2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September il, 19741 Section Two GM Dealers Establish Fantas tic Floral Arran( Sales Record for July J. D. Duffy, vicepresident announed today that G.M. andi general manager of Gen- dealers have established sales eral Motors of Canada, an- records for the month of July. Son0ifwe miss ed you. The new phone books have juÜst been delivered. If you didn't receive yours, give us a cali at:. 576-9490, Monday to Friday betwee n8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Bell Canada ments Seen at Hort icultur These are some of the unusual floral arrangements displayed by aduit menr Horticultural Society at its recent Flower and Vegetable Show, held at Memorial I study will reveal some surprising ingenuîty onth e part of the exhibitors. BLA CKSTOCKÇ Mrs. Ferga Avery anti ber daughter, Donna Marie of Tilbury, spent a few days last week with ber motber, Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Cathy Paisley celebrateti ber seventb birtbday on Sa- turtiay with a birtbday party of several little frientis. Mr. anti Mrs. Percy Dewell, Douglas anti Daviti anti Miss Pearl Leach of Hampton were Sunday evening callers of Mr. anti Mrs. Eti Harris. The scbool term bas begun again witb a record enroil- ment at Cartwright Central Public Scbool of over 555 f upils. Following is the staff ist, a.m. kindergarten, Mrs. Judy Crawford, p.m., Mrs. Cathy Cortien; Grade 1, Mrs. Marie Robinson, Miss Betty Bradburn; Grade 2, Miss Santiy Scboley, Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell, Grade 2 anti 3, Miss Kathy Morton; Grade 3, Mrs. Connie Swain, Mrs. Shirley Turner; Grade 4, Mrs.Erk Kiezebrink, M4rs. Gwenyth Tbompson; Grade 5, Mrs. Joan Argue, Mrs. Kathleen Dorreli; Grade 6, Miss Judy Raymond, Mr. Edwin Char lice; Grade 7, Mrs. Wendy Dixon, Mr. Grant Campbell; Grade 8, Miss Belinda Tof t Mr. Don Welsh, Mr. Jerry Fis; Librarian, Mrs. Jessie Gon- ter; Principal, Mr. D. Hogg; Vice-Principal, Mr. D. Welsb; Secretary, Mrs. Marg Brink- man anti Custodian, Mr. AI Amos. A warm welcome is extenieti to our new Principal, Mr. D. Hogg. We sincerely hope that be enjoys bis association witb our scbool. .Mr. Norman Malcolm bas lef t recently to spenti some time in Saskatchewan. Winners at the senior citi- zen's Card Party were: La- dies' higb, Mrs. Ida Samelîs, 2nd, Mrs. Elizabeth Skeltiing, 3rd, Mrs. Ruby Malcolm, Men's higb, Mr. Timms, 2nd, Ralpb Day, 3rd, Gordion Strong. Lucky draw, Agnes Prescott. Mrs. Walter Wright, Mrs. Carl Adams anti Mrs. Haroldi McLaugblin, spent the week- endi at a retreat at Camp Quin-mo-lac as representa- tives of tbe U.C.W. (Intended for Last Week) Winners at the Senior Citi- zens' CardParty on Tuestiay evening, wbere there were 25 tables playing, were-Latiies' bigb-Mrs. Reid Cook, 2nd-El- va Byam, 3rti-Reta Hardy; Men's bigh-Roy Ego, 2nd-Oli- ver Lane, 3rd-Ricbard Manns. Lucky Draw-Mrs . F. Vernon. Congratulations to Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Will (nee Leanne Dorrell) wbo were marrieti on Saturday afternoon in a beau- tiful wedding in the Unitedti Cburcb. The reception anti wedding dance which was attendeti by many frient-is anti relatives in the area was beldti at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Some of the out-of-town guests wbo attendeti the r Vill Dorrell wedding were:1 Mir. anti Mrs. Roger Dorrell, e 3renda anti frienti, Ottawa, r tJrs. Earl Dorrell of Wiscon- h sin, Mr. anti Mrs. Stuart r )orrell anti family of Char]-i on, Dr. anti Mrs. Douglas Bilbey of Romania wbo stayetiyF vith relatives in the area for 0 he weekenti.A Mrs. Dalton Dorrell enter- taineti a large number of B frientis anti relatives on Sun- E [ay, August 25 to a trousseau 01 tea in honour of Leanne. cý A warm welcome to our w ommunity is extentiet to Mr. B nd Mrs. Bob Holliday anti IV lamily who bave recently IV roveti to the farm formerly MV )wned by .Jac k Bonetta. A Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Mar- D .n returneti last week from fu an extendeti holiday in their ,amper to Alaska anti the w Nestern provinces. Wbile they h( 'ere away their son anti bis G vife, Mr. anti Mrs. Ron' ai [artyn, took over store-keep- tb ing duties. On August 25, Ron anti Ellie left for their new home in Texas wbere Ron will be taking post-gratiuate stu- dies.; Last Sunday supper anti evening guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Kennetb Samelis were Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Waltien, Waterdown, Miss Iva Wil- liams, Toronto, Mrs. Inez Totit, Camnphellcroft anti Mr. anti Mrs. George Samelis, Port Perry. Mr. Merlin Bailey of London spent several tiays with bis mother, Mrs. Velva Bailey, Mr. anti Mrs. Neil Bailey anti family anti Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Corden anti Jolie. Sympatby is extentiet to Mr. anti Mrs. George Wolf e on the passing of bis brother, Rober t in Irelanti. George flew to Irelanti to attend the funeral. Mr. anti Mrý. Allan Assel- stine anti family, Guelpbh s;pen't Faiirweekend wîtbis parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Vernon Frey anti family in Nestleton. Teresa Asselstine returneti home witb tbem tosfenti a week's holida-y in Guelph. Mr. Phil Campbell of Otta- wa was a Monday afternoon caller on Mr. anti Mrs. Neil Bai'ley anti family while bie was enroute to Clarkson. Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Lar- mer enjoyeti a two-weeks holiday in Calgary with tbeir tiaogbter Bernice, Mr. anti Mrs. Lyn Pascoe anti Rbonda. Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Kaslick of Teaswater visiteti Mrs. Alma Fowler recently. Mr. anti Mrs. Les Asselstine anti chiltiren of Waterloo were last Sonday guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Vernon Asselstine. Mr. anti Mrs. Cyril Assel- stine anti family of Harrington were Tuesday overnight guests of the Vernon Assel- stine's. Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Lar- mer were Sontiay guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon Avery of Little Britain. Mr. anti Mrs. Eti Harris attentiet Kinmount Fair on Saturday anti were Saturday overnight guests of bier bro- ther, Mr. Alex Flett at Fenelon Falls. Mrs. Verna Corby of Osha- wa was a Suntiay afternoon anti evening guest of Mr. anti Mrs . Vernon Asselstine anti family. His many frientis will be glati to know that Mr. M. A. Graham is able to be out of Port Perry Hospital again after spentiing last week ;bere . He is at bis daugbter Grace's home, Mr. anti Mrs. Don Pargeter, in Port Perrry. Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Mabaffy Nere mid-week overnight guoests of Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Mabaffy. Many of our local residents have been taking in several of the faîl fairs, Peterborough, Kinmount anti most recently Port Perry. Plans are being natie for Orono next week. bhis area bas many who exbibit in various fieldis anti ecently several of our men have starteti to make the roundis as jutiges of various vestock classes. Linda anti Lori Chapman, Port Perry were Saturtiay :vernigbt guests of Mr- anti Mrs. Bill Mabaffy. Mr. anti Mrs. Roger Dorrell, Brentia anti frienti, Mrs. Earl Dorrell were Saturday callers ) Mrs. J. A. Jobnston. Suntiay ,allers of Mrs. J. A. Jobnston 'ere Mr. anti Mrs. Ray 3ornbam, Uxbridge, Mr. anti Urs. Jobnston, Rolanti anti Vrs. Nettie Falis, Millbrook, ir. anti Mrs. Hetterington, Iliston, Mr. anti Mrs. H. aviti anti Heather, Frank- àrd. The annual Toms Picnic vas helti on Suntiay at the ime of Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey ;rabam anti family witb pproximately 40 members of e family attending. The Congratulations to Mrs. Stanilanti who celebrateti ber 9tb birthday this week. Mrs. Stanilanti resides at the Port Perry Nursing Home and was guest of bonour at the home of ber son, Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Stanilanti, for a small family party. Her, many frientis welcomie Mrs.' Roy Taylor home again after a tbree montb absence wben she underwent surgery anti a lengtby recovery in Toronto. Her'daughter-in-law Mrs. Anson Taylor, spent a few days witWher last week. Sorry that Mrs. Stanley Malcolm is a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Total vehicle sales were 41,030 compareti to the former record of 28,596 set in July 1974 representïng an inerease of 38.0 percent. Botb cars anti trucks exceedeti their prev- ious records for the montb. Passenger-car sales< of 31,219g units exceedeti last year's previous record of 23,299 by 28.8-percent while truck de- liveries of 9,811 units surpas- sed the record of 5,650 units set in July 1968 by 73.6 percent. "This record performance,' is indicative oftb e optimism customers are sbowing in the Canadian marketplace,' Mr. Duffy saiti. "This level of activity gives good indication of a record 1974 model year anti for an enthusiastic recep- tion by Canadians of our new 1975 products. " Martin McLay can help you keep those promises you 've made to yourself. That's why Martin is Manager of Bowmanville's Royal Bank. He is there to help you, When you've got an idea that grows into a promise you mean to keep, a Bonus Savings Account will help. It pays a healthy interest rate on your minimum monthly balance and there are no cheques to tempt you in a weak moment. And to make your Bonus Savings Account really work for you, Martin will tell you ail about Royal Certifieti Service-a complete package of twelve : banking services for just $3 a month. That means it's very simple for you to figure, out where you stand with your money, sa, you know exactly how much you can afford to save in your Bonus Savings Açcount. So if you've made yourself a promise-come into Bowmanville's Royal Bank and talk ta Martin McLay or any one of his staff. They will help you keep your promise. Phone: 623-4471. RoALBANK Sserving Ontario ServIng yQU' Community Corner The Royal Bank is pleased to supply this space for use by service clubs, church groups and civic minded organizations in Bowmanviîîe and area for the purpJose of advertislng your special events or meetings, Please contact Martin McLay at 623-4471. anti Joy were Sunday guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Grant Thompson at their cottage at View Lake. Joy remainet overnight with her grantiparents. Mr. anti Mrs. Vincent Ar- cher of Bowmanville andi Mrs. Wilbert Archer visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Cooke at Beaverton on Tbursday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Flem- ing and family, Oshawa, were Saturtiay visitors of her grantimotherr, Mrs. Wilbert Archer. Mr. anti Mrs. Neil Bailey, Howardi anti Tara Lynn, Mrs. V. Bailey anti Miss Gertrutie Henry enjoyeti Sunday at the "Ex'~ Mrs. Hobtien anti her tiaugh- ter are visiting her brother, ON WEDNESDAy, SEPTEMBER 25, 1974 AT 8:5P.M., IN TRINITY UNITED CHURCH HALL, BOWMANVILLE THE CANADIAN CLUB 0F WEST DURHAM4 PRESENTS Ther Hoànorable Claude Bennett MINISTER 0F INDUSTRY AND TOURISM FOR THE nbers of Bowmanvjlle's PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO4 ?ark Clubhouse. A close4 SPEAKING ABOUT INDUSTRY, TOURISM AND TRADE fternoon after the bountiful cnic dinner was spent swim- ing in the pool, in sports nder the tiirection of Joan Other sDeakers for this seas on: raham anti in visiting. Wed., October 9 - Charles Richie - "Canadian Diplomacy"l Mr. anti Mrs. Ron Drink- Fni., November 15 - John Haseli - "Outward Round" ,ater anti Nancy, Ottawa, tent a week with her mother, Irs. W. W. VanCamp Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Kewin T rem r etnst eanued e b rhpr m isa 50 id son of Beaconfielti, spent Tremr etnst eanucd ebrhprmisa 50 r. E. R. Trewin. enabling the card holder to attend Canadian Club'meetings anywhere Mrs. Cathy Burie of Toronto in Canada. Memberships available from Mrs. R. Gi, 623-7571; Mr. D. )ent a recent weekenti with aey62-83 r.ABli,6338;MsWmAln 9745ad r. anti Mrs. Roy Cortien antidl,6328;Ms.A li,6338;Ms.W.Au,9745 n lie anti visiteti other rela- Mrs. J. Coombes, 263-2063. Tes. Mr. anti Mrs. Neil Werry Included i Trent University is offering a number of extension courses in area High Scbools for the first time this year. Most of the coursesoffereti have no prerequisite. In other wortis, they dio not require that, the stutient have any univer- sity background. At Port Hope Higb School on Wetinesday nigbts, Science lo1 a will be offereti. This is a firsi year credit course in medical science anti man, anti is an introtiuctory course not re- quiring any prerequisite. On Thurstiay evening Social The- ory 200 will be offereti. Althougb this seconti-year c ourse will re quire some nl Program stutients may be accept . for the course tiepending onr(their. experience. At Cobourg District Collegi- ate West American Politics 210 will be offereti on Monday' anti English 350 (modern drama) will also be'offereti Monday. No pre-requisite will be requireti for either of these. courses. Those who wish to study Canadian Literature, wiIl have to go further- afielti to Bowmanville High School, for English 360. This credit course also bas no prerequsite. Applications, calendars anti further information on the extension courses may be ai pi, m Ur Gi wi Mi ar Mi spi Mi Ju tiv EVE I P I SSES Courtice Secondary Schooll ORTHUMBERLAND AND- NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION REGISTRATION: Wednesday, September 18 Thursday, Septemiber 19, 1974. Classes in the subjects listed below wilI be held providing a sufficient number of applicants enrol in each course. Evening Classes begin during the week of October 7, 1974. * Auctioneering * Loom Weaving Amateur Radio *Macrame * Antique Collecting Pottery Art Physical1 Fitness - Men Bookkeeping - Business Machines Physical1 Fitness - Women *Cable TV Workshop Rug Hooking *Cake Decorating Sculpting Ceramics Swn ai *Christmas Potpourri Sewing - Bdaice Conversational French* Sign Painting Cosmetology *Small Engine Repair C ra fts * Stretch and Sew Creative Stitchery *Television Repair Crocheting yertn Defesiv Driing($8.0),Upholstery and Wood Ref inishing " "Eat Better - Weigh Less"'1 Welding and Wrought Iron Work *Gardening *Wine-Making Golf Instruction Woodworking Most classes will be of a 20 week duration except 'those marked with a single asterisk (*) which will be 10 weeks in length. FEE: 20 Week Course $15.00) plus material 10 Week Course 7.50) cost Fees wîll be waived'for pensons 65 years of age on older. N.B.:- Other courses may be offened if sufficient people L LOCATION: North on the Courtice Road to Nash Road - South - West corner. request LuCul. - FOR ADVANCE INFORMATION CALL: GARTH GILPIN, EVENING CLASS PRINCIPAL, 728-5146. PLAN NOW! m Qu* à& uourmet Cooking *Yoga 1