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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1974, p. 5

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Mr. Blayne Elliott, Arn- prior, a former well-known Bowmanville resident, was in town on Tuesday and paid the Statesman Office a call. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barkley, Raymond and Nancy visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Rene DeGuire, Deep River. Mr. and Mrs. Darryl MeMa- non, Michelle and Christo- pher, Toronto recently visited his sisteri Mr. and Mrs. George Kuipers, Julie and Kevin, Liberty N. Mrs. Lorne McKee, Nestle- ton, visited with Mrs. E. Fowler, Jackman Road. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Locke and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moses have returned from spending a pleasant week's holiday in the Bahamas. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Van- stone have returned from a two week holiday on the Island of St. Lucia in the West Indies. Master Glen Bagnell, Osh. waw was an overnight visito'r last Friday with his cousins, Tammy and Tim Preston, Parkway Crescent. The Women's Hospital Aux- iliary held a successful Penny Sale at the Community Fair at the Bowmanville High School on Saturday Mar. 16. A list of the prize-winners follows and those who have not received their prizes may pick them up at James Insurance Agency office, 24 King St. E. Prize Winners: Joan Anyan, Fred Griffin, C. Branch (2), Susie Graham, Donna Lee Reid, Joy Blair, Jean MeMurter, Mary Paton, C. Brown, Eva King, Debbie Kerr (2), Lori MeNeil, Cynthia Ball, Gerry McAr- thur, Pat Millson, P. Haines, St. Paul's United Church Minister - Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. R. Metcalf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. Il a.m. - Morning Worship * LENTEN SERIES BENEATH THE CROSS OF JESUS Nursery care for pre-school children every Sunday Are you new to Bowmanville? - Looking for a church home? - Come to historie St. Paul's - a family church serving the whole family. St. John's Anglican Church (TEMPERANCE ANDQUEEN STREETS) "Our Utmost For is Highest" Come! Join with young people from all of Bowmanville's churches in a special worship service Sunday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. Rector: Rev. T. Gracie - 623-5873 SERVICES: 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. (2nd Sunday in each month) 7:30 p.m. (Youth Service 4th Sunday in month) Sunday School: 10 a.m. and Il a.m. TRINITY UNITED CHIURCHî Rev. N. Wesley Oake - Minister Rev. Arthur Amacher - Assistant Minister Mr. John Crookshank - Music Director Sunday, March 24, 1974 11A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP The Junior Choir will sing Sunday School Hours at regular times 7:30 P.M. - Discussion Group in Church Hall A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE MIems of Interest Phone 623-3303 Mrs. Sodhi, Anita Churchfll, Helene Wallis, Mrs. G. Gra- ham, Mrs. Gordon Barrie, Adrienne Welsh, Gail Millson, Dorella Chard, R. Partridge, Doug Bird, Cathie Nichols, Mrs. L. T. Bisschop, Mary Jewel, Marj. Wilson, L. Hen- dren, K. James, Mrs. Judy Smith (2), Marie Reid, Faye Jones, Rhonda Melanson, V. Terry, Neil Luxton, Mrs. E. Brooks, A. Farrow, Mrs. A. D. jackson, Barbara Harrison, Mrs. L. Short, Mrs. Keith Purdy (3), Kim Nicholls, Marion Gimble, Pat Carru- thers, Mike Blair, Betty T. (Newcastle). Mrs. A. Sol- Oshawa's New Bus terminal and publie parking garage, across from Bond Towers was officially opened Friday when Mayor Jim Potticary and Transportation Minister John Rhodes cut a ribbon. Taking part in the ceremony were Ald. Cliff Pilkey, chairman of the city's public works com- mittee, Mr. Rhodes, Mayor Potticary and Crawford Smyth, chairman of Gray Coach Lines Ltd. Tennis Championship Courts Inc., will open June 1 in the Whitby area. Situated on 13 acres of splendid quiet country surroundings, the courts will be open for chartered memberships. For information contact William Epker, 60 Lawrence Cres. Bowmanville. Radio Station CKLB has announced that it will act as sponsor of the world famous DaleCarnegie course to be offered in Oshawa soon. The Oshawa Dale Carnegie course will ie under the direction of Dave Mather and Bob Klip- pert and will be înstructed by Vic McAdam,. a long time Oshawa resident.aMr.lMather, a Dale Carnegie instructor and former radio personality in the Windsor-Detroit area, can be heard several times a day on CKLB witb bis pro- gram "Bridge to Achieve- ment". Mrs. H.S. Price, Mr and REHOBOTH Christian Reformed C hurch Seugog Street Phone 623-4824 11ev. Anthony Dejager SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 p.m. Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "Everyone Welcome" The Prophetie Cycle hath, verily, ended. The Eternal Truth it is now come. The'Day of Judgment is the age when every soul and every human belief and institution is tested by the advent of the Revelation of God. We are living in that Day. MORE NEWS AT 623-7744 - 623-3171 17. Fifth courses in 17 disci- plines are being offered by Trent University, in Peterbor- ough, beginning July 2. The summer sessions feature small-groupteaching. The Simcoe Street United Church will present a selec- tion of great works of Bach on April 10, ncluding the cantata The Magnificat, which bas never been presented in this area before. The Bach Musik- Fest will feature a five-part chorus, six soloists, three trumpets, two flutes and two oboes, string, timpani and organ. The Oshawa Boy's Choir directed by Ross Cotton will also be performing. Tick- ets may be obtained from Simcoe Street Church Office. Mrs. Alex Lyle, and Mrs. NS E T L E TN Mrs. W. V. Price and children, Billy and Laura, Islington, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. A. E. Billett, Division St. Mrs. Price Sr. remained overnight. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders, Erie Ont., were callers at the home of Mrs. Billett. Mrs. R. Robson, Duncan and Robert, Oakville, with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. W.W. "Bill" Bagnell for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aber- nethy attended the Abernethy- Ricard wedding Saturday evening in the Pentecostal Church. Miss Kathryn Fergu- son, Enniskillen, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Abernethy. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bickle town and Mrs. C. L. Upper, Peterborough have returned from a month's vacation in Jamaica visiting their son Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bickle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lander, Toronto, Bill Lander and Derek Lobb, both of Bowmanville left last Friday evening for a week's holiday tour of Russia. Major and Mrs. Robt. Oliver of C.F.S. Falconbridge and, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langton and Mark of Belleville visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Williams, Prince St. Mrs. Alec Martin, New- castle, Mrs. Everton White, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, and Mrs. J. W. Bowman, Enniskil- len, will be joining with other members of the Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. Execu- tive on Monday, March 25th te make the final plans for the Annual Meeting to be held on April 3rd. The executive will be meeting atthe home of the Presbyterial President, Mrs. Carl Down, Ebenezer. Guest speaker at the Annual Meet- ing, whicb will be held at Northminster United Church, Oshawa, will be Dr. Geo Morrison, Secretary, General Council, United Church of Canada. The executive secretary of a political movement that claims to be neither left-wing, right-wing, or middle-of-the road will speak at Durham College on March 26. Gerald Vandezande of the Committee for Justice and Liberty, a Christian political movement in Canada, will speak on the topie, "Do Christians Have a Political Presence?" at 8 p .m., lecture theatre C-113 at Durham. The public is invited. Mr. Vandezande says e wants a politics that is "authentically Biblical; not revolutionary, not reaction- ary, not anything that halts between these two options."~ Patrick Gould, Sales Mana- ger and Donald Bishop, Plant Manager, of the Canadian Statesman Staff.hattended the Multi Millionaire Night, spon- sored by Canada Printing Ink Ltd., at their plant, Toronto, on Friday evening. Bishop Victor L. Brown, Presiding BishopofThe Church of, Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will speak at the Toronto Ontario Stake Conference Saturday and Sun- day, March 23-24, at the Stake Centre, 95 Melbert Rd. Etobi- coke. Bishop Brown, a native of Cardston, Alberta, Canada, was an airline executive at the time of his appointment to the Presiding Bishopric in 1961. He became presiding bishop April 6, 1972. He is an experienced youth, church and business leader. Every- one is welcome. The Progressive Conserva- tive Association of Women are sponsoring a major policy discussion conference to be beld Saturday, April 6th, 1974 at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, the conference will include several Cabinet Min- isters as well as other well known personalities. All ses- sions are open to the public and everyone is welcome to participate. News was received on Friday, March 15, that the Society for the Restoration of Victoria Hall, Cobourg, has received word of approval of a federal government grant of $150,000. The Northumberland- Durham Tobacco Growers Association held its annual meeting at the Legion Hall, March HopeDirecto rsdelcte from Durham were John David Fr ew,nLucieVe Labre and Andre Planke. Directors from Northumberland include Leo McDonald, Carl Hund- 'hammer, Jim Landon, Willy Jakobi and Dalton McDonald,. Following a short director's meeting Lucien Lambier was chosen President of the Assoc- Tahe second annual Ontario Festival of Crafts, will be held at the Masonic Temple, Tor- onto, March 30, 31 and April 1. Mrs. Vera Ferguson, Osh- awa, and Mrs. Reta Dudley, Courtice, attended the Regist- ered Music Teachers of Ont- ario convention, held in Ham- ilton during the week of March Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, of Lind- say and formerly of Nestleton, who are observing their six- tieth wedding anniversary today, Monday, March 18. May you both, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, continue to find hap- piness amoung your family and many friends in your sunset years. The Ray Sonnan Show "Calling All Britons" played "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" in their honor. Friends are pleased that Mrs. Don Frew, following surgery, returned home from the Ross Memorial Hospital, on Thursday. It has been learned with regret of the sudden death of Mr. Osmond Wright, who died in his sleep, Saturday, March 16. Sincere sympathy is ex- tended to his wife and family. Reverend and Mrs. Victor Parsons, Marlene and Linda, of Blackstock, following the morning service in Nestleton United Church, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin were after- noon and evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gilchrist, at Wood- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin, Lynn and Brent, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glover Ross at Tavistock. Their cousin, Miss Carolyn Ghent returned home with fhema for a weeks vacation., Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.wWilfred Vine and famiiy, were Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Middleton and Bruce of Mississauga, Mr. li-erbert Vine, of the Community Nur- sing Home, Port Perry, and Mrs. Dorothy Haines, of Caesarea. On Sunday, March was living up to the traditions of wind and snow. In some churches services were can- celled, In others there were only a few faithful adherents who braved the wintry blast. Snow was easily shovelled as it came out in huge blocks like layer cake with chocolate icing (sand) on top. No one can complain about one day's inclement weather when our winter, up to date, has been beautifully sunny and free from storms. Please phone 986-4305 with your news items. Perhaps the storm has kept every one at home as there seems to be very few items to report today. Guests, on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Clifford were. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Browm, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weston, Rickey, Brian, Ronald and Allan of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lee and family of Neteton. Ladies Aid The Nestleton Presbyterian Ladies' Aid met in the church, on Wednesday evening, March 13, with Mrs. Dorothy Lee, as hostess. Mrs. H. Visser, resident, after welcoming al, opened the meeting with the Hymn My Hope is Built on Nothing Less" and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Fred Dayes read the Devotions from 1sr. Chroni- eles Chapter 16: 23-26 and the explanations "Worship as a means of Grace" from "These Days" Booklet. The minutes of the Febru- ary meeting were read by the Secretary, Miss Ruth Proutt. Corespondence included "Thank you" notes f rom sick and shufins. Planswere made for a "Pot Luck" supper, in April. A Bible verse with the word "Hope" was given for the Roll Cali. The Hymn "Rock of Ages" and the Mizpah benediction concluded this part of the meeting. For the programme read- ings were given by Mrs. N. bew Welsh, Bowmanville, Johnstone "Faith and Hope", have returned from a nMos Mrs. H. Lee - "Are You an enjoyable two weeks vacation Active Member?", Mrs. G.n hOUght abouthe COSt "Wednesday" a popular Mrs. Dayes - "A Boy's Essay rock group will perform its big on Anatomy". porm Rock, Saturday was served by Mrs. Lee andp r s i t o n evening, Marcb 23, at 7 p.m assistant, Mrs. Dayes. way Club, recently elected the appreciation. following executive. President For the programme, at the Don Trussier, 1sf. Vice Presi- supper, Miss Anneke Van 'd dent Tom Gascoigne, 2nd Vuuren of Newcastle,Natal, You couldsometnmng Vice President Bob Prentice South Africa will be the guest about if. and Secretary-Treasurer Bert speaker. This seventeen year Moldr. ld irlis nw atening Different brands of the same quality Thisryear marks 60 years of Bowmanville High School and service by the VON (Victorian it will be a pleasure to hear drug vary widely in price. Order of Nurses) in the er speak• Next time, when you need a W94ih hbfitbl eg Mabprescription, ask this question; "Arn 1 Sin Whitby, folowed a WESLEYVILLE branch opening-in Oshawain The March meeting of the getting the lowest cost drug according 1934, with Whitby and Oshawa UCW local unit was held at the to PARCOST?" amalgamaingpande1968, fiS home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie PARCOST is a program that assures year VONi expanded service ACSisapormttasue as ofJanuary1 94f c Ford, Port Hope on Wednes- as ofJnry1,194 o include day afternoon, the 13th. The you of "Prescriptions At Reasonable COST" tOhe entre eted recenI urha e business was conducted by -use it! Your doctor and pharmacist know President Mrs. T. D. Thomas, absence of the leader, Mrs. Kabout it through the PARCOST Index of Pasf President, Geroge H. TPwaites, 1sf. vice, Jan Dry- Ashby, and the programme quality drugs. gala, 2nd vice, Mrs. Md as pres ed by Fe rgrou Think PARCOST -choose a Lage led bycrrsarA. Ford. The Twnin, Treasurers Mis theme "The Global Family" participating pharmacy. Twining, e.arer, Mi was introduced by Mrs. C. Evelyn Peel, Chairman Medi- Irwin by showing God's plan cal Commitee, Dr. H. R. for his creation and how it had Rowsell. been renounced by men. The Lake Ontario is nof expecte hymns sung were accompan- to rise to the dangerous levels ied ong era yMs. of last year, according to iedon the guiar by Mrs. T. - EnvrouentCanda.RisngWilson. Mrs. Ford, gavea Environment Canada. Rismgdamtcilutrto ao h 6.5 inches in February, it was dramafie illustration of the Qin s iFebrary, ha great difference between even still six inch inches, below thegeadifrnebwenvn level recorded last year. At a ll income family in Ministry of the end of February, the level Canada and mos families in PARTICIPATINGHealth ofwaer in Lake Ontario stood he orcounfsiesB Mrs.eT. PFARMACY af24.9 ee.Wilson, Mrs. A. Best, Berniece Mnai The 9,000,OOti vehicle, pro-Best, each presented some of duced by Gneral Moorsro- the problems preventing the Canada, was presented to fulfilment of the plan and to Hon. Frank S. Miller, Minister MayorJamey sh-emphasize the problems of the awa,last week,tby G. M. world, Mrs. H. Best conducted President David C. Collier. - - - -- - - - - - - The special Oshawa-built gold Chevrolet Caprice Classie, is on loan to the city, to be used by the Mayor and other civic dignitaries, during the city's 50th. anniversary celebrations this year. The Y.W.C.A. of Oshawa are using a Mexican Villa setting as the theme for the Annual bea.- Dessert and Card Party, to be beld April 2 from 1.30 f0 3 p.m.l and from 7.30 fo 10 p.m nin the incometaxhelp s s m program building of the Y.W.C.A. Decorating chair- dna man for the event is Mrs.Bey and howtomaketworkfor Hess, President of the "Y"Ii iu Mrs. Marianne Zakarow, As you know by now, we changed a lot of things last * Second. If you're stili confused or something just Executive director Mrs. Bar- year. We gave you a new return, a new Guide, severai new - doesn seem fo work, phone. The number of your bara Copp, while Mrs. Elta deductions and a few new rules. And quite honestly, we were own District Taxation Office ,s below and at the cprouuparty coveno oo s the more than a littie concerned about your reaction to ift ail. end of that number there are people whose only job is to help card parfy. Ail proceeds go (And very, very interested in your opinions.) taxpayers with problems, by telephone. And on Mondays and oward YWCA projects. Well, now that we've had time to really look back at it Tuesdays phone lines are open 'til 6 p.m. So dont hesitate 17, the morning service at and assess it honestly, it appears that most taxpayers did If you live outside the office area, cail the Operator and Trmity United Church was not seem to find it too difficult. The error rate did not ac- ask for Zenith 0-4000. She will automatically connect you to conducted by Rev. Arthur celerate greatly or change drastically from former years. your own District Taxation Office. Remember, all calls are Amacher, assistant minister. Generally, most taxpayers seemed to handle their new free, ail questions are answered, and if you have queries, we The guest speaker was Rev. returnsfirly well. want you to cal I Ian MacRury, of George However, incomeTax will never be the easiestor most Street United Church, Peter- enjoyable thing in anyone's life. And it will always present oe Third. Some people prefer to talk things over in borough who brought a most problems in some areas, for some people. That's expected '" person. if you're one of them and have problems inspirmg gospel message bas- and understandable ' drop by for free help. Anytime. The address of your ed on the title "Lest We Forget So. What we want to do now is really work on those District Taxation Office is below. Gethsemane" and very ap- problem areas. And the best way to do that is to work with propriate for this season of the you, individually, on whatever part of Income Tax that causes - Fourth. Write To the address below Explain your yar.iOn e.f ofchee congre- you difficulty. /problem as clearly as possible and include all in- gaion Rev. Amacher extend- And that's what April Aid is ail about. Its a help system formation. (And your return address, please.) In ed sicere thanks f pRev. and its primary objective is to ensure that whenever or return, we'il answer aIl letters as quickly and clearly as ed sermon. whatever you need help with, you can get t And know how possible. Remember- if you need help, itfs there. (And free). Toronto -- Aimed at bringing to get it. And al you have to do is ask the services of the Ministry of.. April Aid. Industry and Tourism closer CME And thIS is how it The Income Tax help sysem to manufacturers, business- GUIDE works: Let's make it work for you. men and tourist operators, a --First. Your Guide is always the new area office bas been best answer when you have a problem. opened at Fairview Mall in Read it. Follow it. It not only gives explana- servwae.usiesofcaed in Toe ther, Willowdale. The office will tions, but in many cases, examples of just serve businesses located in howfto figure something out. w ecange'tit Metro Toronto, the regional0eL municipalities of York, Peel and Durham in addition to district offices covering the o e counties of Simcoe, Peterbor- * RevenueCanada Revenu Canada ough, Northumberland, Vic- Taxation Impôt toria, Haliburtoniand the District Municipality of Mus- °Roeri Stanbury inister cobert Stanbury m ,o stre koka. For information cal New Federai Bldg., 11 Station Street, Belleville, 491-7680. Ont. K8N 2S3-962-8611 - - - - -- - -ma-mmaimmee - - -- a game requiring a choice be made among individuals, only part of whom could be spared to live. The offerin2 was received & dedicated by Mrs. 1'ord. During the business appreciation cards were read from those who had returned from hospîtal. Berniece Best, acting for Mrs. A. Austin gave out some Red Cross wool for knitting and crochetingaf- ghans and also read the atest letter from Luk Yun Man in Kowloon. There were about 15 present who enjoyed the fellowship of the meeting and social cup of tea. A "make it and take it sale"held following the meet- ing netted about $13. with Mrs. B. Cryderman in charge of sales. Mr. Percy Snell is in St. Joseph's hospital, Peterbor- ough where he had surgery performed last week. People of this area were doubly saddened last week with the passing of two good neighbors and friends, Mr. Victor Wilson and Mr. Harvey Osborne and the sympathy of all is with their families. Last week we reported that Kevin Austin was unable to skate at the skating carnival because ofta recent illness, but we overlook the come-back powers of the young, for Kevin was able to skate his part. Ladies of the community finished a very special quilt last week and will be taking time off next week during the winter break. Most people in the commun- ity will be watching - CBC television next Thursday night Marcb 2lst. to see "The Cities We Build". A part of it was tilmed locally with some members of the H.O.P.E. group. Mr. and Mrs. StanleyvNich- ois of Bowmanville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Nichols during thrweekend. The high winds of Sunday afternoon caused a wire to break on the hydroline running north on one of the sideroads from the lakeshore. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 20, 1974 5 ELDAD U.C.W. The Presidenit Mrs. Fred Eldad United Church Wo- Watson presided. The minutes men held their March meeting of the previous meeting were at the home of Mrs. Wesley read by Mrs. Burney Hooev. Yellowlees on March 4, 1974, Various committees reported with a pleasing attendance. on their progress and announcements were made. It takes only a few hours when Mrs. Francis Johnston con- the power is off to make us ducted the worship service. realize how dependent we The topic "Canadian Mis- have become, especially with sions" was fresented by Mrs. winds of Sunday s velocity. Wesley Yel owlees. We were Gloria Nichols who has tried given a little insite of the areas her Associate examination in in Canada were assistance is piano recently, received very greatly needed. gratifying results last week. Mrs. Watson elosed the She left on Sunday to spend the meeting. Lunch was served by week with her sister Joan and those in charge and a social family in Chatham. time was enjoyed. SOYO TMR THROUGH THE NOSE FOR OTHER ACCIDENTS._ Safe drivers save monev at Safeco Careful people have fewer accidents, so it costs us less and ve pass the savings on to vou And when it cones to cla is, seulemnitn e tr tvscontact claimants within 24 hours, and seule claims wvithin 5 working days. Safeco. Insurance on everything you value. SAFECO. OSBORNE & SHANK INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. PHONE 623-4551 108 Liberty St. N., Box 277, Bowmanville, Ont. LIC 3L1

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