-of Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, Church St. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers, Nestieton, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abernethy onSaturday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono, were Sunday afternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abernethy and àccompanied them to the Festival of Music at St. Paul's United Cburch on Sunday night. Mrs . F. L. Fox of Pasadena, California has been visitîng ber sister Mrs. M. M. Hamil- ton, 91 Liberty St. N. Mrs. Fox returned to California on Saturday accompanied by her mother, Mrs. K. J. Ferguson. Winners of the Pipe Band Draw held Dec. l2th. were: 1. Judy Ann Fowler no. 9038, St.Andews Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23 Morning Service il a.m. Youth Group Service 7:30 p.m. Christmas Day Service 10 a.m. ALL ARE WELCOME St. ouI' nied Curc V Minister Rev, N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. SOrganist Mr. R. Metcalf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. la.m. Christmas Sunday Servie "âNo Roomi for Him"', CHIRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Dec. 24 - 8: 00 p. m. Celebrate the birth of Christ.. attend the church of your choice this Christmas. Merry Christmas from the people of ~ ST.JOHN' ANGLCAN who invite you to ~ HECANDLELIGHT SERVICE 0jF CAROLS AND LESSONS Sund1ýay, Dýý,ecember 23rd at 7:30 p.m. A FAMILY SERVICE with carols and a Chr.J,,inas story Christmas Eve 7:00 p.m. 'THE CANDLELIGHT COMMA%ýUNION SERVICE Christmas Eve11: 30p. M. (Carols froil1: 00 -11: 30) CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICES 8:00 a.m. Hly Communion 10:30 a.m. Family Communion Pe Rev7om Gracie, Rector Phone 623-5873 TRINIT I EDCHURC 11ev. N. Wesley Oake- Minister Rev. Arthur Ama cher - Assistant Minister Mr. John Crookshank- Organist Sunday, December 23, 1973 ili kM. CHRISTMAS SERVICE Sunday Sehool Party (Beginners) Other Sunday School Classes withdrwnC-orthis Ate.- OAC Students Win More Thon $ 16,000 in Awards Professor A. M. Pearson, Food Science Department, presents the Susan Brown Memorial Awa rds in the amount of $150 each to: Ilene DeJong, R. R. 1, Nestieton; and Susan Annand of 55 Pinecrest Rd., Oshawa. The awards are offered to studentsin the Food Science option. Scholarships, awards and prizes totalling more than $16,000 were presented recently to students in al programs at the Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph. Christopher M. Sheridan was winner of the Governor General's Gold Medal. This is offered annually by the Governor General of Canada to the student who bas completed the first four semesters at OAC and who has ranked the highest in general proficiency in the B.Se. (Agr.) program. The OAC Alumni Foundation Entrance Scholarships in the amouint of $1,000 each awarded to students obtaining a minimum general average of 80 per cent in grade 13, and participation in extra-eurricular activities were won by Walter Andres, Steve Clare, Phylis Colton, Vicki Milis, Christina Watson, Ross Whaley, Bill Wonnacott and George Wood. University President W. C. Winegard welcomed the students and donors to the awards presentation and said, "Your off er of scholarships is gratifying and appreciated by the University." seller V)iane Hoxartb. 2. P. Sirizzotti, Oshawa, no. 11011, seller Doug Delaney. 3. Day Farrow, Newtonville, no. 4626, seller Vic Garrod. 4. Jim Cuîîliîî, Buwmîanville, nu. 7694, seller Darla Reid. 5. Janet Stephens, Bowmanville, 6217, seller Ab Mavîn. 6. Bill Mairs, Bowmanville, no. 4539, seller Bilil Mairs. 7. Wayne Terrion, Peterborough, no. 1235, seller Doug Delaney. 8. Jean Leddy, Oshawa, no 4791, seller Cliff Leddy. 9. W Foster, Newton- ville, nio. 4326i, seller akeman. 10. Geo. A. Hopr Osbawa, 1122, seller G. Renidal. il. Bob Payne, Osbawa, no. 5473, seller H. Kirtley. 12. Neil McPhaden, Brooklila, 10300, seller Eric Hodgson. Ten l6mm films concerning the issues around non-medical use of drugs are now available for free loan to tbe general public. They are presented by the Hlealtb Protection Brancb of Healtb and Welfare Can- ada, and are heing- distributed by tbe National Film Board. The theme of this collection of films is "No Easy Answers". For information on these ten titles, or to book thema for your use, contact the NFB at 1 Lombard Street, Toronto. More than forty different l6mm color and sound films sbowing travel attractions in Canada are now available free to tbe general public from the National Film Board. Obtain- able in Englisb or Frencb, these films show botb the tradïtional and the unusual in Canadian travel. There are films from every province and territory, for every s'eason, and for alI age groups. Sailing in Newfoundland, Diving in Nova Scotia, Skiing in Quebec, Fisbing in Saskatchewan. arnd flying over Vancouver Island are some examples of the films available. Contact the NFB on 1 Lombard Street in Toronto for information. A former cbildren's librar- ian at the Witby Public Library, Mrs. Nellie Allice Fowler died 1bursday, Dec. 13, 1973 at the Dr. J. O. Ruddy General Hospital, Xxiby. She lived at 418 King St. Witby. She was the daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. George Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fowler for many years were owners of a men's wear clothing store on Brock St. S., Witby. She was a member of St. Mark's United Cburcb, and a member of the United Church Womea lan ber youth she was active in cburch work in Callandar, Ont., wbere ber father, Rev. Dr. George Hurst was minister of tbe United Churcb. She was a member of tbe Witby Garden Club, a ReHOBOTH Christian Reformeci Church Scugog Street Phone 623-4824 11ev. Anthony I)eJager SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 p.m. Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunda> 10:30 am NATIVITY, ASTRONOMY, EPIPHANY BAH! HUMBUG! No one can really blame Ebenezer Scrooge for his attitude. Our Cbristmas certainly is more commercial than even he would think possible. And when you add to the commercialismn the facts that: (1) We really don't know the date of the birth of Jesus the Christ. (2) That the Christmas Festive season is really a take-over from a feast of a pagan sun-god, and that (3) tbe introduction of Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas) in the middle ages has confused the issue even more! It's not bard to see how people can say BAH!,- HUMBUG! But flot everyone bas that attitude. The hope of Christmas bas lasted! Christmas has stood the test of time, unbelief, ridicule,. misuse, commercialism, and tbe addition of folk-lore and people stili gather around the cradie of straw, the cradie of a Herod sougbt to destroy bimi. to seek biini out and kili bim; as people today seek to belittle and destroy, to kill, a belief in Himý But the shepherds left their flocks to seek him in a stable. The wise men left the east, and risked their reputations to seek him in a far land. And people today still look for the forgiveness, the peace, tbe joy, the glory, that His birth promised. As it said on a poster 1 saw last week: WISE MEN STILL SEEK JESUS. HAVE 'YOU? Rev. Tom Gracie member of Whitby Arts Incor- porated, and a member of the Dr. J. O. Ruddy General Hospital Women's Auxiliary. Miss Erin Nicks of, Bow- manville and Miss Becky Vos, Whibby, entertained the Osh- awa Rotarians at their lunch- eon meeting at the Genosha Hotel on Monda with several vocal solos and duets. They accompanied themnselves on guitars. Erin is a member of the Oshawa Junior Festival Singers and will be a guest soloist with this choir at Rossland Road Methodist Churcb Christmas service on Sunday. Award Contract For 4 Ceil Blocks At Wavrkworth Pen Additions to four celi blocks at the Warkworth, Ontario, penal institution are to be built under a $119,537 contract awarded to Miron-Wiggers Construction Lbd., of Trenton, Ontario, Public Works Minis- ter J. E., Dube announced today. The contractor submitted tbe 'only tender received in response tb public adverbise- ment. Departmental officials ruled that bis bid met contrac- tual specifications. The new additions are to serve as meeting and lecture rooms. Undertaken at tbe request of the Canadian Peni- tentiary Services, a Branch of the Solicitor General's De- partment, the work is sched- uled for completion in late May 1974. Plans and specifications were prepared by tbe Ontario regional office of the federal Department of Public Works in Toronto. Projeet Manager is Charles Bantin of that office. GALLUP POLL RE SULTS A Gallup polî released December 12, showed the Liberals witb 43 percent of the popular vote, thbe Conserva- tives wibh 33 percent and the N.D.P. with 18 percent. This differs signifîcan tly from Oct- ober when the poIls showed the Liberals at 35 percent, the Conservatives at 35 percent and the N.D.P. aI 20 percent. STUDENT LOANS Finance Minister John N. Turner announced that loans totalling $106,627,593 to 122,396 students were authorized un- der the Canada Student Loans Plan during the year July 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973. UNEMPLOYMENT DOWN The seasonally adjusted unemploymnent rate for Nov- ember was 5.6 percent, down fromn 5.8 percent recorded for October. Merry SChristmas and We'd like to say ithanks ta each of our patrons; have a agood ysarl SWe would also l ike to add our ip rayer that 1974 brings peace to the whole world. STHE BOBETTE SALON 0F BEAUTY 57 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE FANIILY ALLOWANCES The House of Commons gave final approval to a Bill to increase Family Allowances to an average of $20 per month, per child. starting January 1974. This is ,part of Health Minister Lalonde's total package to revamp Canada's Social Security sys- tem. eitems 0of fný;terest Phone.623-3303 We can t think ? of anyone we'd ï: rather greet than you. our patron! vHere's hoping ~ your holiday sea- Sson isjoyful ~MYLES ?ý RADIO -TV *1 SERVICE Silver Street ~,Bowmanville Chairman: The Honourable Mr. Justice Hugh F. Gibson Ne wcaistie Woman Hits Jackpo t Bowmanvitte Legion Hall was apprprately decorated for the Xmas Dance, Dec. 15, wvhen a very enjoyable even- ing was spent to the music of the Silhouettes. The first 'spot dance was won by Mr. and Mrs. Llew Burton, Bowmanvîlle, and tbe 2nd spot by Mr. and Mrs. G. McDonald, Newcastle. Mrs. McDonatd was on a winning streak and also won the lst. door prize. Mrs. R. Opoka, Orono, won bbc 2nd. door prize. HUMAN RIGHTS Minister of Justice, Otto Lang announced December 10, Cabinet approvat for a Commission on Human Rigbts and Interests. The Commis- sion would act as an Ombuds- man and tribunal to proteet individuals against discrimin- ation and would promobe research and public education in relation to human rights. CANADA AIRPORT INQUIRY COMMISSION CO ,MMISSION D'ENQUE TE SUR L'AÉROPORT, TAKE NOTICE that hv Order in Councij P.C., 1973-3026 dated Sth October, 1973, the Government of Canada established the Airport Inquiry Commission to inquire into and report upon the air transportation needs of the central Ontario market. The Commission has opened its office ai Suite 54(01I. 54th 1loor of the For-onto Dominion !Bank Tower. TForonto- Dominion (Centr-e. in the City of Tor-onto. T-he mannei- in which the Commission will conduct this Inquir-y may be biriefly ,stated as follows: 1. The (iovernment of Canada will file a sUmmar- of ail r-elevant factor-s. with ,uppor-ting documents. which the Gover-n- ment consider-ed in r-eaching lis decisions that the transpor-tation needs ofthe centr-al Ontario mar-ket r-equir-e that ther-e be established another- Inter-national Air-poi in addition to the exi.sting'lTor()ntoI nti-- national Alirpoi. Malton, and that the location of the new Inter-national Air-poi be at a site near- Picker-ing, Ontaio. 2. The Government of Canada docu- ments so filed will be available for- inspection by any member- of the public ai the office of the Commission. 3. AIl per-sons. including witnesses for- the Gover-nment of Canada. who wish to appear- befor-e the C ommission ai any Public Hear-ing will be r-eqiried bo file at the Commission's office a full written statement of the evidence which they pr-opose 10 adduce befor)ie the Com- mission. Personnel will be available at the Commission«s office to guide.members of the public who wish assistance with the preparation of the written statement of their proposed evidence. 4. Ail written statements of evidence wilI be available for inspection at the Commis- sion's office by any member of the public in Advance of any Public H-earing at which such evidence wiil be introduced before the Commission. 5. The Commission has established a Practice and Procedure for the or derlv conduct of the I niquiry. Copies, are avait- able at the Commissýion'.., office fice of, charge or will be mailed to any interested person upon request. This Practice and Procedure has been framied with a view that ail persons wilî have the opportuniity before any Publie H earing Io know the nature of the ev- idence that will be submitted to the Com- mission at each Public H-earinig. 6. There will be a public Organizational Meeting before the Public Hearings commence relating t0 the mariner of conducting such Public Hearings. Notice of the lime and place of the Organiza- tional Meeting will be given by notice published ?n newspapers serving the central Ontario market. 7. Public Hearings will take place fromr lime to li me and the date and place of each Hearing will bc given 10 the public in advance by notices published in news- papers serving the central Ontario market. General Counsel: Ralph S. Mc( reath, Q.C. Registrar-Administrator: J. W. N. Delorme, Esq. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner who celebrated their 501h. Wedding Anniversary on Sun. Dec. 16, with a ,family dinner party given by theirdaughter, Mrs. Ross Sharp and their son Lloyd Skinner, held at the latter's home in Tyrone. Mrs. Rupert Byers attended a baby shower in Port Perry for ber great grand-daugbter Tonya Gale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard given by Pat Adderby. Tonya Gale is tbe granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forder and'Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dayes, Christine, Stewart and Julie, Brooklin and Mr. and Mrs. Berwin'Adams, Oshawa were Sunday evening dinner guests The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1973 LIP PROJECTS proved, creating 9,120 jobs. 1,142 projects under the Federal contributions to LIP federal government's Local to date total $23,7 million. initiatives Program were ap- SMay the blessings Sof the Christmaxs season be yours. Greetings from M ARIAN - DOROTHY - CINDY SChilds' Ladies' Wear 35 KING. WEST BOWMANVILLE M % 1 M ..rnayyourholi day elebatio be ille wit th M1 gaiey an hapines o thesea son. Thnsfryurptoae MANAEMEN ANDSTAF Alex mûrego Dru4 MANAGEMENTT ANDOSTAFFLL Z9 Alx creorDug KING WEST - BOWMANVILLE 174 Ail inquiries and communications with the Commission or Commissioners should be' addressed to the Registrar-Administrator at the Commission's office. P.O. Box 170, Suite 5401, Toronto Dominion Bank Tower, Toronto-Dominion Centre, Toronto, Ontario MSK MH (416) 369-3881