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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1974, p. 3

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PaENNM PamSunday morning was ushered in with blustery, rainy and snowy weather. These unseasonable April weather conditions did not cool our ardour as we were so happy to have our pulpit occupied again by our minis- ter after a fortnight of absence to visit bis ailing mother in Jamaica. Mrs. Bigby Sr. is in improved health. Mrs. S. Lamb was in charge of the Jr. Congr-egation who retired to the S.9. room following the opening worship and the Cildren's Story of a false accusation of a boy over a S.S. teachers' lost wallet. The usual splendid musical mes- sage was given by the Sr. Choir in the Antbem "The Lord of Lords", Rev. Bigby's sermon on "The Ride to VES WE CAN $2,000 - $50,000 2nd ý- Srd Mtges. We are now making loans on ail types of properties in your area. Cali direct coliect and let's discuss it. Prompt Investment Corp., 330- Bay St., Toronto, 366-9586 evgs. 231-8146. Low cost, any purpose, Ontario wide service. ' s Jerusalem" the riders toJ ed with wbat day. The rid( Palm Sunda emotions ast happy proc( branches singi free from Roi sober groupf but a wrong d cause of desL can be wise ir pray and hope Jesus weep bu God's rule wit ever striving .In the S.S Chambers hE practice of mn for S.S. Anniv The finalC Class was Si Enniskillen CI Sunday willb for these you bers, as the Sý Lord's Supper ed on Easter Friday Servû Tyrone Chur( Last Sunday Young Adults' the Enniskillh1 A special " in the bulle minister fort led Church se: absence. We extend pathy to the fa Mr. Gordon1 WALLPAPER ani CO VER ING COME IN AND SEE THE LAR( SEILECTIONS AVAILABLE FOR E% TYPE 0F DECORATING JOB, ABERNETHY' PAINT AND WALLPAPE] PHONE 623-5431 55 KING WEST'- BOWMA DURHAM PROGRESSIVE CONSERVi ASSOC IAT ION AnnalMee ti"ng Election 0of 0'F,fi Wednesday the 24th day 1974 Orono Odd FeI1Iows HaIt1 8:00 p.m. Local Members and other spea] to be present. Ki L LE N compared what loss of a busband, father and Jerusalem want- grandfatber. The McLean's twe want in our were in our community wbcn [crs on the first they lived witb their daugh- ýay bad mîxed fer's family Mr. -and Mrs. tbey were (a) a Alvin Boyd, Gordon and ession waving Martba.' ing a psalm, and We are Dlcased to bave Mr. man rule, (b) a Russell Griffin out of bospital filled with hope in some improvement in desire wbicb was bealtb so, continues undcîr us weepinig. We medical attention. H1e is tem- in our day as we porarily residîng wifh bis son ewe will not bave Wallace and famîly. )ut be bappy witb May we express sympathy th ail ifs love and to the families of the late Mr. for peace. Tom Trick of Burketon. §. session Mrs. "Mame" the greafest musi- iad the second cal of tbem ail of the lavishly usical selections costumed twenties was pro- ýversary in May. duced "live" by Courtice Communicants' Secondary Scbool Drama Club Sunday p.m. in for four evenings last wcek in hurch, adnx the super a uditorium of Bow- be Confirmation manville Higb Schhol. Wby ung class mcm- bring tibis ncws in bere? Well acrament of the for the simple reason if came ýr will be observ- ýinto being under the capable' ýr Sundav. Good direction, in ail its perfection, ce will be in by our very own Katby cbh at il a.m. Coverly (nec Kathy Slemon> y evcning the with bier confrere's assistance s' Group met in JiIl Campbell, the two en Scbool Gym. Englisb specialists at C.S.S. thank you" was Not only this but tbe little etin from our bero, who literally "stole tbe those wbo ably show", was our Tim Mellor a ýrvices during bus grade IX student who piayed the role of eccentric Mame's our dccp sym- orpbaned prîggish nephew ,amîly of the late like an "Oscar winner", and Mcbean in the lastly 12 other local lassies and ladls (too numerous f0 list individuaily) workcd in some d capacity in this presentation and Tims mot ber was a clever costume designer. Yesï' we know our neigbbors Tyrone GE and Solina contributed in a VERY' major way but we shaîl allow tbem the prvilege of blowing their own borns." May we say 'S heartiest congratulations to onsn i adadta R "lumteen" local folks attcnded :R this excellent production. .The Sanctuary of, Norfhmin- kNVILLE ster U.C. and ifs Christian Education Centre also many, many, other facilities were the ideal setfing for Oshawa Prcsbytcrial U.C.W. l2tb An- AT IVE nual Meeting and ifs meeting coincîded wifh 92 other Pres- byterials in the U.C. Our ladies exfend tbanks and congratulations f0 the minis- tn er and congregation of' this beautiful cburcb as we learn- iend cd from ifs minister Rev. C. R. Ncwfon's welcomc that the mortgagc papers will be erS burned this year. The atten- C dance from our local U.C.W. was eight ladies includîng our President Mrs. K. McGill and four vofing delegates whicb ~fA rl incidentally wswl bv represcntcd. Our ladies wcre amply rewardcd with a pro- graim cbaircd by the cbarming Pres. Mrs. Margaret Dowýn, organ music by Nortbminister organist Ron.. The reports were cncouraging, the wor- ship service by (4ronn U.C.W. was inspiring as was foc, the kérsmemorial service by Columr- kers bus U.C.W. also Raglan's U.C.W. expression of appeci- ation to the guesf speaer the literature display was Most kij Catherine Pearl Ricard be- came the bride of John Douglas Abernethy on March 16, 1974 at 7 p.m. in the Bowmanville Pentecostal Church with Rev. S. D. Gibson officiating. Soloist was Mrs. Ross Wilson, sister of the bride, and the organist was, Mrs. Milford McDonald. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ricard and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Abernethy of Bow- extensive, a special attendant was U.C.W. President of Bay of Quinte Conference Mrs. C. Thompson, Campbellford. Our Mrs. D. Redpatb, vice-pres on conference U.C.W. executive introduced the guest speaker Dr. Geo. M. Morrison, B. Comm., F.I.C.A., B.D.D.D. a Toronto boy who bas reached the top most rung, the bighest administrative post of our U.C. as in 1972 he was installed as Secretary of the General Council. His message botb morning and afternoon was a mostýý thrilling inspiration as hec dwelled on hb subject "Servants' of Christ - in Person and in our Cburcb". Oui souls anîd îuinds received much enrichment aiso our physical needs by, a most deiicious luncheon served in the C. E. room by Nortbmîn- ster U.C. ladies with biessing and greetings from several departments. Rev. G. A. Mundy, Brooklin, Oshawa Presbytery Chairman instal- led tbe slate of officers presented by the nominating committee. Arnong the 15 officers we have a capable representative as Press and Archives Sec. viz: Mrs. J. Wilfred Bowman. 1An appeai was made for counseilors at ý Quin-Mo-Lac summ 1er camps and announce- ment of our achieved goal of $200,000 for 1973. The Annual U.C.W. Conference takes place in St. James U.C. Peterborough with guest speaker Rev. T. Edmunds on, April 16 and 17. "Our loss is someone else's gain" an old cliche wbicb applies to the leaving from our midst of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gotbam to live now in Georgetown, Ont. Bernard who was berdsman for F. Stenger's Jerseys and bis wife Glennys have lived on the new road direcfly north of E. Trewin's for 21,2 years. Witb Australian and Englisb beri- tage this young couple brought a touch of cbarm and made many new friends in their home here. We wisb themn the best in their newer home now in Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor were Monday dinner guests with Mrs. Gordon McLean, Bowmanville. The Enniskiilen Explorers entertained tbe Tyrone Ex- piorers at Ennîskilien Pubic School on Saturday afternoon. Please to report Mr. and VIrs. F. W. Werry are home from spending the Winter in .he sunnv south. Masters Brook and Brad Clemens, Hampton, were overnight guests of their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. borne Lamb were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Bays- ville. Miss Elva Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton were recent visif ors witb Mr. and /Irs. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa. Mrs, Edgar Wrigbt, Mrs. C. Avery, and Mrs. F. Doriand attendcd -a shower for a bride to be Miss Barbara Swerd- figer at the home of Mrs. S. 'orner, Oshawa, on Friday vening. Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill, were recent visitors of Mr. nd Mrs. Will Ashton, Hamp- [n. Soî-ry to report Mrs. F. Beckett is under the doctors are, we ail wisb ber a speedy ,ecovery. Mr. S. Kersey, Hampton, \Ir. and Mrs. Douglas Ashton, .owmanville were Sunday f t I r a tc fi TI e, w ai cc rE B manville. The bridai attendants were maid-of-bonor Miss Donna Lyle, bridesmaids Misses Diane Hopkins and Mary Jane Kilpatrick, and the flower girl, Miss Cindy MacDonald, niece of the bride. The best man was Mr. James MacDonald, usher- ing were Mr. Philip Harness and Mr. Ronald McMuiien, and the ring bearer was the groom's cousin, Stephen Jar- vis, ail of Bowmanville. evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashtonî. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wight, Toronto, were weekend visitors wtih Mr. and Mrs. E. WRight. Miss Lynda Avery, London, spent the weekend with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. H-arvey McGîll attended the funeral of the late Mr. Charley Staples, at Com- stock Funeral Homre, Peter- borough. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller SatuLirday supper gue2sts of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar WVright. Mr. and Mrs. Angus King. Little Brîtain were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb were recent visitors af Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson's, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry were Wednesday ex'euîng din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich, Oshawa. Miss Winîîîtred Cole, R.N. Wiliowdale was Tuesday guest of ber sister and brother-mn iaw Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hane- wich, Oshawa, had Saturday evening dinner with ber par- ents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton, spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hockin, and Clint at Elrnvale, and on the way home visited with Miss Doris Stainton, at Bai-rie. Miss Kathy Piper, Maple Grove, was an over night guest with Miss Cindy McGill. S Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gim. biett, Oshawa, were Saturday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill's. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, aI fended the funeral on Tues- day of the late Wilfred ,Williams at Port Perry fun- eral home. Mr. E. R. Taylor, accom- »Caw,çMr Bruce Taylor to tief unerai of the late Mrs. Sberwîn Sr. at Cobourg. BLACKSTOCK Better health is wished for John Venning who is presently a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Mrs. Ray Essery wvas hos- tess for a bridal shower in honor of' ber cousin Miss Brenda Yeliowless on Wed- nesday evening. Relatives from this and surrounding areas attended this happy event. Rev. and Mr',. Phillip Rom- crul have returned to Black- stock after a holiday in the sunny south at various points. While bere, they are staying witb Mr.' Gordon Paisley, Craig and Cathy and Dennis Rom eril. On Friday and Saturday evenings a number fromn this area attended and enjoyed very much the annual Skating Carnival held in the Port Pcrry skating rink, Rev. Clarence Ferguson. Don Milîs, was a Saturday visitor of bis sister Mrs. O. Hîi at Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahîn's. Her frîends will be glad to know that Mrs. Hill is gradual- ly improving in health. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans vîsited at his brother's -Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Bryans and boys at Cameron. In the evening they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Engene Van de Waiker and fa mily, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Essery who bave just returned from a four months holiday in The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvilie, April 10, 1974 the U.S.A. all at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Essery at Courtice. Mr. and Mris. Maurice Sanielîs and Wendy of Peter- borough were Sunaday guests of his parent., Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samelîs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family were Sunday vvenine dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Meldrum and Scott at Port Hlope. Mrs. Muriel Miller of Peter- borough spent Sunday visiting ber cousins, Mr.- and Mrs. Harry VanCamp. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs., Bob Bryans and family plan to be dinner guests of'Mr. and Mis. Wilf Brown, Cour- tice, celebrating Nancy's sis- ter Debbie's 16th birtbday. Mr. and Mrs. H-arold Mar- tyn vwere Sunday guests of tlîeir son, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Martyn at Waterloo. Miss Susan Thompson was a weekend guest of ber sister, Elizabeth in Oshawa. Mrs. Ruth Wilson wasi,,a Saturday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade, Port Perry. Sunday evenîng dinner guests of Mrs. Ruth Wilson were Mrs. Velva Bailey and Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding. Blackstock Agricultural Soc iety The Directors of the Black- stock Agricultural Society met on Tuesday evening in the Committee Rooms of the Rec. Centre. President Vernon As- seistine was in the chair for the evening's business. Sev- erai members made interest- ing reports of the Convention which they attended in Tor- onto in February. If was' unanimously a greed to ask Glenn Larmer an dNeil Werry to act as MVC. and assistant again this y ear. The Oshawa Shriiners,' Band will be invited to come to lead our parade this year, Committees were set up for the various divisions, of the Fair to be held in August. Discussion vvas held on how tu speed, up the day's prog- ramme and it was decided to begin the Horse Showing at il a.m. with the parade to start at 12:15 as in the past years. The inatter of attractions was discussed briefly and any ideas that anyone mîght have will be welcomed by any inember of the Executive., The miatter of înoney-rnak- îng projeets was brought forth. It was decided to hold dances in the Rec. Centre with tthe first to be held on May 18. A committee was set up to arrange for this dance. A door-to-door canvass of Cart- wr ight wiil not be held this year but any'ýone w ho wishes to inake a donation to our Fair can do so by contactin2e ither Fthe President or Secretary. Several names of judges were suggested to, be asked before the next meeting. 4-H Meeting byLori-Ann Enierton At Blackstock United Cburch a group of girls gathered for their seventh meetingi on April 2 at 3.45p.m The roî cali was ,,,hy-cehose the color of materia Iï for my dress. Linda Wheeler made the treasurer's report of $4.75 and reported that six girls still have to pay their 25 cents. The minutes of last meeting were read by Lori-Ann Emerton. We decided that the theme for our exhibit on Achievement Day is to be Summer Days. We chose Katie Schmidt from Group Il and Janet Weir from group 111 as our Fashien Commientators. Our discus- sion and demonstration was on preparing our dress for Achievement Day, hemming our dress, making belts if they are required and seam finish- es. For our practical work, we made a sample of sewing on a button and hemming for our record book. The leaders also cbecked our notes. SOCCER MEETING .Xnyone initerested lu coach- ing or assisting wîth the Newcastle Recreation Minor Soccer League, are invited to a nmeeting ini tbe Tiown Hall, Bol4inanviile on Thursday, Evenîng April l8tb at 7:30 For further information, please cail the Recreation Departinent at 623-:1379. MINOR BASEBALL There are stili some open- ings ini the Newcastle Recrea- tion Departement Minor Base- bail League, "T" Bail, Atom, >Pee Wee & Bantam. Registra- tion Forms may be obtained from the Recreation Depart- muent, Town Hall nowmanville or at the Municipal Building in Hampton. RECREATION BASEBALL There wilI be n Newcastle I)epartment of Recreation Basebail Practice for the A~tomns or "T" Bail Players in the Bownianvilie IHigh Scbool this conîing Saturday Morning Aprîl i3tli, 1974. The practîce îwill start again on Saturday .Xprii 2Oth, in the Bowmanviiie lligh School. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Mar. 25-31 inclusive. Admissions....... ......76 Births - 2 male, 4 female 6 Discharges ....... 94 Major Operatiorîs 10 Minor Operations ,....40 Emergency Treatments .299 Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. daily. ÇùryCleaners C2 Though she'd neyer had much truck with. doctcn ï, got through the examination and treatment pre U% was leaving, the physician said, "I'd like to seee you i weeks." She kept the appointment, but was idga tL of the month to find the doctor had charged ber foi, "The second one was your idea," she told him o , ."You wanted to sec me." CLOTHES CARE HINT: Neyer use a handkerchief to rub a stain or spiu o clothing. You damnage the surface of the fàbrir garments to your drycleaner. Help your local Knights of Columbnýs Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatisnî Sý. - Buy a Car Draw Ticket from a rni,- YOUR EXCLUSIVE SANITONE ) S 84 KING ST. W. ~LEANER We Specialize Ini Shirt Law» expre2 decora with Sunworthy wallcoverin 55 KING ET - OMN -i CD"" WHY~~j YUSOW U o DP HI *QUIET, ROOLMY, CARLIKE CABS. 0 BEHIND SEAT STORAGE SPACE,.* BETWAE o THE-RAMEPOSITION FOR GAS TANK,. BUILT-IN AIR CONDITIONING OPTIONP * DEEP,'ADJUSTABLE FULL.-FOAM SET.e WIDE CHOICE 0F FORD SIX OR >"' *FORD DISC BRAKES STANDARD. * RUST RESISTANT, DOUBLE-WALL CARL BOX. e EXCLUSIVE TWIN..I-BEAM FRONT SUSPENSION. e SIZES FOR TODAY _'S t CAMPERS o, SIIDE-OUT TIRE CARRIER FOR EASY ACCESS TO SPARE TIRE, OPTIONALe0 PICKUP BOX COVER CUSTOM-DESIGNED BY FORD, OPTIONAL Fil' 8-FT. STY'L.ESIDES. n eRIGHT PRICES * FAIR TRADE-INS, EXPERT SERVICE e GENUINE PARTS e GO'. INVENTORY e FINANCING HELP* CONVENIENT LOCATION e PERSONALîZei--., ATTENTION e AFTER SALE FOLLOW-THRU e TRUCK "KNOW-HOW" 0 XEIN PERSONNEL. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS AND WE'LL SHOW IT Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas Abernethy

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