T ~~ he Caadian Statesfiati, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1973 A44ÀAutier Allanah Goles direction » V Atend performed their four choral e>-ý tg pg .e numbers adMirably. They îevà _ efdom attaine .d by were accompanied by Shelley comparablegroups. - Bail at the piano., Douia1sDewell sêt the An artistic number was f estv? fe by >payig the rendered by il high sehool age Pano solos- "Moonlight girls, Who are memnbers of St. Sorieta ad Tlre A Lord's *PauI 's Senior Choir. The I Prýý. e4 ten assiste.d séleton was entitled "Wben * He 4'hiýîrhorn in leading, Christmas Morn is Dawning ce Éaionl carl-si a-,, and the delightful flut e obli- sàigato asprvded by Rose- te. pe&frmès t" -t Mary =Knndyand Sandra *~plae ý ie àpity aud.: Bryson. ieneof moretfkf&O etted Next it was.the men's turn V in i nartisticallW muicl, and Ken Bragg, Fred Flem- ~ eetina, ~ing, Len Jones and Mack .St, PaI4'ý Caief or -Rutherford and a maIe quar- tette arrangement of "0 Holy Nîght". St. Paul's Brass- Sextette, under the direction of Eliiot Tremneer, favored witb the playing of several traditional carols. Soloist, Nellie Pring everybody's favorite - sang the touching solo "Gesu Bam- bino". The Golden Legionnaires Maie Chorus provided four rousing selections under Ross Metcalfs' capable direction. They were accompanied by Douglas Dewell. The Ladies Trio - Cindy Ayre, ýAllanah Coles and Doris Wesh provided quiet contrast ýwMýdeto .n1e prececlîng numner witr ANkg to Carson Elliott of Northcutt a beautiful rendition of "The ~ 'E1~t ui~~Horeio a oatwelom'package virgins Slumber Song"~. Elotrnrl oi orams ierias eek.Thbe old saying of saving tbe ofM.,thpj!sh brought i atvek best 'till tbe last certainly apidwben St. Paul's Senior ~ ~ 1.~Choir under the more tbar toi l v capable direction of Ross ~ ~E q.iii~.*VWMetcalf, stood and sang five Rstirring anthems. Tbe high- ~ é,~:d,,,... ~ ligbt o f their performance was P mll Cbndielghtthesinging of "Glory To God' ~ ...fromllandel's "Messiab". STbe entries were precise and Service bold. The intricate harmonies were nerformed witb amazine >~-~ ~dexterity and exceptional art- D~(E~%R 4th ~ 8:0 P.. ~ istry. This brought a specia] winters' evening to a wonder- st INJURED IN COLLISION ;St.PsuIs Unted Enniskillen, a member of Bowmanville's post office .~LL ~staff, was injured and ber car Cnurvn sustained $2,500dage À Wednesay, Dec. l2th, in an Saccident on County Road 57. %xMiss Buma took to tbe ditch to Make this Christmas Eve avoîd hitting tbe car abead ~~co e*n~,rs ipwthEdriven by Barbara Wilbur, R. somethi býea R ,Hmtnadwe er minorcuts nd abruised Gaylor invesi workd 1853 1973 THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 0F THE YTownship of Darlilngton EXTENOS'SINCERE GREETINGS AND OD WISHES FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON, AND GOOD 4HE~ALTH -AND PROSPERITY IN THE j ~ . CMING YEAR. Bowmcnville's Last Council Be fore Town Becomes Newcastle Postal (Erom Page One) bc closed ail da'y. There will be no despatcb or receipt of mails. There will bec1no Street Letter Box collection. Wednesday Dec. 26tb,1973- The office will. be closed al day. Sunday service for the receipt and despatcb of mails will be in effect. A street Letter Box collection will be made starting at 5:00 p.m. Tbere xiii be a Street Letter Box collection starting at 3:00 p.m. on Mondav, Dec. 24th. It is recommended that anyone baving mail to post between ::00 p.m. on INonday, Dec. 24th-and 5:00 p.m. on Dec. 26th. , take it to tbe post office and flot deposit il in the Street Letter Boxes. New Year's Day - Tues., .Jan. 1,1974. The office will be closed ail day. There will bec1no despatchi or receipt of mail. Tbere wil111bec1no Street Letter Boix co-Illec-tion. Tbere will be a Street Letter Box collection starting at 3:00o p.m. on Monday December 3st. Same conditions apply for Street Letter Box collections as at Christmas.. Arrest (From Page One) CNR station on Duke Street were broken into. In ail tbree incidents, entry was gained in the same fashion, a door was kicked in. Numerous smal articles were taken from the locations. Items sucb as a fire extinguisher, a luncb box, a first aid kit, etc. Mr. Russell was found by the foreman at the CNR Station. Arriving at work Wednesday morning, the ac- cused was inside the building. Tbe foreman brougbt Mr. Russell to the Bowmanville Police Station for questioning, wbere be was subsequentiy charged with break anM entry in connection witb ail three incidents. Mr. Russell is 27 years of age, and is originally from Newmarket. The investigat- ing officers are Bowmanville Police Constables Don Ander- son and Ken Bromley. Knif e Wielder Charged with Two Robberies Two incidents of a man wielding a knife to commit robbery took place i11 Bow- manville early Friday morn- ing. Alex Tearse, 25, of Pembroke Street, Toronto was cbarged on botb counts witb armed robbery. Tbe first incident involved bis father-in- iaw of three days, Gilbert Wreggitt of 109 Higb St., Bowmanville. Mr. Wreggitt was awakened inbhisbedroom about 3:40 ar. Friday by a man wielding a butcher knife wbo demanded money and the keys to bis car. The man took the keys and a small amount of money and was standing outside near tbe car when Mr. Wregitt came outside witb a .303 rifle, said police. Ater a warning shot was fired in/the air, the thief fled on foot. A few minutes later a man knocked on the door of M. H. Hearley of 5 Second St. and asked to use their phone because bis car was stuck. Once inside he brandished the knife and demanded the kej>s to their car and money, e C said. H1e obtained tbe eys and drove off in the car, obtaining 1n0 money. Bowmanviile .Police, Con- stables Ken Bromley and Don Anderson apprebended Alex Tearse a short distance away in the stoien car. Mr. Tearse bas been transferred from the Cobourg jail to Penetang. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis and Mr. and- Mrs. Gien MeQuat were among those attending the Charterways' Christmas dinner and dance at the Cobourg Lions' Center, a week ago. Local people in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvilie, in- clude Mrs. A. Milligan, Mrs. Don McHoim, and the 14 montb old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stapleton, suffering from burns, caused by the upsetting of a'cup of bot tea. We wisb A of tbem a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark of Cobourg, were Saturday even- ing visîtors wîtb Mr. and Mrs. Last Supper (F rom Page One) Reeve Tink. Couneillor Don Wearn made presentations to the Fence- viewers, Warble Fiy Inspec- tor, Weed Inspector and the Planning Board. Presentations were inade to the C ommittee of Adjust-rnent, Conserv ation Autbority Mem- bers, and Hospital Board appointee, by Councillor Gra- ham Dallas. He aiso presented gifts to Counties Warden Weston Banister and other special guests at the banquet. Council Chairman, Tom Baker presented Reeve Rick- ard witb a gift. ,Special presentations were made to Walter E. Rundie and Mary L. Niddery by Reeve Rickard. These were made to show the 'appreciation of Council for the belp they bave contributed over their many years of service. Dinner was prepared and served by members of the Hampton Ladies Service Club. The banquet ciosed witb a bistory of Darlington Town- ship given by Reeve Rickard, and the singing of Auld Lang Syne. TYRONE R. R. 5 - Bowmanville PHONE 263-8431 Fred Henderson. Miss Marily Etcher, of Port Hope, was an overnight guest of Mrs. Bea Jones. Attending the Bowmanvilie Charterways' Christmas Par- ty, Saturday. nigbt, in New- castle Community Hall, weru Mr. and Mrs. L. Boisvert, Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis and Mr. and Mrs. E. Webster. There were eigbt tables in play at the Card Party, Friday night, in Community Hall, winners as follows: Higb lady -Mrs. J. Jilisen, Low lady Jean Perrin, High man- Mr. J. Dedong, Low man - Nick Wiilems, 50-50 Draw - Mrs. R. Aldread, Poinsettia - R. Ahl- dread. SANTA VISITS LEGION Young sons and daughters of Legion members bad an opportunity to meet Santa Clanus personally on Saturday, during the annual Cbristmas party wben gîfts were distrib- uted and enjoyable entertain- mient provided. Deail With (F rom Page One) Coun. Alan Dewar (Osh- awa) was eventually upset by the wbole tone of the debate. "We are neitber crooks nor children and councillors are subject to political control" that wouid prevent tbem getting out of hand. Coun. Rickard said mileage is sometbing that can be abused, and it was up to council to set the limits. An amendment to the mile- age legislation was accepted, that seemed to at i east partially satisfy everyone. An executive committee recomendation suggested att- endance at " ail meetings, conferences, and conventions autborized by council" by "&members a nd spouse' that were "beyond a member's normal res ponsibilities', would be paid to a maximum of $500. per councilior. No per diem allowance would b e ailowed, and vouch- ers would be required for sucb items as travel expenses, parking, registration, accom- odation, meals and normal gratuities. Council accepted the pro- posais, witb the exception of the referenceý to -paying ex- penses of a spouse. Ken Lyall (From Page One) iast week',s edition -of Bow- manviile's Canadian States- man I read a front page story released by Mayor Eiect Rickard that the present Recreation Director T. A., Fanning will continue to serve the Bowmanville area only, WITH OTHER RECREA- TION COMMITTEES CARRYING ON AS THEY ARE IN NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITIES THAT HAVE RECREATION PRO- GRAMMES."~ Mr. Lyail states tbat the continuation of Mr. Fanning's work is quite correct but tbe continuation of 1973 commit- tees is not allowed by law. "Section 148 of Bill 162--the Act to estabiisb The Regional Municipality of Durbani--sta- tes quite cleariy that "On December 31, 1973 ail coin munity centre boards and al boards of recreation or park management in a local muni- cipality are dissolved.'" There- fore Mr. Lyail holds that the story issued by Mr. Riekard is respect to the continuing of local Recreation Committees is wrong. In conclusion Mr. Lyall said -Uniess Mr. Rickard bas found the power to amend Bill 162 and found the power to issue new laws unilaterally, ail committees except the, local PUC's a ppointed by former municipal councils are finished tbeir work on Decem- ber 31, 1973." ~1. G TWO-CAR COLLISION Mrs. Jobn Stark (Dorotby), R. R. 1, Newtonville, was seriously injured in a two-car accident north of Newtonville on County Road Eigbt, Dec. 9th at 12:20 arn. Her car was in collision with one driven by Robert Allan King, 180 East- HOjUSE PLANT CARE KIT, )o off NOW S 77 Pray er Pli False Aral ONLY- FOR ant Snake Plant Jade Plant ORTH ORT ORTHO.IRO* INRRM lia "-YQUR FRIENDLY FLOR-ISI" ON HIGHWAY No. 2 Just 5 Minutes West of ]Bowmanville Cail 623-4441 DAILY FLORIST DELIVERY TOW BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA, WHITBY VAN BELLE wood Rd., Toronto. He suffer- ed minor injuries as did C Maclntosh a passenger i~ Stark vehicle. Mrs. Stark was transferred tol a Toronto hospital, but no report of ber present condition bas been received. OPP Const. G. A. Moon investigated. u-t Ch ristmas lime.. ft Is aUr wormest wish that your holiday ba filied wif h pecce of mind, good heaith, and much joy. MALUX CARRUTHERS M.-PP. AAD FAMILY OUR SATURDAY NIGHT PARTIES ARE FUN! The best in dance music, continuous from 9-1. Wide selection of recorded hits - any style dancing. Informai, fully licensed, plenty of free parking. NO COVER- NO MINIMUM Plan Dýnner -Stay for Dancing NEW DUTCH imOVEN Hwy. 115 -1 Phone 983-5001 for Reservations J I An Ideal SXmas Gift!le WARNINGI TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT ORDER NOW H FOR YOUR NEW YEAR'S PARTY! LARGE SELECTION OF COLD MEAT or CHEESE PLATTIR'S READY TO SERVE! MADE TO VOUR .:~.SPECIFICATIONS DYKSTRA'S Mairket Phone r623-3541 This year's council for the Town of Bowmanville will be recognized as the last council for the town w th a ec al aque t be placed n he ne w Curt-Police building on Church Street. In luded on the plaque will be detals of each member' s service on counil. Members are, from left to right, Ck-Adminmstator Josep Mcllro who came t Bowmanville in Oct. 1969. He becomes Clerk of the new Newcatle muicialit an. st aulhant, who served on council from 1964 to 1966 and again in 1973; Donald W.Aln, Concilrfrm170o173 and is a member of the new municipal council to take office Jan. ist; Mrs. Leola Thrasher, Councillor for 1973; Mrs. Olive Cobban, Councillor from 1970 to 1973;, seated, His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Councillor 1958 to '59, Deputy Reeve 1960 to '61 and Mayor from 1962 to '73. He is a member of Region Council starting in 1974 and holds the record for being Mayor of Bowmanville for the longest period; James A. Bell, Councillor from 1970 to '72 and Reeve for 1973; Maurice Prout, Councillor from 1965 to 1972 and Deputy Reeve in 1973; Norman Allison, Councillor 1944 to 1946 and again in 1973, Deputy Reeve from 1947 to '48 and Reeve from 1949 to 1950; Lawrence C. Mason, Q.C., Councillor from 1934 to '38, 1947 to '48 and again in 1973, Mayor from 1949 to '51. -M-