SWe offer birthday greetings to a grand "Young' lady. Mrs. J. C. Gamey, of Sunset Lodge, Church St., Bowmanville, who celebrates her 93rd. birthday today. (Wednesday) March 30,1974 was an im- portant date for the people of Newfoundland and o Canadia. On that day, 25 years ago, Newfoundland became a Can- adian Province. Ross Metcalf, will be one of the soloists ln the premiere of Bach's celebrated "Magnifi- cat" which bas neyer before been performed in this area, in its entirety, let alone with full orchestral resource. Plan to reserve April 10 for this Musik-Fest. .Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adams and Mr.' and Mrs. Berwin Adams, Oshawa were Sunday evening supper guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Z. Adams, Church St. Miss Roslyn Adiams, Oshawa and Mr. Robert Muir, Bailieboro, were Suntiay evening visitors. The Durham 4-H Horse and Pony club held its thirti meeting on March l9th at the Agriculture Office in Bow- manville. Dr. Warren of the Bowmanville Veterinary Clin- ic was guest speaker, his topic being "Common Horse Ail- ments ". This talk was found to be very interesting, especially when each member was able to ask an individual question of Dr. Warren. Problems such as' founder, splints, worms, colic etc. were discussed. Next meeting will take place at the Agriculture Office on April 3. Charles Mllveen, MPP, Oshawa, was named one of the Conservative members of the controversial public accounts committee of the Ontario Legisiature. The 12-member committee of eight Progres- sive Conservatives, two Lîb- erals and two New Democrats st. PauIý's United Church Minister - 11ev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. & Organtist - Mr. R. Meteaif, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. SUNDAY, APRIL 7 -la.m. A "The Point of No Relu rn-1 Palm Sunday Communion Service 8:00 P. M. Easter Musical with Simcoe St. United Church Choir St. Paul's Senior Choir The Beaverton Strings SUNDAY, APRIL 14-8:00a.m Easter Sunrise Service followed by Family Pancake Breakfast served by men of the church. il1:00 a.m. -Easter Service TRINITY uNUITED CHURCH Rev. N. Wesley Oake- Minister 11ev. Arthur Amacher, Assistant Minister Mr. John Crookshank - Music Director Palm Sunday, April 7th, 1974 il A.M. - WORSHIP SERVIICE COMMUNION SERVICE and Recepti on of New Members Sunday School Hours at regular times 7:30 p. m. - DISCUSSION GROUP at home of Mrs. Muriel Harding, 15 Liberty Place A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE Saturday, \pril 6 - 10 a.m. - 12 non C.G.I.T. Coffee Party and Bake Sale Sunday, April 14 - Pancake Breakfast to 9:30 a.m., in the Church Hall hosted by Hi-C Groupj NOTICEl THE ANNUAL MEETING of the MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION will be held in the Council Chambers of the Town of Bowmanville on Cburch Street on Tuesday, April 9thy 1974 at 8: 00p. m. for the purpose of: (1) HEARING REPORTS (2) ELECTION 0F DIRECTORS (3) APPOINTMENT 0F AUDITORS (4) AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS With respect to proposed amendments to bthe By-laws, it should be noted that copies of such amendments may be examined at the Shospital between the hours of 9: 00 a. m. and noon and,1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on any SMonday thru Friday, beginning March 25th, h1974. Amendments will be in accordance !with the requirements of the Public SHospitals Act of Ontario, the Management Régulations thereunder and recommenda- tions made to the hospital by the Ministry of Health. Items oflnterest Phone 623-3303 Six,&th Anniversary Scale Thomas House of Music Thurs. - Fri. - 'Sat. - Apr'il 4-5-6 SPECIAL BIRTHDAY PRICES ON ALL MODELS EXAMPLE: CANADIAN 106 - *10 RHYTHMS * 8 INSTRUMENTAL 'VOICEs * GENUINE WOOD CABINET* COLOR-GLOW BOOK * PADDED BENCH RGLR$9.0 BIRTHDAY 9*0OO SPECIAL $79 or $25.59 per month, bank rates j JOIN US THIS WEEKENDAT I Thomas House of Music I 1820 Dundas St. E. Whitby 576-3921 I . ~Open Nightly 'ti 9 p.m. - Sat. ii 5:30 p.m. I. on No. 2 Highway across from K-Mart Monte Carlo for, Courtice Secondary School is responsible for reviewing the provincial autiitor's an- nual report. Stude.nts from schools with- in the jurisdiction of the Durham Board of, Education will exhibit andi compete in the fieldis of botany, zoology, physics and engineering dur- ing the Science Fair '74 beîng held April 4 and 5 at Anderson CVI, Whitby. The public is invited to attend on Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Receiving their Canadian Citizenship papers at the Court House, Whitby recently were Valentine Bogdanow, 11.1. 2 Bowmanville, Karl Erich Hermann, Mrs. Lona Tilly Eliza Schulz, Caesarea, Arnoldus Joseph Maria, Mrs. Hentirike Johanna Van Goor, RHR. 4 Bowmanville. The winner of the Golden Legionnaires 19 inch Portable Color T. V. was Mrs. Sandra Sim pson, R.R. 2 Orillia, Don Boyd, Orillia was the tickey seller. The draw was, matie Feb. 19 at the Legion Hall by Ab Mavin, Past Pres. of the Legion, and the T. V. presen- tation by Reg. Willatts. 300 Club Wînners, Mar. 30, Week 22, no. 82 P 'aul Chant, no. 269 Don Welsh, no. 76 Bill Erwin, no. 119 Burt Grain, no. 141 RAtph Crytierman.' On March 3Oth at a competi- tion held in Bramalea Ont., 12 year old Cass Wilson won three awards. A .3rd in 'advanced solo, a 4th in advanced T Strut, a 4th in adivanced military, a sth in advanced Basic Strut, a 2nd in Best Appearing Majorette, a lst. in advanced Flag. Cass also won a 4th in The Advanced Junior Champion- ship. Betty T., Newcastle (no namne & no telephone'number) won a prize at the Women's Hospital Auxiliary Penny sale Booth at the Community Fair on March l6th. Would she please caîl 623-5493.1 The Chronic Floor at the Hospital now has a piano, bought by the Women's Hospi- tal Auxiliary, and on Tuesday mornings the patients enjoy a sing-song and entertainment led by Volunteers. The students of the Second- ary Schools in the area who are going to China, the end of May, are running into finan- cial troubles. Each student contributes $500., the Provin- cial and Federal governments provide grants, but they are stili short. The students are, endeavouring b y means of selling draw tickets to close the gap. If one approaches you, try to lenti a hand., Kazuo Namamura exhibi- tion of painting 1951-1974 will open Tuesday, April 2nd, 1974 at 8:30 p.m. and continue to April 28th at The Robert Mcbaughlin Gallery, Civic Centre, Oshawa. The Honourable Jean- Pierre Goyer, Minister of SuppLy and Services, announ- ced totiay the award of a contract valued at $1 ,649, 194 to Mathews Conveyer Company Ltd. of Port Hope, Ontario., Placed on behaîf of 'the Department-of Public Works anthe Canada Post Office, the contract is for the supply and installation of a conveyer system. Installation of the system, which is in conjune- tion with the new updated postal facilities in the Toronto area, will take place between September 1974 and February, 1975. On Wed. March 2Oth. at the Acres Restaurant, the Bow- manville Kinette Club cele- brated 'their 17th Birthday. The Kinettes were very hon- oreti to have the Kinsmen in attendance, to belp celebrate their Birthday. A tielicious steak supper was serveti, with all the trimmings. Guest speaker for the evening was Jerry Brown from the Pine Ridge School. After cake and coffee, the KinsiYen presented the Kinette Club with Seven- teen Live Baby Bunnies, one to each Past President, for each year of service to the Edna Hart and Louise Hamilton got in some early practice at the Legion Hal Friday, March 2 nantiiation ofthe coing ofseason.Glcase are being hed at the Legion Hall orasixwek perio vry Fri dea gt eole turned out to receive ex fert instruction on the use of a wedg nd e le r swing into shape for golf this summer. community. A very enjoyable evening was had by ail a.ttentiing. At this time of year gar-, deners begin to think about makîng compost heaps of leaves, prunings, grass clip- pings, old flowers, carrot and potato peelings, egg shelîs, coffee grintis and other kitch- en scraps. By starting to make a compost heap in early spring, it coulti be ready to use as early as October. Mrs. Charles Elliott enter- tained about 40 ladies of the Curling Club at a wine and cheese party at hier' home, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. St. Joseph's Separate, Scbool helti a very successful parent- teacher night on Montiay, April lst. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Martin returned from Florîda on Saturday. They calleti at, Mr. anti Mrs. Allan A. Martin's, Mississauga, anti stayeti with Mrs. Frank Bing- ham anti family, Friday night, calleti on Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Harvey anti family, Agincourt, anti Mr. anti Mrs. George Stapleton in Bowman- ville Hospital, anti Mr. anti Mrs. Alec Martin anti family, Newcastle, on Saturtiay', Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Martin anti family, Manotick, over night on Suntiay. They reporteti very littie inconvenience con- cerning gasoline. Only having to be in a line up for a short time on three different occa- sions. Anti three times having to take $3.00 or $4.00 worth. Pat Lakeanti son Rantiy, have returneti from a nine day, vacation in Acapulco, Taxco, anti Mexico City. There is a new interesting film entitieti "Totiay's Fire Fighter" available for show- ing acroýs Canada to schools, businesses, public service groups andi the general public. "ITo ay's Fire Fighter", a 30-minute documentary pro- duceti jointly by the Interna- tional Association of Fire Fighters anti Carling O'Keefe Breweries effectively por- trays the role of the Fire Fighter in our society. À. re-union is being planneti 'or MVay 25ti-1 vy une Sunnyside Neighborhooti Area resitients of South-East, Oshawa. Plan- ned as a SOth Anniversary Homecoming, for young anti 1ti, Charles Russell, chair- mnan, or John Caltier, both of Oshawa will be glati to hear from anyone interestei. More letails, as plans form will, be available. NEWTONVI LLE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Monk, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Phîl Gilmer and family moved, last week, to their new home, near Newcaastle. Sorry to hear Mrs. George Stapleton, of Bowmanville, is a patient in Memorial Hospital as well as her husband. We wish them both a speedy recovery. Overnight guests with Mr. and Mrs. Kpn Fletcher, on Thursday, weý Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fletcher of Downsview. There were seven and a haif tables in play, tteCr Party in Comunity, Hall, Friday evening, with these winners: High lady - Mrs. R. Allison, Low lady - Mrs. K. Inch, Hieh man - Rav Brown, Low man - Frant Stapleton, 50-50 Draw - Reg. Elliott., Quite a ýnumber of local people attended the Annual Novice Hockey Tournament at Uobourg Arena, on Satur- day. This is sponsored by the Oddfellows Lodge . in conj uc- tion with the Cobourg Church Hockey League,, and eight Novice Teams participated, including Newcastle, of which our youngest grandson, Ken Gilmer, is a member. We were ADU Li COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want to do something about your education. . .you probably can. See Vour Aduit Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9at the NEW BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential -and no appointment is necessary. rather impresseti with a message from the President, which say s among other things, "T he primary objec- tive is not winning, but doing one's best, in _a spôrtsmranlike maniner." We wish ail hockey players coulti remember this! Mr, anti Mrs. Wallace Bou- ghen drove to Toronto Airport, Saturtiay afternoon, to meet Mr. Daviti Thrower, home from a visit with bis sister in Saskatchewan. Community Sales have re- sumei at Stapletons' Sale Barn, as of last Saturtiay, with the usual big crowi in attentiance. The newly formeti "Couples Club", of 'this area, helti a successful diance, Saturtiay night, in Community Hall. Mr. anti Mrs. Trueman Hentierson were Saturday evening visîtors with Mr., anti Mrs. Phil Gilmer. Mr. M. Colvin, of Orono. our Suntiay mornin g speaker, chose to speak on '4Five Steps to help raise Jesus". "Leaning on Tghe Everlasting Arms", was the choir's anthem. Suntiay visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. Ken Fletcher were Mr. anti Mrs. Richard Mac- Carl, ow Whitby, Mrs. Jack Long, of Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs. John Siemon, of Ennis-' killen, anti Mrs. Jesse Van- Nest, Bowmanville. Dinner guests with Mr. anti Mrs. Reiti Woodi anti boys, Suniday, were Mr. anti Mrs. George Felgate anti family, of Unionville, anti Mr. anti Mrs. Wilfreti Woodi, Newcastle. There was a gond atten- dance at Community Hall, Sunday evening, to see the film "Beti Knobs anti Broom Sticks", which ail enjoyeti. Another film will be shown there, in four weeks. Newtonville U.C.W. met in the Suntiay School Hall, on Wetinestiay evening March 27. Ahl werewelcometi by Presi- dent Olive Hentierson, who' openeti with a reading, "The New Minister" followeti by a hymn, andi prayer. Minutes of previous meeting were reati by Secretary Shirley Staple- ton, anti approveti, after wbîch 'financial report was given by the Treasurer, Mary Vinkie. Notes of, thanks were read fro 'm those remembereti by the Sunshine Committee. Mrs. Marilyn Martin is to be the speaker- at our Gooti Frîday service, anti Mrs. Marjorie Caswell, our solist. The follow- The Car ing miembers agreed to usher, and take Up collection: Doris Chrysler,Carol Gardiner Shirle 'y Stapleton and Cqrolyn Gilmer. Arrangements were made for flowers and the Sunshine Committee will look, af ter those for the Shutins. As there are two weddings to be catered for, in May, a motion was passed to postpone the usual Salad Supper. Several events coming up lni April, were mhentioned, and anyone wishing to attend, was urgedý to contact the secretary. We are invited to attend Newv- castle U.C.W. on April 17, at 8 P.m. Unit.Leader Doris Utrysier presented the Devotional assisted by Leta Samis ani Carolyn Giler, after which Vicki and Michelline Harris entertained with vocal and guitar selections. Guest speaker, Miss Anneke van Vuuren, was introduced by Amelia Lancaster, îand showed us very interesting pictureskof hier home, in Newcastle, Natal, South Af- rica, describing the various places, and inviting everyone to ask any questions they desired. Mrs. Daîrymple, of. Bowmanville,, had kindly brought hier to our meeting, at the close of which, she was thanked, and presented with a small token of appreciation. Lunch, and a social time finished off the enjoyable- evening, attended by approx- imately thirty-seven. Mrs. A. Milligan hield the lucky cup. YELVERTON Yelverton Church Hall was the scene of a large gathering. of well wishers to honor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stacey on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniver.saryý. Followinig an evening spent in dancing to records. Pegyý and Fred were invited tw a seat of honor on the plathorni. MIr. Murray Malcolm 'tlhn read a poetic address 9tt his own composi- tion extending the congratula- tions cf tbeiir friends andi relatives,' 'rie Staceyswr then prosented with an oul painting withi light, a table lamp an~d a sum of mnoney from the commiunity, a china tea service from Mr. and Mrs. Milford Goslin, a wall dlock, a family ring. for Peggy, Gruen ,wrist watches for each of their parents- from their children Carol, Janice and Christine and, son Jîm who is in the Merchant Navy and was unable to be present. Fred and Peggy each spoke briefly voicing their apprecia- tion for the gifts, the large attendance of friends and relatives presenit, and to the committee for arranging the evenine. Svecial mention was given to Mrs. Emmory Shea, Mrs. Sam Adams who baketi andi iced the lovely threeý tier Wedding Cake. Following lunch, Peggy and Fred distri- buted wedding cake to those present. The committee in charge of the evening, were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mal-, colin, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson, Mr. and Mrs., Howard Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Quackenbush and Mr. andi Mrs. Harvey Malcolm. Guests were present from Toronto, Oshawa, Lindsay, Bowmani- ville, Uxbridge, Newtonville and local communities. Congratulations to Master Danny Stinson andi his team- mates sponsored by, Race Motors of Lindsay, on winning their Tyke houseleague hock- ey series by one point in the playoffs this past week. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray attended the Cartwright Curl- ing Club Banquet on Saturday evening. Pleased to hear that Jim had the honor of being their President during this past culing season. Wellone James! 1Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Beggs of Janetville have recently returned from a 10 day holiday in Peru. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stacey and Janice this weekend were their family - deep uteam inadian Statesman, Bowmanville. April 3, 197,1 7 Newcastle Tobacco Farmer Returns From EastGem y The industrial progress and' general prosperity of East Germany, amazed Peter New- ehl, Newcastle, tobacco farm- er, who has just returneti from a tobacco trade mission in Europe. The Ontario Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board manned their own exhibit of Ontario tobacco at the Leipzig Fair from March lOth to l7th. Excellent contacts were made with the processors of the German Democratic Re- public and also with Bulgarian. and Soviet buyers. The Leipzig Fair is the oldest trade fair in Europe starting some 800 yrs. ago. Today there are 9,000 exhibi - tors from 60 different count- ries come to the fair annually. Leipzig is the centre of East-West trade offering ex- cellent opportunities for estab- lishing and expanding busin- ess contacts to socialist count- ries, capitalist industrial nations and developing counCt ries. Newell says that this tob<- acco trade mission also had meetings, in Lisbon, Madrid' and Rome where they ffi-tf with the tobacco monopQlîes ôf, thie various countries. On March 21st after numer- ous meetings in Great Britain, the tobacco marketing mis- sion received a commitment from the Tobacco Advisory Committee to the Britis h Board of Trade confirmih1' that they will buy 69 million pounds of tobacco from the 1974 crop., Peter Newell says that few people in Canada realize that. after Western Wheat, tobac-co is Canada's second most important agricultural export in dollar value. He says tlhat. tobacco exports from t he 197:3 crop will set an ail time re- cord. Deep Steam Extraction CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Telephone Oshawa 576-3542 -TESTIMONIALS TELL THE STORY As an indication of the widespreau recognition and approval of the Deep Steam Extraction process and equipment, we submit the following ... Kraus Carpet Mills Limited 565 Conestdgo RSd oa. on, Nothfied Oe WateIo ta,o Caada Teephone (519) 578-3600 TeIex 029-5d51 Cab« Add,eS c.i-ar Wat.,I.O May 26, 1972. Mr. John A. Stephens, Deep Stean Extraction Ltd. (Ontario), 2022 Plains Road East, Burlington, Ontario. Dear Jack: For sone considérable tinie we have been working with the Deep Steain Extraction systen, flot only in Ontario, but across Canada and we are happy to say that we are highly pleased with the Deep Steain Extraction systeni for the cleaning of carpets. We have f ound.that after carpets are c3.eaned with the Deep Steani Extraction systein not only are they cleaner and fresher but they remaipi cleaner fora much longer period. We are pleased to encourage usage of this system as, not only a welcone addition to the carpet maintenace progjran, but as a most thorough and satisfactory systern for good cleaning of carpets. Véry truly yours, KRAUS CARPET MILLS LTD. John H. Cornish Sales Manager Admiring the taillights of a new car donated by General Motors of Canada to Courtice Secondary School are two automotive specialists, Ken FitzGerald, centre, anid Glenn Bebee, right, who can hardly wait to see what makes the car "Tick". The two young men recently took delivery of the damaged car from A. G. Warner, lef t, General Motors of Canada Director of Manufacturing. The Oshawa-built car is one of several automobiles presented to secondary schools in the area. Ccn't Wait for Golf Season MacDonald Ford is pleased te announce the appointment of Bob Hayward as Sales Representative for the Ford Family of Fine Cars and Trucks. Bob comes to us from Macîntosh Chrysier in Oshawa and has lived in the'Bowmnanvrille Area for 17 years. ONTARIO TRUST ONTARIO TRUST' CO.' 19 Smcoe St., North- Oshawa, Ont. DON MRINE 723-5221 Cait Collect REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugoà'Street Phone 622-4824 11ev. Anthony Deiage. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 p.'M. Back, to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday'10:30 a.m. 'Everyone Welcome"'