8 The Canadian S‡atesman Bowmanville, June 19, 1974 The Newcastle Independent Editor Melanee Jessup Telephone 987-4365 Liberals Open Rooms in Newcastle Over the weekend, there was obvious action on the political front in the Village of Newcastle when the former home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare (lifelong Liberals) was opened for use as a Liberal Committee room. Here, a large sign is being erected in support of Allan Beckett, the Liberal candidate, with David Rickard, son of former MVLP. W. Frank Rickard, his son Jeffery, 3, and Gordie Cochrane doing the erecting. YELVERTON Yelverton's Annual iarden Party was deemed a success although attendance has de- creased a littie over the past several years despite the low cost of meals in relation to the higher cost of food products. Following the meal, a soft- ball game between Cavan Jr. girls and Janetville-Yelverton girls occupied the time be- tween the meal and concert. The local girls won quite handily with Mary McCul- lough hurling good balCs. The Variety Concert was a fine musical rendition by Mrs. Beatty and her three daught- ers followed by Gary Bristow and Jerry Hofstetter who provided several musical numbers with their own guitar accompaniement. Special thanks to Editor Johnny James of Bowman- ville Statesman who recorded the event pictorially with his camera. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright of Islington visited on Friday and Saturday with the Rae Malcolms of Janetville' and the Harvey Malcolms, Master Donald Irons is currently holidaying with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown. Little Miss Debbie Glasber- gen and Master David Glas- bergen each had. the misfor- tune this week to injure thier fingers on separate occasions necessitating a trip to hospi- tals for stitches and other repairs. Grandview Public Schoo students participated in var ious fields of school activities open to them at Millbrook Fair oni Saturday. Although none of them reached the finals in the JOHN F. Generai Insurance FIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Contact : HARRY VOERMAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 33 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Spelling Contest in other fields they did relatively well. Some of the Grandview winners werethere in their respective classes or grades: - Master Ian Worthington a 1st prize, Miss Shelley Sisson - 3rd. prize in the "Homeland Study" exhibi- tion, Miss Carrie Miller a 2nd prize for her puppet, Miss Lana Malcolm a 2nd. for her papier mache exhibit, Miss Mona Malcolm - a first in Penmanship, Miss Lana Mal colm a second for Penman. ship. Despite the inclemency of the weather there were a few rays of sunshine. Miss Domin- ion of Canada officially open- ed the event and Mr. Allan Lawrence brought federal greetings. This week in the sports field, Yelverton Se. girls edged ont Janetville by a small margin almost blowing an early inning lead. Our Sr. Men suffered their first defeat of the season vs Nestleton by a 4-0 margin. Panchuk hurled good ball for Nestleton with the locals having difficulty laying wood on leather throughout the game. Local residents attending the races at Mosport this weekend enjoyed the events particularly on Sunday when a record lap record was set, and we understand also an atten- dance record of 100,000 as well. ENNUSKILLEN Father's Day has come and gone when the so called head of the household was "King for a Day" seated high on a pedestala f0receive good wishes and gifts from his family gatherings for this occasion was te major reas- on for a slightly lowered attendance at the Sun. a.m. services a second excuse could have been Mosport's Race event with its usual and even tragic traffic jam. Those of us who bypassed the reasons or excuses and attend- ed the Sunday Services were amply rewarded by two mes- sages, (a) Our Minister's sermon which was comple- mented by the Se. Choir's musical mesage. Jr. Church was in care of Mrs. R. Sharp, Kindergarten class and teach- ers Mesdames J. Kinsman and W. Beckett gave the opening worship at the S.S. session. Among the many up-coming events is (1) the S.S. Pienie at the Enniskillen Conservation Area Sunday June 23rd aftèr chiichat 10.5 arm. beginning with S.S. lessons and dinner at 12.30, tables only provided, families brng food, hot and cold beverages, dishes, cut- lery, anyone wishing trans- portation meet af the church at 10.45 am. In case of rain it will be postponed unfil the following Sunday, (2) The Sacrament of Baptism will be ounaay June 30tn at te usual morning service parents of children fo be baptized please Corne In and See Our. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER New 420 & 430 Balers -PLUS- Several Used 46 Balers AT BARGAIN PRICES You can make a good deal this month on a NEW INTERNATIONA DIESEL MODEL 354 TRACTOR (32 H.P. PTO) For al your farm equipment requirements Robinson & Kitchen ,Farm Equipment 12 mile east - junction 7 and 35 Hwys. south of Lindsay PHONE 324-6136 contact our minister this week if possible. Please sec coming events for details of one of our seasonsihighlight's vîz: a concert in June in the Ennis- killen Public School Auditor- ium presented by Port Perry Historical Society Choir with co-sponsors Tyrone and Ennis. U.C.W. for a very special project. Posing for Pictures sche- duled in the S.S. room for the Church Directory were busy hours for clients and photo- graphers. We now eagerly awan me arrivai ot proots. The Enniskillen U.C.W. sponsored a bus trip Jonc llth fo Niagara Falls Ont., includ- ing ladies and gentlemen from surrounding areas, after lunch we visited Marineland and Game farms, fortunately the sun shone in the afternoon which helped to make the day so enjoyable, repeated visits to the falls gives ore the same fascination of the beauty of the falls and its surroundings. We are inebted to Mesdames W. Bowman and R. Virfue and others who assisted for spend- ing considerable time arrang- ing the trip. Among the many observa- fions of Fafher's Day. by families was a double feature for Mr. and Mrs. O.,C. Ashton and grandson Richard Woeden who joined wifh Me. and Mes. Harry Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Worden and Carissa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson for the annual "Fly-In" breakfast at the Oshawa Air Portand luncheon ai the Ponderosa, Oshawa. Our good wishes for a complete cestoration to god healfh continue for Mes. Francis W. Werry and Mr. Russell Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp, Mr. and Mes. Ivan Sharp, Mes. Harry Gregg, affcndedfthe 5Oth Anniversary dfor the Reverend and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson afDe.and Mes. Harry R. Sanderson's, Osh- awa. Me. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton were Saturday even- ing callers at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin's. Me. and Mrs. Chas. Ashton, Oshawa, wre recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton's. Me. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor attended Nestleton United Church service Sunday where littfIeLesley Ann McKenzie daughter of Me. and Mes. Richard McKenzie, Caesarea was baptized. The Taylors were dinner guests of the baby's parents. Me. and Mes, E. A. Werry were Sunday evcning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry and family. Mrs. Tom Buows, West Hill, spent Saturday evening and night with Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hetz, Newcastle Mrs. Betty Brown and her daughter Brenda of Willow- dale, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Rachel Dennis. It's good to see Mrs. Dennis home from the hospital. The A.C.W. Salad supper last Wednesday was a huge success with a large number attending both sittings. Last week ended another year for Clarke High School students. Now, after exams, all that remains is the agonizing wait for report cards. Monday at 6:45 a.m., grades six, seven and eight along with six teachers from Newcastle Public School left for a day in Niagara Falls, Ontario. On the way, they stopped in St. Catharines to see the lift locks. Once there, they toured Tusaud's Wax Museum, the power station, the Aquarium, Fort George and of course they saw the falls. Fortunate- ly, the weather was good and everyone had an enjoyable day. On Thursday, the grade eight class will journey to Toronto to tour the Parlia- ment Buildings ana ,e Sci- ence Centre. Last Thursday, the annual bowling banquet was held in the bowling alley of the Community Hall. After the supper and presentation of the trophies, everyone went to the lanes for a few games. The girls presented Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Linda Henry and Patty Parker with gits for their help throughout the year. 11 Faicxiew, Pa., Me. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Peterborough were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamnb. Mc and Mrs. Ceci] Woods, Oshawa, Mrs. D. Higgons, Hampton at A. Sharps. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick, Scarborough, were Sunday guests with their parents, Mr. and Mes. S. Pethick. Mrs. C. Hetz, Fairview Pa. called on Mrs E. M. Slemon last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lang- maid, Solina, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill's. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor, Soihna, on Father's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright, Toronto, Messrs. Har- old and Timmy Spry, Rochest- er, N.Y. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- ton, Miss Elva Orchard were Father's Day supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, Linda, John and James were Father's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker, Newcastle. Mrs. E. J. Dickinson, and Mes. C. Bennett, Oshawa were Friday visitors at Me. and Mrs. S. Pethick's. Mrs. Ron Clemens and Brook, and Miss Stephanie Axford, Hampton, were week- end vîsitors at Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill were Sunday callers at Mr and Mrs. R. Griffin's. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Sher- win and family Picton were weekend over night guests at Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor's. M. and Mes. Vernon Rafz, Me. Ray Ratz, Huntsville, Mc. and Mes. W. Sanderson, Col- ,imbus, were callers at Mr. J Mrs. Edgar Wrights. Mr. and Mrs. Angus King, Little Britain, were Thursday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery's. LONG SAULT Ian Rear and Paul Cyebere, Aldecwood, Gayle Vanbuskirk and friend, Oshawa, were ail recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Mrs. Al Well and family, Bowmanville visited on'Sun- day with the Rye Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomp- son, Baltimore, spent Sunday with their aunt and uncie Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. On Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson-attended the wedding of their niece Miss Barbara Benfiey andrMe. Douglas Miller at St. Andrews United Church, Oshawa. There certainly was a not- iceable difference in the taffic down our way on Sunday during the big race at Mosport. The O.P.P.'s were a wonderful help. KENDAL On Tuesday the Kendal Brownies, and their leaders and some mothers went on a bus trip to Toronto Island, This fias proven to be a very popular place wif h the girls as fhey went there iasthyearl f0. On Wednesday evening the Thee in-One Couples Club went to Oshawa and had a guided toue through Park- woud. La teralltreturned to the Sunday School rooms for a meeting and lunch was serv- cd. The July meeting is to be a barbeque supper in Kendal park. Although the weather was not too favorable for out door living, this seened0 be the weekend for camping for the young folk. The Cubs were camping at Mary Dale Park. The Bownies went o Camp Adelaide, near Haliburfon, also the Girl Guides wcre at camp trying for their Guide badges. The attendance was much less at church and Sunday School, Sunday morning wifh' so many away camping. The choir sang 'In the Garden'. Mr. Montgomery's story to the young people was that of the Triangle which stands for God, The Son, The Holy Spirit. Mrs. Amy Cowie of NOrwich is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Allan Foster and Mrs. Marlatt. Mr. and Mrs. Ruddi Willer- ding of Scarborough spent Sunday with Miss Catharine Stewart. Also her great neph- ew Michael Brown of London is staying with Miss Stewart while his mother and dad and sister are on a trip to England and Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little of Fraserville spent Sunday with their daughter and fam- ily Mr. and Mrs. Allen Downes. Mr. Leonard Falls was in Peterborough on sunday to see his mother Mrs. Fred Falls who is in hospital. Miss Nicole Falls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Falls, of Peterbor- ough, spent the weekend with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood and Mrs. W. H. Foster attended Bethel Church near Stirling on Sunday where the Rev. Mr. T. Snelgrove preaches. Mr. Snelgrove was very pleased to see them, later the all had lunch with Mr. an Mrs. Ivan Serals of Stirling. SOLINA Mr: William Dyer, Fort St. John, B.C., Lwas a recent visitor with Mrs. Dorothy Pascoe and familv. Mr. and Mrs. F. McQuay, Oshawa, were Tuesday even ing visitors with Mrs. Dorothy Pascoe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- lowlees, Dennis and Wayne attended the Larmer family picnic on Sunday at Poplar Park, Port Perry. Saturday evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Blackstock, and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Leger, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McMinn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Frietag, Oshawa and Mr. Keith Cryderman, Lori and Lisa, Zion, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Misses Ellen Cryderman and Nancy Knox spent the weekend at Junior Farmer Zone camp at Quin-mo-lac. C-L and Mrs. Gilbert Tapp and family, C.F.B., Borden, spent the weekend with Mrs. R. Fraser. Mrs. R. Fraser has returned home from a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in Northern Ontario. Pauline Taylor and Jane Hills spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hills, Hamilton. Hamilto. held-ear-Por-Hope-o Miss Marilyn Knox is a Durham delegate to the Pro- vincial 4-H conference at Guelph this week. Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and Mrs. Wm. Ashton attended the 50th anniversary re-union of Harmony Public School on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Isaac Hardy and Stanley, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family attended the Aber- nethy family picnic held at Bowmanville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and family, Rev. and Mrs. R. Sherwin and family, Picton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grills, Valentia, were Saturday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and Catherine, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Welsh, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink were guests at the Watson- IHarvey wedding in Toronto last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink attended the Masonic picnic held near Port Hope on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox attended Brougham decora- tion service and were later guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, the occa- sion being the celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ands who were celebrating thir silver anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pot- ter, Hampton, were Sunday afternoon callers on Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter Mrs. Alex Potter BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 DX FUEL OIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ASSOCIATE STORE COTTAGE RENOVTIONS? GET READY NOW BY SHOPPING OSHAWA BUILDALL SPRUCE LUMBER CONSTRUCTION GRADE (25 PER CENT STANDARD) 2x626X/223-7 2 x 8,,- 371/2 t (Ask about Volume Discounts) FiR PLYWOOD STANDARD GRADE FOR SUB-FLOORS ETC. 4' x 8' SHEETS 5-16 inch - 6.95 sheet 1/2 inch $1050sheet, 38 inch - !7.50 sheetn12.40 sheet ¾4inch - $14.60 sheet SEE OU R STOCK OF. READY TO FINISH C UPBOARDS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOUR KITCHEN AT BASE CABINETS HOME BUT PRICED RIGHT FOR THE 4"long-$67.75 plus top COTTAGE, APARTMENT OR EXTRA 6' long - $101.65 plus top KITCHEN. MADE TO OUR SPECIFICATIONS. 8' long - $123.95 plus top UPPER CABINETS SEE THEM TODA Y 12" x 32" high - $16.95 each 18" x 32" high - $25.40 each 24" x 32" high - $33.85 each COTTAGE WALL PANELLING ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDERS PREFINISHED MAHOGANY, GROOVED, AVAILABLE FLAT TOP RUNGS, SAFETY PADDED, AUTOMATICAL- IN FULL 4' x 8' SHEETS. LY ADJUSTED FEET AND PROTECTORS AT TOP. COMPLETE: 20'- $31.55 28'--$44.95 OnIy ~4326 shee $,9924 - $36.80 32 -$53.60 COUNTER TOPS at $1.99 foot OZITE Foamed Back Carpet WE BOUGHT A LOAD OF "SECONDS" IN ROLLED 12' WIDE, CHOICE OF OLIVE, CINNAMON, GOLD AND EDGE KITCHEN COUNTERS WITH SPLASH BACK - SEE ORANGE. PRICED AT$2.97 sq. yd. THE WIDE RANGE AT LOW PRICES. SHOP EARLY FOR (Check our wide range of carpets in stock at Oshawa BEST CHOICE. ubrad Lumberland) BUILDING A COTTA GE ? x' FREE II atalooue OF 12 PROVEN COTTAGE DESIGNS RANG- ING IN SIZE FROM 340 SQUARE FEET UP TO 976 SQUARE FEET. FREE QUOTATIONS AND MATERIAL LIST TAKEOFF SERVICE. DROP IN TODAY! -D ShopEither Convenient Location k OSHAWA BUILDALL COURTICE LUMBERLAND - OR STORE 100 Bond St. West Oshawa Bloor St. East of Holiday Inn Let's bild togther Phone 28-167 Phoe 728-1611