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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1974, p. 5

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-tlold Open Houlse March24at Princess .1 A mieeting of the Bowman- ville Unît of the Cancer Society was held February 27th, at the home of Mrs. Jean McMurter. .Service to Patients Mrs. Joan Mann epoted that four patients are receiv- ing ýdressings. Mrs. Shirley Brock reported that fourteen eturn trips to Princess Mar- garet Hospital had been made during the past month. The Open,,House of the Princess, Margaret Hospital was discussed. The date is Sunday, March 24th, a bus will leave Bowmanville at 12:00 p.m. This is an excellent VIRTUE FUELS 1TYRONE R. R. 5- - Bowmanville PHONE 263-8431 VIargaret i opportunity for volunteers and their friends - for students and groups to see one of the foremost cancer treatment and research centres in the world. Any one interested in going is asked to cail: Mrs. Connie Kelly 623-7552,- Mrs. Joan Mann 623-5174, or Mr. Clarence Bell 623-5939. Education A report was read from Mrs. Joy Hiansel. , Rtoutine work is being car- ried on in the schools. About 2000 pieces of literature, including posters and tran- parencies are out for distribu- tion to students. Locals Imig At'PC Cor Northumberland Durham rîdîng was weli represented at the general meeting of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, held at Ottawa March 17 to 19. Theme were 23 members in the -Nothumberland-Durham delegation, one of the largest representations this riding has ever sent to a P.C. conference, and they were active partici- pants in the meetings and policy discussions. During the three-day con- ference they met Progressive Conservative Party Leader Robert Stanfield and former Prime Minister John Diefen- Ontario Hospital lnquiry Commission on Employee Wages, Salaries and Benefits The Minister of Labour bias established a Hospital InCliry Commission to investigate ways of providing the current p ocf hospital negoliations wifh an improved basis for ttie deýtermînation of employee wages, salaries and benef ifs. It s composed of R. E. Alden, A. S.Tirreli and J, S. Dupre (Chairman), The Commission is seeking the view' s of the public as tbey relate to its ferms 0f refe re nce. The Commriýission bhas as ils termý of reference the duty Lü inquire itc and report con * hestndards of compensation applica1ble to empý lo-yees of bospîfals, under The Pulc1opîasAcf and thý,-e relatior sbîp )'f the-sestandards e cmpaabl work ý n other categories cf emrploymenf n nir *'The appropriate criteria which should be applierl - tth,, deturmination oft îch compensation. " The teasibilîty and desirability of collective barqaînîng t)eing conducted on a level other than an individuLal bospital. " The desirabilify of establishing a resource centre for developîng and publîshîng statîstîcal data relevant f0 such bargaining. Subissions Invited P1ersons or groups wishîng to make a Nritten su.biiission are asked t0. * Notîfy the Commission by Aprîl 9. 1974 of their i tennion io make a written submission. *Make wrtten sulbmissions as soon as possible to ho in the hands nf the Commission by May 6ý 1974, The Commission may request a subséquent oral review of any submissîon. Submissions and inquiries should be addressed Io: The Secretary. Hospital lnquiry Commission, 400 University Avenue, 111h Floor. Toronto. Ontario M7A 1T8 1. B. McKenna Secretary lospital Some doctors offices have been covered using approxi- mately 400 items of interest and information. The filin "The Embattled Caîl" has been used as a basis for a high school biology project - because of its excellent f ilm ing of the active, living celîs. This same film was viewed by some medical personnel who feit it was excellent. Five student kits have been mailed out for different pro- jects. The next meeting of the Cancer Society will be held March 26th, 8:00 p.m. at the Lions Center. Dress îve mdference baker, and were luncheon guests of Alian Lawrence, M.P. for Northumberland- Durham, and Mrs. Lawrence at the Parliamentary Rest- aurant. Those attending the general meeting included Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Robson, of Enniskillen, Mr. Charlie Reed of Orono, Mrs. Freida John- stone, of Hastings, Mr. Clare Winsluw, of Cavan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster, of Kendal, Mr. Jack Plooard, of Garden Hill, Mr. Elmer Bogyay, of Port Hope, Mrs. Muriel Ed- wards, of Cobourg, and Mrs. Marnie de K. Varent, of Port Hope . Progressive Conservative Youth Federation delegates were Mr. Roger Wilson, of Bewdley, Mr. David Gray, of Port Hope, Miss Charlotte Clay, of Bewdley, Mr. Scott Johnstone, of Hastings, Mr. Joe Vanderveer, of Bowman- ville, Mr. Tom Greaves, of Hastings, Miss Cathy Car- ruthers, of Garden Hill, and Mr. Sean Lawrence, of Janet- ville. KENDAL Ladies from Kendal Wo- men's Institute were enter- tained by the ladies of Newtonville W. I. on Wednes- day afternoon. Thé' general meeting was followed by progressive Euchre, after which a tasty lunch was served to ail making a very pleasant afternoon. On Wednesday evening sev- eral from Kendal were in Kirby where Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hamm showred their pictures on Africa in the district of Abyssittia or Ethi- opia where they had been stationed as missionaries., They expeet to eturn to that area in the fali. Later a tasty lunch was served to ail in the basement of the, church. Miss Catherine Stewart had supper Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Eliott before going to the meeting in Kirby. There was a good turn out Friday evening at the Euchre party, in the Orange Hall. The winnems for the evening were Lady's High Mrs. R. Branch, lady's low Miss Bernice Milli- gan. Gents' high went to Mr. Tom Wilson and gent's low to Mm. Wayne Lowery. The 50-50 draw went to Miss Bemnice Milligan. Mr. and Mms. Jos. Walker of orono called on their son and famîly Mm. and Mrs. Doug Walkem and Mark on Friday evening. Mr. Gordon Morton met with a very painful accident last Friday when he was 'MVAY * Rf"GINIA FRIEI) CÂHIC"KEN *TRAtDEMARK THE MARY BROWN CORP., RICHMOND, VI RGI NIA h i n KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE AMPLE FREE PARKING Michael Lewis, senior information officer with Arctic Gas answers questions from members of the Canadian Club during a coffee break following the meeting. Mr. Lewis spoke to the club on Arctic Gas' recently'-submitted plan to build a pipe line dô-wn the MacKenzie Valley to provide natural gas to Canada and the United States. The plan was submitted to the government Thursday of last week. Members seen chatting with Mr. Lewis are -from left to right, Alf Perrin, Bill Allun and Mrs. Robert Gili. Mrs, spent1 wiere was ir, SDari spent week, Walla( .Sorr NE WTON VILLE MrWaendGatBoughen of Port Hope has had ilgnadMsB.i Mr aeadGatto relurn to Memnorial Hospi- Mlia n isB last weekend in Ottawya, tai. Rev. R. C. and Mrs. Sthe OBA. Convention- Members attending the of Oshawa, have me nprogress. Eastern Star Opportunity Sale home after a holid lene Gordon of Orono, at Trinity Church Sunday Bermuda. at Mer.daysdherelst Sclîoo ast week incîuded Friday evening visitoi wihM.adMs Mrs. Amelia Lancaster, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmeý ce Boughen. Bea Jones, Mrs. Giadys Walk- Mr. and Mrs. Raymor, y to hear Mrs. Alice ey, Mms. Mary Jones, Mrs. A. mer, Islington, and MV SOLI Mr. Ron Knox visited Miss Marilynà Knox; Guelph, for the holiday week. Mr. and1 Mrs. Harold Vel- lowlees and John, Orono, were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- tees. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harri- son and family, Oshawa, were Sunday visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees. John and Glen Cowling, Peterborough, and Cameron Smales, Oshawa, holidayed last week wîth Catherine Baker. Diana, Teresa, and Roberta Bitner, Oshawa, were week- end visitors with their grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bitner, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests ot Mr. andi Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Mrs. Wes. His' spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarrell, umemee. Mr. and Mrs. Albert His, Bowmanville, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. His and family. Heather and Mchelle Down, Sunderland, were overnight visitors with their grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mr. and Mrs. William Ash- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Flett, Mr. Tom Barrie, Bow- manville were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Walter and Lawrence attend- ed the Ontario Junior Farm- er's Association Annual Ban- quet and Dance, held on Saturday evening at the Inn- on-the-Park, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family visited on Thurs- day with Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Sherwin. and family, Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family were Friday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Abernethy and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Abernethy, Manilla. ,Mr. and Mrs. Frances Williams, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Potter and Jennifer, Hampton, Miss Rob- in Middleton and Miss B4nnie Wortten, Midland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter. Mrs. Joe Snowden, Bruce and Sheryl spent a few days last week with Mr. Isaac Hardy and Stanley, Lindsay. Mrs.* Tom Flett, Columbus, and Mrs. Mary Westlake, Peterborough were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett. Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mrs. Ross Kossatz had a family shower for Miss Brenda Yel- lowlees a bride-to-be. at Mrs. Davis home on Friday even- ing. Mrs. Helen Werry has returned from a visit with Mr. caught in a grain auger whiie unloading grain. He is a patient in Bowmanvilie Hospi- tal. We trust hie wiii soon be better. Mr. David Skerral is a patient in Oshawa Hospital also Kevin Therteil eiderson. of Mm. and Mrs. Gary Therteli. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Cann of Garden Hill. SMr. Maurice Bradley took the service Sunday morning at church taking as the subject of bis sermon Religýion or Jesus Christ. He stressed how essen- tial the spirit of Jesus Christ was in everything including religion. Theme was a fine choir out who sang Wonderfui Love with Mrs. A. Foster at the organ. Mr. Bradley read an announcement of a U.C.W. meeting in Newtonville next Wednesday evening in New- tonville, Church where the ladies were invited. The tradition of Red Cross Youth in Canada bas been a tradition of service. Today, Rcd Cross youth are workîng, to preserve that tradition, and to exparid it in communities from coast to coast. lilligan. .White, eturned day in rs with er were )d Gil- r. and The Canadiani Statesman, Bowmanviiie, March 27, 1974 Michael Lewis Speaks at Canadian Club Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family. Mrs. Olive Henderson and Mrs. Mary Brown called recentiy to see Mrs. Lorchen Adams in Memorial Hospital, and. Mrs. Lena Ovens, in Beau Villa Rest Home. Mrs. Russell Strang, of Tara, who is vîsiting hier son anrd famil y in Port Hope, spent Saturday with Mrs. Winnie Elliott. Mr. Duane Chrysier, of this village, is a patient in Memor- tai Hospital, Bowmanville. Messrs. Trueman Hender- son and Sid Brown were away ice-fishing over the weekend. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lane, whose marriage took place in New- castle United Church, on Saturday. A reception was held. later, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, Or- ono. Guests from Newtonviile were their attendants, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs.,C. H. Lane, and Mrs. J. C. Moore of Brantford, who was a weekend guest of the Lanes. guests, Saturday evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Webster and Peniny were' Christine Selby, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. Art Bradley of Cambray, Mrs. Bea Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. "Religion, or Jesus Christ?" was the theme of our Sunday morning speaker, Mr. Bradley who emphasized the need for real effort, rather that mere rituai, being a necessity for the Christian way of life. The' choir sang "The Old Rugged Cross". Mr.' M. E. Coivin,,of Orono, will be our speaker next Sunday.,, The Clarke High Sehool students 'who were touring Euri-tmp 1st week. retirned entertained by our Newton- ville Branch. After words of welcome from President B. Milligan, the Institute Ode was sung and the Mary Stewart Colleet repeated. Sec- retary-Treasurer M. Buckley read the financial report, and the minutes of last meeting were accepted as written, (we presume they wili be read at the next meeting.) Motions were passed that ah bis be paid, inceuding $15 rentai for the hall, and a donation of $10 to the Red Cross. A note of thanks was read from Mrs. Trim's daughter, for remem- bering her mother, who is showing signs of improvement we were glad to hear. A number of Short Courses are available,- and those interested please contact Sec- retary Mrs. M. Buckley, as * pdIU~~IuU e.mEU Our standing goal is to make pay- ment in full within 5 working days from the time Safecos adjuster gels your claim. We u1sually succeed S mile, cm etares to the -next hm , üd Y eveSafeco Insuance on your 1N ,meeting. Our books are to be ly, Jennifer Payne, Nancy car, home, boat, business ' O and rs.Mont . mmeronin to the leaders by April 10. Reid, Ca~rol Stapleton and health, life and everything Saf.ol BndMrsle nyiEnleson We flot going to have a Carol Hen eo, adalt else you value. Meeting Six Deb Drew demonstrated'sew- get back! OSBO Ii E r SIlA lN'Y Wihte Hpenede.the ing on a hutton. Janice how to There was an attendance of NUACAECYLD withthe -H pedge Anntteset in a sîeeve, Mrs. Langmaid approximat1y thirty-six lad-INUACAG CYLD read the minutes of the last covering a beit, and Mrs. ies at the Wo's nttt HNE6345 metig Teroll caîl was Rowsell a bound button hole. PHtOrinEin6ommnityHal deontrtegodstanding We then worked on our Wecnesdlav atternoon, mvarcn 108 Liberty St. N., Box 277, and sitting posture. Annette garments and ad]ourned the 20, when members from Bwavle Ot i L asked if we wouid bring, our meeting. Kendai a:nd Morrish were BwavilOt I L M~ *VEGA * e CHEVELLE Nu 7 A MM MLC M CUTLASS M e CHEaVROLET TRUCKS.N AT, ROY NICHOLS MOTORS OVER 50 YEARS 0F EXPERIENCEL MGOES BE'lII'4 EVLKY ~"CAR WiE SELI. > MDemo - 1973 hevrolet Demo -1973 Olds 4-Door Hardtop 1971 Chev.' Bel Air 2-Door M M 4-oorHartopDelta "88" HardtopM M-oo Nado MPower brakes and steering, V-8, radio, Fully equipped with air-conditioning, V8 uoaipwrbae n Mrear defroster, rear speaker, white gold with neutral trim. If you are V8 uoaipwrbae n Mwalls and discs. Light green with green looking for this class of car you must terpig re. wih lac tim.Rel M trim, vinyl roof and tinted windshield. see this one. Come in today.. Serialshr.LcEM23N Li.EBM414 3N39N3M385152 PRCDA... ..... 249 N 10 em 1973 Cerlt4Do t Monte Carlo Landau 1971 Plymouth 2-Door Hardtop *g M V-8, automatic, power brakes and mirrroinytoirdiowtiopllsrateri,, rdioiai-cwnditongsteeingrraio, radiioaoalu.iLi.sterig, idemouling, mtsremte -8, uroatiiopwerbraks *nd o8,autmatluepw.rbraes .ndM M deluxe bumpers, -rear defroster and bucket seats ,and console. Gold wîth _EBCO71. $1 M speaker. Blue with blue trim. Lic. beige trim. Lic. EBK615. PRICED AT ...............OO M HDW095 PRICED AT............ $1 J9 9 5 DM o M 93Mne al M Deo -197 Mone Crlo1973 Chevrolet Station Wagon 1970 Tempest 2-Door, Hardtop N M -8 atoatepower brakesan Power sern n brakes, 8 oebaeand steering, automatic,N Msteering, auxiliary lights, door guards, automatic, radio, dises, very dlean. V-8, radio. Clean, must be seen. Mtinted glass, radio, rear speaker, white Green with green trim. Lic. BBH64O N .<walls and side mouldings. Serial Lic. EBBO14. PIEA M 11571131447014 PRICED AT .............. PRIEDA ......... MM oy icos otors LIMITED M BOWMANVULLE 623-2556 COURTICE 728-6206N M Ted Miller - Harold Michelson - ""Ace" Richards . Doug FergusonN soon as possible, as enroiment is necessary. To name a few: Clothing and Textiles - one day, choosing and using fab- ries, Home Furnishings - one day, The Bedroom and Bath,, News and Ideas for Kitchens - one day, Interior Design Basics - one day, Home Crafts,' Neediecraft- two days. Instead of program, five rounds of progressive Euchre were played, wîth prîzes being drawn by the following: May Burley,ý Marjorie Pascoe, Bea Jones, Mrs. H. Hoiman, J. Dyceman, Iva Frrow, Mrs., Gosson. After ail joined in, singing the Institute Grace, lunch was served, and a social time enjoyed. Next meetingý the Annuai One, will be held on Wed. April 17, in the Sunday School hall, beginning with a Pot-luck dinner at 12.30 noon. 'M' q 1969 immc--

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