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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1974, p. 3

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BLACKSTOCK Our ommnit wa shck- Cam's I 8p.m Miute.ofwith Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd saddemm ned by he thlas t 8pmetinuereofWilson and Valerie, West Hill ed and adndb th th atmeig wr and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson sudnpassing of another of approved. o eteo our senior citizens, Mr. Judi offered "Being Sincere On Saturday evening Mr. Osmond Wright who passed Without Being Tactless" and and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and away during Saturday night at this led into the worship by Betty Jane and Mrs. Roy home. Sympathy is extended Lois Veldman. She read a Taylor called at Low and Low to Mrs. Wright and other thought-provoking article Funeral Chapel, Uxbridge, to members of his family, which asked, "What is a pay their respects to the late Mrs. Arnold Taylor has Christian?" and left us to Mr. Robert Murray. retuirned home after two provide at least some of our Mrs. Ruth Wilson along with weeks' holiday at West Palm own answers. She concluded Mrs. Harry Edgerton, Port Beach, Florida with her par- with a prayer and a suggested Perrywere Wednesday even-, ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bible reading. Phyllis Hamil- ing supper guests of Mr. and Noble. ton and Muriel Hoskin provid- Mrs. Bryon Holtby, Last weekend Mr. Arnold ed a programme with a dem- Manchester. Taylor and Betty Jane were onstration of their handiwork. Tusaafeongessf guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phyllis showed how to do the Mrs. Roy Taylor were Mr. and Taylor aI their country homne, broomstick stitch for shawls, Mrs. Hiram Drew and Mrs. at Lake Muskoka. afghans and baby blankets Edgar Horn of Oshawa, On Frîday evening Mr. and and gave some directions on Thursday evening callers Mrs. Roy MeLaughlin and rug hooking. Muriel brought were Mr. and Mrs. Anson Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold several articles she had made Taylor of Scarborough and MicLaughlin and Kelly, Mr. - lamp from egg cartons, Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Betty and Mrs. David Kyte, Miss macrame belt, needlepoint Jane. Sunday guests were Mr. Linda MeLaughlin and Mr. pictures to mention some. and Mrs. Cleve Shirk of Roy Bradburn were guests at Lunch of tea and sandwiches Hampton. the wedding of their niece and brought the meeting to a close. Blackstock cousin Joyce' Read and Ter- Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter Women's-Institute rance Wood aI Brampton. The and family' were weekend On March 121h the Black- reception followed at the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald stock Women's Institute met Brampton Civic Centre. Drînkwater and family, in the Comrmunity Hall at The evening jpnit of the Ottawa. 12:30 p.m. Af ter the singing of Blacksîock U.C.W. met on 4-11 Meeting 'the Institute Grace, everyone March 4 aI the home of Millie At the Biackstock United enjoyed lovely dessert provid- Davies. Church a group of girls held ed by the group in charge. The President Judi Mountjoy led their 4-H meeting on March 12. meeting proceeded as usual the business discussion and Our roll caîl was: One idea for- with Mrs. Thompson, presi- informed the group of several our club. exhibit or demon- dent, presidîng. Minutes and coming -evenîs. A general stration. Michelle Johnson correspondence were read U.C.W. meeting with a pot was chosen to speak on our and the treasurer's report' luck lunch will be held on exhibit. The minutes of the given. A letter was read giving March 26. Ail are welcome. t last meeting were' read hy information re - Erland Lee has been suggested that the Lois VanCamp. We had a home. Hopefulky there will be U.C.W. seli cake plates with a discussion and demonstration a delegate to 'the Officers' church picture on them. Those on fitting our dress, doing the 'Conference being, held at who feit they could offered to facings and sleeves. For our Waterloo as the fee has been heip with the banquets on practical work we fitted our sent. April 6 and 10. A joint meeting dresses and finish our under It was unanimousîy agreed, with the A.C.W. was proposed stitching. Lori-Ann Emerton to send a donation towards for June. Next meeting will be Winners at the. last Senior bingo prizes to the Nursing on April 8 at Aileen Van- Citizens Card party were Hor»e in Port Perry. Roll Cal ,o.e..eeeeeo* Ladies' High - Mrs. Elva - An article Ihat I',bought VanCamp, Second - Mrs. because of advertising. Motto Isobel McCarroll, Third - Mrs. - Think Canadian, Buy Can- O L D-B OTT LE S Ross Alsop, Second - Mr. The groups were reminded of The BotChe Colectnq Caze io sweePing the country. Over 1/2 mii.on collectos ae pain Freem an McCulloughan the pot lc dinner whîch is fabulous prces f o, old botties af al desciptions. third - Mrs. Edith Anderson. always the way the annual COC0 A COLAà atuFOUIT tor ofirs Il 11MME 10 U Stra iitr iMs meeting in April begîns. Il~~~ (Y\. Ilbert Archer were Mr. and The meeting closed after El LJLJ Co) Mrs. Don Fleming, Janice, which ail present with the six Hee is yvuaopportunify Write tE ind Outall~ Pamela and Scott, Oshawa 4-H leaders as guesîs, pro- about whaf f0 colect. prces fa ask, where to $ei while Sunday guests were Mr. ceeded to Port Perry and COMPLEUE INiFORMATION PACKAGE ORLY Jim Archer and Miss MasseY enjoyed a tour of the Flamingo S2.00 TO COVER POSTAGE AND0 IANOLiiiG SATISFACTION SUARANTEED of whitby.: Tart factory. Ail in ahl it was a COLLECTORS GUI1 Sunday guests of Mr. and most pleasant afternoon.- COLLECTORS GUIL-Dýpt Mrs. Bruce Knapp,' Oshawa, Many thanks to the convenor, S2ýln I.W. hO. n betLI AN MAIL TODAOV were Mrs. Ruth Wilson along Mrs. Harold McLaughlin. Treat the kids during ~~Eater Break HOT CHOCOLATE GLEN RAE DAIRYDELICIOUS, NUTRITIOUS, CHOCOLATE DRINK AT YOUR DOOR FC OFF OR - REGULAR AT VOUR, STORE, PRICE THURS. - FRI. -SAT. ONLY.... IF IT'S 4 ~per quart Glen Rue T1SGO Notice of Public Hearings into the Transmission of Power A f rom Lennox to Oshawa 1. The Province of Ontario appointed D r . Omond Solandt, under the Public Inquiries Act. by Order-in-Council OC-836/73 dated the 21 st day of March, 1973, "ta inquire into the Imost apprapriate route or routes for the transmission of power ta the Tarante Ioad centre Ifrom Ontario Hydr's existing Lennax Generating Station and proposed stations at * Wesleyville and Bawmanville". j2. Commissioner Salandt bas requested Ontario Hydro ta file a written technical) re- * port, pertaining ta this matter and to present an oral summary af the report ta înterested parties at a public and press canference beginning at 10 a.m., on April 2, 1974, in the IRoyal- Canadian Legion Hall, 99 Toronto Road, Port Hope, Ontario. 3. Any interested party who wisbes ta present a brief should file a copy of such brief * with the Secretary on or before April 26, 1974, indicating et the same time whether he Iwishes ta speak at a subsequent public hearing and, if so. wbether at Port Hope or at * Belleville. I4. Any other interestedi party who wishes ta make oral representatians at the subse- * quent public hearings, either personally or'through a representative, should indicate bis intent ta do so in writing ta the Secretary, on or before April 26, 1974. 1ntr Such parties should specify in writing the area cf their concern and indicate the ntr o f the testimony whicb they wish to give at the subsequent hearings, and whetber et IPart Hope or et Belleville. I5. Commissioner Solandt will hold a pre-hearing, beglnning et 10 a.m., on April 29, * 1974, in the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Port Hope, in order that the achedule and pro- * cedures of the subsequent public hearings may be discussed with interested parties., * 6. Commissioner Solandt will hold public hearings, beginning at 9:00 a.m., in the Royal jCanadian Legion Hall, PortrHiope, on May 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24, 1974, (and on such çiddi- tional days as may be required); and at the Four Seasons Hotel, 11 Bay. Bridges Road, I Bellevlfe, on May 15, 16, 17, 29, 30, 31, 1974. (and on such additional deys as may be Irequir ed>, in order that interested parties may bave an opportunity te ask questions cf * Ontario Hydre and te present evidence. I 7. To accommodate special circumstances. and uni que local concerna, Commissioner * Solandt will consider requests, by interested parties, tohold additional hearings in other * parts cf Ontario, either day or evening sessions. Ail such reques %sa howeier, should be filed with the Secretary on or before April 26, 1974.1 I 8. Copies cf Ontario Hydro's report and recommendations will be on view in area Munici- pal offices, and the Solandt Commission office. Copies cf ail briefs f iled will be on view Iet the Solandt Commission office, the Royal Canadien Leglon Hall in Port Hope,, and the jOntario Hydre Eastern Regian Office, 420 Dtùndas Street East, Belleville. Individuel * copies of Ontario Hydro's repart may be purchased from the Ontario Qovernment Bock- store, 880 Bay Street, Toronto. For further information, please contact: Neil B. Cale, Secretary, The Salandt Commission, * 9th Floar, Ferguson Block, I Queen's Park. Toronto, Ontario. ( 416) 965-1431 Beauxmen Entertciin at 50th Ariniversary Musical enterta inment on Friday, March 8th at The Flying Dutchman, during the first function of Rotary 's 5th Anniversary celebrations,' was provicfec by the Beauxmen shown aove during one of their numbers. They are, from lef t to right, Dr. Keith Siemon, Doug Rackham, Ken Hockin and Keith Jackson. District Governor Bob Watson was so impressed with their performance that he asked them to participate in the forthcoming District Convention. Dinner guests wiîh Mr. and Mrs. Iva Farrow and Mr. Reg Mrs. L. Halic MsMelville .Samis lasI Falls. L. Adegeest,, Tuesday, included Mr. Dione Mrs. Olive Hendérson, with Mrs.1 Emuly Cory, of Manitoba, Mirs. Mrs. Mary Jones and Mrs. Bessie Deane Prouse and Charlie, Port. Bea Jones attended the Pres- Selby, Mrs. Hope, and Mr. and Mrs.' byleriai meeting in Kingsview Reg. Elliott, Morley Robinson, and Gordon, United Church, Oshawa, on an d Raymci Starkville. Wednesday. Draw - Mrs. Mrs. Margaret Whitney un- We were interested 10 hear- Wendy and1 derwent surgey in Civic htM.adMs ar Jose, Port Hope, s] Hospital, Peterborough, last recenîly returned from a here witb Mr. Tuesday. holiday trip 10 India, were Jones and i Mr. Leslie Henry, a former dinner guesîs, in New Delhi, parents, Mr. resident of this area, some with the parents of Miss Pal Lane, were a years ago, was a dinner guesî Varma. a former teacher Joneses. with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. here, in our local school. Mr. D. Dale Jones, one day last week. D.DrtyHloTrnoicharge( Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher Dr. Dothy Hiled i, of T rto ing c h were in Toronto, lasI Wednes- sentteheeed it oir sCh day, on the occasion of tbe and Mrs. C. R.ý Farrow, priorCrs" funeral of bis nephew, Donald to leaving on a Ihree monîh's Crs.Pey Campell. 1 1vacation abroad. On Saturday Mr. PercyS Mr, and Mrs. George Staple- botb ladies aîtended the Var- agtrTa ton, of Bowmanvilie,, and M. îety Fair, aI the Bowmanville daughter, T and Mrs. Wilfred Wood, of High School where Mrs. Far- wre wreek Newcastle, were visitors wiîh row assisted in the "Kitchen M. R. ruc Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis one Booth", sponsored by the anyheRons evening last week. uss oito. PortHoe Mr. Bud Jones, of Edmonton Brenda Henderson was Hudy o pe was in Toronto most of lasI oefo aero vrte week, on a business trip and weekend and Terry Miles, oftotC ant, Ha visiîed bis mother, Mrs. Bea Norwood is visiting Ronnie ian, spit, Jones, a couple of days. ., Henderson, during the. holi- Mr. spiad Mrs. Cheryl Rei d, Mrs. days. were.suppe Linda Farrow, Mrs. Carol M.adMs .Wilkr with M1r. Yeo, Mrs. BeIIy Stapleton, oIf Toronto, were overnighî Mlrs. Mary Skelding and Mrs. visitorsý wilh IMr. and Mrs. E' Gillmer, and_ Leone Lune attended a shower Waikey, Saturday, and alilfunerai. in Orone, on Friday evening, attended the Osborne funeral Our U.C.W. for Connie Drake, whose on Sunday. Sunday Sci marriage to Barry Lane takes Some of our studenîs from March 27, at place on Marcb 23rd. Clarke High Sehool lefI wiîh speaker will Local people among Ihose the bus ioad for the Air Port, van Vuurer attending the Safety Dinner in Saturday heading for Paris, South Africa Welcomne United Church, namely Jennifer Payne, Nan- country for Thursday, inciuded Mr. and cy Reid, Carol Henderson and hosted by fo Mrs. Jim Imlach, Mr. and CarolStaplelon. families, un Mrs. Don Stapleton, Mr. and There were twenty-two ta- International Mrs. M. Samis, Mr. and Mrs. bles in play, at theCard Party Program. S. ancste, rs.BeaJonsin Community Hall, Friday inîeresîed, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Ak evening, sponsored by our attend Ibis j Mulligan and Berneice, ¶rs. Women's Institute, with the Kendal and Winnie Elliott, Mr, R. Bruce, following winners: High lady - have been in The sympý munity is( famiiy of ti Webb. Mrs. V Belbany,h nursing bom( years. Buria Cemetery ?i sympathy i. Eileen Muci * passed aa * Mr. andlM jand Mrs. Si *returned hon holiday tour understand t *Carl Smith,I I Mrs. Mansel j boroughand were ah on Among the ir were Disney *Grand Can' j looking forwý jpictures Ihat don have1 travels. * Pontypool *very ucs * Day parîy sale in the ct day afternoo * Lloyd Fal *with bis bro *old Johns, jToronto. Arn Ialized seve: suffening ah *Mr. andMi *and Tony visi *Mrs. Bill Cla jKincardine o In the pas beard of 'sti say, Peterboi 1 Just Ibis m( 1 that Pontypo *case of exi certain red-l tor, from Cc *a-streakîn' 1 the bouse tc *Mr. andMr of Orono, wer guesîs of 1he Mr. andIM *and family1 *for a bouiday * Mr. and M Mr. and Mrs. are expeclec *nesday folio' 1 Mexico - one *City and a *Acapulco. IMcCulougb I er 801h birth *9th. We unckj PONTYPO atby of the comn- was a dinner guest aI the exîended 10 the Rockhaven, Peterborough and he laIe Mrs. May thal she enjoyed the occasion Webb, formerly of immensely. rad been in a Mr. and Mrs. Neil Vander- e, for the p ast few put and family are mroving al is in McCrae's Ibis week to Carmen, Mani- on Tuesday. Our loba. We wish Ihem al the s also 10 Mrs. best as tbey settle into Iheir ha, whose mother new home and surroundings. y recentiy.. U.C.W. Meeting qrs. Gordon Kirk, The regular monthly meet- Sid Powers have ing of the Pontypool U.C.W. ne afler a 23 day was beld aI the Church on 10t California. We Wednesday, March 61h witb that Mr. and Mrs. an allendance of 16. Mrs. Belhany, Mr. and Ficko led in a sing song prior ll Wright, Peter- 10 the meeting. 1Mrs. Edie Payne Mrs., Fisk opened the meet- nthe same bus. ingý with a poem "Can a Tany sites visited Single Flame Lighl the dark- ýy World and the ness"'. Mrs. Dunford was in yon. We wiil be charge of the devolional, and ard 10 seeing the the Ibeme wvas Light and it Sadie and Gor- Service. Mrs. Dunford read taken on their "Light of the World Forever Shining" Hymn Jesus Bids Us 1U.C.W. held a Shine" was sung. Mrs. Dun- ;sful St. Patrick's ford read Psalms 701, followed and Tupperware by hymn "Let There Be burch on Wednes- Ligbt". Between verses Mrs. on. Van Dam assisted by ligbting is visited recently candles. 'Ne repeated the otber-in-law, Arn- Lord's Prayer, and concluded 'in bospital in by singing "Lead Kindiy nold will b e bospi- Light", forming a circle with eral weeks afler each person holding a lighted heart attack. candle. The offering was rs. Laverne Clark taken and the offertory sung. sited witb Mr. and The minutes of the lasI lark and family in meeting were read and ap- over the weekend. proved and correspondence ýst week we bave dealt with. A letter was reakers' in Lind- received f rom our foster child rougb and Orono. in Korea, Lee Hyun Woo. We orning we heard are belping Bethany 10 sup- ool has had ils first port Ibis child. Il was moved bibitionism, - a b y Mrs. Finney and seconded baired maie visi- by Mrs. Y. Fallis that we sent 'ourtice was seen our share of the expenses 10 from one end of Bethany. ) the olher. Moved by Mrs. Challice and Irs. Charlie Taylor seconded by Mrs. Finney that ýre Frîday evening we serve lunch aI an Auction îe Kirks'., Sale to be held in Pontypool in Urs. Carl Wilcken March. lefI on Tbursday Il was suggested Ibat we ýy in Florida. consider dividing our ýgroup Irs. Jim FajI and int units, with one person sAndy Sutcb, Sr., beading a unit. There would be ýd home on Wed- eigbt units for eight monthly ýwing a vacation in meetings. Theleader would be îe week in Mexico responsîble for the devotional àweek spent in and the lunch. Unit leaders would attend the executive ýations 10 Mrs. Joe meetings 10 help plan lihe Swho celebrated activities. This suggestion will hfday on Sat. Mar. be discussed again aI another rstand that Nellie lime. owell. Higýh man - 1,Lucky Draws - y Brown, Mrs. l, Mrs. Christine Gladys Brown, Raymond Bruce ond Inch. 50-50 .Roy Little. JHeather Lane, of ýpent the weekend ,.and Mrs. C. M. on Sunday their rand Mrs. Bill also guests of the l, of Oshawa-, was of the Sundi(ay îrch service, and ;ng, "Near The yBruce, Mr. and tewart and grand- acey, of Bancroft nd visitors with e. ,m this area called sFuneral Home, ýSaturday and pay their respects arvey Osborne, of )Se- death occurred Friday moring. Mrs. F. Gilmier ýgue(sts, Sundl(ay, and MUrs. -Jimi- d_ girls, afler the N. will mneet in thie ýooI hall, Wed. al 8 p.m. Special [ be Miss Anneke n, from Natal, ,a who, is in Ibis o ne year, being four Bowmanville ider the Rotary a1 Youth Exchange Anyone who is is welcome to neeting, 10 which 1Shiioh Branches invited. OL The executive meeting wiil be hejd at the home of Mrs. Finney on Wednesday Marcb 201h in the evening. The White Elephant Auction Sale will be heid in Bethany in June. Il is sponsored by the Officiai Board. We are planning 10 publisb a cook book in the fali and would like 10 receive economicai recipes from ail ladies in lise communiîy. Tbe treasurer's report was read and a very generous donation noted from the 501h Wedding Anniversary At Home held on March 2nd. Mrs. Fisk was in charge of the topicý Joy of Service and was assisted by Mrs. Finney who read several poems. A film on Brazil was shown. Literature on Brazil was also available. We closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. C. Fallis and iVrs. Finney. The April meeting will :be held on April 3rd at 7.30 p.m. at the Church. Beginning at 5.00, p.m. and at 15 minute intervals until 6.00 p.m. cars will leave the Church for a mystery tour of community homes. We have invited the Kirby U.C.W. and the neigh- boring ladies from Ballyduff to attend this meeting. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services were held as usual Rev. J.A. Ramjît was with us. It was 'rather a blustery day.' Mrs. C. Beatty had a quilting on Tuesday and Mlrs. Inez Todd, Mrs. H. Multldrew, and mysel f were there. Mr. and Mrs. R. Avery and family, Oshawa, were with -Mr. and Mrs., H. Muldrew recently. Mrs. H. Quantrili and Mrs. D. Horner attended the safety dinner held at' Welcome on Thursday. Sympathies are extended to the Powell family in the death of the late Mr. Ernest Powell, Millbrook.. .Also to the Wilson family in the death of the late Victor Wilson this week. Some lasI, week news missed due to telephone trouble was: A charivari was held on last Friday evening by the young people of the area for Mr. and Mrs. Alan Trew, at Cobourg. Then on Saturday evening they ail met again and charivaried Mr. and Mrs. J. Yarema in the village here. MVr. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty had Mr. and Mrs. ButtIer, Toronto, Mrs. Dixon, T H E R E N D L y p E 0 p L, E -III The Canadian Statesman, Bown and Mrs. Ethel Gilmore, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Don Whitbred, and girls, Oshawa, last Sunday. ',Other visilors through the week were Mrs. E. Prouse and Charley, Port Hope, Mr. Corey from the west and Mr. and Mrs. J. Barkwell, Oshawa, who ex- pecl 10 move into Iheir new home this weekend. A number in the area aîtended the Powell funeral and the Wilson funeral. Miss Nancy Fowler and a girl friend from Toronto, were in the village on Saturdav. Mrs. Robt. Westheuser, and Alyson, and Mrs. H. Thickson left for Mr. and Mrs. H. Sîaats, Brantford ea'riy Mon- day morning and expect bo be back on Wednesday. Vicki and Steven Fai, Pontypool, spent the weekend manville, March 20, 19743 with Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer while Iheir parents are away.1 Mrs. Wbeeler is stili in the, hospitai. Mrs. H. White is stili in Peterborough Hospital. LON G-SAUT Mr. and Mrs. Irwin South- well, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. andl Mrs." D. .outhwell. Mr. and Mrs. RobI. Cam- eron and Ruthann, were, Sunday supper guesîs of Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Trevett, Toronto. Mrs. S. Cornish and, Mary were Saturday evening callers on the R. Camerons. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson vîsited with Iheir nic.Mr. and Mrs. Rav Thompson and Roly, Balli-- more. ,Jtky CleanersC .4 ucdle Crossing the street one morning, 1 was nearly mun down by, an antiquated car, literally overflowing with about a dozen, children. Since the red light had been against the woman driver, as she came to a hait I shouted: "Lady, don't you know when Wo stop?" Glancing back at the moppets, she answered icily:, "They aren't ail mine." CLOTHES CARE HIN T: Nail polish remover should neyer be used to remove spots or nail: polish damage on your garments. If you spili nail polish, take your clothes to your drycleaner at once. MARCH IS RED CROSS MONTH Support Your Local Red Cross Society YOUR EXCLUSIVE SANITONE DEALER BOWMANVI LLE CLEANERS LTD.' MLEANIER, 84 KING ST. W "We Spe&éialize In Shirt Laundering" 1~ RECORD SA LES WE'RE HOPING TO SELL, MORE NEW CARS BEFORE MAY 1974 THAN ANY OTHER DEALER IN THIS AREA. s o WE ARE OFFERING THE BEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES AND THE LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER ON 1974... e, MAVERICKS " TORINOS, " FORDS " T-BIRDS * TRUCKS " COURIERS PHONE 623-4481 219 KING EAST BOWMANVILLE Inroduùctory Ofert e eSO AM -eM-8 R e à% 31 ER et REODCHNE e OPLT WIHTOSPR ESEKRdc 3DETS ONL 0 24 DAVISION8TRETK e eOMNIL 2-21 o SA A5928 623-5520 îÏ4aý

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