ta tpsman. BRnum'ille.Sep mber11 10 The Car CL SS FI 1h11 . . ... ... ... ... .. .... . ......... . ........ ............*. .......... .:.....&.::.::.::.:.:.:..42,S,.:..».......:.w....ôt ... ... Ï:.. S... .*. . *»:....:...-ZC<.:.:.»:.:~.,4.:4-. .... «.:. ~. ____ 5.:., 4*,.. 4' _______________________ IMMEDIATELY FOR WEEKENDSAND HOLIDAYS Student Help For Busing Must Be Clean Cut! Weekend Cafeteria Cashier needed. For appointment Ca l: MR. BOURKE 623-3373 37-1 LICENCED Auto Body Repair ExuIelient Wages and Benefits Apply at: MacDonald Ford Sales 219 King St. E. Bowmanville. Phone Marty 623-4481 37-1 R.N.'S Full-time and Part-time Evening shifts R.N. For weekends, day shift Sunset Lodge Cal Mrs. Clark 623-5813 37-2 Laboratory Technologists Registered with experience, reqùired for part-time positions in off hours. Apply to: PERSONNELOFFICER M4emorial Hospital BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 37-1 Energetic Person TO TRAIN IN PARTS DEPARTMENT CALL PARTS MANAGER MacDonald Ford Sales 623-4481 371 Professional Sales Career Opportunity i want to hire someone to work with me in marketing and servicing a sophisticated financial product. I will teach the right person all i know about my business. i will pa Ï ou more than you are worth o start and exactly what you are worth after that. I expect no capital investment but only honest intelligent effort. If you are a university or high school graduate, and have a sense of responsibility, ou may be the one l'm ooking for. Write or contact, Hubert Groot, C.L.U. Manager, North American Life Assurance Co., Suite 602, Bell Canada Build- ing, Oshawa Centre, Oshawa, Ontario. Business phone 728- 9427, residence 623-3958. 37-2 HAIRDRESSER wanted, art-time or full-time, good hours, no evenings. Phone 623-5455 or 623-3863. 35-tf Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Wednesday, September 18, 1974 for the following posi- tions. HEAD CARETAKER - Clarke Senior Elementary School Applicant must have practical knowledge of mechanical and electrical apparatus. Good working knowledge of care- taking procedures. The abilit to work harmoniously wit others. The ability to organize own work and work of others. HEAD CARETAKER - Salem Public School Applicant must have practical knowledge of mechanical and electrical apparatus. Good working knowledge of care- taking procedures. The abilit to work harmoniously with others. The ability to organize own work and work of others. CARETAKER - Newcastle Public School Good knowledge of school caretaking procedure and cleaning methods. Ability ta work fram verbal and written instructions and ta get along with people. CAR ETA KE R Applications will be received by the undersigned until Monday, September 16, 1974, for the position af Caretaker, 40 hours per week at the Bowmanville High School. Knowledge of cleaning mate- riais and caretaking proce- dure preferred. Ability ta work tram verbal and written instructions and with other people required. CL EANE R Applications will be received by the undersigned until Monday, September 16, 1974, for the position of Cleaner, 20 hours per week at the Clarke High School. Maintain offices, staff room, female wash- rooms, dusting, dry mopping and other duties as assigned. Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number to: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, D'Arcy Street, North, COBOURG K9A 4L2 37-1 BE A REGULAR BLOOD DONOR H & B Painters Painting & Paper Hanging Interior - Exterior FREE ESTIMATES 623-5317 or 263-8884 37-1x De Witt Mobile Welding Farm Machinery Heavy Cast Aluminum, Stainless Steel, etc. Government Licence Phone 623-5703 37-lx DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES -& SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY& FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf William G. Beatty Painting and Paper Hanging Light Truckin and Odd Jobs PHONE 623-4728 35-4x JACK BURGESS OILBURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Call 623-2641 33-tf Mountjoy Backhoe Service Trenches-Drains Foundations and Septic Tanks Dug and Backfilled GRAV EL IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstock 986-4737 37-1 Refrigeration AND Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers Phone BERT SYER Days - 623-5774 Nights 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 1 tf VINCE MOORE CARPENTRY House Renovating Paper Hanging - Painting 247 Liberty N., Bowmanville 623-3568 49-tf Will babysit small baby in my home. Cali, anytime, 623-7042. 37-lx Custom upholstering, reco- vering, re-styling, very réa- sonable, work guaranteed, 20 years ex perience. Free esti- mates. Ph one 986-5072 Nestle- ton. 37-f Keep this number handy the next time you want to move furniture, agricultural pro- ducts or scrap metal. i have a 21 tan flatbed truck. Reason- able rates, 263-2247. 37-lx R. W. NICHOLLS Building Repairs 623-4385 36-4x LIGHT trucking and odd jobs, cleaning yards, basements, attics efc. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. Phone 623- 2337. 34-4 Geddes Electric Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates PHON E 623-2398 48-tf BI LL'S GLASS andMIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Phone 623-5187 Bowmanville, Ontario Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Window- Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patlerned and Colored Glass and Glazing 17-tf WO RKWA~ * a WATER Wells bored, 30" tie. Ward's Well Boring. Tele phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone987-4531. 16 PROFESSIONAL PIANO TUNING& SERVICING Certified Piano Technician. Prompt reliable service. Remember, "The tuner alone, preserves the tone.' Member, Piano Technician's Guild. Derek Hill 502 Dunlop St. W., Whitby 668-6247 9 tf PEARL, grape cluster broach >etween Rickaby's, Bank of Commerce, Friday morning. Reward. Call 623-5619. 37-1 STRAYED from Kendal area, one hoistein heifer, apprax. 2 yrs. old. Any information, please phone 786-2521. 37-1 BORDER Collie, black with white markings, greatly mis_ sed. Reward. Phone 623-7670. 37-1 STRAYEDfrom Tyrone area, one Hereford steer, near 800 ibs., missing 4 weeks. Any information, please phone D. Craig 263-2544. 36-1 TOWNOF NEWCASTLE Tender Cali Tenders are invited for the extensions to the Town of Newcastle Dog Pound at Liberty Street South, Bow- manville. Plans may be picked up at the Office of the Town Clerk. Clearly marked tenders to be submitted by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 2oth, 1974 ta: J. M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 37-1 GOOD house pet, pure Ualma- tian. Good with children. Phone 623-3771. . 137-1 DOG, yellow Lab., female, 2 rs.old, registered. Two udgies, cage and stand. Phone 623-7454. 3/-1 THREE year old, medium size, black, femnale poadie, spayed, very good house pet, reasonable to good home. Also large size dag hause. Phone 623 2887. 37-1 FOR SALE Black Lab., maie with pedigree tram field trial stock, 22 months old, intraining, excellent retriev- er, good hunting dog. Orono 983-5210. 37-1x CHIHUAHUA registered pup- pies, smaii breed, 9 weeks aid, real beauties. Phone 983-9257. 37-1 The Doggy Place - Dag Trimming and grooming. Poodies and spaniels aur specialty but any type of dog expertly bathed and trimmed. Boarding with lots of love and fun. Dogs $2. daily, cats $1. The Immi rant Kennel, Re- gistered Breeders of high quality English Springer and Cocker Spaniels. Pick up and delivery. Also rabbits for sale. 786-2234. 21 ff TORET GARAGE in Bowmanville for furniture storage. Towne Used Furniture, 623-4681, 9 to 5:30 p. m. 37-1 REASONABLE, neat, clean, two or three bedroom house. Phone 623-4343. 37-1x NVESTMENTS Did you know? We pay 10 Percent on Te Deposit Receipts (ubject to change) Minimum $1,000 30-89 Da ys Contact Mr. Wiheli The Bank of Montrea1 Bowmanville Phone 623-4411 Notice to Equipment Owners- For Winter Maintenance Operations 1974.75 Season the following equipment is required:- 1NQUIRY NO. 74-7-3 TRUCKS With a minimum G.V.W. 27,000 pounds (single axle) or 34,000 pounds (tandem axle) for mounting power sanding units, are required af the following Ministry Yards. 2 Trucks - Norwood; Younqs Point; Codrington; Roseneath; Coboconk; Newcastle; Bobcaygeon; Lorneville; Bloomfield; I indsav. 3 Trucks - Fraserville; Port Hope; Pontypool. 4 Trucks - Gratton. INQUIRY NO. 74-7-4 TRUCKS With a minimum G.V.W. 42,000 pounds (tandem axle), for mounting power sanding units, are required at the following Ministry Yards: 1 Truck - Grafton; Bobcaygeon; Bloomfield; Lorneville; Ponty- pool; Lindsay; Coboconk; Port Hope. 2 Trucks - Brighton, Newcastle. I NQU I RY NO. 74-7-5 LOADERS With 1 Cubic Yard Bucket - WITHOUT OPERATOR. 1 Loader Norwood; Roseneath; Codrington; Pontypool; Bobcaygeon; Fraserville; Port Hope; Brighton; Newcastle. LOADERS With 1 Cubic Yard Bucket Four Wheel Drive - WITH OPE RATOR 1 Loader Grafton Sealed Tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the District Engineer until 1:30 p.m., Local Time, Wednesday, October 9th, 1974. Specifications, Tender Forms and Envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the District Office, 138 Ho pe Street, North, Box 150, PORT HOPE, Ontario. LiA 3W3. Telephone 885-6381. When requesting tenders please specify location(s). PLEASE NOTE: Daily Standby rates for Hired Trucks, as follows: Single Axle 27,000 G.V.W. Trucks (5 c.y. Spreader) $14.00 per day. Tandem Axle 42,000 G.V.W. Trucks (8 c.y. Spreader) $18.00 per day. The successful bidder must have P.C.V. License or apply for same within seven (7) days of being notified of acceptance. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Ministry of Transportation and Com munications Ontario3 37-2 ar SOrae '71 TOYOTA Corona station wagon, 1900 cc, automatic, in excellent condition. Call New- castle 987-4028 after 6 p.m. 37-1 PONTIAC, 1970 Strato Chief, 2 dr. hardtop, power steering and brakes, radio, 350 engine, one owner. Phone after 6 p.m. 983-5155. 37 1 1972 KAWASAKI 500 cc motor- cycle. Must sell. Phone 623- 5694. 37-1 '69 PLYMOUTH Satelite, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, certified $1,600. Phone 263-2506, after 5 p.M. 37-1x For tremendous buys with unique guarantees on previously owned cars and trucks, see the friendly people at 219 King E. - Bowmanville Phone 623-4481 (GET PRICESANYWHERE ELSE, THEN COME HERE) 37-1 COME choose your steer or heifer direct from the farm, drug free, killed and dressed in inspected plant. Cail 986- 4896 Blackstock. 37-1 ONE Hundred and twenty-five White Leghorn hens. Phone 263-2675. 37-1 FOUR goats, nanny. Phone 623-7257. 37-lx DARK bay gelding, part quarter horse, 1512 hands high, Western trained, spirit- ed, reasonable. Phone Orono 983-5664. 37-1 HORSE, gelding, trained, gentle. Also pony, good with children. Phone 263-8814. 37-1 NANNY goat ready for breed- ing, $25. 263-8892. 37-1 HORSE auction, Monday, Sept. 16th at 6 p.m. sharp at Stouffvilie Stockyards, Stouff- ville, Ont. Approx. 125 regis- tered and g rade horses of al breeds, including several good registered quarter horses and Appaloosas from U.S.A. New and used saddles, new bridles, 20 new winter blankets, halt ers, Western show saddles, English saddles, etc. auction- ed at wholesale prices preced- ing horses. Come out and enjoy an evening with other horse owners, breeders and dealers at Canada's leading horse auction. To consign horses, phone 1-640-4198. Sale conducted by Bill Simmons Horse Auctions. 37-1 PERFORMANCE tested Yorkshire and Duroc boars and Yorkshire gilts, phone 263-8167. 37-1 PONIES for sale. Phone 263-8453 after 3:30 p.rn. 37-1 HORSES boarded - Redgate Stables, located 2 mile north of Taunton Road on new Scugag Road. 144 sq. ft. box sta9ls, $55.00 month, 120 sq. ff. stails $45.00 monfh, includes top quality feed and care, minerals, exercise and worm- ing. Horses must have stable manners. Phone K. Nicks 623-5580. 36-4 1974 Northern StOCker and Feeder Sales WIARTON Thurs., Sept 19,-l1T0:a.m., 3200; THESSA LON -Wed., Sept. 25-10:00 a.m 1000; MANITOULIN (LittlE Current) - Thurs. Se pt. 26 9:30 a.m., 2800; AMOS Mon Sept. 30 - 11:00 a.m., 800; L SARRE (LJupuy) - Tues. October 1 - 9:30 a.m., 2000; VILLE MARIE Wed. Oct. 2 10:00 a.m., 500; NEW LIS KEARD Thurs. Oct. 3 Ri:0 a.m., 1000; SOUTH RIVER Fri. Oct. 4 - 10:00 a.m., 1000. WIARTON Thurs. Oct. 10 10:00 a.m., 3200; SOUT- RIVER - Thurs. Oct. 17 - 11:0C a m., 500; MANITOULIN (Lit tie Current) -0Mon. Oct. 21h 1:00 p.m., 300. For furthe information write: S. MacDonald, Advertising Manager, Box 130, Huntsville, Ontario P0A iKO 35- FURNISHED bedrooms by month, week or day, shower and bath, licenced premises, reasonable rates. Castle Hotel Bowmanville. 623-7072. 99-tf ONE bedroom apartment. Second floor, over store. Very reasonable rent, stove, fridge, parking. Suitable for older couple. Write Box 499, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville. 35-tf BOWMANVILLE - two bed- roam apartment, reasonable rent, central, possession Sept. 1. Apply Tom's Mi-ik, 53 King St. E., Bowmanville. 33-tf HALF of an older duplex, available immediately, 2 bed- rooms, near Central School, $160 monthly, first and last months payable n advance. Phone 623-7574. 37-1 TWO bedroom apartment, available Oct. 1, ent $160. Phone 623-5888. 37-tf FURNISHED one bedroom apartment, adults. All ser- vices, available October 1, $150. 623-7264. 37-lx FURNISHED room with fridge. Phone 623-2005. 37-1 ROOM and kitchen privileges for working woman, in clean, comfortable home, $100 monthly. Write Advertiser 501, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 37-2 TWO bedroom electric heated apartment, completely self- contained. Phone 623-3958 or 728-9427, ask for Mr. Groot. 37-1 FOUR bedroom house, close ta shopping area, school and church, November 1st. Write to Advertiser 504, c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 37-2x BANQUET Room for ent speciaiizing in cateringr t weddings, receptions, etc. Elmhurst Hotel, Newcastle 987-5808. 34- A A THREE bedroom town house, ideal for family living, located on a quiet court in Bowmanville, close to schools, $275 per month; avaflable' immediately. Cali Sam Venn, Bowmanville 623-3393, Toron- * 'k 9299174. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., Realtor. 36-2 e) .r Old oil lamps, ail types, including Aladdin. Also inter- ested in purchasin old lamp bases, burners, s hades and other parts. Phone 576-3176. 37-1 ANY unwanted'or used appli- ances, large or small. Phone Port Hope 885-6770. 35 4 UDJ FUit iii d A an USEu ýurniîure ces. Paddy's M ton 263-2241. Apple G Again buying ju large volume b aiso peelers. C and prompt pick Raymon 416-753 We Buy Sc FREE T DOM'S PAR 723-1 For Remo FRESH, DE DISABLED FAI CALi MARGV FUR F/ Hampton PINE RIDGE PONY CLUB MembershiP Day Any child up to age 21, interested in horsemanship, come join us at Lazy Sue Ranch, Solina, Ontario, on Sat., Sept. 28, 1974, at 10:00 a.m. Bring you own horse or pony. Instructors on hand to assess riding ability. Membership forms and bro- chures will be available. For further information call: ROY HALL Newtonville - 786-2548 MRS. H. BICKLE Bowmanville - 623-3237 37-2 Inventory Closing BOWMANVILLE CANADIAN TIRE Store & Service will be closed All Day Thurs. SEPTEMBER 12TH (Open Friday, Sept. 13)_ A g * - -ana ppcii àrket,'iaImp Auction sale Century Farm, 33-ff Sat., Sept. 14 at 12:30 p.m. Property of Mr. George Berry, .R. 1, Millbrook, 1 îrowers mile west of South Monaghan ce pples off No. 28 Hwy. Antique ice apples n furniture galore. Large corner uash pa ment cupboard, many open wash- -up pyt stands, toilet sets, drap leaf u n table, trunks, pine chest of d Inch drawers, 11i al amps, 4 spool -2246beds, amowback chair, 2 -2246hanging Aladdin lamps, bat- 36-4 tom for Gone-with-the-wind lamp, 3 foot stools, settee seat, many cracks, real fancy rap Cars antique wooden chair with ra p a$ glass castors, octagon table, OWING man picture frames, oil AUTO painting of Uncle Tom's Cabin, 7 rocking chairs, 'TS square kitchen table with 9 leaves, pine desk, high top 121 buffet, many chest of drawers, man yantique law books, 4 ffcand e holders, napkin rings, many antique dishes been packed away for years (still packed so not isted), silver, small tables, high end couch, spool table, a dog power cm without churn, Reimers piano valof and stool, muzzel loader, :ADand double barrel shotgun, anvil, aMSTOCK awn mowem, H.D. stove (1 L any qulIts and blankets. Thiss jusf a artial listing of VI LL real good antiques. Many A RM items, youguess what t hey are. Absolutel no reserve. 263-2721 Doug Mitchel , auctioneeý, R.R. 4 Omemee, 799-5687.3 30-tf 37-1 l/~ odA 'O22Od4 Reserve Sept. 14 for Auction Sale at Hampton United Church 1 p.m. Anyone wishing to donate articles for sale phone R. White 263 2209, S. Norrish 263 8018, R. Ballard 263 2234 for pickup and stor. age. Ciiff Pethick auctianeer. 32-6 Wednesday, September 25th, farm sold, auction sale of livestock, implements, furni- ture, and a large quantity of antiques. The property of Harry GQrbutt, Lot 21, Con. 2, Douro Twp. 112 miles north of Lakefield to Melody Inn and 3 miles east on County Road No. 6 or 5 miles northwest of Warsaw. 30 head of Charolais and Hereford steers and heifers rising 1 yr. old. These are top quality cattle. Super W4 Int. tractor, Ford 530 baler PTO (like new) Malco 40' hay elevator with undercarriage, Int. drag cultivator, Cockshutt side rake, M.H. tractor man ure spreader, Cockshutt 7' power mower, Cockshutt 8 ton roller bearing wagon, Int. 3 furrow plough, drag harrows, full line of machinery with many antique items. Antique glass and china toilet set, antique pine cupboard, lamps, bed, dresser, washstand, hall rack, pine chest of drawers, picture frames, pine drap leaf table, irons, 2 antique ciacks, spool type bed, chrome suite, chesterfield suite, kitchen table and chairs, large quanti- ty of antiques. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 12 noon. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m. Cattle sale at 2:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 37-2 Auction sale of antique cars, useful articles and furniture for Donald MacDonald, Lot 21, Broken Front Con., Darling- ton Township, on Holt Rd., south of 401, first house on right: '38 Rolls Royce, 4-door Barkey body; 4-dr. Dodge Bras.car, 1929; both cars n wonderful condition. Le Bons steel lathe, vise, bench, anvil, bumper jack, 2 lawn mowers, old radio, garden tools, barbe- cue, chain saw, shoap bins, iadder, draftsman's table-and desk, office chair, electric stove, two fridges, couch and three chairs, color TV, stereo and cabinet, kitchen suite, two-piece chesterfield and chair; portable TV, rocking chair, end table and many other articles. Property has hp-n soid to Hvdro. No RESERVE. Sale on Thursday, September 12 at 1 p.m. NOTE day and date again. Terms cash. Lawrence Harris, clerk, C3iff Pethick, auctioneer. 36-2 fl1Il11W DEADLINEF0 CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:30 p.m. M: ........... Auction sale Sat., Sept. 14, 1:15 p.m. at Saveon Products Warehouse on Hwy. 28 in the village of Bewdley consisting -f oak desk, chest of drawers, walnut drop leaf table, chairs, tables, chesterfield and chair, trunk, dishes, glassware, crocks, oil lamps, space heater, heavy duty electrical appliances, and'other items sfi being consigned.r Rger Bannister, auctioneer. 37-1 Auction.Sales Large sale of Antiques and collectables at Brooklin Com- munity Centre on Saturday, September 14. Featuring in part: flatback, armoire, bon- net chest, jam cupboard, cradle, blanket boxes, dres- sers, benches, rockers, kit- chen and dining room chairs, arrowback chairs, harvest table, small tables, desk, wool winder, butter bowls, butter prints, churn, decoys, buc- kets, yoke, bread paddle, beils, iron pots, tools, foot warmer, several crocks in- cluding blue flower, mirrors, window, clock shelf, toys, mantel clock, powder horn, man's watch, bottles, razors, copper boiler, copper kettle, ship compass, ship port hole, biscuit barrel, cruet set, milk glass, goblets, bread plate, amethyst glass, decanter, ironstone, cheese dish, wash set, cocoa pot, depression glass, finger lamps, miniature lamps, lanterns, limoges, and bavarian china, etc. All items in excellent condition. Over 300 articles. Sale tiMe 12 noon. Preview 10 a .m. Auctioneer Ted Watt, Oshawa 725-3769. 37-1, Wednesday, Sept. 18 Holstein Dispersal Sale Auction sale of 110 head of high grade holstein cattle, the property of Cor. Kooger, Lot 23, Con. 11, Brock Twp. (Re ion of Durham) 1 mile south of Cannington, 1½ mile east, or 31/2 miles north of Manilla and 12 mile west, 55 milk cows, several fresh or in full flow, 13 springers, due Sept. to Nov. 12, 1st calf heifers, due in the fall. 30 heifers, yearlings and calves. Note: This is a good milking herd, plan to attend this sale, cows have size, 55 can (Creamery Package) bulk tank. DeLaval pipe line milk- er, 4 units, 3 hp motor and pump. Sur e milker pump, and 3 units, atz silo unloader, for 20 ft. silo (2 yrs.) Patz automatic feeder bunk, approx. 80 ft., Findlay cook stove (coal or wood) corrigat- ed iron stove, (coal or wood) corrigated iron stove, bathtub, sink and toilet, used lumber, windows and doors. Owner s giving up milking and selling his entire herd. Terms cash, sale at 12:30. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Ph. (705) 3573270 (bulk tank and other equipment sells last). 37-1 Thursday, September 26th. Giving up dairying auction sale of Holstein cows and dairy equipment. The proper- f AI:Reed tWiow Haven arm) Lot 22, Con. 1, Otona- bee Twp., 12 miles east of Peterborough on Hwy. No. 7 to first concession of Otonabee, 2 miles south and 1 mile east, 16 mature Holstein cows (2 purebreds) in ailstages of lactation, large number fresh Aug. and Sept., 2 grade heifers bred Jan. and April. A good working herd of cows with over 20.yèars of unit breeding. Dairy test 3-6 Unico 27 can bulk milk tank, new compres- sor, 2 De Laval units, pump and line for 22 cows, DeLaval stainless electric cream sepa- rator, strainer, other items. Terms cash. No reserve, sale at 1:30 p.m. Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705- 324-9959. 37-2 head garage door (7 x 8), bicycles, water skis, go-kart, miniature cabin cruiser boat and remote controls,lce desks, fridge cart, etc. -nti- ques: round oak dining table (3 leaves), love seat, drop leaf maple table, antique cook stove (Brantford - very unus- ual) antique washing mach- ines, churn, brass bels, and many other items. Terms cash. Auctioneers, Stapleton Bros. 786-2244. 37,1 Saturday, Sept. 21. Auction sale of livestock, implements, household furniture and sbme antiques, property of Frank Krolewski, Lot 24, Con. 3 Darliington Twp. 1/2 mile north of highway 2, between Oshawa and Bowmanville on Solina Rd. or 2 miles south of Solina Rd. off Taunton Rd. 50 head Charolais and Hereford cattle, 5 Hereford and Hostein cows with calves by side, rebred (calves by side f rom purebred Charolais bull) 12 Hereford cows with calves by side rebred (calves from purebred Charolais bull) 10 Charolais and Hereford heifers open, 8 Charolais steers, 2 Charolais bull 2 yrs. old, WD Allis Chalmers tractor, Allis Chal- mers 3 furrow plow, A.C. farageharvester, one row like new,A.C. No. 90 combine pull type, tandem wagon rubber tire,'Farm Hand hay buncher, Allis Chalmers hay mower 7 ft. trail type hydraulic lift, Lincoln Arc wel der, gas weld- ing outfit and torch,b500 baies hay, baby stroller, baby bed, feed and play table, Philco antique battery radio, antique clock, electric stove. Terms cash, no reserve. SaleA12:30 p.m. Arnot Wtten, Auctio- neer, 263 2583. 36-3 Saturday, Sept. 14. Auction sale of restaurant equipment, household furniture and anti- ques. Property of Clement and Mary Boyd, Lot 12, Con. 2, Manvers Twp. on county road 11 (Barker St. in village of Pontypool), turn east at Esso Station in village. Bell pump organ, antique sideboard, china cabinet, antique corner lable, high back chairs, anti- que arm chairs, pine chest of drawers, propane heater, Que- bec heater, propane cook stoves, iron beds, Universal milk cooler dispenser 2 can, ce cream freezer, 7 lever coke machine, pie cooler and com- pressor, Moffat deep fryer, with 2 baskets, pop cooler, 16 ft. stainless steel counter, Charcoal broiler, restaurant kitchen refrigerator, 3 unit stainless steel sink, chrome chairs and tables. Lunch available. Bidders must regi- ster. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 10:00 a.m. Amnot Wotten, Auctioneer, Hampton, 416-263-2583. 36-2 THURS., SEPTEMBER 12 Evening Saleat7 p.m. HOLSTEINS FAST SALE DUE TO ILLNESS Frankonia Herd Dispersai owned by FERDINAND BALLING, Seagrave, Ont., Con. 12ï Reach Twp. 2 miles nomth 0f'-Seag rave and -first farm west on Con. 12 or 1 mile north of Greenbank and 3 miles east on Con. 12. 32 cows, registered (4 grade), R.O.P. tested, classified. 7 bred heifers, number of heifers ready to breed. Several cows bred for late fall when fresh cows are hard ta find. This herd s ail by United Breeders sires with half the herd being ist and 2nd calvers.dThese young caws are fali and dairy with the ability ta work. Mr. Balling s unable to milk so this sale is called on short noticeta alleviate the load on Mrs. Ba9ling and'the family. Please planato attend. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer. Uxbridge 416-852- 3524. 36-2 Saturday, September 14th. Farm sold. Auction sale of ivestock, implements, furni- ture, and large quantity of antiques. The property of Walter Magill, Lot 11, Con. 14 Manvers Twp., 7 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 to 14th line of Manvers (Janetville Turn) first farm east. 28 head of Hereford and Shorthorn cattle, 12 mature Shorthorn and Hereford cows, 1 with calf by side, remainder due Sept., Oct., Nov. 15 Shorthorn and Hereford steers and heifers 1 yr. old. 1965 A-C D15 gas tractor, owersteering (good) with A- manure loader, 1972 A-C 442 baler PTO like new, 1964 A-C 72 combine, A-C 3-14's snap coupler plough, A-C 7' snap coupler power mower. A-C side rake. Int. 10 combina- tion seed drill like new. Int. 17 tooth drag cultivator, Cock- shutt 633 tractor manure spreader. Malco-24' hay eleva- fo, ayrathr'erain eeva bale drag, alfaffa seed, grass seed, full line of machinery-. Aaorox.- 30 acres af rmxed grain in field. If nlot combined by sale day, will be sold in field. 1972 McClary heavy duty elecfric stove, Int. refrigera- for, brass bed, captain's chair, antique hardwood square ex tension fable, odd chairs, wicker rocker and arm chair, extension fable, buffet, maple table, pine fables, antique hall rack, washstands, dressers, pine boxes, maple dresser, antique pine writing-desk with hutch, china ca'binet, copper baller, lamps, cracks, dishes, quilts, antique scales, bunk es, fu bil contentsn oe an aid Terms cash, no reserve. Furniture sale at 11:00 a.m. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m. Cattle sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl Hikon,75*2 Auctneer. Reabor Auction sale, Saturday, Sept. 14, 1 p.m. at Redgate Stables, 1/2 mile north of Taunton Rd., on new Scugog Rd. Including antiques, house hold effects, garden and shop tools, some of the items are large blue and white wash set, washstand (varnished and aint removed) small tables, rass nut dish, and other small pieces of glass. Box spring and mattress (new condition), baby crib and mattress (excellent), high chair, small upright chord organ, 7 restaurant stools (almost new), combination adding machine and cash register (Burroughs), modern kitchen suite, desk, clock face from Bowmanville Town Hall, 3 large ornate iron gates (two for drivewa y, one for walk), large leaded church windows in oak frames, iron chairs, iron glass topped tables, Western saddle, pony saddle, old team harness, circular saw on steel table, complete with 34 hp motor, gasoline engine, 40 gal. drum with tap, C clamps, antique and modemn furniture, clamps, post hole diqqer, post hole auger, hand hewn barn beams, fence stret- cher, numerous new gift items from gift shop, etc., etc. 37-1 Saturday, Sept. 21st, auction sale of household furniture and antiques. The property of the late homas Kennedy, Lot 2, Con. 2, Verulam Twp. 1 mile south of Dunsford or 9 miles north of Toronto-Dominion Bank corner in Omemee- Heintzman piano and bench, 9 piece diningroom suite, Frigi- daire refrigerator and stove, Gibson 16 cu. Ft. deep freeze, antique pine cupboard, Alad- din lamp, trunk, toilet set, 2 wall clocks, wooden pump, beds, dressers, quantity of antique dishes and silverware, sideboard, chesterfield suite, coffee table, end tables, rock- er, tables and chairs, televi- sion, Electrolux vacuum, Hoo- ver spin-dry washer, drapes, lamps, pillows, quilts, couch and chair, fernery, antique irons, horse shoes, barrell churn, full contents of home, 1924 Durant motor running, emery, some toals, some lumber, 3 section drag har- rows, cutter, set of sleighs, gas engine, manure spreader, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctio- neer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324- 9959. 37-2 Two day Auction Sale. Private estate property of J. Brookinshire, Woodstock, - tario, 10 room house of antit, furniture, ta be held Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall Street, Oshawa, on Tues- day, September l7th, also Thurs., Sept. 19th, at 6:00 p.m. 9 piece walnut dining room suite, arrowback chairs, bal- bon back chairs, 3 piece settee (Victarian), oak table with claw feet (early 1800), round cherrywood table with claw feet, s pool bed, Tiffany lamp, mapie table with 4 Windsor chairs, antique bed and dresser, oak china cabi- net, oak round table, 6 chairs, 2 leaves, reaper (antique), swing mirrors, wall clock, carriage clock (working cond- ition), English wall clock, gingerbread clock, chrome thermos in leather case (1908), wagon hub lamp, set of 3 original 101 Canadian lamps, brass hanging lamp, Alladin bracket lamp, hanging currier and Ives lamp with prisms, cranberry hanging lamp, bar- ometer, copper boiler, brass Ceylon lamp, crocks, cast iron kettles, ail lamps, train Ian- tern, barn lanterns, carnival glass, cranberry glass, pewter tea-pot, Cruet set, Nippon dishes, 2 pressed glass Nova Scotia Diamond decanters, brass and copper egg cups, Etched wine glasses, minia ture pictures, milk glass dishes, Royal Doulton platter, Cobalt blue vase, Satin glass vase, Limoge vegetable dish, soap stone ornament, blue glass bowl with silver overlay, ruby glass cups, cornflower bowl, doll pincusions, floral pitcher and wash set, apple aeeler, oressed qlass salt and pepper, pressed glass sait and Royal Bayruth dresser lar, early Canadian Pine Churn, cigarette holder (Enamel on brass), wite Limagecream antique bedroom lamps, silver dishes, ivory Daminoes, aid electric train set with water- tank, flaodlight, caboose, en- gine, cars and tracks, extra motor (callector's item), cast iran bookends blue f lowered ~ rcelain match halder. erms cash, no reserve. ~yles King Auctianeer, 725- 5751- 723-0501. 37-1 Auctian sale at Pethick's Auction Shed, Hayçlon, one mile east f Enniskilen on Sturday evening, September 14. Large quantity af things. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 36-2 Grist Miii Auction Barn NewtonvilIle, Sept. 13, Frida, 7:00 p.m. Bedroom, chetrii n kitchen suites, stoves, fridges, coffee abedsenddetablesdr- sers, wardrobe, rug, iamps, strôller, crib, car seat, over- uflzum