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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1974, p. 11

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SSII The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 20, 197 4 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED STues., 4:30 p.m. BLUNT- Jim and Karen (nee Fiddler), Winnipeg, Man., are pieased ta annaunce the arrivai of their daughter, Arnanda, Jean, 7 lbs., 9 oz., Sunday, March 3, 1974. Praud grandiparents, Frank and Mary Blunt, Bawmanviiie, and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Fiddler of North Battiefard, Sask. Great-g rand mother, Mrs. Edith Hogarth, Hampton. 112-1 s s eff Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Watson are pieased ta an- nounce the forthcoming mar- niage of their daughter Karen Leah, ta Mr. Will1iam Gadf rey, son of Mr.i and Mrs. Roy Godfrey, al of Bowmanviile. The marriage will take place April 20,,1974 at Mapie Grave United Church, Bowmanville. 12-1ix Mr. and Mrs. Horace Vetzai of Caurtice annaunce the farthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter, Deborah Marcia, ta Gerrit, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Van Londen of Bowmanviiie. The marriage ta take place an May 4 at 3:30 p.m. in Caurtice United Church. 12-1 HESKETH - At Riverdale Hospital, Toronto, on Fni., March 15, 1974, Frederick Hesketh, aged 89 years, dear father of George and Cianice. Rested at the Morris Funerai Chapel, BoWmanviile, until Sunday noan. Service was heid in Toronto on Manday at 3 o'ciock. Cremation. 12-1 KERSLAKE- At Memoniai Hospital, Bowmanvite, on Sat., March 16, 1974. B. Maude Short in her 93rd year, wife of the late Frank R. Kersiake. Service was heid in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bawman- ville, on Monday at one o'clack. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 1 12-1 OSBORNE, Hanv ey J. - Suddenly in Port Hope & Dist rict Hospital, March 15, 1 974, Harvey J. Osborne, R. R. XPart Hope, beloved husband ElIva Pearce, dear father of ynand Marion (Mrs. How- ard Moore), brother of Harold and Vilda (Mrs. Brooks Cowan), also survived by three grandchildren. Service was heid alt the Ross Funerai Chapel, Port Hope, Sunday, March 17, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Welcome Church Cemeteny. 12-1 POWELL, Darothy - At Toronto on Friday, March 15, 1974, Dorothy Richards, of 75 Broadway Ave., Toronto, wife of the late Donald A. Powell, sister of Edward, Ronald, Mrs. P. Chant (Joyce) and Mrs. R. Coombes (Wiima), Bawmanviiie. Rested at Northcutt Eiliott Funeral Home. Funeral service was heid 1 'clock Manday aften- noan. Crematian. 12-1 WRIGHT - Osmond. At his home, Blackstack, Ontario, on =udy March 17, 1974, ,sodWright, beloved hus- band of May Farder, dear father of Lulu (Mrs. G. Faint) Burketan, Frank of Owen Sound and Edith (Mrs. W. D. Fairthorne-) Toronto, in his 84th year. Rested at the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry for service on Tues., March 19. Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. 12-1 "F lowers say it Best" DAI LY Deivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanivil1le Area Phone 623-4441 4q-tf BUNDLE buggy, taken by mistake fram IGA Store Monday, March 11. Keepsake. Phone 623-5156. 1 12-1 GERMAN short hair pointer, maie, brown ticked with- white, in Maple Grave area. Phone 623-2042. 12-1 BLACK and white young maie cat. 61 Prospect, 623-7164. 12-1 x Chatran's Men's Wear wilI be ciosed from March 18 - 25 u ié"!sive for holidays, 1ýý 11-2 Dr. A. F. McKenzie wili be on haidays March 23 - March 31 inclusive. The office wiII be open for. injections Tues. and Thurs. 2 - 3 p.m. and 7 - 8 p.m. 12-2 The ladies of Trinity United Church extend sincere thanks to Mrs. Howard Jeffery for the many hours she spent in arranging the World Day of Prayer Services. 12-ix Our robust son has received many delightful and merry remembrances to mark the beginning of his happy life. Donald JIr. gives his hardiest thanks. We are immensely grateful -ta have so many treasured memories, cards and letters in recent months. Lynda and Donald Carmp 12-1 1 would like to say thank you ta relatives and friends' who sent cards, flowers and sup- plied transportation during my stay in Memarial Hospital. Special thanks ta Dr. McKen- zie and ta the nurses on Surgical floar for thei r won- derful care. 1Clintan Farrow 1 would like ta express my sincere thanks ta Mrs. Sloos, Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. McKnight and mem bers of the 4-H Club; alsa my school friends and teachers for the f lowers and cards and visits during my' stay in Memorial Hospital. Special thanks ta Dactor Miklas and nurses on first floar. Michelle Moore 12-1 The family of the late Lily Living wish ta express their sincere thanks ta. friends, neighbors, and the ladies of the.Legion Auxiliary for acts of kindness dur ing their recent bereavement. 12-1 1 would like ta express my sincere thanks' ta relatives, friends, neighbors and the U.C,W. of St. Paul's Church for flawers, gifts and cards sent ta me while in Bowman- ville Hospital. Special thanks ta Drs. Anfassi, Ewert and Cunningham and nurses, on Surgical Floor for their won- derful care. Mrs. Elaine Metcalf 12-ix Our sincere- thanks 4& -the people who supparted aur Community Fair, ta the busi- nessmen Who 50 generously danated door prizes, ta the organizatians participating ta hel-p make aur third annual fair such a success. lst Brawnie and 3rd Guide Mthers Association 12,1 The tamily of the late Donald Hane wish ta express their sincere *thanks and appreciatian ta their relatives, friends and neighbors for their visits, cards, floral tributes and donations. Special thanks ta Captain Hewlett, Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home and the ladies of Memarial Park and Dr. Masienko. 12-lx Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Britnall, Newcastle, wish ta thank family and friends far cards and flawers, especially the doctors and nursing staff of Memorial Haspital Mater- nity flbar, far the excellent care during the birth af 'aur daughteran March 4. .12-1 My thanks ta Dr. Mikios, ta the nurses an the 3rd flbar, Bowmanviile Memoriai Has- CLARK - In laving memory of a dear sister, Lorraine, who passed away March 27, 1967. Just as you were you will always be Treasured forever in aur f memnory. - Ever remembered by sister Irene and family. 12-1 HUGHES - In memary of a dear father and grandfather' Albert Hughes wha passed away March 24, 1949. The gates af memory neyer close Sunshine fades and shadows fall But sweet remembrance autiasts ail. -Lovingiy remembered by daughter Rilda,, grandchiid- ren Lais and Albert. 12-1 MYERS - In laving memory of Vincent Myers, a devoted husband and father Who departed this life suddenly March l9th, 1972. We neyer part with those we lave No distance can divide For every day in memory We still waik side by side. -~ Ever ioved by wife Babs and famiiy. 12-ix Princess Margaret Hospital Open House. Date: March 24, 1974. Time: Buses wiii leave Bowmanviiie at 12:00 p.m. Tours of the research and treatment areas as weii1 as the Lodge will 'be, conducted. Return Fare: Aduits $2.00, Students $1.00. Anyone inter- ested in gaing please cali: Mrs. Connie Kelly 623-7552, Mrs. Joan Mann 623-5174, Mr. Clarence Bell 623-5939.- 12-1 Attention ai First Worid War Veterans, Vimy Night Sat., April 6, 6 p.m. Legian Hall. For information call 623-3609. 12-3 KATHRYN Kuhîman miracle service, Pittsburg. Bus ieav- ing Oshawa March 28, seats are still available. Call 728-9321. 12-1 An informai luncheon meet- ing wiii be heid on Manday, April 1st, 1974, 12 noon, at the Flying Dutchman Motel for the purpose of farming the Newcastle Insurance (Gen- erai) Agents Association, If you are interested in joining please attend. 12-1 The Durham County Miik Producers Annuai Banquet in Bowmanville Trinity Church Wed., April 17, 7 p.m. Whitby Caunty Town Singers. Tickets availabie fram the Miik Com- mittee members or Sec. C. Tamb.lyn, Orono. 1- Dance Sat., March 23, Sauina Hall. Ray Avery's Orchestra. 12-1 St. John's Martha group Rummage Sale, Thursday, April l8th from 5 ta 9 p.m. Friday, April l9th fram 9 ta 12 a.m. Coffee and donuts. 12-1 Durham Central Agricul- tural Society Annuai Banquet, Orono United Church, Wed., Mar. .27, 6:30 p.m. Excellent program;,guest speaker; pic- tonial trip ta England; music- al numbers. Everyanie wel- corne. Beef dinner, $3.50 per plate. Please contact George Carson or Mrs. Raymnond Chapman, Orono. 12-1 pitldad uIo hevlsllU[S wFIO Dance at Solina Carnmunity caiied an me while a patient in HalMr309p..-2 hospitai.HalMr309 . -1 Mrs. Edith (Cecil) Canv4th ridnight; mnusic by Frank 12-1 Barkey; light lunch and priz- _____________________es. Aduits $2 per persan, Manythaks a failyandstudents $1 per persan. Span- relatives, friends and neigh- sare b the EdadSna bauns for gîfts, flowers, cards Scol Fn Raising and visits during rny stay in Cornrittee. 12-2 Bawmanvilie hospital. Thanks Corie ecnay cho Andro Dr. FeguonuandsDr.Drama 'Club presents Anrs an afo nd anres on "Marne", April 3, 4, 5 and 6 at Firt lor or in cre aso BHS Auditorium, 8 p.m. thanks ta Rev. Johnson for Rsre et ny ikt visits. Rsre et ny ikt Annetta Ashton now on sale f ram students. 12-1 12-1 1 wih tothak myfamiy, Pontypool Chamber of Corn- friends and neighbours for "ence ndite s ytoane"of their kindness shown dunin g eOshaan'Pon typolne-om- my recent stay in hospitai andOsaai otplCrn speciai thanks ta nurses and munity Hall,' Sat., Mar. 23 - staff, second f on and ta Dr. 8:30 p.m. Admission $4.00 Ewert. couple. Refreshrnents. 12-1 Eva Morris 1- Fish and Chips, ail you can 121eat, $1.49. Saturdays only. The Acres Ikestaurant, Taunton *Road. .12-ix Woumen' s Hospital Auxiliary TWO Seal point Sianese cats, Birthday Tea, Lions Centre, ss apai, n paprs, Ilo Wed., March 27, 2:30 - 4:30. house pets. iPhone 623-3852. 12-i SIAMESE Seai point, maIe, «Il' weeks, registered, distemper shot, very affectionate, $35. Evenings 623-3614. 12-1 The Doggy Place '- Dog Trimming and grooming. Poodies and spaniels aur specialty but any type of do " expertly bathed ndtrimmed. Boarding with lots of love and fun. Dogs $2. daiIy, cats $1. The Immigrant Kennel, Re- gistered Bneeders of high Fa ua'iY EngIish Springer and ocker Spantels. Also rabbits for sale. 786-2234. 2-52 Onder of the Eastern Star Opportunity Sale in Trinity S.S. Hall, March 22nd, 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 11-2 BINGO Newcastle COMMUNITY HALL Tues., March 26 8 p.m. $400 in prizes plus $300 Jackpot in 55 numbens. Sponsoned by NEWCASTLE LIONS Osaca Barn Dance, couples only, every Saturday night, COUntry and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 9 tf Pre-Natal classes for Bow- manville and District will begin on Tuesday evening, March 26, 7:30 to 9:30, at the Durham Regional Health Unit, fonmerly the Nurses' Residence, Bowmanville. Anyone, in Bowmanville or Durham County who is inter- ested should contact Durham Regional Health Unit,- phone 623-2511. 94 APPEARING AT THE QU EEN'S HOTEL NEWCASTLE "Open Country"' Fri., Sat., Mar. 22-23, DANCI1NG 9-i 12-1 WOODV IEW COMMUN ITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. REDBARN - WAYNEST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Having a Weight Problem. Corne To THE DI ET WORKSHOP BOWMANVILLE - Mondlay 7:30 p. m. at the Sa Ivaf ion Arny, 35 Division St. Classes Heid In OS HA WA Tues. 7: 30 p. m. At Christ Church Cor. Mary St. And Hillcroft PRIC ES Registration $3.50 Plus $2.50 per week Free Maintenance Affer Reaching Goal Classes Held Weekly Informat ion Caîl 723-9741 - 728-1075 il-3 Legion Golf Classes WILL START MARCH 22 7 p.m. LEGION HALL Expert Instruction $5 for Six Weeks 11-2 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY-7:45 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Mi non Softbalî JUBILEE IPAVILlON OSHA WA 30 tf ART SHOW and SALE The Bowmanvilîe Night Paintens exhibition of winfen classwork wilI be held in the Bowmanville Libraryon Sat., March 30, 10 - 5 p.m., Sunday, March 31,2 - 5 p.m., Apnil i 5, 2- 9 p. m. 12-2 CARTWR IGHT HIGH SCHOOL Night School Open HoUse Friday, MAarch 29 B LAC KSTOC K RECREATION CENTRE 8 p.m., Displays of wonk done in uphoîstery, wooci netunsning, caning. and sewing classes including a fashion show. Ref reshments Servedl Penny Sale Sponsored by Students Council 12-2 Uemm SURPLUS pouitry equipment, cages, waters and feeders (Kemptville Agriculture Col- lege matenial). For appoint- ment caîl after 6- 623-5756. 12-2 DOMINION piano, very good condition, honky tank attach- ment, four double castens. Phone 623-2834. Mns. Jean Butler. 12-1 1973 HONDA XL250 dirt bike, 5400 miles, immacubate; neasonable. Phone 987-4739. 12-2x NEWSPRINT- Ends of rolis, only a few available. Suitable for banquet tables, patten cutting, etc. The Statesman office. 12-if ANTIQUE grand piano, chick- ering, 110 years aid, complete- Iy reconditioned, original finish. 623-7721. 12-1 RODNEy seed oats. Phone- 983-5697 or 983-5075 aften f ive. 12.2x SMALL Astral fridg e; double bed and mattress; two-pce. bed chesterfieId; arbonite but- fet. Phone Newcastle 987-4369. 12-1 120 BASS accordion (Excel- siar), peari gray. Medium size.. Good condition. 786-2509. 12-1 ALUMINUM offset plates. Ideai for insulation, .25 each. Sizes 26 x 35 or 20,x 25. Phone 623-3303. . 1tf STUDEBAKER Service, new and used parts. Graham's Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, HamnJ pton, 263-2241. 26-tf DRIVEWAY gravel for sale. John Harmer, phone 623-7226. 10-3 BEDROOM suite, complete; dining suite, 9 piece; chester- field suite, coffee, two end tables, ail Burma teakwood, new. Very reasonable. 1-241- 5971. 2tf GOOD used vacuums for sale. $20 and up. Phone 576-8390. S tf DRESSERS, Beds, 'Chester- fields, ail kinds of Used Furni- ture, Antiques and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton;' 263-2241. 26-tf THRIFT SHOP - 32 King West, at rear. We seill on fconsignment, furniture, appli- ances, bikes, skates, rugs, etc. For information caîl 623-7037 or 263-2042. 2-tf WIN a FREE Trip ta the Baha m as. Purchase your Rambier Travel Trailer in January, February, March, and become ebigible ta win. Newcastle Traiben Park & Sales- Your district R.amb- ler Traiber Dealer, New and used traibers. Highway No. 2, Newcastle, 987-5131. 4-tf EXCELLENT buys in rem- nants reduced by more than 50 per cent, 9' x 12' two tone nylon carpets, $47.50. AIl1 other carpets greatly reduced. County Broadloom, 1742 Brock Sf., South of 401, Whitby. i668-8895. 11-4 OATS BARLEY FUN'ýKS CORN RE-AY2TQSOW ,CUstom yiCleaning an'd Treating CERESMORE FARMS LTD. R. R. 4 BOWMANVILLE 623-3552 623-7233 8-12 Inventory ClearoUt AIllmetal and chromnedinette sets, Pnices Gneafly Reduced. Special PUrchase Several sleep-on lounges and davenports .2 pc. suites. F. A. Kramp FUrniture King St. East - Bawmanville . 12-1 OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPL Washed Sand i-t la Grave l and Stone Limestone Products Ail Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East ( East of Harniony) CALL 725-0232 81 RICHMOND ST.W, OSHAWA FEBRUARM EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARA CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATI( AN DR EWS T.V. TOWERS Super Coloun Tower Structures, with UHF & VHF 1Insta 1led at Low Rates Repains toalIl makes of Rotons Will pnewine Homes & Apts. On Request - Fnee Estimates Wonkmanship Guananteed P HON E 623-2006 3-tf WHITE'S STVANTENNAS Towers, UH F, VH F Aeials, Rotons & Repains 'Â,partments & Homes' Pre-Wined -. Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa TV Antennas & Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF- VHF - Coloned Aerials Apts. and Homes Pée-Wined R E AIRS WonkmanshipGuarariteed Alil pnced to SAVE you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf I NSTALL AN O FURNACE HUMIDIFIER on HOT WAT ER USO- HEATER No Payments for Six Mo'nths, Call HARVEY PARINER Youn E SSO Service Dealen FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206-Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf -15 Channel Reception. 12 Full Time - 3 Pant-time. -Movies, Sports, Ententain- ment. Community Pnogramming. -Your Best Entertainment Buy. (Oniy 16 cents per day - $4.95 per monfh -plus connection.) cable tW Pine Ridge Cable TV Limited 1353 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ont. (116; 579-2232 Feeders' Hanging tube type and Big Dutchrnan, automatic Fans Different sizes Nests Wooden and Meta i Electric Brooders Laying Cages Pig Pens Feeding stails and confine- ment sta Ils made fnom welded pipe. One livestock box stali - Pediar. Used windows - all sizes. Building 20' x 20' - insu lated - wili sit an foundat- ion - ta be moved f rom R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone- RON BROOKS, OSHAWA 725-5668 After 6 p.m. Farmers, Attentjon DEAD STOCK SERVICE at MARGWILL FUR FARM under new management and ownership.,We appreciate i- calîl f rom you when necessarýy. Cali collect263 2721 Lic. No. 416C73- R. R. 5, Bowmanvil1le, Ontario' R.W. BOWE RI NG LTID. FOR SALE Seaied tenders manked "Tender" wiii be received for a 1955 Chevroiet truck, equip- ped with mie body, A frame derrick, wench and cable, 2 diggers. Truck may be viewed af the undersigned and to be soid as s, where is., Tenders accepted until1 12: 00' 1î I- noon March 26, 1974. - Orono Hydro Electric Commission, h P.O. Box 127, Orono, Ontario. LOB 1MO 11-2 Tenders will be neceived ton Replacement ot Roof Shingies at Centrai Public SchooI, 120 Wellington Street, Bowman- ville. Closing date Monday, Apnil 1, 1974, 3:00 p.m. Specifications may be ob- 5-765522 tained tram the Office of M. A. 5.765522 MacLeod, Business Adminis- trator and Treasuner, North- umberland and Durham Coun. ty Board of Education, D'Arcy ~ Street, Cobourg, Ontario. %A 1 _12-1 II"I L L NCE As Low As ',2 Price And Less On Remanants and End's of Rol[s 81 RICHMOND ST. W. (Next door ta Ruddy Eiectric) ope'n from 9 to 8 Mon, ta Fr,. sot 9 t CLSDALL DAY SUNDAY'6t Imm* '69 MERCURY, motor 429, bucket seats, leather interiar, ail four tires goad, spare. Phone 987-4317. 10-4x 1967 FORD 100 haif-ton, cus- tom cab, heavy duty suspen- sion, new 6-pIy tires, new brakes and paint job, A-i condition, $1400. Certified. Phone 986-5587 Blackstock. 12-1 1969 PLYMOUTH Funy 111, 318 automatic, fuIly equipped, excellent condition, original paint. Best offer. 623-7646. 12-if 1964 CHRYSLER 383 V8, mechanically excellent, make offen. Phone 983-9280. 12-2x 1971 HONDA CT7O, excellent condition, asking $300. Phone 987-4337. 12-1x_. 1964 CHRYSLER V8, 383 engine, tinted glass, ,faun- speaker radia, fair condition. Phone 983-5795 Onono. 12-i 400 LBS. group one, pool quota, sublect ta board appro- val. Contact Wesley Down 728-3649, Oshawa. 12-2 STEREO hi-fi, ý$85 or best offer. Coffee and two end tables, $35. Phone 623-3688. 12-1 THREE aid dressers, $50 each; aid vanity, $50; twa washstands, $39 each; seven- piece oak dining set, $100; small wandrobe with drawers, $40; humidifier, $15; variety of chairs, $2.50 and up. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temper- ance Street. 12-1 TROPICAL fish and plants. This week's special - Angel fish, three for $1.00. Phone 263-8838. 12-1 BALED hay. Paul ^Vaneyk. Phone Hampton 263-2060. 12-1 GOLD-BROWN chesterfieid, and chair suite, coffee table and two end tables. Phone 623-7832. 12-ix Second CUt Hay EDWIN STAUB Newcastle Ont. 11-3 NEEDA PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TOALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 -tf USED POU LTRY EQUIPMENT Waters AIl diffenent kinds 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK $2550 with only 9,000 miles. Lic. DZN872 1973 FORD CUSTOM 500 2-DR. HARDTOP Nice riding 6-passengen car with spaciaus trunk andecon- amical 351 V-8. If has' 20,000 miles and is priced at $2995. Compare that, f0 some 1972 prices on similan cars. Lic. HDW012 1973 COU RIE R Automatic, cap, radio, step bumper, Duracoat, 3,000 miles. Lic. E99873 $3495 219 King E. - Bowmanville Phone 623-4481 12-1 a *[ e * I SERVICE age Yorkshire boar. Phone 786-2518. M. Vogels, NewtoDnvibie. 12-ix TWO English saddies. Phone 987-4617. 12-i ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Phone 786-2671, Newfonviiie. 12-ix TRACTOR, 35 H.P., Power steering, front-end loader. Phane 986-4679 Blackstock. 12-i USED Funnitune and Appl i- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton 263-2241. 26-tf aUmm=* CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, MOTORCYCLES, SNOWMOBI LÉS FOR WRECKING PURPOSES. SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICES PAID ACKMERMAN AUTO WRECKERS YARD) RESIDENCE - 623-5756 - 623-7112 WHITE Embden qasIings Phone 263-8888. 1 BUCKSKIN mare, eight years aid, saddie, bridie and ge..i- inciuded, $225. Phone 987-464, 12-1 GOOD driving horse and harness, four year aid gel,,ý- ing; aiso one. grade haIstern bull. Phone 983-5992 Oronio. SELF cantained, bachelr-!. apartment, centraily Ioca,1J availabie immediateiy. $80O monthiy. Phone 623-5971. 12-1 ROOM, furnished or unfur;- nished, kitchen privileges; lady preferred. Phonte 623-5727. 12-1 MODERN three bedroono, apartment, 'Newcastle, launi dry, ail electric., iow cost heating, iawns and ample parking, near 401. Available May lst. Phone 723-0436. 12ff APARTMENT, twa bed- raams, stove, fridge, air-con.- ditioner, electric heat, wall-to- waii carpeting, $190 including utilities, availabie April lst. Phone 623-5206 after 5. 12-1 APARTMENT suitable for middie-aged couple, or one lady. Phone 623-3749,. 12-1 MODERN farm hause one mile fram Bowmanviiie, ail' conveniences. References required. Phone 623-2895. 12-1 'FURNISHED rooms by the month, bath, shower, TV,i ,teiephane, indoor pool, sauna and iicenced premises. Appýy Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, 623-3373. 41 -tf FARM property, near Oshawa or Bowm an ville. Phone- 723-0223 or write Advertiser 467, c-o The Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190,. Bowman- ville. 12-1 HOIJSE ifo rent with option tc buy. Vicinity of Bowmranviiie or Newcastle, two bedroom, garden and garage. Good water supply. Retired couple. Occupancy May or June. Phone Toronto 416-449-2802). NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of Shirl!ey Greta Banchard, late of thec Village of Newcastle ln the- United Counties of'Nonthum- beniand and Durham, deceased; Ail pensons having dlaimrs against the Estate of Shirley- Greta Barchard, late ofth Village of Newcastle in the United Counties of Northum- berland and Durham, whôà died on or about December 7th, 1973, are nequired. ta file such dlaims with the under- signed on or before the 3Oth day of April 1974; thereafter, the undensigned wilI distnibute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the dlaims then filed. DATED at Bowmanvibbe this l2th day of March 1974. Hanold Hockins, Executor' for the Estate of Shirley Gret.i Banchard, by his Solicitor: DOUGLAS J. BARBER 22 King Street East P. O. Box 339 Bowmanivilbe, Ontario LiC 3L1 12-2 Notice ta Creditors and Others Ail dlaims against the estate of Isabel l(eîth McLaughiin late of the Town of Bawmanh ville, in the' County of, Dur-, ham, Widow, deceased, whc died on on about December 19th, 1973 must be filed withk the undensigned personai re- presentative on on before, Apnil1 l4th, 1974; theneaften thé undensigned wil11 distni bute the assets; of sa'id Estate havirn, regard anl'y ta the dlaims then' f iled. Dafed Febnuany 25th, 1974., L. C. Mason, Esq.Q.C., Barristen & Soi iciton, 135 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanvilbe, Ontario. LIC 3K9. Solicitor for the Executof' i10 3 SALLY'S DATING CLUB Sally Woods has a newv. exciting way for single un-,~ attached maIes and femaies, ail ages to meet. Free dating list and informa- tion, send coupon today ta:' SaIly Woods. Write 209 Bond' - St. E., Oshawa, or phone, 723-3431. Narne............ .........> Address................. 10-24 Phone ............. Age .... 1973 MUSTANG 2-DOOR HARDTOP 302 V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio. In beautiful shape. Less flian 10,000 miles. Gold GIow with Ginger upholstery. This is a rare car. Corne on in and test drive if. Only................ $3280 Lic. EAC772 1973 GRAN TORINO SPORT' 2-DR. FASTBACK They d-'i't make these styîish fastbacKcs anymore. Bright yellow with laser stripe, hounds cloth tnim and ail the options. If can be youns for under $3500. Lic.ý EBE563 1973 PINTO WAGON 'This 'one in iighf blue wittl automatic transmission, radio and value option package. 20,000 miles. Ail kinds of space in the back for canrying things. $2850. and-away you go. Lic. EBM897 LOOK HERE! A 1973 FORD RANCHERO SQU IRE with 400 V-8, power equip. ment, automatic and steneo tape. Over $5,000 new. Now with 20,000 miles. Only................ $3675 Lic. E62425 f t

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