PROGRESS EDITION - The Canadian Statesman - Wednesday, March 13, 1974 Bowmanville Public Librory, '1 PAGE FIFTEEN There's no problem in Canada that The Other Computer Company can 't cut down to size. A modern and attractive building 'at 62 Temperance Street houses Bowmanviiie's Public Library- a building specificaily designed for this purpose and'opened on Nov- ember 20, 1965. This is 'by no means Bow- manville's first library since libraries inthe toWn date back to 1856 but it is the first instance in which~ the Library has had a building f0 itself. Up f0 this time the'Library had shared quarters In four differ- ent sites. Although over 100 years have passed--the Library finds itself very close to its initial location which was in the. old Town Hall on the corner of Temperance and Church, a site now occupied by the Bell Canada building. in 1888 the Library moved f0 quarters above what is now Lander's Hardware and there it remained until 1904. By this ti me a new town haiJ had been constructed and ifs planning allowNed for libraryspace in the then new building and here if was f0 remain for the next 50 years. In 1957, wifh the firfanciall and physicai assist- ance of the Rotary Club, the Library found new quarters in the old Post Office building which at thaf timestood on the present site of the Bank of Montreai. From there if moved to ifs present location. Physically the building meaSures 60feet by 95feet and provides over 10,000 square feet of useable space on two floors. Besides accommoda- tion for some 100,000 volumes, the building inicludes an audi- torium to seat 200 people, a large work room, furnace room and modern \washroom facilii es. The Library membership in 1973 was approximately 3,000 with a circulation of some 57,000 volumes. There are 22,000 volumes on the shelves but also, the Library has a film service along with the use of a prolector donated by the Kiwanis Club. Frequent art displays are weiI worth public viewing. The Library is in- debted to Mr. Neil Newton for his assistance in, this direction. The building is owned'by the municipality and is rented to the Library Board which is composed for the present of four, appointees with repre- sentation frorn the counicil and operates on a budget of about $28,000 which includes the rentai charge. There are two full time and two part time employeesz. With the formation of the new, municipaiity there will be adjustments in the makeup of the membership of the Board and a re-arra.ngement of finances. However the purpose of the Library and the aim of the Board is to provide the citizens of Bowmanville.and adjoining area reading mater- il not only for pleasure from ifs numerous volumes of fiction but information from its'many books of reterence. Honeywell has a broader range of' computer hardware than any other com- puter company in the business. We"have proven application packages that tailor our computers to yuur business - whether you're in manufacturing. distri- bution, banking, heaith care, education or almost any other field. We have software to help our computer systems solve your business problemrs better, faster and mrore economically. -11 And when it cornes ,,stemIl support. we're not afvai d to let the tail wýag the beaver. We- have a for ce of computer pcals located across ý,the country tat can take good care of your Honleywell comiputer wýherev er you iare. Now, and in the future. Onething Mmre. SIystmsupport. proven application packaýges,, education and basic sftarer aIl included. So when you order a Honeywý,eil com- puter, there's, no w ay you'Illbe biting off more than you can chew,. The Other Computer Company- Honeywell Honeywell Information Sysiems, Dept. 208, 2025 Sheppard Avenue East Willowdale. Ontario Major offices in Montreal - Ottawa - Toronto - Hamilton - London -Wnnipeg- Caigary - dmonton- Vancouver MOVING AHEAD - TRANSPORTINO P RODUCE AND,__ BULK MATERIALS LOCAL and LONG DIISTANCE H.L. WOOD TRANSPORT, Serving rural areas since 1955 del ivering produce and da iry.products. V -u LAKE HURON TO TORONTO- BOWMANVILLE TO TORONTO - BOWMANVILLE TO MONTREAL ALSOTRANSPORTING LIQUID'CALCIUM CHLORIDE IN TANKER AND BULK SALT> IN, DUMP TYPE TRAILERS. HOWARD L. WOOD TiRANSPORT BOWMNV ILLEPHONE 623-3914 LTD. 210 BASELINE EAST BOWMANVILLE