The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, May 22, 1974 IItems 9f Phone 6 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and Heather hosted'a dinner on Sunday, in honor of the 35tb wedding anniversary of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Brown, Queen Street. Mr. and Mrs. Brown's anniversary is May 22nd. Guests inciuded Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake, Mr. aud Mrs. Harold Skinner and Mrs. W. G. Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aber- netby were supper guests on Tuesday of iast week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono, were Wednes- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abernetby. Mr. and Mrs. P. Terry, Bowmanviîle, speut the week- end in Niagara Falls. Mr. Cliff Jones of Auckand' New Zealand, who bas been visiting bis mother, Mrs. Giddus Joues and otber rela- tives left on Wed., May 15, to fly back to New Zealand and is family. Osbawa '74 features the following attractions this week; Saturday May 25tb at Oshawa Civic Autorium, beginning at 7.30 the Suuny- side Neigbborbood Re-Union. Saturday May 25, Durham Trial at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. at Durbamn College, labelling of plant life and conducted tours. Tuesday May 28, Aduit Art Class, Robert McLaughlin Gallery at 7. Weduesday, May 27 e t entecostal Church ,allytat the Civic Auditorium. Th ackenz ie HOme,'latest addition to historic Black Creek Pioneer Village will be officialiy opened (Frida y) May 24 at 2:00 p.rn. by ThL Honourable William G. Davis, Q. C., Premier of Ontario. Buiit in 1837, it was the homestead ofthe late Major Addison Alexander "Lex", Mackenzie, a iongtime mem- ber of tbe Ontario Legisiature. Sunday vîsitors with Nrs. Norman Taylor were Mrs. Rutb Taylor and Dorothy Plunkett, Toronto. Mr. Ernie Taylor, Oshawa visited bis mother Mrs. Nor- mnan Taylor on Mother's Day and dined out later that day. The Robert McLaughlin Gallery bas recently accepted into its collection, on perman- ent boan through tbe Ontario Heritage Foundation, a large number of exciting and beaut- iful works from a gallant REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Cbhurcb Scugog Street Phone 623-4824 Rov. Anthony DeJager SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.rn. 7 p.rn. 13ack to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday, 10:30 amn 'Everyone welcome" collecting couple in Toronto who wish their naines to remain unknown. Amonig the artists represented in the collection are Clarence Gag- non, (1881-1942), Maria Chap- delaine (1934), Joseph Thom- as Rolpb (1831-1916), Edwin Headley Holgate (1892-) and Frederick Simnpson Coburn (1871-1960). Congratulations to Barbara Kordas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kordas, who graduated recently frorn Cen- tralia College of Agricultural Technology in the Animal Health Technology programn. Mr. and Mrs. L. Aý', ,MacDou- gai spent Sunday With rela- tives in Belleville. President Ed. Majer, Se'y Irene Whitney, and Seth Hunt, will fly to St. John's New- foundland for the Dominion Convention of the Royal Can- adian Legion, to be held dune 1. Legion members and their guests are weicome to attend the Midland Regiment R1e- Union, Dinner and Dance, in the Legion Hall, on Saturday, May 25, starting at 6.30. The Red Cross has announ- ced dune 2 - dune 8 as Water Safety Week in Ontario. Last year 483 people lost their lives needlessly through drowning, an increase of 123 from 1972. The Regional Municipality of Durham is entitled to kecp its namne, the Divisional Court ruled yesterday. The court allowed an appeal by the municipality from a judgment of Mr. Justice lexander Stark;* who held Dec. 20 that the Town of Durham, on the Saugeen River in Grey County had made out a case under the Corporations Act for an order requiring the regional muni- cipality to change its namne. SALEM The Salemn unit of St. Paul's U.C.W. held their May meet- ing on the evening of the l4th, in Salem Church. Group three was in charge of the meeting. Unit leader Mrs. Doris Craig opened the meeting and con- ducted the business. Mrs. Gwen Coombes, ass't. secre- tary. acted in the absence of Mrs. HelenJacob. The devo- tional was taken from this year's study book ",That al may be one". Mrs. Ruby Shackleton and Doris Craig took alternate parts and all joined in the singing of two hymns. Mrs. iva Twist coven- ed the proerarfl and conduçted a questionnaire on "Mission Means" - Se then introduced Miss Edna Hughies w,.ho show- ed us hier slides, takeni on hier tour of Israel in 1972. They were exceptionally good, as was hier commentary, and she was warmly thanked for an hour's toi) viewiniý. A speedy recovery is wished for Lloyd Richards, who has undergone surgery recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davies and girls, South River, were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Oronoi District Credit Union iGraind Opening a Great Success Three members of the Orono Credit Union's first executive attended the opening of the Bowmanville branch. They are from lef t to right Les Combes p ast director, Russell Osborne past director and Clarence Allun the Union' s first president. President R. H. Robinson, accepts plaque as Pady, of the Ontario Credit Union League Ltd. St. PauIý's United Cfurch Minister - Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. R. Metcalf, A.R,C.T., A.C.C.M. 41 SUNDAY, MAY 26th SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Sermon: "The Rise of the Phoenix" Special Music by Junior Chancel Choir Nursery Care During Church Service r' St. Jýohn'"s Anglican Church <(Temperance and Queen Sts.) "THE GLORY 0F GOI) IS MAN FULLY ALIVE" YOU ARE WELCOME AT ONE 0F THESE SERVICES MAY 26 8: 00 a.m. - lloly Communion il1:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer 6:00 p.m. - Young People's Supper Followed at 7:30 p.m. by "MUSIC AND MASKS" Conducted By' THE RANSOMED (willowdale, Ont.)- TRUNITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N.Wesley uaà. - Mînîster Rev. Arthur Amacher - Assistant Mînstler Mr. Jonn CrookshanK - Music Dii ectoir Sunday, May 26, 1974 il A.M.-MORNING WORSH1P THE GOLDEN LEGIONNAIRES WILL BE SINGING AT TRIS SERVICE. Sunday Sehool at regular hours A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE Mayor Garnet Rickard cutting the gold ribbon, which marked the opening of the Orono District Credit Union. by Anne Kent Robinson, with' a plaque to Thursday, May 16, 1974, was honor the occasion. Phil Day, the date, set aside for the of the Cuna Mutual Insurance grand opening of the Orono Society, added bis words of and District Credit Union, congratulations. located at nine King Street A brief surnmary of the East, Bowmanville. history of the credit union, by At two o'clock in, the E. F. R. Osborne, was yet afternoon, the Mayor, of the, another highlight of the extra new Town, of -Newcastle, special event. Garnet Rickard, officiated at It seerns that early in 1954, the ceremony cutting the gold the Board of Directors of the ribbon, which "opened the ____________ doors" of the new, attractive, gold office. R. H. Robinson, President of ADULT the Orono District Credit Unior, welcomed the nurner- C UNELN words, and then turned the rernaîning portion -of the SERVICE ceremony over to S. Mather, who acted as host, in intro- ducing Maryor Rickard. If you want to do A brief, but fascinating something about your speech followed, as Mayor education . .. you Rickard congratulated those rblycn involved, for their successfulprabyau efforts in -puducing such a beneficai c ,ý_dit union. H1e See Vour continued, speaking most Aduît Counsellor highly of their aim, which is, and has always been, to EVERY "ýcarry themnselves", rather WEDNESDAY than to depend Upon others. EVENING 1Mayor Rickard also stres- sed the importance of the 7 to 9atthe identification of the people NEW BOWMANVILLE with their community, in their HIGH SCHOOL common purpose to achieve GUIDANCE OFFICE such a credit union, which was described by the mayor as The service is free - being, "one of the finest forms 1ohdnta-n of publicaid". 1cnieta n Cliff Pady, of the Ontario nlo appointment Credit Unioni-League, Ltd., l5 uecessary. presented President R. H. Durham Farmers Co-op, Orono, decided to sponsor a credit union in this area, upon hearing of the henefitsof one such union discussed by speakers of the Federation of Agriculture and other sources. Enthusiasm, for sorne such an institution rnounted, and on, Aprîl 4, 1954, several interest- ed people, mostly cornprising co-op members, organized a credit union, and elected officers. The directors soon chose the narne "Orono Dis- trict Credit Union" which was tu include the townships of Clarke and Darlington, as weii as ail members of the Durhamn Farmers County Co-op. The 'credit union, was a success, and the rnerbership has since grown from 41 mÉembers to 333. Since its establishment on that April day in 1954, the members have been ioaned $521,751.00. The credit union's -bound- aries have now been expanded to coincide with those of the new Town of Newcastle. OBITTJARY HARVEY ELLIS NATHANELL FLEMING A retired farmer for five years, Harvey Ellis Nathaneli Fleming, passed away in his 7th year, on Sunday, April 28, 1974, at Scott's NursingHome, Lindsay, following an iilness of three months. Born and educated at Rea- boro, he was the son of the late Albert and Maude (Pogue) Fleming, and on September 21, 1938 rnarried Velma Verna Sholer. <1He resided in the Lindsay and Reaboro area rnost of his life, and in Bowrnanville from 1963 - 1972. H1e was a membei' of the William Street Baptist Church, Lindsay. Mr. Fleming leaves to mourn his passing sons John, of Reaboro, Alex, of Port, Hope, Dale, and daughter Jean (Mrs. D. Hughes), both of Oshawa, six grandchiidren, brothers Percy, of Detroit, Clîfford, of Toronto, Abert and Ross, of Reaboro, sisters Marjorie (Mrs. C. leird), Giadys (Mrs. R. Nixon) of Port Hope, Grace (Mrs. A. Nicholson) of Lindsay, and predeceased by brothers Ro- bert and Howard. The funerai was held from the, Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay on Tuesday, April 30. Reverend Thistle conducted the service. Pali-bearer-, wPre Messrs. Gratton Hughes, Charles Birdi, Lloyd McVi(janey,, Lawrence Armnstrong, Robert Casey, and Dennis Hughes. Interment was in Riverside Cernetery, Lindsay. OR ONO rInterest 623-3303 l Letters -f0 Dear Edîtor,, On a recent broadcast of news from a well known Toronto News broadeaster, a remark was made that in my opinion is very worrisome. H1e said and I quote, "If a July, election is in the offing, from the remarks of Mr. Stanfield about the new budget, I believe Mr. Stanfield's time has corne." If this is the cast, then so be it. However, if hie can in any way improve on this new budget. what then? Though I feel Mr. Stanfîeld to bea very sincere politician, I wonder if he bas the know-how to, see tins country through the treacherous waters of world economy and politics at this tirne. Can he direct affairs in such a manner as to keep the Democratie rights of the Canadian people intact? To many short sighted voters it may seem so. I, however feel very uneasy about the finîal outcome of an election with the inflation already so high. Also, such an election just now mfght just misfire. So many lunnstructea people are so ready to take what they hear at face value. Mr. Lewis has Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar (Jake) Middleton the former Wilda Hooey, of Oshawa and forrnerly of Orono - on their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- Laughlin of Nestleton were recent Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn. 1Paper dr ive - on Saturday arn. May 25th. Cail 983-5716 for any information re same. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrene Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ramsberry went on the bus trip to Niagara Falls on Mother's Day Sunday, spon- sored by the Couples Clu of Kendal and Newtonville. >1 The summer operating schedule begins Saturday at, the visitor's information cen- tre at Pickering nuclear generating station. From May the Editor been, perhaps a good pressure on government affairs re- cently. If the Liberals or Conserva- tives did not corne out on top in a flash election, it would in my opinion be disastrous for Canada and the world in general, that looks to -Canada with respect and hope. With our economy in its present state, the expense of an election it seems to me, will only be an added burden on the already over-burdened tax-payer. Yours sincerely, A New Bowmanville-ite. 'beltitFaith teoiches: The, mediaeval ages of darkness have passed away. Therefore, this is truly the century of new light and reality. For furthier informa- tion 623-7744 or 623-4830. Strauss AM SUOLID STATE RADIO -7.77TA Complete with 2 AA Battefies. .. Earphoees& Carrying Handie > Pck f 10 Preniee? SERVIETES7 C 18 to mid-October, the centre will be open seven days per week from 9 arn. to 5 p.m., says Pat Kelley, Hydro's public relations officer at the station. Group tours mnust be arranged in advance by con- tacting the public relations department at P.O. Box 175, Pickering, or calling Dunbar- ton 839-1511 or Toronto 282- 5781. In-plant tours are avail- able on a limited basis by appointment only but smarl groups and individuals can be accommodated at the centre at ainy time. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eugene Jackson, the former Miss Bonnie Marie Partner - both of (Jrono, on thîe marriage in Orono United Church on Friday evening, May l7th,'1974. Rev. Basil E. Long, B.Th. officiated. The newlyweds. will reside in Miss Doreen Winter of Toronto, spent the Victoria holiday -weekend with hert parents Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malcorn and Jodie of Nestleton were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. James Kent. Congratulatons to Roger Proctor of R.R. Orono, - Leskard Road who placed first in piano grade IV (4) in the recent Oshawa Kiwanis Music Festival and to Patricia Lunn aiso of R.R. Orono who tied for third position in piano grade vil. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail'were receint supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Alldred of Oshawa. Mrs. Halstead Coatham has been a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital for the past two weeks. A ~.7~Weil Worth Lookjg F or"j 441stBIRTDAYSALEE1A rmIIIE FETVEMY2 UE10 "rFashion Magie" I'PLASTIC 13cPA. Whide Th ey Last FOR COTTAGE, rMLIK ur -S TifllPOCKE'I CAMERA OUTFITl TUMBLERS Featuring Optical GlassLens 9 0%9 _.INCLUDES- 99ce $248E8A :~ --- --- --- ---E-- - - -- Ooz !iVA2Doz. BABY ILPLSTICS ARCLOIG OM UTHA SHAMPOO IN d COUPON WITHIL TIS HUPON -G S WITH THtIS CUO WITH THIS COUPON WITH THSCUO ITIS COUPON ~~~~------Coupon Expires Set June 1sf Coupon Expires Satt June lst. Coupon ExpiressSet June is. * opnEprs Set. uel ------- ---- - --------- ------ ----------------- à---------------- 150 mfi. "EXTRA DRY'------Large Size j" CRESI " ARRIUEOir_ _ il AINIO IN AB TOOTHPASTE Ani-Perspirant ASPAKING BFE I AS 'IC .$107 mu ~ 2 . ~ONL YO 100sÏ WITH THIS COUPON : WITIt THIS COUPON WIH THtIS COUPON : WITH THtIS COUPON t Coupon Expires Sat. June let. ' Coupon Expires Set. June 1sf.. Coupo Expires Set. June lst. Coupon Expires Set. June lst -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - ---- -- -- -- -- -- -------------Pn----. . . . . . ---- ---- - --------- ----- ----------- Gillette "p.A BRAN j FOAMYjI il I.D.A. BRAND ïï IDABRN ù, 9 1 CALAMINE:.MIU LrSHAVE. OXZEMA il LOTION MGEI c !SKINr 59c HjCREAM 89 4-o.fI~ 7 CouonExis S COUPON i WITH THtIS COUPON H Cuo WITH TI COUPON !j 'uo WITTItS OUPO CopnEpr e.June lst. Coupon Expires Set. June lst. Cuo ExpiresSe June lut. "uo ExpiresSe n l ----- - ----- - - - jL--------------------- regor KING, ST. W I.D.A. 623-5792 Drugs BOWMA NVILLEý PLANTING TIME- DROP AROUND CHECK OUR PRICES SEE OUR SELECTION . Lloyd's Greenhouses TELEPHONE 728-3636 LARGE SELECTION 0F HANGING POTS POTTED ROSES-25 VARIETIES Spring Garden Plants Flower and Vegetable A complete line for Sun and Shade Roses, Canna, Geraniums, Shrubs, Trees, Mixed Pans. _*Lloyds Greenhouses ~Taunton I. ý il Mile C N N W--4-E jU C 401 s 401 Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wal- lace attended Kendal Churceh on Mother's Day Sunday, when their granddaughter, Tara Kristine Wallace was baptized by Rev. Gordon ,Montgomery. MUSTANG AUTOMATICS MacDonald Ford Bowmanville 623-4481 -i 1 l 1 - mm