4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1973 Section Three GhaptLcr 2 VePSes.I tLp, ough ,îz And it came to pass in taxing was flrst made wben those days, that there went Cyrenius was governor of ont a decee from Caesar Syria.) And aIl went to be A,'ugustus, that ail the world taxcd, cvery one into bis sbonld be taxed. (And this own city. Wer nn hsws o i t ot ma h esnb ormris :g-dorhpirt MAAE N TF 'gry ' n Str 9g W&e iln It is hoal itaseoh- gM m thishoiaysay n ourtherrisof .9 & hîyavabadyou fr apptronag Dayaryar RIN OSTME OWMNL LE M Management and Staff of llwy. 2 2 Miles West of Bowmanville v And joseph also went up from Galilce, out of the city of Nazaretb, into Judea, unto tbe city of David, which is callcd Betblebem; (because he was of the bouse of line- age of David: ) to be taxed with Mary bis cspouscd wifc, being great with cbild. And s0 it wvas, that, wbile tbey were theré, the days wcrc accomplisbed tbat she sbouid be delivered. And she brougbt forth her firstborn son, and wrapped bim in swaddIing clotbes, and laid him in. a manger; because there was no room, for tbem in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in tbe field, keeping watcb over tbeir Block by nigbt. And, Io, tbe angel of the Lord carne upon thein, and the glory of the Lord shone round about tbem: and tbey werc sore afraid. And the angel said unto tbem, Fcar not: for,,bebiold, 1 bring you good tidings of great joy, wbicb shall be to ail people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shal bc a sigfl unto you; . . . Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swad- dhling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenlv there wvas with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,. . . .lory to God in the bighest, and on carth peace, grood xvill toxvard men. Aud'itcam to pass, as the an-gels xvere gone away from thcm into heaven, the' shcp- herds said one to another, ... Let us now go even îînto Bethlehem, and sec this tbing whicb is corne to pass, wvhicb the Lord bath made knowvu unto us. And tbcy caine with haste, and found Mary, and joseph, and thé babe lying in a man- ger. And when tbey bad seen it, they made known abroad the saying which xvas told tbem conccrning the cbild. true Christmas spirit! hew te neighbors helped t/e lady WlvlG lived by a pepper tire Freqnently we hear people say bowcalionsweail1are town in Southern California suiffered the loss of ber borne by fire. We shah eaIl ber Mrs. Sanchez. AIl alone in the world, the disaster migbt bave over- wbeimed some lesser person. But flot Mrs. Sanchez. She gathered ber f ew be- longings and camped ont un- ,fer a pepper tree on her re- mote hilltop. She had man- aged to salvage a beach umbrella, a picnic table and a sleeping bag. largcly be- cause they happened to be out on the grounds when the fire erupted. And her pet dogs. One morning as she was dusting berseif off, a phone company truck arrived and the man informed ber that the company would like to instali a wall phone wher- ever it would be convenient for ber. "A wall phone! Wherc else, but on my pepper tree!" And so it was installed. Even sncb a big concern as the phone company bad been qnieck to respondto a patron's need, no donbt re- ported by one of Mrs. San- chez' neighbbrs. People werc involved in the plight of this Iong-time resident in distress, and es- pecially because of ber in- domitable spirit, ber ijever- say-die attitude. Weeks went by and Mrs. Sanchez went about clearing ber lot, kceping ber "quar- ters" as. dean as she could, not only for berseif, but for ber pets. Tbanks to tbe moderate Soutbcrn California wcather Mrs. Sancbez "made do" very well . . . until tbe late December winds blew in from the sea and the tbreat of ram hbovered darkly over the little homesite. Iben the neigbbors pitch- cd in, and on their own, witbout a by - yonr - leave from Mrs. Sanchez, tbey lmiilt a small new borne for ber with their own bands, and their own tools. By Christmas Day Mrs. Sanchez Lad mch cause to bc thankful. lier Christmas gift xvas there for ail to sec; but perbaps the townfolk en- joyed thc finest gif t of al the warmtb of love in tbeir neighbor's oves. ~eoeohv FIRST CA NDLE happy holiday MA4CHINE .v in 1834 a modern candle- niolding machine was de- veloped by Joseph Morgan,_ AD HR~ so that candles ni o lnger >, had to be made by a tedious ~ BOWMAN VILLiE v hand-dipped process. vi -ý t e Betwse t u ay red n parn rmalth ok eea Vansonefour Fee Mil CLOSD TUS. ad WD., EC. 5-2 alo (TUED ànWDEDYJN - Mv C Ms tshe gadto r anriendutan Chparnstfrm a i e foIks here t i fildwt aiigiy vi~ Yu Vn texFloDri eedMii TAUTO RDHAPO How to Make A Christmas Scrapbook. Here's a great idea for can punch holes in thcm sal vaging those used or lef t- later and put covers and in- over Christmas gif t xraps. side pages together with. You may use a regular 3- left-over Christmas ribbons ring loose-leaf notebook, or (press them srnooth first> . cut cardboard to any size Cover notebook or card- you like, for the covers. if board with gift-wrap paper. you make your covers. you You can press uscd or left- w b-ý%at i l egiltfl i emnory .albuni vou eanunake wli)efl ouI create< y our own CbIiristnias Scrapbook! Sec iietOWin story and follo'w diagramn, riglit. Photo from Norcross Design Studio over Christmas wrap paper snoth with an iron, set on very 10w heat. Measure notebook, taking the height and width of front and back covers. Add 111 overlap to al four sides. Cut out of one piece of paper, or two if you use two'pieces of cardboard. Notch the corners. Using rubber cernent, or any household glue, glue paper to outsidc covers of note- book, centering between the notched corners. Then glue over]aps to inside of covers. Measure exact dimensions of inside covers. Cut out one picce of gift wrap for each this could be a contrast overl op overlap. pattern) and. cernent into place, covering overlaps. Select a scene from Christmas card and gluit the center of front cover. Trim the edges, if you like, with leftover ribbon, gl braid, or tape. For the inside pages, use your imagination! Gru the Christmas cards you want to save on the pages, and glue them to pae (construction paper, would be good for this). Put in souvenirs of Christmaspa-> ties, and photos. You'll have a Christmas Scrapbook to cherishan remenaber! MA OIC GIFTS The gifts brought by the Wise Men ail had magical associations: gold for the suni mystery, frankincense as the smoke-maker, and myrrh, the healer. Here's hopiflg Santa fMIS your every wish this ~year. ~ '~ . . ~ CRAWFORD eSCRAP METALSe ~rA cburchman, John 263-2936 Hampton Pierpont, composed the gay Christmas song, "Jin-~ Evening and gle Belis," which bas been Weekends Only ~ popular for over a century. CHRISIMAS: MESSAGE 0F HOPE FOR WORID'S WOES In a world tom ,witb vio- lence at almost every 1ev- el, througb formally or in- formally declared war, in rioting, ,anarcby, in cruel discrimination, it is diffi- cuIt for tbînking people to truly 7experience Christ- mas. Yet, tbrougb the very meaning of Cbrist's com- ing, every man, of every persuasion . . . wbetber "Christian" or not, can take Christmas to bis beart and profit by it., 1For Christ personified brotherbood, abiding love, toherance; if Christians have gotten aw ay1 some- wbat througb the, "ont- ward and visible signs," the ceremionials and the 4,rappings - perhaps this is~ the year to coomeý home to Chbrist. Whatever the rest of the world is doîng, let each of us celebrate Christ's birtb in our individual, l)ersonal ways. Let us forget self, let us truly 'open our hearts, to genuinely offer friendship and brotherly love. .. . . .. . .............. Let us "do" for others, not just through organ- ized charities, or group ef- forts. Discover the thrill Christmas Creche Has Tradition 1We do not know when the first creche was set up as a tableau to illustrate the nativity, but cburch records indicate that St. Francis of Assisi received special permission from the Pope to reconstruet the scene in the Bethlehem stable. Today the crib, surround- cd by figurines of the Holy Family, the Three Wise Men, shepherds, angels and farm animaIs, is to soutbern Europe and Catholie countries - wbat the brîghtly decorated Christmas tree is to Amer- ica. *** In the Soutbern Hemi- sphere Christmas is cele- brated in mid - summer heat. Tbey will have the traditional turkey dinner. Families often go to the seashore or the his for a pienie. Easy Way to Say Christmas Thanks Here's an idea for a won- dcrf ni way for youngsters to say thank-you for Christ- mas presents- and much casier than persuading thern to write thank-you notes! Get someone to take a picture of the youngster showing hlm or her holding or using the gif t. Then get him to write just a few words of thanks on a piece of paper or the photo itself. Grandma, or Uncle, is sure to be doubly pleased! of assisting some less for- g tunate person, somneone g wbo may bave much of ' this world's goods, but be ' impoverished otherwise. 'g This is the ChristmasA to relinquish those pettYg grievances, and perbaps the important ones, as well.gg This is the Cbristm- as Ito really show those you' love ' that you do love them, in ' Seflding you yards 'n' yards of ' important, little ways...g good wishes that your holidaysM and in large ways, too. 'g wili be fiIled' with happinessi 'g is se human te take care of M the vital, "large" ways, . and overlook the smaîî, MAR Y A NNE'"S FA BRIC also vital ways! This is the ' year to do sometbing K ING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE g about that. .............. cf..Chri.imas We...hope.... he...Ch...s...... promise.f.a.brigt.futur For fufihledfor yu and.o...fa..i.y your valud patronge,.w...a.k.yo.. .........R.. STAURANT. CLOSED.CHRISTMAS.DA NEW Y AR'S INNERSER ...FROM4-8. PM... RESERV TIONSNECESSRY.-.HONE .63-541