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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1974, Section 2, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 10, 1974 Section Two Man Wins Gordon Jewellers Award caygeon, the son of William and Clara Purdy, he married Ethel Ventress on May 7, 1907. An employee of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Ltd., he had been retired for 18 years. Mr. Purdy was a membër of Trinity United Church. A resident of Bowmanville for over 47 years he had prev- iously resided in Bobcaygeon. Left to mourn his passing are his sons Ernest, Toronto, Gerald, California, daughters Jean (Mrs. Stan McMurter), Alice (Mrs. Orland Plum- mer), Veda, (Mrs. Earl Thompson, Ruth (Mrs. Hugh Murphy) all of Bowmanville. The funeral service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, on Saturday, March 30. Reverend Wesley Oake officiated. Mrs. Albert Cole presided at the chapel organ. Pall-bearers were six grandsons Brian and David Purdy, Donald and Wayne Murphy, Larry Thompson and Alan Plummer. Interment was in Verulem Cemetery Vault, Bobcaygeon. DURHAM AGRICULTURAL CALENDAR Thursday, April il Durham County Pork Produ- cers Director's Meeting at the Agricultural Office, Bowman- ville, at 8:00 p.m. Tbursday, April il The Ontario Yorlshire Sale at the StratfordaFair Grounds. Saturday, April 13 A Junior Farmer Provincial Spring Competitions consist- ing of Curling Bonspiel, Bowl- mg Tournament, Volleyball and Basketball Tournament ah at Sarnia. Saturday, April 13 The Ontario Duroc Sale at the Shore Sales Arena, Glanworth at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17 Durham Milk Committee Ban- quet at Trinity United Churc, Finance Commissioner Predicts Efficiency Regional finance commis- sioner Jack Gartley has pre- George Ashe (Pickering) dicted that the region's sys Thursday. tem of processing invoices for Councillor Ashe had won- people and firms it does dered if there was any way the business with should be oper- treasury department could be ating with the efficielcy authorized by the committec similar to that of the former to pay the monies, without the Ontario County Administra- accounts going to council for tion. approval. Mr. Gartley's statement The accounts, prepared for came during a finance com- two-week periods, could be mittee discussion initiated by reviewed iby council, he its chairman. Counillor added. Bowmanville, 7:00 p.m. April 20th & 21st. Millbrook Lion's Club Pan- cake Festival at Russell Keniedy's bush, south-west of Peterborough between high- ways 115 and 28. The bush is two miles south of Millbrook. Hayrides, Pony Rides, Baking and a Bazaar will be featured. April 21-23rd. Ontario Institute of Agrolo- gists annual meeting at the University of Guelph. Tuesday, April 23 The Ontario Apple Marketing Commission "Expression of Opinion". Balloting will take place in Agricultural Offices and at convenience Apple Storage offices througbout the producing àreas. In this area Bowmanville, Uxbridge and Brighton Agricultural offices will be available for the vote. Thursday, April 25 April Station Tested Boar Sale at 8:00 p.m. at the R.OP. Swine Test Station in Water- loo. April 26-28 Junior Farmer Provincial Director's Meeting at the University of Guelph. Saturday, April 27 Ontario Performance Plus Beef Bull Sale at 1:00 p.m. at Arkell Test Station, Guelph. Monday, April 29 Registration for summer se- mester of the two-year diplo- ma course in Agriculture and Home Economics at the Kemptville College of Agricul- tural Technology. Friday, May 10 Graduation Exercises for the two year Agricultural and Home Economics diploma students at 2:30 p.m. at, Kemptville College of Agricul- tural Tecbnology. Saturday, May 12 A Barrow Show at the Belle- ville Fair, Belleville Fair Grounds. Friday, May 17 Graduation Day at the Ridge- town College of Technology starting at 2:00 p.m. May 22-24 Spring Convocation at the University of Guelph, Thursday, May 23 May Station Tested Boar Sale at 8:00 p.m. at the R.O.P. Swine Test Station in Water- loo. -O51 LOUD MOUTHS DON'T- HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT A SHORTAGE 0F FOOD, THEY USUALLY HAVE TO EAT THEIR WORDS. PLUMBING & HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO Phone 263-2650 John Ingraham of Park Road, Bowmanville, was recently awarded the Gordon Jewellers Award for his entry in the Metal Arts Guild annual exhibition in Toronto. Mr. Ingraham a full-time student in the Jewellery Arts program at George Brown College o Applied Arts and Technology in Toronto won the $25 award for an abstract diamond ring of his own creation (shown to, his immediate left). Jewellery Arts students from George Brown College won 16 out of 21 prizes awarded at the exhibition. The program is two years in length and is the only program in Canada approved by the Canadian Jewellers' Association. everything you need to make it on your own. Farm Cla Report 1 Ontario's MI culture and Fo William A.S released the Farm Classific Committee. T established on and chaired i Kowal of Bolto "study and mî dations to the pecting: The classifying fa farms or farrn Ontario and th such a system( to Ontario leg ing farms or fi in Ontario". series of pu across the pro sentation of w the committE report contain mendations a arguments oni dations was pi Minister. In summar mendations ai Recommendat system of cl feasible and de system be si reserve and reedom of chi and initiative o producers ofj mals useful to mendation 2 - deemed to r include the mineral or attachments m ed by the cour trees, herbagei the hand of m and fences, eit conjunction w used or capabl for production animals usefu commendation be classified in cations - Agric tural resident dential, rural r rural speculati dation 4 - F established a: for all farm la index form bei Durham Agri News ssification to ail owners and lessees of Classificati Released farm land for completion and by the repo inister of Agri- return. The index would be content, ar od, Honourable programmed for computer the Comm Stewart, today use to be used for the forts". report of the development and carrying out A numb( ation Advisory of specific agricultural poli- organizatic he Committee,c s by the govern- sentatives April 30, 1973, ment. Recommendation 5 - Ail Farm Clas by Edward J. farm land, not otberwise tee Report n, was asked to classified on the basis of a, that in the ake recommen- return farm index form, be Farm Org Minister res- deemed to be classified as meeting to feasibility of rural speculative. Recommen- and make rms, types of dation 6 Area Appeal Boards to the M n operations in to be establisbed tbroughout information e application of Ontario. Recommendation 7 - Committee of classification The owner (s) and or lessee Ontario. istlation affect- (s) of farm land classified Commiss arm operations agricultural or agricultural Following a residential be designated pro- The Farr blic meetings ducers. Recommendation 8 - ing Boar vince and pre- Ah producer (s) deem owner further det ritten briefs to (s) or lessee (s) of farmland expression ee, a 77-page classified agricultural be de- Producers ing 12 recom- signated farmers (s). Recom- OntariA .nd supporting mendation 9 - Eligibility for Commissio the recommen- picies and programs be the meth resented to the based on qualification witbin producer 1) the appropriate classification, ing will tal y, the recom- regardlessof sex. Recommen- 23rd in a re as follows: dation 10 - Ah Ontario legisla- Ontario M ion 1 - That a tion or regulations, policies ture & Food assification is and programs pursuant there- apple stora sirable, and the tu bc strictly based on the out the pro uch as would classifications and definitions province. I encourage the provided by the Ministry Of County wil oice, versatility Agriculture and Food. Recom- Ontario M if the individual mendation il - Ail farm land ture and F plants and ani- be subject to the jurisdiction St., E., Bow man. Recom- of the Ministry of Agriculture producers Farm land be & Food in respect to land use e osted mean and to planning. Recommendation 12 district offi soil, whether The classification and defini- of Agricuit organic, the tions as recommended in the April lst to whether attach- report, will be applied uni- Apple prod se of nature as formly througbout Ontario. examine ti and water or by In commenting on the report tbemselves an as buildings of the Farm Classification names are her solely or in Advisory Committee, Mr. Ail growî ith each other, Stewart said, "We asked this to license e of being used Committee to develop recom- more for ai of plants and mendations wicb the govern- 1971 - '72 or l to man. Re- ment of Ontario might study, to ballot. 13 - Farm lands respecting farm ciassifica- existing ito five classifi- tion. We feit there was a need wouid gene ulture, agricul- for a uniform approach by ah $25.00 when ial, rural resi- Ministries and Agencies of the after maki. ecreational and government to farmers and this effect, ve. Recommen- farm properties and we want ballot. arm index be the benefit of public opinion. The Coni nd maintained This Committee bas gîven a is for a lice. .nd and that an tborough examination to the acre of made availabe complex probem of Farm provision new plantix 7 years. Al have a bas the first $2. Meetings areas, pri Enquiriesr pression o directed to Marketing ario Food1 or to the Farm Mar tails conc location of1 registration in a lettert all produc April 12th, OBII MRS. DON Born and manville, a resident, D sed away o 1974, in To Daughter Mrs. W.J manville, of DonaldC resided i Broadview Mrs. Pov ber passing J. and R Joyce (Mr Wilma (Mi of Bowm predeceas The fun conducted Wesley O March 18 i Elliott Fun ed by crer on. I am impressed ort, its clarity and nd I want to thank ittee for their ef- er of County farm ns have had repre- take a look at the sification Commit- , and is expected upcoming weeks, anizations will be discuss the Report recommendations Jinister based on n included in the 's Report. Apple Marketing ion Expression of Opinion m Products Market- d has announced tails concerning an of opinion by Ap le on a proposal o the Apple Marketing n for a change in od of collecting license fees. Ballot- ke place on April all offices of the inistry of Agricul- d and at convenient age offices through- ducing areas of the he poil for Durham il be located at the inistry of Agricul- ood Office, 234 King wmanville. A list of eligible to vote will in the County and ices of the Ministry ure and Food from April 5th inclusive. ucers are invited to hese lists to assure s, if eligible, their included. ers who are subject fees of $25.00 or ny of the crop years '73 will be entitied Producers with plantings which rate license fees of n in full production, ng a Declaration to will be entitled to nmission's proposal nse fee of $10.00 per apple trees with of exemption for ngs under the age of l growers will also ic exemption from 5.00 of license fees. will be held in all or to the ballot. regarding the ex- f opinion should be the Ontario Apple Commission, Ont- Terminal, Toronto, Secretary of the keting Board. De- erning the exact polis and producer n will be contained to be forwarded to ers on or around 1974. TUARIES %NALD C. POWELL id educated in Bow- a former well known 'orotby Powell, pas- n FridayMarcb 15, ronto. r of the late Mr. and J. Richards, Bow'- she was the widow C. Powell, and had n Toronto at 75 Avenue. well leaves to mourn g, brothers Edward .onald E., sisters s. Paul Chant) and rs. R. Coombes) all anville. She was ed b a brother Roy. eral service was by Reverend N. ake on Monday, from the Northcutt neral Home, follow- mation. GEORGE F. PURDY A well known and respected citizen of Bowmanville, Geroge Frederick Purdy, pas - sed away on Thursday, Marcb 28, in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, at the age of 88, following a seven week ill- ness. Born and educated in Bob- Pick-Your-Size Cedar Patio Decks increase your outdoor living space with an impressive patio deck - a Iasting investment in weather-defying Western Red Cedar. Pick your deck kit from fifteen size combinations, there's one to fit your backyard. Kit includes all pre-cut wood, nails and complete plans. BOWMANVI LLE PHONE 623-3388 ONTARIO TRUST ONTARIO TRUST CO. 19 Simcoe St., North- - Oshawa, Ont. DON IRVINE 723-5221 Cail Collect FREE DELIVERY I,,ý ,Ieý4ü

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