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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1974, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, March 27, 1974 M.M m»Mmm MmmmUUUm'F 623-3303* FLASHBACK- 251Years Ago On Saturday, April 2, the Central Ontario Bad minton Association held its first Junior Tournament, at Bowmanville Badminton Club. Competing from the local club were Misses Evans, Buttery and Dale. President Alan H. Osborne stated the event was a success with 61 entries from Oshawa, Port Hope and Bowmanville. Mrs. Maurice Breslin and the social eommittee were in charge of the tasty lunch. FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago - Hornets defeated Raiders 8-5 at the Memorial Arena Sunday morning to capture the Local 189 Hockey Championship in three straight games. Goal scorers were Gary McCullough, Clint Ferguson, Don Prout, Bob Marjerrison, Bill Lyle, Bob Sheridan, Jack Mantie,' Ray West and Don Bagneil. CONGRATULATIONS - to Bobbi-Ann Fairey, who :eompeted in the Provincial Championships in ,London, March l7th and placed third in the Bantam 300 CLUB WINNERS - March: 23, 2lst Week - No. 86 Stewart McTavish, No. 248 M. Berry, No. 57 Lloyd Ellis, No. 113 AI Westlake, No. 80 P. Pattrick. l HAMPTON GARDENS - Minor Pee Wees lost the o)pening game of a best of five series to Stoney C reek in overtime by a 4-3,score. Second game goes Wednesday evening here at7:O00p.m. Come out and tçheer the boys on. SOCCER - The Newcastle Recreation Departlment will hold registrations for boys soccer, starting oitn onday, April lst to April 22nd,,Monday thrioughi Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Recreation- Office, Town Hall, Bowmanville. The age category- i s, seven and under 14 year-s of age, as of January lst of, the current year. We hope to have enough registrations, so that we 'May be able to organize two or three age level leagues. For further information, please cail the Recreation Office 623-3379., MARE- COMEBACK- After being outscored in two games of the three out of fîve Provincial play-off s by Peneta ng, Kn4 pp1s Towing Major Jantams, came charging back to take thehr -rame 4-2. Congratulations and hest of luck with the ourth game which goes in- Penetang Tuesday evýening. LARE SCUGOG- Winter Ice Fishing. Un- known to many anglers the waters of Lake Scugog have been open to winter angling of pickerel and pèeh for a number of years. It was not until this winter that fishermen in the area began to take advantage of this r^ecreation. In early January only two ice huts were observed on the lake. As the fishing success increased more huts were observed spotting the ice surface until by the end of February 23 huts were counted. TIMMY TYKE, TOURNAMENT- Winners of games played Saturday in Scarborough Arena in the l9th Annual Timmy Tyke Tournament were: Wexford 3, Etobicoke Canucks 1; West 1h11ll2, Cedar Hill 1; Leaside 2, TedReeve 1; Queensway 1, Bert Robinson 0; Toronto Olympics 5, Malton Jets 4; N.Y. Rangers 2, Dixie Royals 0; Scarboro Sabres 2, Clairlea 0; Burlington 7, St . Catharines 2; N.Y. Rangers 2, Toronto Olympics 1; Toronto Blues 3, Agincourt Canadians -1; Mississauga Fastfrate 2, Dorset Park 1; Kingston 2, Brampton 1; Bay Ridges 2, Midland 0; Markham,2, Georgetown 0; Humberview 3, Don Milîs 1; Faustina 2, Hllcrest 1; Bowmanville 4, Richmond Hill- 0. By the time Saturday's winning teams comDete for the championships at Maple Leaf Gardens April 1, there willhave been 649 Tyke games played this, season. Western Electric Minor Atoms lost their second game to Markham 3-1 and are now out of the tournament. The Minor Atoms are still waiting for an opponent for the O.M.H.A. Champyionship final. NORTHUMBERLAND & DURHAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION COURTI CE SECONDARY SCHOOL YOGA 1CLASSES (for exercise) Registration: April 3, 1974 Fee: $5.00 for 10 weeks VINYL LINER IN - GROUND P OOLS COMPLETE INSTALLATION OR POOL KITS AVAILABLE TAYLOR Sanid & Gravel ORONO PHONE 983-5003 AGENTS FOR ACORN POOLS Mixed Major ,March 11, 1974 (lntended for Iast week) One of the Orono Clan came hrough with high triple and single for the night. John :Jgden had 885 games of' 361, 288, and 236, Great night eh John? Ernie Perfect trying to close the gap for high average had 708 ames of 306, 255 and 228.,Other 700 triples - Vern Connors 708 (273) and John Luffman 705 (291). (>ther Games 230 and Ox er above her head Pat Bagnell 305, Jane L)ykstra 282, Gord Simpson 265, Jo Ann Hutton 250, and Maurice Annaert 291. TeaiStandings Buday........... 23 31,622 Wright ........... 21 32,768 Haynes ........... 18 31,514 Sheehan ...... ... 17 30,676 Joli .. -........... 15 31,037 Morrison. ....... 15 30,981 Fairey........... 14 30,635 Dunn............13 30,784 Patfield .......... 12 30,915 Crossey .......... 12 30,041 Opoka..........l29,782 Sutcliffe......9 29,549 Top Ten Averages Doris Joli ...... ........ 257 Ernie Perfect ........... 253 Bernice Buday .ý......... 240 Don Bagneil ............23 Larry Piper ............. 234 Joan Sutlîlfe ........... 233 Peggy Haynes ...-...ý.... 231 Don Bishop ............ 230 Albert Saman ý.......... 223 Ross Wright ... .... .... 220 March 18. 1974 Doris Joll, high triple 880 (344-275-261). Don Bishop 799 (300-292), Ron Haynes 782, (295-284), Ollie Patfieid 724, Vern Con- nors 722 (254, Joan Sutcliffe 721 (258), Flo Draper 720 (309) and Peggy Haynes 701 (260). 250 Garnes and over Chuck Hutton 329, Myrl Daw- son 307, Don Ham ilton 306 (his very first), l3ernice Buday 270, Ross Wright 263, Gord Simpson 259, Larry Piper 257, Gord Cowling 254, John Ogden 252, Linda Crossey 252. ,Teain Standings Buday .. :......24 34,825 Wright ........... 23 36,081 Haynes.......... 20 34,683 Sheehan ..i....... 19 33,749 Joli .............. 18 34,361 Morrison......... 17 33,967 Dunn ............. 14 33,681 Fairey........... 14 33,636 Patfîeld ........... 13 34,071 Crossey.......... 13 33,018 Opoka........... 12 32,927 Sutclifee .. il...1132,632 Top Ten Averages Doris Joîll............... 261 Ernie Perfect ........... 250 Bernice Buday ....... ... 237 Don Bagnell ........... 234 Joan Sutcliffe ...... -.... 234 Don Bîshop... ......... 233 Larry Piper... ......... 232 Peggy Haynes .......... .232ý Albert Saman ...... 223 Ross Wright .. ..... 220 Legion Ladies Bowling Mareh 21. 1974 Teain Standings Bruce ....... .... 23 34,076 Partner .......... 19 33,382 Sutclifee......... 17 33,690 Bates............ 13 32,343 High Average. Joan Sutcliffe ........... 234 Hligh Single Joan Sutcliffe..........-269 111gb Triple , Joan Sutcliffe . ......... 706 200 Gaines Joan Sutcliffe 269-244, Mary Battis 236-218, Marg Ptlrris 236, Mary Gray 231-216, Den- ise Annaert 227, Fran Bruce 229-223, Grace Murdoch 219, Grace Downhey 2,15-209, Ber- nice Partner 210, Hilda Sim- nick 209-201, Rose Venasse 207, Marie Bissonette 205, Irene Whitney 204, Av erages Joan Sutcliffe........... 234 Fran Bruce (30).ý.........218 Mary Bates (30)..... >.... 203 Bernice Partner ......... 201 Rose Venasse (30)....... 197 Jean Burton............. 196 Irene Whitney ........... 190 Nyhi Sheehan (33).......-189 Mary Gray ..ý.......... ý186 MargPerris (6) ......181 John Luffinan 792-(304-283) Bill Oke 782 (283) Bill Oke 782 (283) Russ Halîman 791, Russ Hately 768, Les Smale 763, Dick Perfect 771 (298) Lander Hardware Team - High Single 1308. Beaver Lumber High Single 3620. Con ucks Win Lions Club Trophy The Canucks of the Midget fluse League are pictured above with Lions Club Trophy they had just won, defeating the Mount Royals in a besi two out of thiree playoff, winning two gaines with scores of 3-1 and 4-2. Members of the team are, front row, left to right: Mark Chishoîni, Don Childs, Danny Curwin, Danny Wilcox, Glen Martin, Neil Killeîîs, Bill Polak, back row: Coach Harold Curwin, Mark Rigby, Rick Filiatrauît, Joe Guest, Stewart1 Francis, EàrI Carter, John Turner, I)ennis Knapp, Manager Doug Bradley. Absent: Bob Cowles, Tirn Joskowvskî Ken's Wi in ~~~~iln roO nr Kens Mens Wear capl ured thc Men's Town I eague championship on 'lues, Mai ch l2th, xith a 40-29 victorv over Coronation Cfae at the BHS Gymnasium. The penflant winning team, who dropped only two en- counters during the i egular season, swept the best-of- three final affair 2-0, squeak- ing a 41-40 opener last week, Steve Blysma led Kens xv(h 14 points, folloxved closely by Bih Mo isons 13 point éffort. Jim Campbell lhad svnxith, oul - ut ej ro i cS et K-c, i'112it Parker. For foi; :tui xlcfiniîsh- ed thiîd btu~tseond place "t!p-,,, E uls iin the seeiifinals J miuBnm xas tops ba in wî o list)ý or u s i o 'I ahes Mary Browni ovîee Ail-Stars W ,,in 3 ~ Thursday, March 1410, Mary Brown's xeie remnoved from the playof f picture nburi they <roppe J a 3-1 decision te Ajax. Ater defeating Ajax on f ive straighî occasions duriiug the year they dîopped thre straight play-off garnes and were ousted'three games (o one. Ajax neyer trailed as Ihey opened up a 3-0 lead before Jeff Logan scored the lone Toro rnarker assisted by Rohbie Green. Tuesday, March 19th Bow- manville attended thc New- castie tournament and wveilte the finals before bowig eut te a superior Peterborough squad 4-0. In the firsI gaine Tomes defeated Newcastle 6-3. Tim- m y Prestoni led the Bowman- ville team in this garre witb one goal arîd four assisîs, Jeff Logan two goals, Jefi Vyf- schaft twc goals, Todd Beers 'one goal and one assist, and single assists te Tcdd Tî'eie blay, Shaughn iHouston and Danny (coombes. In the second game Toros blasted West Rouge 10.-0 witb Todd Stephens kicking eut 15 shots le earn the shuteut. Jff Logan was the top point mon in titis gamne with two goals and three assists; Robbie Green two goals and one assist; Chris Moffaît two goals, Jef f Vyfschaft one goal and one assist, Shaughn lieus- ton one goal and onîe assist, Tim Preston twoassists, Todd Beers and David Hlogarth one goal each and Todd Tremblay and Scott Masters one assist each. In the chianpioîiship game the locals were defeated by Peterborough. Tim Little, Scott Masters, Juif Vyfschaft and I)anny t2ooinbes had an excellent three games on the day. On Wednesday, March 201h the Toros Iravelied te Mark- haini for the Rotary Novice- Tourtiament and atter drub- bing West Rouge 9-1 in the first game lest a real sqeaker 3-2 to Stouffx ille. Paul Stocker opened up tlie scoring on an end te end rush unassisted. Robhie Green made the count read 2-0 on passes from Logan anJ Beers. Vyfschaft scored, assisted by Tim Preston. Todd Beers scored f rom Vyfsuhaft and Preston. Logan made il 54O assisted by Green. Logan scored again -assisted by Tremhlay and Coombes. Pres- ton registered the sevemth tally assisted by linrenates Vyfschaft and Beeîs, Presten scored his second, Logan scored on a pass lriu Houston. In the last game efth(e day Logan put Bowmanvilie crne up on a pass frerin Vvfschaft, steufîx ilt ied (br n bi G recen i ' i. >5il u Logant ait Ii tt Steutlvilt O î n t ,0 uniariswer d tolsletake the gante . NastiS iitna0nBT u 5 , Luxtoi0,; Xttl 2 tt t HIeard 4X3 nb, leatt P ti5,m o)ilî ) i't i2,M tci Sucifi;loi 16. CtE s p4 XI i 4 G toer , D i2 ltWle' Westake 4,ud Van ILo 24, B i n Bule M tiç lj î177 T.Sic)odznai b BuUO ec ri 32, J. b a'Il 2 Bsip Va t ni ' S1ind 'n 9 D.eîc , Bs .Ids Iutfc'5s8, J. 'Ane HoIroy 2 ('ape 7 'avo i 0i 20z Hcniy 25 2 In the tiist gaïne of a best uf fiv, All Ontar io Final played in London on Suîiday, March 24, 1974, 10e IL.L Wood Batifliis uptn;dtd ftle Stoney- brock t aiiii ~.~store of 6-1. Th w ranspol tuts"attack wa le biYi h wifigei- Bd Visur a 'lie f-l1 d vice witli singles oddud Ox Foi rowi, Geraîd Mn-iPeeNem- i ýz aJiid rad Godfrey. In tht tîrst put î d both tuai is startut) out checkirîg Io,, v ini thie cariy going until 1)on 1 airow i and'lie target .p a littl - oiansi le had flic edge play and did a turi( îidoiîý7jolitthir bloc- lint-n- biul .cpaîîy threats laisueu, u -si 41, Cray 11, Xl.o) ls 15 16 784), K. . /9 î6XIl.Laite 315 2>.i P i .ii289 (618), 1D. t C,<l' fBrooks (2e C <xCu(654), R. that Stoneyhrook trîed' to establish. Gerard Morrison scored the lotie goal of this period after Brad Godfrey had won the draw and slipped it 1ack to Morrison who let a sizzler go, heating the goalie 10w on tlie glove sidu. Bon manville exploded for three quick goals early in the third. Ed Visser scorud aI the 2:041 mark, set up by Pete Nernisz and Don Farrow. Pete Neniîsz scored two minutes hater srîapping in a bai J xrist shot from tive fe,,) oct,,Don Farrow uolleing pthe assist. Brad.Godfi1y u oîd. tocsa- second efrtatep s he laid on his belly toupkein the fifth goal for Bowmanývîlle', Pcbe Nernisz ass-Isting.ý Witl' less thaîî four inutiýes.rtmýaih- ing iii the gaine goaUie Bt it t Mur phy ai 1er bavîng a solid gaine ini net for Bowmanviile saw his shut-oct atta mpt ruined by Storiuybrook's Dan Prowse as lie bariked a shot in off ?dNurpbxv's hauk. Bd Visser scei ed bis 1ttetd gal ofth1e gamne to round oct the scoring at 19:43 mark comîng from behind the net (o tuck it in after taking a pass (romn brother Ron. * mm m m- mm mmmmmm m p NATIONAL YOUTH BOWLING - 1-Pin Championships - The 4th Annual National Youth 10-Pin Championships will be held -at Northcrest Lanes in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario on April 4 and 5, 1974. Thirty-six youngsters from across Canada will compete for Gold, Silver and Bronze medallions in three age categories, namely: Bantam - under 13; Juniors - under 16; Seniors - under 22. The 36 bowlers represent the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northern Ontario and Southern Ontario and are the end resuit of local and provincial competitions which started in January. OSHAWA ATOMS - won the lSth Annual Lions Atom Hockey Tournament held in Brampton last week, defeating Barrie 12-5. Oshawa's record was nine wiîis and two ties. RECREATION CENTRES - One hundred and ninety-eight Government of Ontario grants under the Community Centres Act, totalling $657,915.86, were announced today by Minister of Community and Social Services, Rene Brunelle. "Recreation centres have become a more integral part of community life," said Mr. Brunelle. "And the grants will help ensure ongoing programs in community centres and recreational activities for people of alI ages, interests and backgrounds through our Sports and Recreation Bureau." 'The four largest grants, each for $20,000, went »t the town of Whitbyfor construction of Iroquois Park arena and hall; the town of Rockland for the new Rockland arena and hall; the town of Walker- ton for Walkerton arena and hall and the town of Nickel Centre for construction of Garson arena and hall. TRAPPING - Below is the resuits of the Ontario Trappers Association fur sale resuits Feb. 8-11, 1974. The first figure is the average, the second figure the high and the third, the quantity sold. Beaver 23.28, 70, 55,005,; Fisher 65.27, 128, 2,926; Wild Mink 12.69, 38, 8,556; Red Fox 41.38, 98, 11,295; Cross Fox 83.18, 180, 401; Raccoon 17.62, 44, 38,632; Otter 49.32, 110, 2,806; Sable 13.09, 32, 10,722; Lynx 97.64, 158, 2,445; Wolves 42.48, 122, 378; Black Bear 65.42, 300, 173; Wolverine- 74.93, 108, 42; Muskrat 2.77, 510, 120,638; Castoreum 13.21, 20, 1,861 lb. Al trappers interested in obtaining a resident trappers licence in the Lindsay district must supply signed letters from the property owners, wi th the lot and concession number, giving them permission to trap on this land. Resident licence fee is, $5.00. Farmers or any member of their family who wish to- traÇp on their own property must also h ave a licence. Thissis obtained at the Lindsay District Office NO CHARGE. Seasons' on trapping stili open are: Beaver, Otter - Closes Marc h 31, 1974; Muskrat - ClosesApril 30, 1974. Electronic Air Filters Power Humidifiers Heating & Air Conditioning OIL - GAS- ELECTRIC FURNACES 1 Queen St. Bowmanville Phone 623-7591 - 623-4283 YOU -%T WATER SKI YOU CAN'T MOW THE, LAWN 0YOU CAN'T GO ON A PICNIC COME OUT TO OUR PLACE AND SEE THE BEST AN D CLEAN'EST CARS IN BOWMANVILLE 1972FORDCOUNRY SUIRE1973 VEGA STATION WAGON 10.Passenger Station Wagon. Loaded with 85 H.P. 4 cyï. engine, three speed automnatic, options including air conditioning ' radio, for real good economy. Two (2) -to choose Lic. No FEB11742........... $ 32,98 from. Lic. No's. BNJ917 - BNJ852 29 1970'-' PONIA CTiÏ NA 1969 OLDS TORONADO 2-1)î. Ilardtop, f ully equipped. Finished in Forest 2-Dr. Hardtop, fully equipped including air Green wîth spotless interior. Only 44,000 miles. conditioning. Finished in sharp Silver Cloud with Bala ne of G.M.i warranty. rich black interior, black vinyl top. $49 Lic. EA(082 .......... .........~29 Lic. No. DYP553 ................... I7 2-Dr. Hardtop, V-8, automa ic, power steering, 190M N. AL power brakes, radio, white wall tires, dises. 2-Dr. Hardtop. Fully equipped. Finished in Robin Sharp. Frnislied ini Golden Olive with4ntiatching Blue with matching interior. Black vinyl interior. $,1 tp Lic. DZY363 ................ Lic. No. EAH291 ..... 8196 top. 2 7,9 GMAC ON THE SPOT FINANCING AND MIC INSURANCE DAILY I SALES MANAGER RENTALS SALESMEN WA EI Stew Preston A DWeldon Brown w PRESIDENT EAS ING Ken Sherbant'" AVA1LA B LE 166 KING ST. EAST PRONE 339

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