12 The Canadian Statesman, Bownaanville, September 11, 1974 WESLEY VILLE Mr. and Mrs. George Tuf- ford, Mr. Tom Wilson and Aileen, Jennifer and Shelley Payne attend6d the Corn roast at the Laverne Farrow farm on Friday night, Sept. 6. ýA new member at Sunday sehool from here was Cindy Gould, who with her parents and grandmother, Mrs. B. Cryderman started out for church but hadn't realized the summer time of eleven o'clock had changed to ten a.m. but did arrive for Sunday sehool. Mr. and Mrs. Cryderman and their daughter, Mrs.1 John Gould, Mr. Gould and daugh- ters, Cindy and Rebecca are residents of the new subdivi- sinat the west end of Wesleyville. Word was received here by Carroll Nichols of the death of his uncle,, Stanley Nichols, Bowmanville. Mr. Nichols was the Vounger brother of the late Will and Albert Nïchols and had left the community as a young man for his career in banking. He naad een quite well and slipped away quietly on Friday night while watch- ing T.V. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ford accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fraser of Port Hope returned home on Sunday af ter a three week tour of the West. At various p laces they visited with friends including Howard Barrowclough at Surrey. Mrs. Hector Darke had a pleasant time this past week when ail four of her sisters visited bier, Mrs. Harold Hale, Toronto, Mrs. Ray Brock of Bowmanville, 2Mrs. Emerson Wylie, Niagara Falls,, and Mrs. Nick Dan of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Plum of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs.' H. Barrowclough on Sunday. Mrs. Ida Plum re- turned with them after.spend- ing some days with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Allan 'Holda- way were in Niagara Falls last week to get their supply of fresh peaches and during the weekend were in Hamilton to visit with relatives there. BLACKSTOCK W. On Wednesday evening, September 4th, 20 ladies met in the Community Hall for the September meeting of Black- stock Women's Institute. Mrs. Shortridge, presided opening the meeting with the Ode followed by the Colleet and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Gordon Strong which showed the finances to be good, the only outstanding project being a piano for the Community Hall. Correspondence consisted of an invitation to join Shirley ladies in Purple Hill Lodge on Sept. 18 at 1:30 p.n'i for a9 social get-together wlncli was unanimously accepted., Also several announcements were made Sept. l6th at Hampton for a workshop on Institute procedure from 10: 00 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 24th at Maple' Grove Fun Fair from 2-4 p.. Articles for sale are aske d for as well as a hobby dispflay. On 'Thursday, Oct. 3lst a Nutri- tion Food Forum will be conducted in Solina Hall fromn 10 arn. to 4 p.m. Mrs. S. VanCamp, sec, was authorized to order copies of pamphlets on ,"Status of Women" - which 'are being made avaîlable to members. Rusiness-hector Shrotridge will look after the possibility of having a,,cover put over the park light to protect it from continued vandalism w\hich has been th-e reason the light is off Most of the time. The card parties will start and proceed as other years on Tuesday, Oct. lst at 8 p.m. in. the Community Hall. Prog ram, Mrs. Frank Hoskin was in charge of the program under the heading - Cultural Activi- ties. The Roîl-caîl - My favourite hobby and the mottu -The kiss of the sun for ,,Pardon, The song of ihe birds for mirth, One is neare r to God in the garden, Than anywhere C L-ASS ïFi ïDïs SMOOTH SPECUI 3LB. ARGOLDEN SKILLET FROZEN SPEIA! L JR C-ICKI<FM('I TI FT KRAFT 'PEANUT ~ ESSEX 8RAND KRATEAN .8FARGPATIE BUTTER IMRG PETE GUEST PGO5 LUNCH BAGS 49c- DINNERWARE OFFER AJAX à LAUNDRY DETERGENT 2.49 REGULAR SPECIAL! 120OZ AEROSOL OR LEMON 11CONTý JOHNSON'S PLEDGE 1.69%g FINISH, AUTOMATIC 33OZ. PKG. DISHWASHER DETERGENT 1.15 ALL PURPOSE 140OZ CONT. DUTCH CLEANSER O% "il- %- aýilui viriynIl fl i.)U Pat St. Amand -Head Cashier- There's something special about the people be hind Dominion's service. They really know their departments. And they can help and advise-you on ail your selections,. Our buyers are among the most knowledgeable in the business, with years and years of experience. Whatever you buy at Dominion - meat, cheese, fresh produce, and general groceries, you can be sure of the quality. ecause top quality is one of the things that makes Domiùnion, Dominion. PREPRICED 69e 10OZ. PKG HOSTESS CHEESE STICKS.67c ORANGE PEKOE 8 OZ. PKG. 0F 60 RED ROSE TEA BAGS 99c ASSIODVAR rETIES, 12OZ. PKG. FLAVOURED MIXES DAINTY1 FRIED RICE 49C HERSHEY 2L B INSTANTCONTAINER CHOCnOLATlE SPECMA! c EXTRA LONG GRAIN 12 OZ. PKG, RICELAND RICE c% RICH'S, FROZEN SPL( 41L 16 FL, OZ, CONT. COFFEE. RICI-I9c FREEZER QUEEN, FROZEN 32OZ. PKG. GRAvY & SLICED BEEF 1 a.99 ASST'DVARIETIES 19OZ. PKG, DUNCAN HINESac LAYER CAKE MES 7l -Heu adLasieIr atricia Kipping -Lasnier Angela Gay!er-Cashier IN TOMATO SPýCIAL! 28 FL. OZ. SAUCE TIN HEINZ SPAGHETTIl 39c ASSTODFLAVOURS 16 FL. OZ. BTL. FAYGO BEVERAGES 6 ASST'DVARIETIES 60OZ. PK MILK CHOCOLATE57 CADBURY BISCUITS 57 ASST'DVARIETIES 1i1 OZ. PKG OF 20 ROWNTREE, JUNIOR CHOCOLATE BARS 13 Crilsco Oul SPECIAL! PURE VEGETABLE 38 FL. OZ., BTL. -l3 ASST'DVARIETIFS 4x 5OZ. TNS .BRIGHT'S PUDDINGS 69c STOUFFER'SFROZEN il.50OZ.PKG. MACARONI & BEEF 1.05 VACHON, WITH PECTIN SPECIAL 24 FL OZ. JAR RASPBERRY OR «9 STRAWBERRYJAM ft ASST'DFLAVOURS 10OFL. OZ. TIN COTT FRUIT DRINKS 1,'7c UNDERWOOD 7OZ, TIN DEVILED HAM SPREAD Én Delsey Bathroort Tissue SPECIAL! ASST'D COLOURSs 2 LROLL PKG.3 STORE ýHOURS Mon.-Fri. 9 ar. - 9 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.rn.- 6 p.m. VALIIP:F FcF-TIVF LNTIL CLOSINC, TIME, TUESDAY, SEPT. 17TH, 1974 IN bUWMANVILLE. WE RESLERVE î i RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITE 0. Arrid Extra Dry SPECIAL! UNSCENTED REGULAR OR POWDERED 6OZ. AEROSOL CONT. 8 RED OR SPECIAL! 2 x50OML TUBES CLOSE Up TOOTHPASTE 7 CLAIROL EC HAIR COLOURINO AC NICE'N EASY 17 VASELINE SpECIAL! 10-5FLOZ. 50% BONUS PAK CONT. IN*jTENSIVE 7 c CARE LOTIO'N 7 DANDRUFFSHAMPOO 370OZ TUBE HEAD & SHOULDERS 1.4 "We have a wide variety of luncheon meats from bologna to pastramiù. And it's ail vacuum packed for fresh.ness. Or my name isn't Joarin". BINACA 16 FL OZ, BTL. MOUTHWASH 77C SARA LEE, FROZEN -APPLE DANISH' IDAHOAN INSTANT W MASHED POTA7 140OZ.PKG. 80OZ PKG. kTOES .'% LB. 88C 2 LB, BOX 1.780 Lamb Legs, SPECIL FROZEN N EW ZEALAND 6 TO 7 LB. AVG. BURGER WITH ECG SPECIA! 360OZ PKG. TOP CHOICE 1.29 BEEF &EGG, BEEF &KIDNEY, 15OZ. TIN LIVER & BACON OR QUARTET 0%_ c DERBY DOG FOOD £6 C.r LB. BITTNER'S, FRESH LB. TRAY PACK BRATWURST SAUSAGEl .23 BITTNER S, SKINLESS 4OZ. PKG. COOKED HAM 7 SWIFTS, LAZY MAPLE 1 LB. PKG. OR ESSEX RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON 1.49 IDEAL FOR BARBECUE, FROZEN W0 IN S LB. BOX 4 ESSE-X ASSORTED, 1 LB. PKG. SLICED COOKED MEATS 10 SWIFT'S, LAZY MAPLE OR ESSEX, LB. BONELESS, COOKED 2'/2TO 3LB« DINNER HAMS AVG.1.6.5 FR OZ EN BOILING, FOWL SPECAL! B 35C SWIFT'S OR ESSEX 1 LB. PKG. WIENERS 86c FROZEN-EVI SC ERATE D'B' GRADE LB. 5 TO 10LB. AVG, TURKEYS 58c BITTNERS SLICED 6OZ. PKG BOLOGNA 45ec ESSEX,BULK LB. STORE PACKED 0 SMALL LINK SAUSAGE 88 Blade Steaks SPECIAL! MEATY IDEAL FOR BARBECUE SWIFTSMAC&CHEESE CHICKEN MEAT& OLIVE, DUTCH LOAF OR HEAD CHEESE COOKED MEATS SWIFTS PREMIUM LBý OVEN ROASTING CORNED BEEF 1.78 SHOPSY'S 4 x 20W PKG, CORNED BEEF 1.26 SHO PSY 24 OZ. CONT. POTATO SALAD ORc COLESLAW 74c ALLBEEF 1 LB. PKG. SHOPSY'S WIENERS 98c% "From seed to freezer, our frozen foods are under strict quality control". F LORI1DA G ROWN WHITE GRAPEFRUIT FOR ASST'D FLAývOURS, 80OZ. P KG PORTION PAK SWISS PROCESSED _ ZINGG GRYERE CHE ESED8c ASST'D FLAVOURS, SPF(IL! 6 x 40Z CONT. SWISS STYLEc GAY LEA YOGURT 6 FROM CONCENTRATE, 32 FIL. OZ. BTL UNSWEETENED DOMl IN GRAPEFRUIT,3 JUICE SPEcIL! 3 ASST'DVARIETIES SPFCUAL! PKG OF 24 RICHMELLO DONETTES 49C C Porimno Spa--ghetti 60 O.PKGý 44 c SPECIAL! OR MACARONI 2 LBS. PKG-. ASST'D VARI1ETI ES 53/4OZ. P KG. SKILLET MAGIC DIN8NERSq ' VACUUM PACKED 160OZ. TIN ALL PURPOSE COFFEE CHOCK FULL O'NUTS 1.49e ourame SIZE 40's THE GRANADA (By Ford) COMINGI1 c 'be a r-1