SThe Caniadian Stateýsman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19,1973 Section Two Christmas Light"sbeand Gifts Should be Ckfec'ked Closely Hydro Spokesman Advises While there is some curtail- ment as to the amount of outside Christmas lighting displays this season because of the energy' crunch, Ontario Hlydro's electrical inspection de»artment issues its annual warning to check losely al such lights and to keep a sharp lookout for electrical appli- ances available as gifts. 'There is no question that the market is flooded this year, as is usual at Christmas, w ihsoddy, sub-standard and potentially dangerous lights and other appliances," a Hydro spokesman warned. 1He said these applicances are sold as "bargains" throu- thout the year, but are specially noticeable in the period before the annual buying spree. One of the most common complaints bas to do witb the lýmini" bair dryers. Some of these are suh-standard and definitely dangerous. A quick v , ~scw IN(p, v ... and greal joy Io~ Vyou and yours ý,lhishody eor SDARLINGTON ~MASONRY M SBrick - Block Stone SPhone 623-2176 check can teil whetber they ïca1rr the CSA label, indicat- ing 'the applicance has the aproval of the Canadian Standards Association. Many don't. "Some of these have turned up at Christmas parties îýr cildren where the favo, s and prizes are al handled,'ýby an entrepreneur wbo caters the whole party. We had a recent case wbere one of the tbese faulty dryers caused burns to the hands of one of the chiidren." Another offender th)is, year is the off-shore manufacturer who sold tbousands of "top of the tree" light clusters across Canada.The tiny plug-in lights are unsafe and could easily cause shocks or tree fires. Some bear the CSA label witbout having been approved by the standards association. Since Ontario Hydro electri- cal inspectors have the auth- ority to order witbdrawal or to lay charges a number of suppliers are being prosecu- ted in court this week, the spokesman said. lie said, "besides these prosecutions it is also against the law for a firmn to advertise electrical equipment or su pplies which baven't received CSA app- royal.', Reminders concerning Cristmas : ree and bouse lighting f or thie festive season are again repeated. "One of the great dangers, especially this year when lighting is being cut back due to the energy crisis, is that some housebolders will try to get one more year out of the lights and displays they have on hand. Some nf these Christmas fixtures are old and worn out. Wires are often bared or perhaps indoor lighting is used out of doors. This can be false economy ith dangerous possibilities. "Loading two or three sets of lights on one plug is another potentially dangerous habit. Don't do it." A common danger exists when a light socket bas been lef t empty after the removal of a burned out or broken bulb. Tbe empty socket may invite an inquisitive cbild to put a finger in the socket and get the inevitable sbock. Metallic reflectors can be- corne "live" when tbey con- tact and empty socket or a GVreetings to our FRENDS &CUSTOMERS DON &CLARE Peace, happîness. joy, : ~ good fortune and success! PERCY'S FINA 146 Lîberty St. S. .............. May this holiday season be joyful for each of our good friends! Thank you for your pa- tronage throughout the post year. AIR CONDITIONING Qucen Street Bowmanville bare wire. "If you bave an old set of ligbts, indoor or outdoor, check it very carefully before deciding to use it one more time," an electrical inspector said. "Splicing or taping worn wiring may not always lead to savings. " One more reminder, "Turn off Christmas lights as well as tree lights bef ore going to bed, just in case. Santa will always be able to find-bis own way." BHS Bulletinl Hello again. Once again the B.H.S. Drama Club successfully pre- sented anotbcr musical, The Music Man, whicb was very xwell received by the almost- capacity audiences. To all those wbo contributed their time and effort, we extendour gratitude. The students of B.H.S. are now concerned witb finding hidden talent and learning fines in preparalion for our Cbristmas Party on Friday. Don't forget to corne to the dance on Thursday featuring Father. Wbat better way to celebrate the beginning of Christmas bolidays. On Thursday the band is putting on two short concerts. One for the scbool and one for a group of grade eights. If the band does as well as it did in the Santa Clans parade, il sbould be an enjoyable per- formance. By the time you read this column the B.H.S. students will bave already seen the girls' atbletic association steamroll the teachers in a descriptive detying hockey game. Last week a large group of students enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner prepared by Beaver Foods. They missed the crackers and playing of Christmas carols, but we understand there is an energy crisis. We are happy ti report that our new students council is very active, look for mnorc resuits in the new year. Global TV Nego'tiates A. A. Bruner, President of Global Television Network, announced recently that tbe network will be breaking with tradition, using the eall letters GLOBAL instead of the usual three letters used by other networks. He also confirmed that the new network will be on-air on January 6tb and will be picked up off -air in the city and west of Peterborough on UHF 22 and north and east on VHF 2, as well as via local cable systems. The Global Television Net- work will provide a third Canadian program service to much of this area, wbile the areas to the nortbeast will, for the first time, experience having an alternative choice. Several pockets in this area bave access to only CBC service. from Peterborougb and to some extent Kingston. Global has been negotiating with cable companies for a standard cbannel 3 across the province. AIl signs indicate success in the majority of cases. Global specifically re- quested channel 3 so as not to "bump" any, major U.S. services. Mr. Bruner also said "Uni- formr channels for stations and conmmunity programming are very desirable fromf the public viewpoint in order to elimin- ate cbaîînel confusion and estahlish clear identity for the various program services The towers at Uxbridge and Bancroft are in the process of being complefed ta be ready for on-air testing in the latter part of December prior to Global's formal launnh on-air across'soutlîern Ontario on .lanuary 6, 1974. 44 "Cp Fie Elto Brok AlertPeare I oydStarton urry Can (,s WisonClarnce eVresSMtevensi BibhSteensBoMatn LryVesMrryTyr Dog alrAfedW bDaeFemg -q IJ ~BrinMetalfPaulluttisoJ~ Jan MLea May your holiday be brig(ht with happiness... .warm with love and f riendship... Sand festive with1 the traditional joys of the season. To otir many friends ... a special "Thank you" Shirley Bubari for the privilege of serving you. We pledge our best efforts to serve you better. From AUl of Us a t LyWlen1aUtD tr