4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1973 Section Two DURHAM AGRUCULTURAL AENA Monday, February 4- Dur- Wednesday, February 6 ham County Milk Committee Annual Meeting at the Central Qntdrio Port Produ- 1-..0 F. Hall in Orono starting cers Regional Meeting at the a8:00 p.m. Rockhaven Hotel, Peterbor- Merry Christmas TO 01ouI reul;v-, hope your holidays abound with happifless. tromn Resîdents and Staff Sunset Lodge 106 CHURCH STREET à' As w reoic inthemesAe Chisma~ urpayr s hjyu lif nay e lesedwit Iyk 67 Kng S. Est 63-256 Bwmanil p Air Fo rce Jets Escort San ta Claus on His Rounds NORTH BAY, ONTARIO (NORAD) - Two supersonic CF-l0i Voodoo Interceptors of Canadian Forces Air Defence Command fly a special NORAD mission as they escort Santa Claus on his Christmas rounds. The Voodoos were directed to Santa by the 22nd NORAD Region's control centre here to ensure he keeps his precise schedule of delivering Christmas presents. ough. Friday, February 8 - Dur- ham County 4-H Club Leaders Association Annual Banquet and Meeting at the St. Pauls Churcb Hall, Bo«'manviile, starting at 7:00 p.m. 1 Monday, February Il & 18 Farmn Employer Labor Sem- bnar for ail farm labor employers. Location and time to be annouoced later.. Wednesday, February 13- Otario Hostein Friesian As- sociation iAnnuai Meeting in Torooto. Thursday, February 21 - Eastern Breeders Incorpor- ated Aonual Meeting at the 1.0,.F. Hall in Orono, start- iog at 11:00 a.m. Let's Tal1k Educeation Submnitted by: Terry Hawkins Vice-Principal Bowmanvili e High School Treating People AsC >P individuals It la so easy -to say that the individual is import- ant and we hear this statement very often. But how often do we sec peo-w à ple belng treated as in dixiduals?, Certainly it happens with frequencv, buit 1 thlnk most people wîll admît itla a difficuit task and one that you have to keep reminding vourseif about.. or you sliP treat people as In- BOXING DAY S dividuais takes time and attention - and most peo- ple don'f have too much extra of these two coin- A U nioditics. When you are busy -. or tired - or want to go someplace In a hur- ry, it is rather bard to STORM D( tion needed to make some- one feel that you consider 0MPE %'TIA HR him important as an in- C MLT IHALHR dividu ai. Further to this. CLOSEFR SAFETY CHA] we have the difficulty onf PRE- 11UNG 'READY TO IN, .cceptîng with an open _1ý E)GAS mindi each person we eni- (NON-TEMPRDGASI countor, and trying to ac- NOT ALL SIZES IN Sý cent hlm and bis Ideas. Some, people think that the tîme and, effort re- quired to treat each per- PLAIN ALUMINUM son as an individual Is too great - and they can't or e' won't be hotbered. Others make it part of their life tind juat make the time thev learn something - and dealing with people bc- cornes a challenge and anl WHITE ENAMEL art which fascinates andi silmuilates them. One thlng 1 hasten to say la that deallng wlth people as individuals and $2 e9 not as ýsorne unknown part of a group does not nec- essarlly mean giving peo- pie their own way. It doea Not exactly as not mean giving people lutàe breaks thev don't deserve Gilletrad or glving them compîeteivGrll Etr tinearned opportunities. It does mean that each situa- tion is based on Its own merits and people are not forced tn comply with somne rulhý which la com- pletel * vridiculouis or un- I G PâN fair îînder the circum- ;tanccs. Let's not hold up the fuiture of p eoplec hpcatiseof soanme silly rule T B E l p or tradition. Tf he deserves a chance .let's give it tb hlmn. isualv. the per- son glvine the opportun- REGULATION SIZE, TWC jfy h-as nc)thinc to ]ose and READY TO PAINT, COMPI rarol-y rdo deserving peo- KNOCKED) DOWN PLYW( ple let voil down. Proboblv the best ex- ample o)f this la the adults REGULAR $25.3,,8 who want to improve their education. but with BOXING DAY SPECIAL .... onir a Grade 8 or 9 edu- cntion cn't see any hope ___________________ o? r.atchnin', up hefore It is- timne to retire. Wh nt ie heede- SINK C UT 0O servlng people a chance ARBORITE TOP - HANDY to catch un qulcklv' Whv ORS ALS not let themn try a GradeBOR STAL ,1 13 subjeet? They 'have tn ABOUT 16" x 28" work bard and Its rough for a while but at least bv the end of the year thev know where they stand. 9 e .c is fi They have discovered once what they want or have time for - or they do know they can do it. I know a ignificant number of peo- pie who had leas than a â Grade 10 education, who are now enrolled in uni- OHW versity and are being suc- cesaful. It can be done and in fact it la done fre- quently now, be c aus e many educational institu- tions have mature appli- cant clauses that ailow adulta to count their ma- turity and experience to- wards the entrance re- quirementa. So if you know an adult who really wouid ike- to go back to OhN education but feel they can't because they have SHOP A too low a grade of educa- A tion, then adviae them SOLINA 1Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox< and family, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Bowmanville. Mr. an-d Mrs. Barry Cowling of Peterborough spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker. The sincere sympathy of the community goes out to the familles of the late James Smales, Oshawa, who passed away so sud- denly on Frlday. Mrs. R. Fraser was a Sunday dînner guest of Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Catto, Bay Ridges. Mr. -and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David Hockaday, Lake- vlew Manor, Beaverton. Mrs. Doug. Ferguson and Christine of Newcastle spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink.. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yel- lowlees and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yellowlees were Friday evening, supper guests of Mrs. Chas. Allin, Bowmanville. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bruce Montgcomery' of Hampton were Sunday evening visi- tors wlth Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moffatt and Tammy. New- castle. vislted with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox were Sunday aupper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Brian Knox, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hill- man and family. Hamil- ton, were Sunday supper a Very Merry Christm âà- and' a very Happy New Year. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brav and family. To the Editor and al the readers of this colun EITHER CONVENIENT LOCATION iMBERLAND COURTICE STORE 1617 OSHAWA BLOOR STREET EAST 728-.1611