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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1974, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesmýif, Bowmaflville, March 20, 1974 Wins Kinette -Bedspreod Drciw Mrs. Bonnie Karp, 749 Central Park Blvd., N., Oshawa, was the holder of a 1urky ticket,, No. 87 that won the bedspread and blanket, drawn at the Comrnunity Fair, March 16, 1974, by Mrs. Connie Nelson. Mrs., Karp on the left is shown here, with Kinette Draw Chairman Linda Crawford, receiving her prize. Midget Mug Trophy Goes to Cornets The Cornets defeated the Generals 3-2 to win the Bowrnanville Skating Club 'Mug',trophy being'presented above by Barbara McGuirk to Cornets' Captain Gord Bowen. Fin alAproveNew Town Building By-la by Bill Arnott Aby-law to govern building and the issuing of building permits was delayed, in its s;euond reading some time ajgo0. Counillors Ken Lyall anid Kirk Entwisle ob jected to th)e wýork "enter" in the by-law. They stated that this is noýt legal,' to have the wording 50o that a building inspector may enter a persons resi- dence without permission. (councillor Entwisle at Mon- dayý,'s Counicil meeting stated, tio'have a bylaw that read i2ontrary to the iaw would m-ake in invalid. Mayor Gar- net Rickard accused the coun-i>cil of being negligent in noet h-aving a by-law to govern buling, to which Councillor Enwsereplied that hie tinde.rstood that the previous ýbiiid(ing bylaw was \still in effect. This was confirmed by Ccoutniillor Lyall on consulting the regional handbook. Mayor Rickard then stated that the building permit rates hiad been increased and if a bylaw wasn't passed they would be in the position of h-.avîng to.return money above the- old rate. On a motion from Counillor IvnHobbs, it was moved that BURKETON Mr. nd Mrs. D. Gatchell, Ohavisited Sunday with Mrý- anjd Ms.A. C. Stephen- ".SaiHampton, çýalled on Mvrs. S. Tabb during the week. Emiiskillen Uited Church service at 9.45 am was well attended with Rev. Bigby, as pa.stor. Sunday School at il, a..Everybody welcome. Mrs. E. Bryan is ýon.-vales- cing at the home of Mrs. M. Brown, a family in- Port Perry. Ahl the best wishes for the best of health. iir, and Mrs. Samn Grant adboys, Zion, were tea Suests of Mrs. R. Davey on the bylaw 74-34 be passed in its- persons home, and a motion cntirety. The second and third was later passed to that.effect. readings were carried with Councillor Lyall registered a Counillors Entwisle and negative vote to that motion Lyail registering a negative also. vote both times. Council passed bylaws on Councillor Lyail threatened Monday, 74-37 to provide fo to bring the Civil Liberties the inspection of plumbing and Union to see counicil, to ine enlorcement of regula- which Counillor Don Aluin tions respecting' plumbing replied "can't wait to see (plumbing Code),made under them". the Ontario Water Resources Mayor Rickard clarified Commission Act, and 74-38 to that the council would not hire authorize participation in the a building inspector who Ontario Municipal Employées would force entrance into a Retirement System. Plick VFirm PIceû F rmSh1Aeli11 Oit Over LowI Newcastle works committee on Thursday awarded the 1974 fuel contract to the highest of four bidders because only that one company appeared e- pared to set a firm year- long9 price. The contract went to Sheli Canada for the supply of about 57,000 * gallons of gasoline, 12,000 gallons of diesel fuel and 93,000 gallons of furnace oul, on conditions that a suitable agreement can be worked out for the purchase of pumps, tanks and other equip- ment which, in the past, have heen supplied free of charge by the oul colupanies. The tender prices were: Sheli, gasoline, 47.8; diesel, 52.4; furnace oul 25.5; Murphy Oul, gasoline, 49; diesel, 51.20; and furnace oùl, 24.0; Fin a,' gasoline, 48.9; diesel, 49.45; and furnace oul, 24.85; Texaco, gasolîne, 49.7; diesel, 53.40; and furnace oil, 27.9. Members of the works committee said that the ten- ders were based on the supplier getting ail three contracts. Works chairman Coun. Don .4 est Blid Wearn saîd Sheil was the only one to submit a firm price for the year. Coun. Kirk Entwisle said an extension of the bids indicated that Sheil was ighest of the four and that Fina was $800 lower. Director of Public Works Jan Dunharh said equipment that wouhd have to be pur- chased included two compres- sors and two greasers beside the pumps and tanks,. Mr. Wearn said the oil companies are now changing their- policy regarding such equipment and farmers, who have in the past received free use of pumps and storage tanks are being asked to buy that equipment to00 LETTER TO EDITOR March 18, 1974. Dear Editor: 1 just thought 1 would write to say that in your progress report you failed to mention the building of the new Bowmanville High School. Yours truly, Ex BUHS. Student. RIB ROAST Removed Grade A Eviscerated Mafr GEESE 8-12 lb. 98C i Tenderloin End, 1 lb. Bittn, PORK LOIN 8C E ROAST88WI Ham Roast lb. Shops, WHOLE HAMS 69c Wli SHANK ENDS 76c Mapi Maple Leaf & Hint of Maple Snaci BREAKFAST 1 lb. Pkg. Mac BACON 99c Duti pnR. Li SARA LEE CHOCOLATE - VANILLA LEMON OR STRAWBERRY FROZENi 14.5 oz. Pkg. LAYER CAKE t Boneless Alpine Shopsy Meaty HA MilR Vacuum Packed Plate Bisket CORNEDUK TURKEY1 DflT DÉ%ACT IIEDR UMS KS Fresh Ground Ideal .for Hamburgers or%ý- r Meat Loaf R SùOYA BU RGER 1 b ýjq le Leaf \ --& Do inonBit e ,- o ENERS ners EN E RS sy Ail Beef îlb-.Pkg. POLISH 8&c SAUSAGE 1 IL Pkg. Bittners 88c BOLOGN 1 lb. Pkg. Maple Leaf É% r nnvOKn ENERS 191 le Leaf Ideal for T.V. cks 60Oz. Pkq. c& Cheese Loaf chLoaf ?. p 1 nM4 Aâ)c Loa f if 4 OZ. Pkg. A 79C' 11b. Pkg. 99C Alpine Ideal for Spaghetti . MEAT BALLS 1 lb. Pkg. lb.Fearmans StoreF SmallLink $1.75 SAUSAGE, A Maple Leaf BOLOGNA Mary Miles - - - I 44C Fearmans Store Packed Country Style 76C 16 Oz. BY THE PIECE- Bittners Fresh Tray Packed s BRATWURST$ Maple Leaf 1 lb. BREADED SAUSAGE Universal Back to Back . Pkg. 7 Inch 8CPIZZA 8b. PIES l. Aunt Dolly's c 2 lb.13 oz. 52COO KED lb- CHI CKEN 1.3 ORNED .k.BEEF 98C STEAK PAST RAMI vl. j *~ sB * JACK'S Potato Chips 8oz. Pkg. 49C WILSI BEEF SEW 63L30OFI.Oz. 4*"-25 F. Oz TinNRB~ ancia - Macaroni or Vanillla - Apricot - Coffee - F 32 oz. Pkg. Lemon Set Style 6 Oz. Cont. S SPAGHETTi 69C DELISLECE wl.iIL - VMSit iii p.iqp YOGURT 23Cr in Tomato Sauce 28 Fl. Oz. Tin SPAGHETTI 43c Assorted Va rieties 7 Oz. Pkg. Creamette Dinners JUST ADD 49C HAMBURGER Chun King - Divider Pak Chicken or 40 Oz. Tin BEEF CHOW MEIN 99C Libby's - Fancy 14 Fl. Oz. Tin SWEET PEAs 29c Golden Batter BOSTON BLUEFISH Freezer Queen - Frozen Salisbury Steak &Gravy 32 Oz. BEEF & i GRAVY Dominion - Fancy 99C Pkg. Black Diamond - Process lndividually Wrapped 8 Oz. Pkg. CHEESE SLICES 49C I s Schneiders - Crispyflak Pure 160Oz SHORTENING, Bick's - Refrigerated Natural Brine Kosher S 32 Fl. C DILL PICKLES Whole Wheat Cereal 14 Oz WE ETABIX 'Me Round Shredded W' 1 9 Oz .89 ' QUAKER ., MUFFETS - Frozen 10 Oz. Pkg. BROCCOLI 41c SPEARS- Dominion Fancy - Frozen 56 Oz. Pkg. PEAS & CARROTS 89" Crisco - Pure 24 FI.0C VEGETABLE OiL1 Noodle Soup Mix - 2 En 4.5 Oz rPkg. 49c Style Dz. Jar ON'S - COLA OR IG ER AL E IV9C fi Heinz - Regularexcept Meat Strained 4.5 Fl. Oz. Jar BABY FOOD 17c Chase & Sanborn l0 Oz. Jar Double Blend INSTANT COFFEE 15 , c= Rictimello -Whole 160 BEAN COFFEE Carnation - Marshmallq Flavour -Instant 120 HOT CHOCOLAT E York - Choice - Bartlett, 83cf 14 Fl. Oz. Tin PEAR HALVES 39C . Pkg. 71 Feinz 32 FI.Oz. KEG heat KETCHUP 71C iPkg. Carnation il Oz. Jar 38c 8 Coffee-Mate 86C z. Btl. Minute Maid - Frozen Concentrated 12 OZý.'Cont. 1.13 ORANGE JUICE 52c z. Pkg. Riclimello Pkg. of 6 HOT CROSS BUNS 59C Utility Grade Eviscerated TURKIEYS 5 x 10 lb. #58Ç Packed IL McQua ides 8 78C BEEF PIES CHICKEN Pli lTOURTIERE 68,c PIES Shopsys AIl Beef 2Pies SAUSAGE 9Maple Leaf-Cooked 9CReady to Eat 2 x 3 lb. Cont. DINNER 170HAMS 3.7 ýearmans Mary Mili 1Pkg. Cooked Ready to Eal 1.8 2 & ,3Ibs. 1.3 PkDINNER 'l 3k8 HAMS WINDMILL -RASPBERRY TURNO VER - SWIRL DIP ALMOND CRESCENT OR SOCIETY WAFER VOORTMANS Ç99>5ES2m WIED79 RI4D79e KVEL - PRE-PIR LIQUID LDETEGEh 3FI. Oz. Cont. Assorted Varieties Pkg. RICHMELLO DON UTS, Robin Hood CAKE59 MIXES59 99c Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Double 28.75 Oz. Pkg. SCHEESE zPkg PIZZA 95c 7 Libby's - In Tomato Sauce 79C 28 F. Oz. Tin BEANS rd% WITH PORK 59' Kleenex - Boutique Pkg. of 75 PAPE R NAPKINS 48 C Assorted Colours - Wondersoft 1 Ply1 4 Roll Pkg. BATH ROOM TISSUE 79 C Baby Scott - Regular Size Pkg. of 30 DIS POSABL E DIAPERS $19 $1 $3 j. 0f 12 A.B.C. - Pre-Priced $1.59 Heavy Duty 80 Oz. Pkg. 43C LAUNDRY -M DET ERG ENTl1.49 1 ; Automatic ishwasher Detergent '33 Oz. Pkg. ELECTRA- sol 97 C Winterfresh or Regular Flavour 10,0 mi Tube COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 89C Clairol- Dry& Normal or Oily Shampoo 8eFI.Oz. Cont. HE R BAL ESSENCE 1 Eviscerated Boes-5 x lb. g lb lb. ES HAMS 13 54c Frozen Austraian lb. SHOULDER $1.22 ROAST l. Frozen Australian LAMB 154SHOULDER ,Maple Leaf Mild Cured lb. Vacuum Packed lb. Ç14 OTTAGE $.2 ROLLS', $1.04 DEL MONTE - CRUSHED -. 1T IDBIT.OR SLUCED PINEAPPLE 14FI. Oz. 2 ALL, PURPSEcAE SPRAY, KLEEN Cont.79 Florida O RANGES Size 80's 68leDZ Texas Grown No. 1 Grade Fresh Canada No, 1 Grade CARROTS > lb . Bag 44e ~~1,9 iïly Canadian Clairol - Invisible Hair Net 8 Fl. Oz. Cont. FINAL NET $1.69 Buckley's 2.75 FI. Oz. Cont. 'qu wqq EVERYDAY COUGH Deep Discount Prices MIXTURE 7c We reserve the right toilimit family requirements. in Bowmanviilîe until closing Burns Pride of Canada M P La Rindless 1 IL Pkg. Meat & Olive BREAKFAST Luncheon Loal BACON 97C Bittners Boneless4 Devon Brand Rind on By the COOKED HAN Piece - Breakfast Bacon, lb. alLefSies END CUTS ' 74c MaplUeSkines CENTRE CUTS 78cSASG lb. 89C lb. 99C A000 -12 )z. Bag de Leaf & Domii j L %. %Jj 1% r_ Li "A &A 6 Oz. Pkg- SAUSAGE il IL --lle- -40 Binaca 16 FI. Oz. Bottie 1 ru m iNui4j m

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