6ý The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, Dec. 19,1973 Section Three ~ Enci 1'romriti League co SStory for Y) ail the tov: for their hi ~eer Once up( away land ~kprovince there was Apart fi (ipretty mu .~Canada ai Ontario. more store mas giftsE messages of beautif S But becý Santa Clat May C ristnas hing ed thei brîn thegifts Sparents w, you rmgay ilts of buying th This wa good luiek and chteer- cause ver3 millionairE THE STFF OFail countri THE TAF 0Fedhave a J Ju ry & Loveli Drugs te u tep KING ST. BOWMAN VILLE and, like S it with lov ~ ~ ~ Parents j, selecting t right chiic careful ne, î?sharp edg, able parts - ini the mou ý1 before the the paint. The Xm t0 Christri back thou to the Di Rome an< ui~j~first Cbrisi icawvas b M ay th!,, holiday season bring Tbeo A to yoýu a nd yus the old fash - migrant, yours AsClof ioned spirit of Christmas. A warm ihear:th, warm friends and a ~ tree to An season brgtw icb warm iholidiay v er chiecr. Wevoulc like to join iii îmgard a by wlsihîng you thde warmcst of ~wbat disir holiday greetings!'ý met andb Taximentland.Sh AND L)STAFF T xoin l PéI Al dmTwo o0f 7~3 LiM, personal o ~ ~ ~ew and nii ~p~z ~,Me- t eP bring ad( SCbristmas, Stbey woul, S Young1 -ee the wooé ~'-downa s t',v> tbe viliagi -- ____ tained a tv Sfamiiy ma tions, andi tree, as m, came into The toi 'round to long,, the Sspread far are about customers. We're- happy to have Yî ent cust witb it as 8erved you, and hope to continue tries. SBagpiýe serin yu.Have a joyous Noei! panies the t' not Scotla *1 ~ forts. "Gi WE BUY and SELL ments are in Americ. UsedFunur and Appliances "trs name for ers in ma: AnIPTN PONue6-241 terni is t HAMPON PONE 63221 ~pole they c a ighteds -Holds OId Tyme Square Dan ce Tale of the hanted -Toys te Ontario Safety, )mesý a Christmnas chiidren %who ýwant s in the world and iarried parents : )on a time, in a far calied Adanac, in a called Riononta, no, Santa Claus. om that, life xvas ch the same as in rid the province of There were even -s with more Christ- and more television advertising ail sorts fui toys and fun ause there was no ius. ail the children ir own parents for they wanted. The vere responsible for ie gifts and making dren happy. ,s pretty hard be- ry few parents were res and chidren in ies, Adanac includ- atendency to ask for we than they expect. irents did their best Santa Claus, they did 'e and cheerfulness. sspent a lot of time the right toy for the d. They were always ever to buy toys with ges or small remov- swhich could be put îth. They made sure ýy bought a painted here was no poison in They bought easy to ?First iencan as Trec -as traditions date usands of years .. . )ruids and ancient Id beyond, but the tmas tree in Amer- brougbt into being Àvely recently .. . in lace was Wooster, young German im- August Imgard, a, 21, is said to have ,d the Christmas rierica. ristmas drew near it proved to young aseason of some- nl anticipation. 1He ifund of entertain- 1observance which .e Day in bis borne- he decided to have :ose in Bavaria. :bher reasons, very Dnes, were bis nepb- Jece. H1e wanted to Ied joy to their sand make it one idneyer forge. Imgard went into, 15s and chopped spruce tree. Fromn ,e! tinsmith lie ob- virkly tin star. The ide paper decora- thus the Christmas nost of us know it, being. wnsfolk gatbered admire it. Before word bad been x and wide, about fui tree in Woos- *) It became an custom. ahonors August 1-stombstnso lli in Wooster. ýemusic accom- ecaroiers in (no, and) Itaiy! land the caroiers ifts for their ef- ifts" of refresh- eoften the case ca. ;ingers" is the groups of carol- .ny nations. The taken frIom the carry, which bas star on top. dlean toys. They neyer gave their vounger ones stuffed animais with glass or button eves that faîl off as babies have a tendency to swallow them,. Children xere toid neyer to expect toys, thai caught fire easily, shooting spts that could blind them, iii baiancedý wagons and tri- cycles that could topple, electrical toys that were not approved by the Adanac- Standards Association, and above ail, each gift was chosen with consideration for the child's age.' With ail this care -and consideration, one would think that there was not much choice left. Weii, maybe. But Riononta chiidren were a lot happier and their Christmas was even More joyful. No child was ever hurt because of' a bad toy. And the toys children were receiving for Christmas had a special magic due to the love and care of the parents who bought them. They were enchanted toys. They ail had the magic of Safety builtito them., They weresimple toys, not very complicated, and every- one understood that one safe toy was better than ten dangerous ones. The children soon learned to discover the magic in them. A hobby horse, for example, wouid last for years and had marveilous properties. lb becaîne a friend, a rocket, a car, a motorcycle, an airpiane, a snowmobiie or anything the chiid wished. It was simple and uncomplicat- ed. lt aliowed the child to use the infinite magic of his own imagination. When Santa 'Claus heard about Adanac he was very pleased to see that safety minded parents has such consîderation for their child- ren. -Now why couldn't Ont- ario be like that?" he asked the Ontario Safety League. Why not, indeed! ... and best wishes fOr a New Year of happiness i in a world ofpeace. FIRTH ýý MEATS LTD. ,~47 King Street East S Bowmanville Gordon Baker (left) Tyronç, brings back'the old art of square dance calling at the OId Tyme Dance at Tyrone Hall, Saturday, December 8. Approximately h5 people'regulad1y attend these.western style dances heid, every other week. Music is supýlied by a local group of country western musicians. Bob Burton (centre), Maple Grove, plays guitar and Pete McCormick, R. R. 3, Bowmanviù, .accompanieshim on the fiddle. Photo by Duane Taylor Man 's atitiudIes towaàrd religio 'n today focus on the Laws of Godt rather than mere maàgic At Christmastime.there is s50 mucli. emphasis. on the1 sec-uhar, ev'en commercial as- pects of the'Season, it is nat- riral. that skeptics of bbc entire religiJois crcçtake this occasion to de imany of thé traditions sncb as the mira cle of Conception, the Star in thc East, and so on. As tbe triumpbs of mod- cmn-day science continue to dazziete cmind and imagin- ation, its agc-old "conflicts" with religion continue to bc debated. Interestinghy enongli, in the latter part of the 2O0th centurv, when sucb spectacular achiievements as mnan's voyages into space are becoming almost corpmon-< place, the conflicts between religion and science seemii -' . ...-'.. .. à4 - scw INcý May your Christmas be merry and brightl A SBowmanville Sand& Gravel M' SR. R. 4 - BOWMANVILLE 263,.2143 ~ Mcy the joys of Christmas follow you througheut the comling year. . WESTERNTR ELEANOR and JtAY WALKER and STAFF hess controx'ersial ... in fact, these "miracles" are being judged as evýènts that cusue as resuits of tbb laws of God. Many (treat sci'entists bave expressed deep religions feeling in conction with their scientîflu discoveries. For example, vonenrrent xvith bis discove+y of the inathemnatîcal laws:,of pianet- amy motion in thb, cariy l7th century, johiannKpler said: "The heavenly mlotions are iithing but' a continuons song for severai voiees, per- ceiveci by the'intellecIt, 'not bk the car. >it 1i5 no longer surpiising (theïrefor,) that man \vanted bto rcpro(luce the conbinnity of cosie t( il e thec recognition of -a Power in the universe, not ourseives, w%ýhieh makes for righteous- ness, andi in the love of God and of our neigbbor, xiii steadiiy grow stronger and strýonger." KENDAL On Thursday another shop- ping tour by bus was sponsor- cd by the leader of the Girl Guides. They went to Scarbor- ough Mail, where there was a great assortment of shops and stores ail adorned with Chr- istmas decorations and dis- plays. The»-day was-fine iiithw morning, but by thc time to corne home there were several inches of fresh wet snow which made the travelling most unpieasant. On Saturday afternoon the girls of Kendal Choir heid a bake sale in the Sunday School room. The girls thanked al who helped to make it' a sucÊess. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cathcart and Arthur Thomp- son were in Cobourg one day this past week visiting their aunt Mrs. Lcna Burwash. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Wood and Mr. James Hoy were at Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hoy's on Saturday cciebrating Hea- thers birthday. Saturday evening, supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood wcre Mr. R. L. Hoy, Mr. Reg. Rueland of Bowmanville and Mr. Neil McKcnna of Toronto. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mercer of Toronto and Miss Irene Mer- ccc of Oshawa. 'Mr., and Mrs. Jos. Waiker and Cathy of Orono, wcre Sunday gucsts with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Waiker and attcndcd Sunday morning ser- vice for the Christening of their grandson. There was a good turn out at Sunday supper guest s wi'î_ church Sun day morning. Mrs. W. H. Foster were Mr. White Gif t Sunday was obser- and Mrs. Wayne Foster and ved. The choir sang Sulent Paul of Newcastle, and Mr, Night with Mrs. Allen Foster and Mrs. Thos. Foster of Port at the organ. Douglas Mark Hope. Walkcr infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Walker was christ- ened. Rev. T. Snelgrovc chose as his text 'The Sign'. After Realism Ref lected at church the Sunday Sehool chiidrcn held a practice for their Christmas entertain- 'Christs Bir.thplace ment which is to be next in, the Middle East, Saturday evening at 7 p.m.Chit" Crs- Mr. Danny Foster of Peter- where Ch ilveu,Chit borough îs to be prescrnt to mas has a toucli of real- assist in the music and ism. The patriarchi cornes singing. from Jerusalem with a On Saturday everîing Mrs., tropf a lringge W. H. Foster and ail members opo aar ngre of her family met at the home ous array. The service of Mr. and Mrs. Robert asts from 10 p.m. until Carruthers of Bowmanviile 'long after midnight. for their Christmas party. S We'd like to wish our friends happy M Sholidays... and also happy motoring! à BROCK'S SER'VICE M RonandAiBrian, Ed, M Steve, Wayne and Terry Closed Ail Day Christmas and New Year's Closed 6 p.m. Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve 24 HOUR TOWING 'j20 KING ST. E. BOWMVANVILLE M a",, We can think of noth- ing better to wî'sh our Smany patrons than this: lots of lov e, plen- îix of good friends, a houseful of laughter andl a treeful oYf gitts! Kool Enterprises REF RIGERATION & APPLIANCES SALES AND SERVICE . î .b an arbful sympin for several voices.. to test Creator ... by making music in the imitation of Cod". Again, citing bbc 1948 edition of Sir James Jean1s' 'A "The Mysterious Umivcrsc , the renowned physicist-as -~- tronomer wrote that 'the strcam of knowledge ishcad- ing towards a non-meebanii- It'Chsma cal eaity. The universe bc- I' hita gins bo look more like a great once again! May thought than ike -a great ma- h esnb chine. Mind no longer ap- truly jo ous one pears as an accidentai intru- der into the rcalm of matte- for you, our many QU~oting Corneli Univers- iecsoes ity's first president, Andrew Dickson White, "My convie Thank you for your tion is that science, thoug I~ oyalpatrDnage. it bas evidently conquemed Dogmatic Tbeoiogy based on biblical tcxts and ancient1L rU C NT f modes of tbougbt, wil go ii nJi -3L IY.UM O VIAIyce* S o age band in'hand with Religion);(LNDA )LD and that, aithougli theologi- ( O MNVLE-LINDSAY)L D cal control will continue to O M NILLNDA diminish, Religion as seen in t~.~. ~ ~ . ~ ~ .