glass told an intriguing story of Archie the Angel. l seems Archie was an angeî wnen tberp w-.q only God, rpuch, much --e and many, many'angeîs. kfter millions of years creation took place, Archie marvelled aI il all and kept asking "What is going on here". Man was created, wars started. Archie stili asked "What's going on here". A Saviour or King was 10 save mankind. Archie asked "What is going on here". He only saw the stable but, as hie studied the scene, he saw Joseph and Mary and the child in swaddlîng clothes. The story continues and Arch- ie continues to invr "What is going on here? ' Following the Benediction the ladies of the church served lunch 'and ail enjoyed the fellowship hour. Letters to the Ed itor Dec.. 17,1973. Dear Sir, On Monday, a mhimeogra- phed letter was sent, home with Vincent Massey Public Scbool chldren, asking that they be kept home Tuesday' mne 18tfl. in support ot tne teachers' strike. To me, Ibis. bas a touch of illegality. Is there not a law which states that ebjîdren under 16 years of age must attend regular school hours unless there is a public holiday, an order from the School Board, or a reasonable excuse?' If I am correct, Ibis im- p romptu vacation resulted f rom the actions of the teachers, rather than the proper source. At any rate, I consider il deplorable on their part 10 put the students in the middle of their dispute. I think the letter was regarded as a free holiday rather than a show of approval, and I know for certain that much of the "ýeveryone else is staying home" stigma is attached to il. To take advantage of the chiidren's natural diglike for school and turn it imb a pro-strike demonstration seems very low indeed. In1efre fetoth cntnt teachers 10 honor a one year contract. They list this as a "basic human right", but it is fact that many people, archi- tects to (at the risk of' sounding ironic) movie stars must livewithin the confines of such. In the case of school teachers, I feel there is a nieed for it. We are aware of the adjustment a child must make who changes schools mid- year. What would happen if a classroom suffered a suceces- sion of teachers in one year, each starting anew, bringing ber own form of discipline and demanding ber own idea of "1right". 1 doubt. if anyone would benefît. What happened to the ded- icated. altruistic teachers who WEDDING MVANN- TAYLOR The marriage of Beverly Pauline Taylor of Whitby to abounded in the literature of the past generation? Teaching was then stili a respected profession. 1 ar n ot suggest- ing the teachers revert to the poverty line wages their predecessors enjoyed, but merely that they realize the drawbacks, the tests to be marked, the supervision of extracuricular activities, the contract, before they take on the job. Sincerely, J. R. Wilson, Ontario St. James Samuel Mann, of Bowmanville, took p lace aI Knox Presbyterian Church on Dec. 8. Rev. A. J. Gowiand was the officiating clergyman. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Stan Taylor, 2 Parkview Blvd., Whitby. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mann, Mapie Grove Rd., Bowmanvilie. Given in marriage by ber father, the bride wore a fuli length gown with flowered applique from the waist 10 the hiLyh necklîne and long full sleeves. Her headpiece was attached to a short veil. Mrs. Deborah Teel, of Woodviile, Ont., aunt of the bride, was her matron-of- honor. 1 Bridesmaids -were Sherry Taylor, sister of the bride, and Cheryl Farr, both of Whitby. Jack Mayberry, of Bow- manville, was best man. Ushers were David Mann, of Newcastle, brother of the> groom, and Bill Walls, of' Bowmanvilie. The reception was heid aI the Oshawa Shrine Club. Master of ceremonies for the occasion was the bride's uncle, George Campbell. Out-of-town guests in atten- dance were from Windsor, Whitby, Woodville, Lindsay, Beaverton, Brooklin, Bow- manville, Wiliowdaie and Newcastle. The newiyweds will reside in Oshawa. LASI un EiVS WITH EVERY WINNES ofthe 1.00PURCHASE WINNRS o theYOU RECEIVE A FREE DAW 100SIAMPS FREE 1,1 STAMP , MRS. ALICE MULDER ASK FOR VOUR FIRST PRIZE- FREE!! SA VER BOOK BEAUTIFUL WALL CLOCK FEEAND SMRS. RUTH GIRARDI No Purchase Is ILLUSTRATED 43 Parkway Crescent Ner.essaryD SECOND PRIZE 000000 GIFT CATALOGUE 5,000 FREE STAMPS W- S"'THIS Us OUR WAY 0F SAYING THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS" COME UN AND JOIN The Gift that Shows "You Care" The Old Fashioned Christmas Hospitality GF ACET ILarge SelectionI for SFREE CUP o L CAIN oF cFFEE Fancy Gift Boxes -of from $3.50 to $25.00 Cheese &Exotic Foods Mpcadtoos FRESH DEMPSTER CIPFOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCEK24th CRoUs ~2 ~ EXCEPT SAT., DEC. 22nd and MON., DEC. 2t 69Ç doz. Large Size 113 EMPEROR SupremeNalRE MIXED 'Gi.VE+ ORGRAPESAm h~7Cdoz. 8 LUCAS ARTHURS LEAN TENDER LUCAS ARTHURS e FULLYCOOKED DANISH STYLE e DINNER HAM PRMeI AO .8 l.ROAST BACO Sliced $1 lb9 or BythePiece Large -LARGEST Selection of SLCIN0 TURKEYS CAPONS EXOTIC FOODS CHICKENS .~, HEE GEESEad HAMS DUCKS.. DELICATESSEN ETC. MEAT PRODUCTS PICK YOUR CHOICE Fvromheaild NOW!!..-oethwrd M 1 Ideal f ryour P a t eIN O R D L C T S E CHESEPLATTERS to aoidSmoked Beef LuncheonMeat Tongue Roll diToastmaster - FREE Chrismas Toas Whter d AMPLE Large WieSie ~ alndr Selection See Our Large Selection of Bread FREE 1 1 of FANCY GIFT BOXES or3 PARKING with Christmas TINS 0F CHOCOLATES or BISCUITS 324-oz. Syour purchase Candies CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES Loaves ENTER OFF While they Nuts Rum Flavoured TOY SMOKING u latetc. CORDIALS SETS SETS 9y QUEEN ST. FREE I1I GIFTS WITH FREE 11I STAMPS SMî HOME 0FICE CREAM HOME OFWhere the I DYK TRA'S 77 KINGST WEST Ecnrnz 9cG'