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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1974, p. 7

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* 623.3303 * H. L. WOOD- Minor Bantamns won il consecu- tive'play-off games ending with winning the O.M.H.A.' "A" Championship on Saturday, March 30, at the local arena, defeating Stoney- brook 7-1. This brings the Minor Bantam Al Ontario Championship to Bowmanville, twice in two years. FI SH TAGGING - For 13 years a Iargemouth bass in Sturgeon Lake evaded the anglers lures and grew long and fat. The only disturbing incident in ilife was a quick tagging by a tagging crew of the fish and game division back in 1964 when hie was three. At that time hie weighed 1 lb. 3 oz. and was 12.3 inches long. Last fafl, -however, his luck came to an end and hie was caught. According to a report in the Rice Lake Tourist Association newsletter the fish had grown to 22 inches and five lbs. - and hie had stayed in the same area. "Fish tagging is an important fish-management tool and ai resort operators should urge their guests to co-operate by reporting any tagged fish they catch",, the association stated. WINNERS- of Bowmanville Recreation Dept. Minor Hockey Day gamnes were: Bantamn Frank's Variety, Robert Dykstra Trophy,-Pee Wee "B" Frank's Variety, Danny Barnes Memorial Trophy, Pee Wee "A" Goodyear Consumers Gas Trophy, Atom "B" Cable T.V., Police Association Trophy, Tyke "B" Hornets, Robert Kennett Memorial'Trophy, Tyke "A" Goodyear Credit Union Cardindis, Police Assoc. Trophy. THE THIRD ANNUAL - Southern Ontario Ladies Curling Association Business Girls' Tankard Finals was held at the Sarnia Golf and Curling Club on Saturday, March 3th. Double rink entries from eight districts competed in the straight knockout competition. Dundas Valley Golf anidCountry Club were the winners, with East York Curling Club, the runners-up. Consolation Series, won by t he Guelph Curling Club, with Napanee Curling Club, wth Napanee Curling Club, runners-up. Bowmanville Curling Club lost out in the first round, but report a great time was had by all. Mary Brown Novices On Saturday, March 3th, Bowmanville met Cobourg in the opening game of the Cobourg A.M.O.S. Tourna- ment and défeated the host team 6-1. Todd Beers opened the scoring cashing in on a pass from Tim Preston. -Preston then scored, assist to Ross Patterson. Jeff Logan made the count 3-0 on a pass from Tim Little. Danny Coombes, who bas been improving consistently all year, notcbed bis first of the year on a pass fromn Logan. Tim Preston and Jeff Logan closed out the scoring on solo efforts. Tim Preston received the game's M.V.P. Todd Stephens flayed the entire game in the ocals net. In the second encounter Lakefield upset the Toros 2-1. Jeff Logan scored first1 on The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle, April 10, 1974 hKnapp MajorBatm passes from Robbie Green and Paul Stocker to give Bowman- ville a 1-d lead. Before Lakefield scored, the Toros proceeded to bit three goal psts which undoubtedly turnedthe game around along with handing the puck away and poor back checking. Scott Bate was in nets and couldn't be faulted on either of the two goals. Recreation Reviewfs Tyke League Thur. Mar. 28th, Foresters 2, Consumers Gas 1, Dave Hancock, Glen Owens; Bob Canfield. Goodyear Credit Union Car- dinals 0, Kool Enterprise 0. Shutouts to Mark Logan, Wayne Bragg. .Bantam League Kiwanis Huskies 4, Franks Variety 1, Dan Walker 2, Dean Rutherford, Russ Greenham. Kinsman 6, Flyers 2, Frank Leach 4, Bill Rivers, Barry Beers, Allan Brunt, Jim' Walker. Mug Consolation Championships Saturday, Mardi 30th Oshawa Paving Sharks 3, Marianna Developments 1, Brian Dennis 2, Wayne Dennis 1, Dannie Cowle 1, Oshawa Paving Sharks Win the Harry Hughes Trophy. Pee Wee -1B" Mug Consolation Championship Rotary Kings 4, Nichols Motors 3, Greg Brunt 2, Brad Nolan, Anthony Cleiff 1, James Brown, Jody Ross. Rotary Kings win the Roy Neads Tropby. Pee Wee "A" Consolation Championship Canadians 2, Cable T.V. 1, Finn Hoyrup, Mike Heenan, Scott Clifton, Canadians win the Bud Perfect Trophy. Atom "-B" Consolation Chamùpionship Fisk Fuels 5, Lions Clippers 3, Robert Siggins 2, Dann1 McMullen 2, Mark Long, Wane Jackm-an, Kevin Welsh, Ted Witherso)oon. The Fisk Fuels win the Memorial Park Association Trophy. atom "A" consolation Championship Kinsman 2, Marianna De- velopments 0, Todd Hooper, Greg, Dreossi 1 goal each shutout to John Stacey, Kins- man with the Ab Mavin Trophy. Tyke "B" Consolation Championship Don Ron Constuction Amer- icans 1, Don & Clare Variety 0, Scott Richards shutout to John Rowe, the Americans win the Father Heffernan Tropby. Tyke "A" Consolation Championsbip Consumers Gas 7, Forres- ters 1, Chris Mann 3, Brad Canfield 2, Glen Mathews, Bob Canfield, David Hancock, Consumers Gas win the Police Association Trophy. Foundry Bowling April 2, 1974 1Team Standings Gutterbalîs ...26 Aces ........... 24 Head Pins ....... 21 Alley Cals ....... 17 Sore Heads ...16 Screw Balîs ...14 40899 40026 40636 40441 39597 38847 111gb Singles L. Rehder ,... ......... 325 N. Thompson ........... 261 Higb Triples L. Vesna.............. 737 N. Thompson .......665 Gýames Over 200 L. Rehder 325, L. Vesna 279,240,218, S. Adams 216,275, M. Adams 261, N. Yeo 223, 260, A. Swectman 220,255, B. Stiles 209,250, G. Reid 247, G. Simpson 213,240, A. Cole 237. F CLUB NNRENEL (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) ,%ssB'ey Smith& the Individuals" SPOT A VERSATILE DANCE BAND p1Ze75 POPULAR IN THE OSHAWA AREA Oe Dfln, Refresh ments '15.00 couple SATU RDAY, AP R1L 13ti' TICKETS AVAILABLE at Trans General Store, Prince Albert; House of -Howard; Richards Beauty Studio; Murray Williams Motors or at the door. DON'T MISS THESE UP-COMING DANCES Canadiari Cancer Society- Port Perry Brandi CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Campaign Dance C. of C. Week Dance APR IL 20th Music b>'"The Individuais" SATURDAY, APRIL 27th Sponsored by "CLUB ANNRENE" an incorporated Social Club YuIa is a Winner at the Sportsman 's Show Top Canadian-bred puppy of breed (Labrador Retriever) Yula, shares .a happy moment with her owner, Elizabeth (Mrs. J. L.) Clifton2 of R. R. 1, Bowmanville. The trophy was awarded at the Sportsman' s show in Toronto on Sunday, March 17. Yula also came home with a first ribbon in the Senior Puppy class for Labrador Retrievers. Photo by Neil Newton Lo--ckeT"Vý Musà>t Wini Down2MOin, Final Serie By Jim Clarke Tbe Locke T.V. outfit need an instant comeback this Thursday nigbt if tbey enter- tain any hopes of extending thein best of five, champion- ship final. They dropped a 5-3 decision 10 County Chrysler last Tbursçiay and now trail in tbe series, 2-0. The win for the County bunch left themn with a 5-1-1 mark in tbis year's, post-season play. They bave outscored their opposition, 47-33 in seven playoff games. Locke's were the league's most prolific, scoring machine during the season (117 goals in 18 games). County, first place finishers, tallied 104 goals, ending up two points ahead of Lockes. Tbey received a two goal offering by Lanny Burns lasI Thursday, including an empty-net counter. Ray Pic- kelIl ook over the scoring lead in the playoffs, witb a goal and lwo assists. Hie now bas six goals and 13 assists in seven playoff encounters for Coun- ty. "Woody" Lee and Gene Balson supplicd single scores in last Tbursday's 5-3 victory. It took County a scant il seconds of the opening period 10 take the lead. Lee, baving a good serie,vied- bis- second goal of the finals and sixth in seven matches. Counly and Lockes ended the finst period lied, 2-2. After a scoreless second session, County moved ahead after 45 seconds of the third, witb Pickell connecling. Burns increased il with bis sixth of tbe playoffs, at 12:00 Lockes' Grant Flintoff nar- rowcd the gap 10 a single goal, counting bis sixlb in five games after 17:09. Burns Hampton Garden Pee Wees Beaten by Stony Creek Hampton Gardens Minor Pee Wees defeated Stoney Creek 3-1 on March 27th and lied the OMHA Final Seies at one game each. This game was another exciting contest between two evenly matched teams and thene was no scoring until the ten minute mark of the Ibird pcriod when Chuck Welsb scored assisted by Rick Simp- son and Brent Clemens. At 14: 10 Stoney Creek tied the game on a breakaway goal playing a man short, then Clemens scored the winnier two minutes later with Simp- son and Kevin Noble assislîng.. The final goal was scored with a minute lcft, Welsh conneet- ing on assists from Simpson and Clemens. Once again Mark Shackle- ton was oulstanding in goal coming up witb many key saves. Next home game is Salurday April 61b at 5 p.m. Hampton Gandens SIinor Pee Wees completed a suc- cessful season on the weekcnd defeating Stoney Creek on Saturday before losing in overtime on Sunday. The All Ontario Final series went 10 Stoney Creek bréec games bo lwo. On Satunday in Bowman- ville the Gardens crew won 4-2 to tie the series, scoring lhree limes in the first period. Terry DeLuca assisted by Steve Braun and Stan Greenbam, Cbuck Welsb from Rick Simp- son and Brent Clemens, then Simpson from Clemens wcre the goal scorers. The second period was scorelcss. Early in the third Stan Greenbam scored, assisted by Clemens and Simpson. Stoney Creek scored twice laIe in the period., On Sunday in Stoney Creek the deciding game was fonced mbt overtime. The first period was scoreless. Stoney Creek scored early in the second before Welsh scored unassist- ed. The first two periods fealured outstanding goal- lcnding by both teams with Mark Shackleton making many big-saves. In the Ibird pcriod Clemens scored, as- sitdby Kevin Noble, Ihen Clmns again assisled by Stan Greenham. At Ibis point leading 3-1 nur boys ran out of steamn and StoneyCreek came back 10 tie the game forcing il mbt overtime. They scored early in the overtime, and then put the game away as they scored twice'more. Final score 6-3, NE WTON VILLE Our new minister and bis wite Rev. and Mrs., Gordon Montgomery, from Vankleek ill, moved mbt the manse, here, on Tuesday evening. Glad 10 bear Mrs. Jim Adams was able 10 return home from Memorial Hospital lasf Tuesday, also Mn. and Mrs. George Staplelon, early last wcek. Wedncsday aflernoon, Mrs. Bea Joncs, Mrs. Olive lien- derson, Mrs. (nez Boughen and Mrs. B. Henderson attend- ed the U.C.W. Prcsbyteral meeting in Norlhminster United Cburch, Oshawa, where Dr. Morrison, of the Genenal Council, was the speaker. Wednesday supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Joncs, includcd Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley, of- New- seaied County's second vie- tory of the finals, sconing witb Locke's pursuing the equali- zer at 19:45. County drew the game's only penalties, both minors called by officiais Leo Kelly and Ron Shackclton. John "Bucky" Hughes cont- inued 10 pcnform as Locke's offensive leader scoring bis fifth and sixth goals. He also bas 12 assists for 18 points, one' less than County's Pickell. The T.V. clubf were witbout Larry Penris, Brian Rowe, "Tully" Thompson, and Brian Evans last Thursday. County penformed without Mike Do- nogbue, Wayne Seymour and T. Balson. Dëspite' missing both games of the finals, Donogbuc continues as the top goal scorer of the playoffs wilh 12 in five matches. castie, Mr. and Mrs. C., R. Farrow, and Mrs. Bea Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mer- î-îll, of Warlçworth, were Tuesday supper guests with bis sister, Mrs. Bea Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale were busy moving into their new home, here, on the soutb side of Main Street, the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Leudke and baby, of Oshawa, have moved int their tailen home, on the top of Hill Street, where they will be building their ncw home, next bo Trueman Hen- derson's. Charlie Ross and Frank Gilmer were among the First World War Veterans, wbo wcrc cntertaincd at the Bow- manville Legion Hall, on "Vimy Night,'" Saturday, Ap- ril 6th. Twenty Veterans wce driven down from Sunnybrook Hospital, 10 join the local group, of about the same number, and all enjoyed the sumptuous dinner, prepared by the ladies, and served by Branch mernbcrs. Ross Met- caîf and bis "Golden'Legion- naires" entcrtained, aften- ward, with, vocal selections, and there was an intenesting sbowing of films. Each veter- an had a red carnation pinncd on bis lapel, and was present- cd witb a box of chocolates, everytbing being provided "Free Gratis", compliments of Branch 178, Bowmanville. Mr. R. Hilîs, of Enniskillen, our Sunday morning speaker chose. as bis topic "The Passover - the Loneliness of Jesus". The choir sang "The Hands, of Jesus". Terry Worrall is home from Queen's University for a few days "break". Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stapleton and family were amongthose attending the Pancake Sup- per, at Orono United Church Hall, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bougben spent the weekend in Toronto, attending the hookey game in Maple Leaf Gardens, Saturday evening. Sunday morning they were among the congregation in Timothy Eat- on Memorial Church, where Rev. Dr. C.' Lawson conducted the service which included the Sacramenit of Holy Commun- ion. Later in the day, the Bougbens were at tbe Bow- manville Oddfellows' Hall for the Annual Bowling Club Banquet, which Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell also attended. Newtonville Women's Insti- tute will hold tbe Annual ,Meeting in the Sunday School Hall, Wed. April 17, beginning with a pot luck dinner at 12.30 noon. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Entwisle will be our dinner guests, and Mr. Entwisle bas kindly agreed to answer any quest- ions the members may have regarding Regional Govern- ment, or requirements for our village., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son and Mrs. Marie Trim were Sunday visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Newcastle. Mr. Don Fletcher, of Halifax is spending this week, bere, wilth bis parents, Mr.ý and Mrs. Ken Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. C, M. Jones are spending several days in Montreal, this week, wbere the Bell Telephone Company's Convention is in progress. Mrs. Dora DeSmit is going to Hamilton, early this week to visit ber sister, Mrs. Acke, and botb ladies expect to be leaving for Pittsburg, by bus, on Tbursday to hear the celebrated Katharine Kubl- man. Remember ouiz Good Frsday service, in the Church, at 2.30 ~ m. when guest speaker will e.MNrs. Marilyn Martin., of Newcastle. Guest soloist will be Mrs. Marjorie Caswell, also of Newcastle. Everyone welcome. BHS Bulletin vil 1969 7I c R4II Lose to H. W. Knapps Majoi tams lost the Ontario Finals tbree games 10 Penetang, being defeai on Saturday nigbt at IV~ ial Arena. The fifth became necessary Knapps won 3-2 inPcý on Tues. March 26. Pei opened the scoring in fo seconds and beld tha until near the end of the when Jerry Jolînston on passes from Terry Tbere are -a numi cxcited band students the school, as the date Maritime trip draws i The band practises wil be more frequent. On Fniday the at sninded students of participated in an indooi mccl aI B.H.S. against( The badminton teams played today didn't do q well as bad been expec Penetang )r Ban- son and John Hogarth. Robert Semi- Ormiston put Knapps ahead two to being sent in on a breakaway ted 5-2 by Eddy Gryters. Penetang /Iemor- scored next and after two game, periods the game was tied 2-2. after At the seven minute mark of ýnetang the third period John Hogarth ýnetang scored the winner with a bla st rty-six from the point. John Conb(oy t lead and Jerry Johnston assisting period on the goal. scored 0On Sat, with, the series tied Sargin- at two games each Penetang came out flying and KnapPs ber of couldo't contain their big line around plus numerous penalties cost for the them the series. Conboy froro nearer. îargmnson and Johnston made. ll soon the game close in the second period at 2-1 for Penetang but thietie penalties took their toli as B.H.S. Kaapps had three shorthand- )r track ed goals scored against them. Clarke. Bowmanville's final- goal was swhich scored by Eddy Gryters,ý juite as assisted by John Conboy and zted. Hon Jukic. GINIA FRIEI) CHIC(KEN 'reai 1tir Faittil~11k TRADEMARK THE MARY BROWN CORP., RICHMOND, VI RGINIA Think., KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE: AMPLIýE FREE PARKING TUNE-UPS BRAKES MUFFLERS OPEN HOUSE APRIL 12 - 13 - 14 RIVERWOOD- PARK SALES Hlwy. 35 1 mi. South Lindsay MOBILE HOMES Leading the industry in design and construction Five Homes on Display TRAVEL TRAILERS ALWAYS FIRST IN STYLE> LEADING IN QVALITY and CONSTRUCTION FIVE TRAILERS ON DISPLAY UNIK & MARLETTE CANAD IAN MADE Sec Our Retirement Home Lots at Riverwood Estates T.V. WITH EACH APRIL PURC HASE ORONO PARK -,BOARD Requires Applications for Park Manager (Not including Booth Concession) DUTIES: (a) Maintenance and caretaking of the pools and changehouse: (b) Maintenance and supervision of th~e grounds; (c) Collection and accounting of revenue - pool fees etc., Applications to be in the hands of Miss Alma Cuttell, Orono, Ont. by April 2th, 1974.' ýAm

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