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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1973, Section 3, p. 7

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Section Three The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1973 U.ted Counties Council Members Bid Fond Farewells to Colleagues At Dissolution Meeting on Dec. 13 Thec Unitcd Counties of of Cobourg, was built at an ton had been a member Of the Northumberland and Durham approximate cost of $465,000. United Counties since its Counceil ccased to exist on The historie council adjour- inception in 1850 and his December 13, 1973 at 4.45 ned their Iast meeting with a 'township feit a sense of p.mi-., after 123 years in mixed feeling of sorrow and a voidness and sorrow now that existence. "lsense of divorcement from a Darlington was leaving. The counties'of Northum- loved one". Foster Russell, deputy rcc- berland and Durham were Many membcrs wished each ve of Hamilton township, uniitecd by the Baldwin Act in other wcll in their ncw having resided in both coLInt- 1849 with Cobourg bcing ventures. Those from Durham ics, said it was hard for him to establishedl as the central wisbed those forming the decide which county was hieadqutarters of the unitcd Ilnew" county of Northumber- better to live in. lie added that counties. Cobourg formed the land the best and those from hie enjoyed his association nucleus for the new counties Northumberland wishcd the with ail the members very that uscd to be callcd New- members who will become much and wisbcd those leav- castie. The members first met part of the regional govern- mc mucb success in, the in the old courthouse in ment of Durham much suce- future. Cobourg tili Victoria Hall wa""s ess in the future. Warden J. Weston Banister opened in 1860. Thcy continuced Mayor elect of the town of said hie was sorry to lose many to meet in Victoria Hall till the Newcastlc, Garnet Riekard of the people who have belpcd minicipal building and court- told the rest of the members guide the destiny of the unitcd bouse, erccted at the west end that bis township of Darling- counties for so Ion. As a memento o the time they had spent on council it was recommended by one of Sthe memnbers that tbe parting Pm representatives be allowed to M Pl S ak e their namne plates and HRISTM S dsk pads with hm fi y y,. fl ~ ve of Cartwright township and I. l ~tbe new mayor of theTown of w ~ Seugog said hie enjoyed sitting fon concil very mueb and was leaving happy. Luther Olan, reeve of Cavan Stownship felt tbat Cavan was being divorced from a wife of many years. il James A. Bell, reeve of Bowmanville, expressed bis best wisbes from Bowman- The best wisbes of clerk- treasurer Ken Symons were Mýgreeted with a loud round of t~applause. Presently, two members bave declared Ibeir intention .~of running for warden of the 'new' eounty of Northumber- land. Delbert MeLaughiiin, reeve of the village of Col- Here's a wish we know will fit you perfectly. reeve.ot Haldimand township, are anxious to assume the seat ma our holidays be filled with good cfwrdnthtwilbeveae from start to finiSh!1 by Weston Banister, tbe dep- 'udm dl uty-reeve of Hope township. bIII~ ~The two gentlemen and any LIOVU EliI wi f* undeelared candidates will be T dyan.-df_îLly and Staff nominated on January 15, 1974 i i g'S > ý e tBowmanville at 2:00 p.m. aecording to the county statutes whicb state nominations take place on the 5@10 Some of the responsibilities Sdelegated to tbe counties' council include the manage .~ment of the counties road ~X . ~systcm, the bealtb unit,th Golden Plougb Lodge, family 01 iý4 and social services, Emer- s. >. .~geney Measures Organization and tbe engagement of plumb- e rs for plumbing inspection. X ýý On January lst, 1974, the mrc, "new" county,, of Nortbumber- anwllcorne into existence. EMPLOYMENT ACONDITIONS e A sligbt merease in the Snumiber of persons without Semployment and rcgistered Switb Canada Manpower Cen- tre in Oshawa and Ajax occurred during November. ? At nMonth end 1,714 maies and 2,516 females were registered v th the two offices. The major reason for tbis inerease bas been a build-up of persons a Joyou Nol t ai au god ~ secking part-time and tcmp- friends... may the blessings of orary work for the Christmas season. No major lay-offs or Christmas ahide with yau and yaurs ail plant closures oceurred dur- Sing the montb. thraugh the season and in the year ta came. Shortages of skilled trades- men for industry and cons- ~AKNE IE ~truction eontinued into Nov- ember. A shortageo semi- uan~IIan~ killed construction workers I1MRIYM E occurred during the early part 36 KNG T. . - PHONE 623-5408 of November as construction ~ aetivity continued at a strong pace, but was overeome by the ~ ~ 'it~4 end of the month. Unusualiy Smild weatbcr bas not inter- ferred witb local construction aetivity despite periodie rainy periods. Some let up in demand for construction equ- ' pment operators bas been Snoted bowever the rcst of the Strueking industry bas shown no signs of a slow down. Faetory birings wcre steady Sduring the montb and most )4unskilled positions wcrc easily filled from our, files. Metal .~pattern makers, cabinet mak- crsindustrial truck mechanie .4hearts this the most joyous of seasons. ý4Happy holidays ta you. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERVONE FOR THEIR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST VEAR. Johni& Lyida Flegg Lynda 's Ladies' Wear-. BOWMANVILLE ________ Greeting SignffMakes Attractive Approach ta Town> OBITUARU ES THIOMAS G. BAKER A former employee of Gen- erai Motors wno retireci in 1971 with 37 years service, Thomas George Baker died at the Oshawa General Hospital Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1973, following a lengthy illness. He lived at 95 Gladstone Ave., Oshawa. Born Fcb. 27, 1910, in London, England, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker. He was marr- ted in St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa, dune 7, 1930. He had lived in Oshawa since 1927. He was a member of St. George's Anglican Church, and was a member, of the UAWA L ocal 222. He is survived by his wife, the former Nerissa Wilson; one son, Al-an Baker of Bowmanville; one daugbter, Mrs. Leo, Lindberg (Doreen) of Whitby;- two sisters, Mrs. Ernest Smith .(Maude) of Trent River; Mrs. Harold Sweet (Ethel) of Oshawa; one brother, Victor Baker of Oshawa and six grand- childrcn. Mr' Baker rcstcd at the Armstrong Funeral Home witb service in the chapel Friday. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rcv. Trevor Denny officiated. Memorial donations to the charity of yourchoice would be appreciated. The huge Season's Greeting sign on the west side of Glen Rae Dairy must give motorists a warm, welcome feeling when they are comning into town from that direction. In the background, the bright lights of store signs and the sparkling red bulbs of the Christmas lights on the Hydro poles also add much to the feeling that this is really a friendly town that welcomes visîtors. Let'Talk Education One common saying that' donc." Othier people may say need to bc donc. There are bas been around for ycars bas there are only 24 hours in a many iess than tbat unless one been "Where did the time day. Wbile ' b is may be is going to give Up sleeping go?" or "thcre aren't cnougb' rnatbcmnatically tfruc it isn't and cating. hours in the day to do truc 'in thene thatf there are Yet witb ail the pressures on everything that bas to bc 24 hoursto dlo thc tbings that our time people always scem to find time f0 do wbat is p rcaily important t0 them- it p isn't that they find some additional time for that item they just make the time and & One bas to appreciate that Stime is somctbing tbat flows t? jd it neyer stops and wbetber one uses it weli or flot if is gone I .2$forever. We can't doanything Sabout past time and it's oniy 2 Ih"~ ~ ere in the present, for a Smoment. The oniy lime we bave a chance of controlling is J o W f1tbe future and that can only be ~donc if one bas a plan. P J"' ~If a person can iearn to work faster I suppose that would save some lime but that's a P ~ traditional and not too satis- t~ ~. .and estwishs ~ factory approaeh 10-the prob- ... ad bet wis s 1cm. When a person realizes W that timie llows and learns to for Mery Chist- plan and do wbaf needs to be P ~ or Mery Cris- ~ donc then their total output ~ ma. W wis yo ~<wiil increase. Amd planning SCW NC ~.isn't that tough- after al P happiness in this hol- ' people can plan their vacation t? y ts hrsta montbs abead of sehedule MY hi~Chrsîms iday season so why not appiy the same fidyou tI peace planning t other tasks.i,,h with the waorldand ~L; future. ' P Ilow do you have lime to do yourseif. P - P wbat you need to do? You ask PThe Volunfeers Il H.W ebber yusl h uqeto oes t?ý I" - a bat Iam, doi ng reaii! nteed jo MAPLE G OVE [bedore ' OlJîi en c ind tMemiorial HospitalP .ý VFR VICE ourseix es spendingW a great D.L. CHILDS Bomnil amount of lime on unimpor- ~ ~ tant tbings and baving vcry ýýT îýlittle time left for the items Sthat wc are really concerned about. ~ ~ This is a good lime of year ,~for stuuents f0 give a lttie 4' f~tbougbt 10 botb the concept of t ime and how tbey are using their time. A luttle planning, an asscssment of what needs M 1tobe donc and an evaluation of Swbat is important will go ýa A&~ long way to bclping them Smake the best use of the time availabie- it can resuit in 'a Sgood succcssful sebool year Sand is a tremendous technique t P to learn for the lifetime abead. YELVERTON MA N \' E SCOUN CIL At the D~ebrntmeeting of, p '~The Manvers Mun]ticipal Coun- cil two ResolutLions were t? p unanimously endorsed: That a Recreation Commission be ,;formed for the Township of ~!Manvers wbose function it would be to procecd witb the building and finaneing of a t? We wvis h to thank you for Mý community Centre including a skating arena (subjeet of your patronage during the course, f0 the approva 1 of the i~Ontario Municipal Board) and past year. Merry Christmas. the Commision f0 be respons- P ible to Manvers Twsp. Coun- Norman and Don Allun cil. (2) That the financing of I f 41 Iis centre wouid bc achieved Sby utilization to themaximum 9,KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE,4 able for Ibis purpose; and the vers Twsp,. Capital Reserve N Fund to building fund as required; and by a canvass of vate and public donations, A Y raffles, lotteries etc. Signed, Hlarvey Malcolm, Reeve. 41 <~ Mr. Terry Malcolm is sport- ing an ankle f0 bip walking, ~ cast followin an injury suff- cred 10 bis lpaying hockey Sin Port Prry rcently. He stili manages to get around quifc nicely, Chester style, and hôbpes 10 shed bispiaster t ~ appendage within a week. Mrs. Hurren Sr. and Mr. and ' Mrs. Earl Hurren and family q have soid their family rest- aurant Ibis wcck and if is P expected Ibey wiil build anew home nexI spring in this area.J _____ ________ The joint Yeiverton Girl- r, Jaet\ville Men's Bahl dance on ïl Sa tuLrday cvening in Janetvilie was a res ounding sucess;-a 12 capacity ýcrown enjoying the You con counit on us for good service Pi) ively music supplied by Gary SBristow's Country Fours. At and you con counit on us fo wish you intermission, Terry Malcolm r resented said f eller, witb a ovely wallet and matcbing pen and pencil set in recogi- tion of bis assistance, (and without whose, services they would probably bave ended up) as champions inste ad of 1sf. runners up,. our tbanks to thé lads for tbqir 1thoughtfu lness; always,,a pleasure 10o work with sucb a batcb -liof bappy-go- lucky and talenited nit-wits. Sure belps kee,(p a fellow tbinking youngl,, and assi.sts iin bridging that gene iratfion gap. IWinners of thle draw s and door prizus, wcre Mr. Earl Gray, Mrs. Bruce K<err, Mr. Jim Fisher, Mr. Donald Me- Gili. Mr. Frank Glashergen and Mr. Alati B3eacock. The, hall teams aret mostý apprecia-, tive of the support given to them by those' prcsPnt and al who assisted iii any way in making thé evening a suiccess. Sympathy ofi hb ni muni ity is extendcd to Mr, Ted McDowell of Millbrook and farmily in the sudden passing of bis wife. Mary because of bier wide interests and general personality \vas wcll -known and liked tbroughout the whole area. OBITUARY IMIS. HOSKEN SITH Born"and educated in En- field, the dcath oceurred, eollowing a lengthy illness, of Mrs. Hosken Smith, in Mcmu orial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Saturday, December 8, 1973 in ber 69th. year., Daughter of Mr., and Mrs, .Arthur Ormniston, the formier MyIrtle J.). LOririston was married] Novembiier l7th, 1926 to Hosken Smith. Mrs. Smith had resided in Enfield 46 years and Hampton for 22 years. She was a, menfiber of Hampton United Church, the Hampton U.C.W. and the Womnen's Instifute. Surviving ýare ber busband Hlosken Smith, son RayMilt- on; Margaret (Mrs. "Donald Prescott), Brooklin; Glen, H-ampton;, Kathleen (Mrs.. Allyn Taylor) Bowmanville and 15 grandcbildren. The funeral was held from the Morris Funeral Chapel on Monday, December llth. with Reverend J. C. Johnson offi- ciating. Mrs. Albert Cole Sresided at the organ. Pali- carers were five grandsons, Marvin, David and Dennis Prescott. Douglas ,and Law- rence Smith, and son in-law, Allyn Taylor. Many beautiful floral tri- butes wcre received attesting to the esteem in whicb the deceased was beld, amnong wbIicb were one from Pales- tine Chapter No. 249, C.R.C., Jerusalem Ladge A.F. and A.M\1. No. 31, Hampton, Womn- en's Institute, and- many donations to the Cancer Soc- iety, Her&s hoping -- the season blooms brightly for you and yours. We'd fike ta thank you fo our patronage. ~ Greetings from Flowers by Jackmanm BOWMANVILLE V P We wish ta tbank you for your pa- tronage during the past year and ta express aur warmest wisbes for a vcry Mcrry Christmas and New Year. Management and Staff of AD~DLITUvieWALLPAPER ABMDLUU1LII1U AND PAINT 7 -and- R J. Rae Abernethy P Painters & Decorators, ~iKing St,,W.- Bowmanvlille We Hope This Joyous Time Will Bring To You Al'The Goodness 0f Yuletide. RIZNEK CONSTRUCTION ý LTD* SSPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS FOR SALE OR LEASE 'HONE 728-4841 R. R. 3 - BOWMAN VILLE J

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