OnIy Seconds fa Spore for Mother 'and Four Children N arrow Ecape hn Car St'ails Mrs. Peter Sikma and her four children had a narrowi escape from deafh on Monday affernoon when their car stalled on the CNR fracks, east of Newcast le, and was demolished by a fast-moving westbound Rapido train. The Sikmas live on a farm, just east and north of the level crossing. 'When the car sta lIed, almost immediately the warning lights flashed fo indicate a train was commng. Mrs. Sikma wasted no time in VOLUME liq 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, V frying le start the vehicle. Sh e urged the chitdren to leave the car as rapidly as possible., They al scrambled ouf and seconds later, fhe Rapido tilt their car, smashîngif into at Ieast three sections. The Sikmas were so close to fhe tracks that two of the children were cuf by flying glass. OPP Consfable Jim Schultz investîgafed. The Rapido was allowed to proceed affer the investigation was completed. VEDNESDAY, DEC. 26, 1973 15e Per Copy NUMBER 52 $10, 000 Fiore Sp oils Christasat One section of the wrecke d Sikma vehicle is now resting in their orchard Freeze Ail Development in Cobourg Until June of '74 areas in xxich limited deve- lopment may take place. One of the major factors wbîch will be studied is the limitation of the toxins sewage- disposai plant. At the moment thie lant is quite capable of han dlng the irnmediate needs of the town but any large developments particularly in A sixý montb freeze on ail commercial and residential devlomet within the town, iNhich have not received town applroval, was imposed by Cobourg 1town council, Tues- dayDeceber18. The freeze "diIxbeteffective until dune, 1974. The moionmi ii be subject to apoicy!-r,\iewý within the next 30 ýdays xxhen liit ed develop- ment may be permitted for specificlly deined areas of As a resuît (of conisiderable j deelomentplanedfor, the town lit ,vilil beome neceýssary, to extend or enlarge the essential srvce ewage treatmunt, wter tetment- roads, et i,)toaccommliodate olver the next 3)0 dayýs 1to prepare a report dcl iIn'g $1,000 Dam-age Xmas Morning ACi accidentCrua s morîngreslteminan esti- mate $100 daage o the car nvoled.The accjident occurred at 1:35 a.m. on Wavry\ Rioad at tbý le ,corner of, Martin Road( Police reporfed that a car driven by- Arthuir Brayley, 24 Albert SreBowmanville. was heading Souith on Waverly Road when it slid through the guardrail into ithe ditch. Constable D). McFeeters investigated thie accident. the eastern section cnuld place ton heavv a burden on prcscnt tacilities. .Tbe freeze is ont intended tu hinder such ty pes ut' detop- ment as expansion otf build- ings, single tamily dxiellings and additions. if is basicallv aimed af dcx elopmnents ox er 10 units. Regional Councîl Rejects CUPE Bld A request to become exclu- sive bargaining agents for Durham region emplovees xias rejected by regional ounicil Wednesdav i Dec. 19) T'he request was made by a Canaian Uni on niPuli But ounlcil did inot recog nîize CUPE sbar-gainînIg agenýtfor, its oxîni people. and aigenll-ýtsi-for eil members were tranisferrred to the region. Unorganized employ- ees could choose any, union or non union. CUPE council president, John Auch, 'Oshawa, said he xas not really satisfied be- cause CUPE had failed to get full recognition. He tbought the union would meet soon with, councils executive committee, who were cbarged witb responsi- bility for obtaînîng, studving and recommending on al contracts of empînyees who might be employed in Durham. Coun. Keîth Rnss (Oshaxia, intrnduced a tbree part motionn thïat recognized CUPE, recng nîzed other unions comîng i, and said unorganized (reg- înna empnyce xxithin the accordace w îh thc abour lie argued if CUPE wasn't recognized foir the unnrgan- iLed tbe union xoutd have to go> tbrougb a cnmplicated and time-cnnsuming procedure to achiexe its, end, and at the samne time there xouldnt be any easement nf present em plosee dissatîsfactionn Many counicillnrs disagreed, saving the 300) unorganized shoutd bave a say in ,xhich uînion they belnnged to and il \vas the prerogatîx e nf the reginnal emplox ce tn tel counceil hnxx they xanted tn be recngnized. Other members said they couldnt xvote on the resolution because thex didn't knoxx the tacts. Fireman Has a Few Anxious Moments Fireman Bpb Smith, somewhiat bleary eyed, had a few anxious moments during the Luxton house fire on Christmas eve. He and other firemen had Ved smoke masks and were in the building searching to make certain eS,,.y on e ha d 'left the building and also trying to locate the main source of the f ire, when he ran out of air and for a moment was unable to locate the stairway out of the basement, H1e is shown here being assisted as he removed the eqipment. $4100 Damage To Three Cars An estîmatcd $4111 damage wxas donc lu îhre cars inxlxed irn an accident carîx Sundax. v December 23. The accident nccurred aI 2:00 a.m. on the corners of Church and George Street. Police repuî'tcd that a car di iven bx Michael Gibson,,1t9 \(înquun Rd., Oshawia, xas hcading wxest un Church Street and struck the rear of a car nxxnecd bx Wavburn Adanms, 98 Cburch St. 'Fhi Adams xehicle xxas toi ced into anoîher vehi- cle oxxned by John Huggins. 2110) Keele St., Toronto. tîuth the Adams and Hug- gins vehicles xere parked at the ime uftIhe accident. The drixver nf the car i cccixcd ruts and bruises in the crash. The ,accidentxxaivstia cd bx (onstale -L: iad A fire at about Il p.m. on Christmas Eve did an estimated $10,000 dam- age to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy ,"Lucky" Luxton, 75 Hunt St., completely spoiling a party being held by the family and friends. As yet, no cause of the blaze has been determined, but it is believed it started in the basement where most of the damage occurred, other than from dense smoke that- filled the entire bungalow. No one was injured. Firemen, in, tsmoke masks searched through the building before turning on the hoses to make certain every one biad left the bouse. At 4 : v)(Christnmas nîoî'nin'g, tiii een n cie called (to the home of' Mi. and "%Is. Eric Johnson., 161 l.ibeiîtý t. nlîeie sîîoke Nas pourniug out of, fil(.oven. \pparently the C'hristmas turke ' v as beiiîg Coo(kted ox ernight, anîd sonie of th1e fat had m'on ox er and caught ire. No (aniage Xi as' üaUsed but thic kitchen %%as llled w hlî moke.'ou tanit beatsmokd tukexfoi, din- 47 BITS wPIECES i AMNESTY WEEK - It will be Anmesty Week from January 4 to il at Memnorial Library when people who have books that are overdue will be able to return thero without fines. Please check to make certain any library books you might have are returned promptly. Incidentally, the library has in circulation more than 100 new books, purchased with a grant from the Rotary Club with the wel kpown tities for junior and aduit readers. On Dec. Q,9th at 1 p. m. there will be a special film showing at the Library, courtesy the Kiwanisý Club. The library will be closed from Dec. 3lst to Jan. 2nd inclusive. CHANGEABLE - Mother Nature, just can't make up her mind. Monday night it was nearly zero with the thermometer jumping to the near 40s on Christmas Day,,accomipaniied by quite a bit of ramn that left ice-covered roads and drive- ways mighty slippery. REAL MERRY CHRISTMAS - The Murray Cain family on George Street had the nicest present anyone could imagine. Mrs. Kay Cain feil down the cellar steps almost a year ago and has been in hospital ever since. Recently, she has shown signs of regaining the use of her arms and has been sitting out in a wheel chair. She came home in an ambulance for Christmas wîth her overjoyed family and from ail reports had a wonderful time as you can well imagine. CLOSED FRIDAY - The Statesman office will be closed this Friday as the staff are working today, Boxing Day, finishing up this week's edition. With any kind of luck, your next issue will be produced the day after New Year's but it will bc a bit of a struggle because a couple of staff members are on holidays. Please send any copy or advertisements in as early as possible on Monday. We're stili wondering wberethe postal authorities are hiding one of last week's bags destined for Orono R. R. 1. REPEAT PERFORMANCE - Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his wîfe Margaret have done it again, their second child was born on Christmas Day. Their first, Justin, was born two years ago ... also on Christmas Day. Suppose there's anything significant in that? LIFT EMBARGO - This morning the biggest news is that those blackmailing Arabs have decided to increase oit production and lift the embargo on séveral European nations and .Iapan. The Netherlands and the U.S.A. are still on the banned list because they won't go alongwith a Judas act and turn their backs on Isra et. Who won that war? PARTIES GALORE - Seems a bit early to be mentioning NewYear's Eve but in reality it is coming Up very quickly, next Monday night. There are parties planned ail over the area and this mîght be a good spot to remind everyone to take things easy and don't try to start 1974 by overindulging in alcoholic beverages. You could bring on a shortage of that stuff too like so manyother things. Hlappy New Year! Smoke pours out of Percy Luxton's House on Christmas Eve Merchants ReotE xx ndetulpre 'histminas busines peid xith most nf then I it tilg-thatreceipts wxere up a>, mnuii-h as 20 per cent nx eî 19Î2, There xx ere nn Man (iharged Wiih Failure To Rernain, Police estimated $350 dam- age was dnne tu one nf the x ehîcles invnlved iin an acci- dent Wednesday, Dec. 19. The x ehîcle îs oxined by Graydnn P. Browin. 48 Jackman Road. The accident occurred at 7:aO p.mi on King Street West. The ther xehicle invnlxed, drixen by Allan A. Sparroxv R. R.6, Bnwmnanx ic Y xxas damaged tn the extent of $250. Police reported that the Sparnxx vehicle camne out of a lanexiay and struck the Brown xehicie xhich was parked at the lime. Sparroxi bas been charged xith failing fo remain at the scene of the accident under the Criminal Code. and t hexere o!ing 'lhei' uîm111t)tuietrid of il on bulh sinaîtitmsand the larger appliances as xxeli as nîber expensix e puirchases. The dav betore C'hristmas, business lhroughout the shop- ping section reachedý an ail- tîme high as custumers pack- ed almust every store, trying lu pick up those lasf minute purchases they suddenly remembered. At the moment, many store- keepers are celebrating a xx cl earned rest un Boxing Day as they expecl to be busy foi' the next week- or su, xith the cusîomarv excbanges and FILTRATION PLANT OPENING Bowvnîanville's net%, Filtra- tion plant. located on1 East Beach Road iiill hold an Open Itouse on Thursdav of this xieek, I)ec. '27th, fromn 6 to 8 p.i. AU citizens are invited 10 tour this neix facility.ý Xrcelent 1Gr"nt Given KcellentPark Board Si tm as Îln Noon as injreuu ifin noxc xonillor aer accident t inoxxneuttheecrish Ve cuicilme tin T 12d 2 on Mondax, December 24. The Bra orwsauxas crash uccurred on King Street eotdl a enual East at, the corner of Browxn lu stop ami struc-the(i-.arof Str'eet at 5 p7.1 the Cuing 'ei clc Police repurted that a car drixen bv Brad Rundlc,, 47 EstîmatEd aaesxce Thîî'd Street, was stopped to $50010 the Tuttn cicle $500 allow anuthcî' car to turn, to theCnixbce and xxhcn it was struck from $351) ta the BondIe x,ý ehicle, behînd kv a car drîvenby Cî>îslableIa Srthivs- ltarold Cuùnning 100 Libertý gated the acdn UndetiieManqies An unidenlified man dicd in were damaged by smoke and a fiî'e at the Oshawa Motel, water. King Street East, un Christ- The cause of the fire bhas not mas nîght. Boximanville Fire yet been deter-mincd and The Departmenf received ai l-aI Fîre Marsha's ofieand arm ai 10ý20 p.m. and were Newcastle vu.P aein\vesti- assîstcd 0y a unit from gating., Oshawa.,ý The motel is, oxx'ned by Three unifs ni the hotel were Charles Mellon. R.U.4 Osh- destroxed and several more awa. Young Hos pital Patients Show Interest in Gin gerbread House, Life is not too bac iun thie vaeaîatruc Ward of Ivemorial Hospital Efese days betore Chrstmas, wutli gifts being received, including this magnificent Gingerbread House. It was made by Mrs. Garth Gilpin, Parkway Crescent, and presented by her chiidren Bradley, Lesley and Quincey at right while five of the young patients and Candy Stripers Dorothy Visser and Nancy White appear to be fascinated by this work of culinary art.