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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1974, p. 5

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At~cend Church Minister: Rev. J. S. Gilchrist HOLY WEEK SERVICES Wed., April 10 - 8 p.m. Thurs., April il SACRAMENT 0FCOMMUNION 8: 00 p.m. Good Friday, April 12 MORNING SERVICE il A.M. EASTER SUNDAY -il A.M. A warm welcome awaits you, at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. jSt., John's Anglican Church - (Temperance and Queen Sts.) HOLY WEEK SERVICES <"Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the Sin of the World" MAUNDV THURSDAY: 7:30 p.m. - HoIy Communion (instructed) GOOD FRIDAY: 12 Noon - 3: 00 p. m. The Three Hours on the Cross EASTER DAY HE IS RISEN, ALLELUTA 6:00 a.m. - HoIy communion (said) 8:00 a.m. - HoIy communion (said) 9:.30 anm. - Hoiy communion (said) 11:.00 a.m. - Hbly Communion (sung) Preacher at morning services - The Rector 7:30 p.m. - Easter Evensong and Baptism Preacher: Canon A. Herbert OBITUARY LESLIE S. LATIMER acarpenter by trade, m ployed byAllin Cable Reels rLtd., and retired 10 years, Leslie S. Latimer, aged 79, passed away suddenly Thurs- day, Marcb 21, 1974 in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Born and educated at Lans- downe, Ontario, Leeds Coun- ty, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Latimer, be was married to Mary Summers in January, 1911, wbo predeceas- ed him. A member of the United Church, he had been a resident of Bowmanville for 52 yea rs . Survîving are bis family, Beatrice (Mrs. Arthur Ryce) Toron to, Pbilip Latimer, Bow- manville, and Betty (Mrs. Wally Clark) Willowdale. Tbe funeral service was conducted by the Reverend A. M. Amacher, from tbe Morris Funeral Chapel, on Saturday, March 23. Paîl-bearers were Messrs. Erv. Brooks, Lawrence Adams, John Greenfield, Wal- Ly uierj rnest Knapp Jr. and Lawsn Kirkton. Intermentwas in Bowman- ville Cemetery. Ba c dHou fiaI 1310 Rio Evey 0unay 0:0 . "Everyone Wel1come"*« Easter Misses Terry Firth and Katby Piper have just return- ed from a very enjoyable 18-day visit with the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher at Clearwater, Florida. Mrs. R. W. Rundie and Mrs. A. Hall, Amherstburg, were weekend guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Albert His, town. Mrs. Ada Pearce of Oakville spent a few days in Bowman- ville with bier cousin and attended the funeral of the late Gordon McLean. Meâsrs. Low, Nicholîs, Wil- lis, Uxbridge, attended the funeral in Bowmanville of Mr. Gordon McLean. Miss Fa ye Smith, Hamilton, was a weekend guest and Mrs. G. Armour, Miss Bertha Armour and Miss Doreen Perrett, Hampton, were Sat- urday dinner guests with Mrs. A. E. Billett. Miss Donna Bristol and friend, Hamilton, spent mid term holiday with bier grand- mother, Mrs. Winitred Camf- eron, Wellington Street. Mrs. Winifred Cameron vis- ited Mrs. Tom Sobil, Zion, recently and enjoyed qullting with other members of Zion U.C.W. at bier home. Mrs. Don Prout, Mrs. Judy Brooks and Mrs. Winifred Cameron enjoyed the dessert card party at Zion C.E. wing last week. Mrs. Lena Heard was a weekend visitor with Mrs, Winifred Cameron. Mrs. Wm. Rudell returned last Friday from a three-week visit with hier son and daugh- ter-inï-law, Mr. and Mrs.,Scott Rudell of Auckland, New Zealand*. En route home Mrs. Rudell spent a further week's holiday in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Honorable Daniel J. Mac Donald, Minister of Vet- erans Affairs, announced in the House of Commons recent- ly that Canada will send an officiai delegation to France this June to commemorate the 3th Anniversary of the Nor- mandy landings. The princi- pal Canadian event will be a Remembrance ceremony- in Beny-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery at4:,30 pim. on June 5. The Canadian 3rd Division. the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade and the lst Canadian' ,Para chute ,Battali on formied nearly a fiftb of the total! invasion force of nearly 100,000 men, which stormed across the Normandy beaches that June nearly 30 years ago. The Gladiolus Soc- iety held its third conference at Humber College, Toronto, on Saturday, March 3th. Those attending from the Durham Region were Mrs. D. H. MacMillan and Mr. Donald Fox, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose, Newcastle; Mr. Frank Samis, Mr. Lyle McMahon, Miss Grace Barnes and Mrs. J. A. Barnes. Mr. Samis was a member of panel discussion on culture of glad- iolus and Mrs. Barnes gave a summary of varieties growing for 1974. Mr. James Cully, Mr. and Mrs. Hugli MeDonald attend- ed the candlelight wedding of their nephew Mr. John Alex- ander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cully to Miss Lynda Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Welch in Westway United Church and reception at the Skyline Hotel. Mrs. Murray Payne, cap- tain of the Clarke Township Heart Fund Campaign, re- ports that dedicated volun- teers collected a total of $76519 from the citizens of the Township. This was about $200 more than previous years. A symbolic brigbt orange ribbon-trimmed spade was usedt by Whitby Mvayor Des Newman yesterday at 2 p.m. when hie turned the sod for tbe newest, Howard Jobnson's Motor Lodge. The hotel, with 120 rooms is being buit on an 8.2 acre site at Tbickson Road and Highway 401. The hotel will feature a 150-seat Howard Johnson's restaurant, an 80-seat lounge,, a 150-seat lounge, banquet and confer- ence. facilities for 150 people and an indoor pool. The 'architect is Norman A. Wright of Oshawa. The Liberal Party inOnt- ario will hold its annual meeting in Sudbury April 26-28. The decision to meet in Sudbury marks a first for the Party in staging its annual convention in northern Ontario. Judy LaMarsh, former Sec- retary of State in the Pearson government and one of the fiery characters of the Liberal Party, bas denied that she will run against Allan Lawrence, MP for the Northumberland - Durham seat in the next federal election. Miss LaMarsh has been appointed to a position teaching law in Toronto's Osgoode Hall Law Scbool and said she enjoys teacbing very much. On CBL radio recently, she was quoted as saying, "I have not given the next federal election very much consideration". AI- though sbe did not rule out the possibility of her candidacy, sbe said that if she ran for election it would be in ber home town of St. Catbarines, not against bier former class- mate in law scbool, Allan Lawrence. Lions Club Hockey Draw - NHL Playoffs - Aprîl 13 - Joe Bate, Grant Wright; April 14 - Lydia Vooys, R. Mclntyre. On Palm Sunday, April 7th the following new members were received into Trinity Cburch on Profession of Faitb: Karen Allen, Janet Bragg, Gary Coombes, Ste- phen Land, Joan Little, Gary Severn, Patty Williams. Wel- comed on Certificate of Trans- fer were: Mrs. Arthur Ama- cher from Golden Lake Charge; Mr. and Mrs.,John Patterson and Miss, Cheryl Patterson from Harmony United Cburcb, Oshawa, and Mrs. Colin Taylor fromn West- field Parisb Cburch, Derebam Norfolk, England. The Oshawa Wing (420) of the Royail Canadian Air Force Assouiation will ýelebrate, its 25th anniversary this *year. Tbe story of tbe City of Oshawa Air Force Squadron began at Peterhead on Scot- land's east coast in late November 1941, with tbe arrival of 23 Canadian pilots fresh from their basic training courses. After two m1ýonths of advanced training under squadron leader P. C. Webb tbe squadron was passed as fit ADULT COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want to do something about your education .. .you probably caa. See Your Aduit Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9at the NEW BOWMAN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free - confidential - and no appointment is necessary. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 10, 1974 \SerN\Vices Items of Interest Phone 623-3303 musical score of Maritime fold themes is composed of John Fenwick, and tbe sets designed by Murray Laufer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Hold- stock, R. R. 1, Norland, formerly of Bowmanville, have returned home after spending the past six months at Trailer Estates, Bradenton, Tý'lorida. Osbawa Council gave the okay for a performance by Caring Aerobatic Team at the Osbawa Flying Club's annual Fly-In Breakfast on June 16. Flying enthusiasts from across Canada and the United States attended last year~s affair and more than 5,000 local people visited the airport to see tbe planes on display. HELPI WE NEED TRADE-INS! Highway 2 Oshawa ~BowmanvIle M a cDONALD 5 minutes - 5 minutes FORD Highway 401 Now open 9-8 -Sat- 6 BOWMANVILLE 623-4441 The team is composed of professional pilots and will put on a 15 to 20-minute show during the Sunday event. Officiais of the Oshawa Flying Club must still obtain a letter of permission from Policze Chief Jon Jenkins for the performance. * *0 :0 * e e ~Icn ~rc ~airp ~ta Mr. Bob, Stevens of Glen Rae Dairy recently received delivery from Cowan Pontiac-Buick of two GMC Trucks with 18 ft. van backs complete with cooling systems. These trucks are the most up-t-date for transporting dairy products al 40 degree temperatures. Products are flot only cooîed whiîe on.the road but May also be pîugged into an electrical outlet for overnight stand-by. One truck, driven by Bob Martyn, makes a round trip each day to Lindsay and Peterborough and returns to the Bowmanviîle plant'. The second unit, driven by Murray Taylor, delivers toretail stores in Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanviîîe and surrounding area. Pictured above, fromn left to right are: Ken Shurban, Cowan Pontiac, Bob Stevens, Glen Rae Dairy, Tom Cowan and Weîdon Brown, Cowan Pontiac. The addition 0f these units to the dairy f leet is, one more reason why ""If it's Glen Rae ... It^'s Good"'ý. for war duties in January 1942., Even before the squadron was declared operational enemny, "bit and run", raiders came across tbe North Sea and the city of Oshawa Squadron had its first casualty in November of 1941. The squadron's head- quarters rotated between Pet- erhead and the soutb coast of England for more than a year. Then, on August 19, 1943, it went into operation for the first time as a squadron at Dieppe. It was after Dieppe jbtat the City of Oshawa adopted the squadron, and the city's name was painted on aircraft. The Durham N.D.P. Gen- eral Membership Meeting will be held Saturday, April 2tb, 1974 wben Delegates will be elected for the Provincial Convention- to be held in Sudbury in June, and tbe Election of Organizer for the riding. A dance will follow tbe meeting, featuring the Bowman. The Robert McLaugblîn Gallery, Osbawa, wîll present, each Wednesday 12:10 - 12:50 noon a lunch-hour programme of films on Canadian Art eacb Wednesday in the Gallery. Admission is free. We invite you to bring your lunch - coffee will be available. April 17 - West Wind (Tom Tbom- son); April 24- Edward Zelenak, Walter Redinger, About Pellan; May 'l- Weaving - Loomn Weaving- Song of the Earth; May> 8- Why Man Creates - Pikangi- kum; May 15 - Gallery - The Printmaker: Vera Frenkel; May 22- To be determined; May 29 Encounter in tbe Dark - Correlieu. Bruce County hog producer Keith Weeden bas been re-el- ected chairman of the'Ontario Pork Producers Marketing Board. Weeden has a farrow- to-finish operation near Pais- ley. The Apýril 2 meeting of pork boar directors from across Ontario also elected Durham county farmer How- ard Malcolm as vice-chair- man. Malcolm farms in Janet ville. The Charlottetown Summer Festival will present "Jobnny Belinda" at O'Keefe Centre May 27 - June 8. Alan Lund directs and choreogra phs Mavor Moore's musical adap- tation of "Johnny Belinda", the unique and compassionate s tory of a young deaf mute girl living in. the Maritimes. The St. Andrew's Presbytierian St. PauIà's United Church4 Minister - Bey N.E. Schamerhorpi, B.A., B.D.4 Organist - Mr.R. Metcalf, A R.C.T., A.C.C.M. SEASTERSER V ICE'S 8 A.M. - SUNRISE SERVICE "A Faith of Your Own" followed by Family4 Pancake Breakfast served by the men of the church.4 il A.M. - SERMON ""The Fullness of the Message"l Both the Chancel Choir and Senior Choirs will present Special Easter Music.4 The empty tombs open before the world revealing thet it is God who stili bas the last word and not main. Attend the church of your choice this Easter GOO D 7:30 P.M. - Trinity United Church FR1 DAY Rev. Wes>Oake will conduet the. SERV I CE service. Sermon by Bey. N. E. Schamerhorn. TRINITY, UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. Wesley Oake -Mînister Rev. Arthur Amacher - Assistant Mînister Mr. John Crookshank - Music Director GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1974 7:-30 p. m. - Joint Service for St. Paul's and Trinity Congregations in Trinity EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 14 7: 00 a. m. HI-C SUNRISE SERVICE Cha ries Trim will be guest speaker Pancake Breakfast 8 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Aduits $1.00- Children 50 cents 11:00 a.mi.-WORSHIP SERVICE Sunday School Heurs at regular times 7:30 SERVICE A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE Officiai Board wiIl meet at 8 p*.M. ia the Saactuary, Tues., April 16

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