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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1973, p. 15

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The Canadian "Statesmnan, Bàwmanville, Dec. 26j 1973 :ric Dci Qton On January , -fDV.Aington becomes part of the Municipality of Newcastle and these memnbers of the township' cuclxiirteorjin the new local government. This photo was taken during their Decemýber met ing t!î tp-eceded the elosing banquet last Wednesday. Memnbers include, from left to right, Cle-Adîr>nî3trtoî alter Rundie, Councillor Don Wearn, elected as a Councillor of the new municilpa it, Depty-eve ruce Tink who was elected to a region council post, Reeve Garnet Rickard who becoes max o of thenew mun-tiiicipaïlity, Councillors Tom Baker and Grahal als wîsbh er bomne town flolks and Win Pes nDykstra's Food Market Draw Il dtl llIsaia h otHer enid of 11e ine a very Mer-hrisimas anidftbe best eler in1974. lmuosi o0 behd tbeir cbiristmnas P)ar titeCommilunity H1all withconvvialty, umor, - dancing, t, some food ____ /~t (diets youknw and Santa. Anyone wistbing news pub- lished canwrt or print it bel ore Sun. igblt or before mail lime on Mýond(ay a.m. on plain paper and 1 shial. enclose addi(ru'ss is large whbite bouse oni east sid, tnortb of bend in ,~ '4-4 cntre of our bamiet on 4Scuigog Fload. Tbanks. ,other, the youngest grandchild of Penny Fairbrother sits in 'illage of Noelville, trying to guess just what Santa has left for ýas created by Mrs. Fairbrother 3.5 years ago. The family Sdays of Christmas, and on January the 6th will hold a mmining party for their close friends and family, during which carefully disniantled and stored for another year. Photo by Joainne Shewchuk ýeath. her gai]) ýe, stands the tiný borate village oi complete witf iurch, hotel, saN a jail. The scen( ntery day, and ir eas the farmnerý ome for the barr horse draws hih the day to thE rîch mia's housE verlooks the tiný earth fires burr ryv house. Snlow 'iniature trair ed in the centre , passengers anc ibout, unable tc iicemnan directs ,fromn the con ther part of towr )y an icy ponc ýge. ,vn carniages tra- 1roads, while ir reminded of our ýs as a tow truck bled car to thE In the centre, a scene brings thE 1Christmas tc ith Penny Fair- et ber husband Thomas, were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fairbrotber Jr. and grandchildren Wayne, Brian. Brenda and Ln on Sunda. -eceniber -id Peinny Fairbrother explain- ed the history of the villag>e. Shie bad initiatLed the poet3 years ago and 1in] fact Imany of the buildinigs in this intricate setting are over 30 years ohd. During the depressioni vears First may we remember our sick and sorrowing folk.s. Our hearts are bleeding 100 as we grieve withthe sorrow- ing family of the ale Johin lWerry ofSolina in bis shock- ing and tragic deatbh ast week. We say sincere sympatby 10 John's mother, sister anid three brothers and ibieir families in their great loss of a beloved son and brother. The ale James Smiales, a once neighboring lad, thien of Oshawa whose sudden death leaves a sorrowing, orphaned young famihy, as their mother passed away a few years ago 100. May God guide and guard you is our sincerest wvishi. Our ilh folks, Mrs. Wayne Beckett, Mr. Rov McGill, AÈL stand on the threshold of a New Year od to pause and express Our apprecia- thlose whose friendship and pleasant is we enjoy in the course of business. r sîncere wish that the New Year will you f ullI measure of health, prosperity Sincerely, Claud/e and Staff SFood Market MWMANVILLE she used a sheet for the base and famshioned the buildings from m Iatchboxes. [Hersoni Thmsrecalled wheni he had purc-hasEàdthe arger tr-ees loi, the scenle in 1940. Mrs. Fa irbrothler welçomecs visitors and in fatishaired Iher Christmas scenle witb 7ýý people last year, including a school class. Mrs. RussehI Griffin are freed from biospital care 10 con- valesce at Iheir'bomes. Watcb youri step Pal, take il easy until spring seeding Roy, and rest Up f or, your surgery in 1974 Loti is our free advice,. Vve are bappy 10 hearn an ohdl Enniskihlen boy Rev. Milton Sanderson, Toronto, is in good repair again. Besides tbe many and varied church centred activi- lies we wouhd hike to turn the spot light briefhy, on ant important event at our- "red scbooh bouse'. Ehemoenary Sehool Grades Kindergarten '10 Grade Six wilh a staff of 12 teachers, tbree part lime speciahists, one secretary, one custodian and assistant viz: Kindergarlen, Mrs. Phylhis Barr; Gr. 1, Mrs. Margaret Snowden, Gr. 2, Mrs. Pat Bahsam. Gr. 2 and 3, Miss Suzanne Grant; Gr. 3 and 4, M\rs. Vera Drew, Gr. -4 and 5. Mrs. Eiheen Burgess, Gr. 5, Mrs. Hlerbert Berry, Gr. 5 and 6, Mr. Larry Rogers, Gr. 6 and( librarian. Mr. Dennis Barry. Gr. 6; Principal Mr. Bruce Lusb, Music Supervisor Mr. Johin Butler, Remedial Read- ing, Mrs. A. Ros;evear, Speech Mrs. S. Morrison, Secretary Mrs. Reva Kinsmnan, Custod- iani and Assistant Mr. Harold Ashton and Mrs. Ruth Nielsen. Mucb credit is due 10 Ibis capable1 staff and enrolment of 275 most apt pupils wbo entertained an audience of 500 (capacity filhed auditorium) parents, grandparents etc. in spite of a fierce storm lasI Thursday evening (with ground crew,ý of Mr. L. Beecb Co. partiahly controllîng the weather by keeping the drive- way dlean).'Cherie Madill Gr.' 5, designed an attractive cover for the programs. The concert (a second annual> opened witb 1. O Canada, 2. a play "Trouble in Toyland" was presented byý gradles Kindergarten 10 Gr. 4, trainied by Ibeir respecctivýe teachers witb main characlers: Trol'u- hIe Darry,ýl Vaneyk, Jack-in- tte Box' Johin Pniiauskas, Santa Claus George Svetec, Clowýn David Juk,-es, French Dohl Sharoni Dean, Auint Dînab Sheliey Greenley. G;r. 6; (who deserves speciai menition as she was requested b o"pinchl bit" at the very hast moment and did an excellent Job) in repliicinig Jackie Vanesse who) was uinable to attend, Cowboy, Darryl Gýlaspeh, Inldian Boy Russell Scott, Bride Doil Joannie Sucee Captaiî of thie Sdiers Donny'ý-King. Elve& Mark Henderson, Billy Burcb, Jay Swe, RoiL,"rt Pow.ell, NE WTON VILLE Mr, and Mrs. Keitb Burley and farnily, of Waterloo, were supper guests, Tuesday, witb Mrs. AnsBurhey. To groups of pupils from. our, local scbooh were busy singing Cbrhýistrnas carols, f rom cdoo- to door. Thursday afternoon, ini spite (if the inclement eabe. rades 5 and 6 were accomnpanied by tbeir teacher, '%r. aDnl and Grad(es -7 and 8, 1by vMrs. Diane R'owe. ifts of a band paintedCistmias card, andl( a parcel 0of bome-mnade cookies were rcivdand mucb appreciated especiahhy \Owie i lieweatbier -wisso col- ànid stormy \. We wanl 10 express our tbanjjks again 10 )ail l-those bielpinig witbi sucb an. enjo)y- able Cbristmas surprise. Rex'. andi( Mrs. T. Smith, Newcaistle,, Mr's. Bea Joncs and Rev . 'T. Snelgrove were Frjia spergesswitb MN'r. anid Mlrs.'C. Ni. Jones. Mir. and Mýrs. Hlarry Love of Owen iiSound were callers, Satuirday, wýitb Mr. and Mrs. C.1 H,ý. Love ad wihhbe back 10 spend Chrisîmnas witb tbem. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boug- In the aniual Christmas 'Draw conducted by Dykstra's Food Market, theqe two ladic7s w-ýe - the lucky inners. Mrs. Alice Mulder, left, 34 King St. East was the wînrw r of the wali clock and Mrs. Ruth Girardi, Par-kw'ay Cresce-nt wvon aO Free Stamps. The Dykstra brothers, Bob and Claude were delijgh*v wîI the large number of customers who participated in tmis year's drw n whd the winners every happiness with their prizes. Grant Ashton,(n ' hk Chairkc Claspc-lh i& kr Billv NMcQuaid i' nJb stonicbe 1.3S'eto on Ru('edes biC tai by Mr.,ensBrr'.4iw rpecil ars Ch h i L' bG belleaCrnrdc, " his masireey of an1,'xndorp Crs. i c tî îcp;trîg recited 'Paiicoi r. d î 1. Berry trained Cv. and pupils foi, soeheto o vro ers.8.Aeno hiCin' 6 (by the a ldoucth group pictuv o t1, han rapher as ýibe itîi e week'? sangix fxrt Christmas cavols uidv Mr M. Snowden iîeil vî Butter afth pan<. 1' climax t0a wne aI ne laimcènt ah' izýudv son ue made the 'rlcr igin singing fa chorae of CI iso songs. S anSicsen (5 exlended te apicîat'ion of pupils andsafba get audience adaddbe t wisbes forw ritnasai '?h Ne ' Year noter irs ithe educationl lel i1r1, tc for E..cbiool. now to the s pirtalxcetc day a.msriclutioe 0 and ilsmn ay igbgt viz. aadeiaoner mothier, bchl r s Tay OlrofEnîd. ar oulside ~csa eia lî'om ouir pulpit. th) Rev. L. Bighv s sermon "Savior: King and Lord" was appealing and inic cedng nd 10 say the eas) vmas excellent spiritual food. Ile said -Jesus camne as mari" (1) (0 save individuals anid nations wben tbey wýere losýing the battle (2) bo reign as t!Ie aîînointcd one- Prince of Peace -(3) no cross, no Christmas, as the cross' sbadow bovcred over botb. (4) Came to ruhle.ihout force but as a tiny babe and in conclusion our minister's re- quest was to bced the Angels v ords antd let Jesus be our Saviour. King and Ruhler. The Childîco's Story, one of the naîîy legends used in Advent season, "The Legend of the Poinsettia" also printed by our mninister in the Sun. bulletin (c) The choirs excell- cd (as usuah) under Iheir leader as the'Jr. choir sang "Ssieet Jesus in a Manýtiger" wîlb a trio part by Donald Rosx an.( Carl Chambers and Paul Biby A second number asgi\ven by Allan Ashton wbo surely ývied iwitb Marion Anderson,'s fameud contralto in bis "spchýl binding"' rendition of Jesu Babino'lTe Sr-, corpcrbaps a webit oversbadowýed, nevertbeless augcnedthe service wilh their musical message in the Antbfem '"Neyer Shonie Lîghit So Fair". (d) The Little Messengers' Croup represent- cd by one membifer Brenda StaintÏon presenled their an- nualmoy gift 1to M. and &. treaýsurer M 'rs. L. Wearn wbicb wal\,s dedicated by Rev. Big2bI\wicb incidenitally is 'Osflb rs. E. WVrighit's sle of Chrîlsîmias cards etc. asitdby\ Messengers' lead- crs esdmesShirley Stain- ton an1IfIEleanor Werry t(e) A plesan srprsewas'a brief spy ec yout missed 'youir real c mhngi life ay) by the Sr. Co i rs President MNIr. 1-ay l~ion as be adequately h dd"tanks" 10 a welh deserving direclor of choirs and organist Mrs. Uldhl Chîam- bers for ber faitbful and untiring efforts presenting bier witb a ovely potled plant and gifl certificate on bebaîf of the congregation. An o ver come lady became suff icienly c-omposes Io10expre(-ss ber feeIilgs in brief. 1b» The usuial S.S,. session wýas rephacedl by a fine program organizesi by our capable Supt. Mrs. Ella Bo)w- man with music on piano by Mrs. Chbambers and guilar byý Mr. Fric Bowman. The CI)rislt- m as story was read from thie Bible by Joyce Chambers and Scott Werry interspersed witb a -sing-song of appropriate carols. Mesdames G;alds Ashton.and Diane Werry operators ofprojectorý and brand new record phayer showed the cohored film strip) "'The Other Wise Man" byv Henry Vandyke proxlided by kinciness of Rex'. Bigby wbere Artaban plays tbc vole of the unfortunale fourbb Wiseý Man. (g) Mrs. Bowman read a letter of appreciation fromn our lad ',Henry" 10 wboseuner sity educalion we are g-iving financial aid. (g) Chisîmas Eve's special service for botb points on our Pastoral Charge was ahIthal could be deswýiredin ils "Carols and Nine Lessons" at 7:30 mwi th our iniister-'s vivid and clear exp)lanation compemeledby in wn choirs in Ibeir leadership of musical praise. The commun- ily enjoyed the serenade of carolling by, the Young Adits' Croup witii donations 10 sup- plement our M. andi S. Fund. Even bbc "weaitbiermanii" was cooperative. Among many family galber- ings wbich we regret cannot be reported now as our correspondent is in pain and bednidden so please und,(er- stand andi forgive. Our poor attempt 1o suipply for be r s onhy 10 keep bier unwornied aI this tiîe. On bler bebalf we Owvn Wondrous C hien and Rev. Snelgrove at- tended the enjoyable Christ- mas concert at Kendal, Satur- day evening. Otur minister's Sunday mor- ning topic was "The Glad News", heralding the arrivai of the "Light of the World", which is stili burning every- where, even in darkness! The choir's anthem was "O, Holy Night", with Vicki and Michel- line Har-ris taking the verses, Flowers at the altar were in memory of the late Alice Hallowell, whose funeral took place on Friday. Sunday visitors with Mýrs. A. Burley included Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Hlarold Burley and Doug, Bridgenorth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tufford, Port lope, and M,\r. Gerald Zealand, Eliz- abethville. Withi Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie on Sunday were Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Clark, Kincar- dine, MIr. and Mrs. Pat ,MacDonald and Chad, Osh- awMr. Bill Gilmner, Lind- say, Mliss Jennifer McGîll of Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Merrill of Whiitbyv were*èallers Suiùdjy with Mrs. Bea Jones. Mr. and Mlrs. WV. Boughien, were supper guests, Sunday with M0r. and Mrs. Ted Boughen, 01rono. With Mr. and Mlrs. F. GWier, Sunday, visitors were Mr. Ed Majer, Newcastle, Mr. and IMrs. Raymiond Gilmner, Steven and David, Islington, and Mrs. Lena Grahami of Newcastle. A numnber of local people attended the Christmas skat- ing party at the Orono rink, Sunday afternoon, enjoying the figure skating, etc. and of course seeing jol ly old Sauta distributing g ifîs for ahl the children. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones, Doug and Diane of Edmonton, arrived here Sunday evening to spend the holidays. Have jusl received word Ihat our local moron, of low mentality, has stolen. our Union Jack Flag again. This was a new one , kindness of the Bowmanville Legion, and any- one 'ross it or having any information regardi ng it, please let us kniow. Remem ber our Congrega- tional Pot Luck dinner next Sunday, Dec. 30 at 12:30 p.m. Newtonville Wonen's Institute Newtonville Womnen's Inst- itute met at the home of Mrs. p,1orence Ferguson, Nevw- castie, for their Christmas meeting, opening with the singing of -the Ode, f ollowed bly" the Mary Stewart Collect, Financial report was given and correspondence read, in- cluding a note of thanks from;i the Golden Plougb Lo9dge Training Sehools, "Cottonsý May Be Smart",' will be bl in Orono, Jan. 16 a nd 17-1whi ch Olive Henderson agreed to attend at least one day tkn someone with hier. A member who basmoe away is to be sent an Institte spoon and gifts of plants are to be given a numnber ofshti. The Federated Womnen's Mag-ý azine is to be ordered. Gladys Wood presentedte program opening witb poemi, -Christmas Memnories" and Bea Jones gave the motto, -Try to find anot ber interestý other than your daily work" , closing with the verse, "Tis not Just for Chrýistma-ls", An Hughes reported on the seCo-nd day's course, "Baked ina Pie". A Pot Luck dinner is to Tbe held in Morrish Sunday Sho early in January and anyone1z wanting to go is asked to 1e1C Olive Henderson know by JAn. lst Madeline Buckley dec- monstrated making a Christ- mas bow, and Florence Fr guson read "The Legend of th Christmas Carols". Aý number of' Carols were sung with Terry Dawson at the piano after which Bea Jones acted as Santagiving out gifts for al] from the attractively trimmed tree. Roll caîl "A museum i 1bave visited since hast yearý"mwas answered by the twenty-five membersan four visitors present floe by lunch and a socialtie Appreciation was expressed to the hostess for ber hospitai ity to Terry Dawson for bis playing and to Inez Boughen,. the occasion Ktiing ýher 15bh Wedding Anniversary. ,'The profit share of Neu National Income could grow as corporations make addi- tional expenditures on re- search and dlevelopment _acti vities to discover new, mr profitable investment o)ppo- tunities, to increase the pro- ductivity of capital, adt devehop new markets, botb; nationally andineatonl, while at the saine m ensuring the most efficient us of capital at present in! place," the Commercial Lettýý cn- cludes. ENNISKILLEN -~ WyLi-a

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